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  1. After an unfortunately long hiatus, I finally got back indoors again, at Biohazard in Ardeer. What a blast, CQB is how I got into airsoft, and it's where I have the most fun. It's a small site, but with well thought out buildwork, and they know how to get the best out of it. Slightly overcrowded, and a bit too much "You all know what you're doing, right?" ass-u-me-ing at the briefings (turns out many people didn't), but a very good natured day with fair play all round. Top laughs when I found an alcove in the wall just big enough to fit an Imperial Guardsman, and started capping fools[*] as they walked past unawares, then popped grenades until they started to wonder out loud if I was spawning them from a magic bag. [*] With my delivered-last-night AAP-01C. Quite liking the little snappy boi, might throw some money at it.
    3 points
  2. On a bright sunny morning, the lad and I journeyed to Splatoon in Essex, which is one of our regular sites. On arrival, we noticed that the marshalling team was different from usual; we overhead the head marshal for the day telling the others that he had never done an airsoft briefing before. However, after we had all sorted ourselves out, he made a decent job of the briefing. The first game was a simple domination involving the a spinner in each of the three fields. To get a point, a team had to have their side of the spinner the right way up at the end of the game. Both sides had infinite regens on a fixed point. As the lad had never really played in the bottom field, we set off for there; crossing into it from the middle field, he snagged himself on some barbed wire, tearing one leg of his Czech combat trousers. Entering the bottom field, we positioned ourselves in a ditch, from where we had a good overview of the spinner and the approaches to it as well as of a vole, which was scuttling around the ditch. The lad was machete killed by an opposing player while he was talking to a marshal about the barbed wire, which seemed somewhat unsporting; I shot the blackguard. Several other enemy players appeared and were potted by myself and colleagues to my right. Our chaps in the middle field gained control of their spinner just before the game ended, giving us a 2-1 win. After a rather long time in the safe zone, we came out for a fallback game, which was played in a different direction from usual. We had infinite regens on a marshal and the defenders has one life in each of four sections. Fighting our way into the fuel dump from the path proved to be immensely difficult, due to the lack of cover on the way in and the very good cover available to the defenders. Eventually, we overcame them and pushed into the second wooded field, which we cleared quite quickly. We then pushed into the first half of the container village field, which was when everything seemed to start to unravel. Hit taking on both sides became very poor and tempers frayed. Eventually, we pushed into the second half of the container village field and some of our team penetrated the kill house, getting a hand on a flag in one of the rooms, which served as the objective, with just under five minutes left. After what seemed like an overly long break for luncheon (cold pizza, which was rather nice), we went out for a reverse of the fallback game. Our opponents also struggled to break into the fuel dump, despite some laughably poor hit taking. Eventually they cleared both woodland areas and we fell back into the first half of the container field, only to find that we were allowed to deploy in a much smaller area than our opponents had been allowed in the morning. The FOB, which had been in play for the defenders in the morning, was not in play for us. After being hit (by my own side!) I fell back into the final stage, where I was hit by a shot from an opponent from a position that would have been out of bounds when we were attacking in the morning. Eventually, the enemy completed their mission a couple of minutes quicker than we had. After another long break, we went out for a VIP game. The attackers had to get a manikin into either of the helicopters in the container village. They had infinite regens on a marshal, while we had three regens on our start point in the top woods. When the game started, the lad and I ran (well, he ran while I jogged) into the middle field to try to hold up the enemy, which we did for a while, despite some more laughable hit taking. I put twelve shots into one player at fairly short range; I saw each of them hit him and he flinched with each one of them, but carried on. We were both then taken out by the machete wielding blackguard, who we had ignored when we saw him walking along the gravel path along the edge of the site as it was out of play. We fell back and consulted a marshal, who confirmed that we were not dead. Moving up, we took up position behind a container in a corner of the top field, which gives good coverage of half of the edge of the top field. Identifying that there were enemies on the other side of it, I lobbed two flashbangs over it, ensuring that they would fall on either side of the barrier behind it. Nobody took a hit, despite a marshal calling out to remind about the 5m kill radius after the second one. It then became apparent that the attackers had chosen the helicopter at our end of the field as their objective. The lad shot the chap carrying the manikin who, rather than dropping it where he was hit, took it back with him; a marshal had to go to recover it. Another enemy player broke through to our left; an exchange of fire between him and us ended with him being peppered with shots. A measurable time after he eventually called hit, one of his shots hit me. Being a gentleman, I assumed that he had pulled the trigger before calling hit and that the BB travelled remarkably slowly, probably taking a trip to Canvey Island en route. I went back to regen; as I was coming back out, the game ended when the manikin finally made it to the helicopter. There was an opportunity to turn this game around, but many players decided to leave. Quite a number seemed quite unhappy with how the day had gone, including some with whom we play alongside and against regularly at Splatoon and Airsoft Plantation. If this had been our first visit to the site, we probably would not be going back; however, we have previously only had good experiences of the site, so will give it another try. Alongside the poor hit taking, unsporting behaviour and the apparent inconsistencies in rules between two versions of the same game, the other major issue with the day was the lack of playing time. In total, we played for about 120 minutes over five hours. It was a hot day and it may be that the staff were ensuring that players had time to take on fluids between games; however, the breaks did seem excessive, to the point that the lad starting reading a book on his phone, getting through 110 pages. However, we will go back again as this is the only poor day that we have had there; hopefully, it was just an aberration and normal service will resumed as soon as possible. Weapons used: Me: SRC MP5A4 (The externals are SRC; nothing else is!) Double Bell KAC PDW ASG XP18 Commander (CO2) The lad: G&G Magpul M4 G&G Keymod M4 (That's what he calls them) ASG XP18 Commander (CO2)
    2 points
  3. Fairy power spray (before they changed the recipe) used to be recommended for "cleaning" paint to the point where it wasn't paint any more, so I suspect that might be a bit of a ...
    2 points
  4. They were (based on the face level of reporting*) acting in a manner that members of this forum and responsible airsofters would not endorse. They were a bit naughty, brought attention to themselves and got caught. * the area does have some ‘green’, I’ll be more sympathetic if in their minds they went somewhere out of the way, had a few test/practice shots in a bush and ended up in trouble As opposed to heading up the street and shooting a bush With their ages their should have been some form of common sense, but it’s not as common as we may wish
    2 points
  5. july_pi

    custom gbb

    custom gbb workshop beretta m9 us army we gbb airsoft deep marking grip remove WE original paint steel skin magazine detail fix
    2 points
  6. Thanks Chev I’ll give this another go tomorrow 👍
    2 points
  7. Impulse

    Cocking Effort VSR10

    Don't go for power upgrades if you want more range. Power upgrades are the really expensive bit and if you're keeping it spring (which is advisable because HPA is an entirely new kettle of fish) then cocking it at 2.3J is always going to be difficult, especially for a 12 year old. There are certain things you can do to mitigate it, such as using a 13mm spring like the Rapax 2J spring, getting a good quality teflon cylinder and getting as close to perfection as you can when it comes to air seal to allow you to run a lighter spring, but at the end of the day your son will need to be able to pull that spring back to tension. Power will affect range, but not by too much; the biggest impact power will have is making it easier to hop heavier BBs, but until you're looking at going the 2.3J route you can hop .32s perfectly easily on the stock power by simply focusing on upgrading the hop up. There's also no point trying to go for like... 1.4J or something because you'll be saddled with an MED for unnoticeable gains. In my experimentation, I only found a noticeable increase in effective range once I started pushing past 1.8J; obviously these are just my experiences and other people are welcome to scream at me that I'm wrong, but I have high standards for what "effective range" is and I've been doing this for a while; I'll never mince words or over-estimate ranges. Hop up is where you get the lion's share of your range and accuracy anyway and it's way cheaper than doing power upgrades, so I'd definitely start there. The Action Army hop chamber is great and the stock VSR one is a bit wank, so that's a key part to swap out. Then that can be paired with a Flamingo bucking or Maple Leaf autobot bucking, plus something like a Maple Leaf omega nub and that'll be most of the impact. If you want, while you're in there you could put something like a Laylax 6.03 barrel in there, as the tighter bore will help push the power up a little bit. Tightbore barrels don't tend to affect accuracy, as much as people may say they do, but they do affect power because there's less space around the BB for air to escape. I recommend the Laylax ones because I've had one in one of my VSR builds for... uhhhh... longer than your son has been alive and it's still working perfectly 🤣. For the hop chamber, bucking of your choice, concave nub of your choosing and a tightbore barrel you're probably only looking at about £120ish and the difference will be a whole lot more noticeable than dropping £300+ upgrading the power (because doing a good build you can easily spend that on power upgrades alone). With the stock power in a TM VSR (about 0.8J ish?), you can probably hit 50m fairly consistently just by focusing on hop up and barrel upgrades. Plus, no MED so you can shoot people point blank and watch them get salty about it which is always amusing. Also, lighter springs tend to be quieter than heavy ones as there isn't quite such a forceful thud. When he's older I'd definitely look at the power upgrades and putting something like a WASP piston in the cylinder to help make it even quieter, but for now I'd just focus on the hop up instead. Especially since those damn TM cylinders are a real pain to get apart (I just bought a Laylax teflon cylinder instead when I did mine because I'm not drilling the stock cylinder!)
    2 points
  8. Thanks I appreciate this
    1 point
  9. Sorry to rain on your parade but a more realistic price would be 60-70% of retail which would be £72-£84 (based on a gen 5 not two toned), realistically £50-£60 for a two tone.
    1 point
  10. Amokura

    Gun picture thread

    VFC Glock 17 Gen 4. Need to repaint the slide :).
    1 point
  11. Nick G

    VFC M249 Thread

    unfortunatly it happens more often than not when ups are involved. A mate ordered an AK last year, got notification from ups that it had been delivered and signed for , this despite his partner being at home and having seen no sign of them. Once he eventually managed to get hold of someone it turned out the they'd delivered it to the local hospital ! You couldn't make the level of their ineptitude up
    1 point
  12. Pretty Pew. 💌 On a slightly weird tangent, i cant watch the Tomb raider stuff and lust after finding out that the main character was based on my sister in law.... 🤯 Seems the guy that came up with the idea had it nicked off him by the game company and he fancied the pants off my (now) sister in law. All those years of watching that little ass.... Did the real Lara Croft work in a Bexleyheath Safeway supermarket? | News Shopper Apparently they settled "out of court" for a few quid...
    1 point
  13. Section 161 is titled "Penalties for causing certain kinds of danger or annoyance". It is mainly to keep the highway safe and free of distraction. Specifically it prohibits the actions of "lighting" a fire, or "discharging" fireworks or firearms. Fire itself can be dangerous and highly distracting/annoying, but it is the action of starting a fire that is illegal. Fireworks and firearms can also be dangerous and highly distracting/annoying, but it is the action of firing that is illegal. Coming back to airsoft, the mere sight of someone waving a realistic looking gun shaped object by itself doesn't qualify for Section 161. It is the firing of airsoft that got them done in. Airsoft can also be loud. Stray BBs can be dangerous. It's exactly the type of danger or annoyance Section 161 is written to protect highways from.
    1 point
  14. Reef

    Cocking Effort VSR10

    @Impulse That’s great news and great advice, thank you. I’ll order the parts you recommend, minus the barrel for now and see how he gets on. I’ve never stripped a rifle before but watched a few videos and it doesn’t look too hard. thanks again. Dave
    1 point
  15. That miayy be what you paid for them but it doesn't mean the gun is worth that. Especially as, by your own admission, it doesn't work properly
    1 point
  16. StoveCap

    Cocking Effort VSR10

    Apart from changing anything, the first and most obvious thing is to properly lube and clean the gun. A clean cylinder glides smoother and doesn't break like a gritty disgusting cylinder. Lube with PTFE as an ingredient is the current recommendation for airsoft moving parts use. To be honest, Just a spit ball - but I do own an SSG10, and compared to my SRS, the action is incredibly easy. In terms of range and (I think) power, it is incredibly similar. Im not saying buy an SSG10, but since the platforms are so incredibly similar (If not the same) then I'd look into what parts Novritsch uses to get his rifle's pull so light. Other than that, I can just +1 what Impulse is saying.
    1 point
  17. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    VFC G45 with 3 leak free mag, 249 all in


    1 point
  18. Was your journey 'interrupted' by said twat, or did you merely perceive that your journey required interruption despite the lack of actual danger? I think that this is how the law was designed. It was explained to me a few years back that if one set up a pigeon shooting hide that backed onto the crash barriers of a motorway, that you would be about 50' from the centre of the highway. Some pillock could stop and report you as being a threat if they saw you. If you were shooting safely away from the highway and over 50' away, nowt the plod can do, but if closer than 50' and shooting safely then it's court and convincing 12 jurors that you posed no threat and that the reporter was incorrect in his/her/their assessment. Since Clint Eastwood has shown us all that a shotgun has an effective range of three miles and never misses, a jury may well side with the pillock rather than the pest controller these days.
    1 point
  19. Egon_247

    Multi shot. On semi 🤣

    Sorry guys, no video, she's had me building a patio all day. 😒
    1 point
  20. I have this issue setting up WIFI MOSFETS and a Otoscope. To get it to work I have to "forget all networks" on the device, turn everything off then on again and it all connects and works. No idea why its an issue but make sure Bluetooth and RFID/NFC are off if you have them just in case. Hope you get it sorted looks like fun.
    1 point
  21. Yes please mate. Never say no to a freebie lol.
    1 point
  22. Picked up a cheap WE MEU that had a lot of bubbles and wear under the slides paint, sent it to West Lasers for a burnt bronze cerakote and engraving. I wanted something unique, and after playing through a bunch of the Tomb Raider remaster the past few weeks it seemed fitting.
    1 point
  23. gavinkempsell

    Gun picture thread

    Just got this today, shooting .2's at 1.1j/330.4fps on a 7.4lipo 1400mAh
    1 point
  24. Louish118

    ASG P10c

    Resurrecting an old thread here. I picked up a P-10C today. Feels great in the hand and is very comfortable thanks to the additional back straps. I haven't had a chance to test it properly but it's very snappy when dry firing. The hop up adjustment is very easy and can be done without removing the slide which is very nice. I messaged ASG about future green gas mags. They said to expect them eventually but not anytime soon.
    1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. Doesn't sound like much of an upgrade 😬
    1 point
  27. Been after a Winkler Belt knife for years so last year for my birthday I splurged and ordered one. Was surprised to find the parcel in my bin shed when I got in last week. Am well happy.
    1 point
  28. Skullchewer

    NAF 24

    No, I was telling you to be quiet 😉
    1 point
  29. Another Aliexpress success. Bought it for Vietnam games to carry my long m700 magazines, because they're far better quality magazines and far more consistent than the stubby KJW mags, and they fit perfectly. They go deeper, but thought I'd leave them there to show the space and how they fit in. Very happy with this as it'll allow me to take a lot of weight off my belt kit as these mags are heavy (because gas gun)
    1 point
  30. Both my daughter and I have been using these since we started. Brilliant bit of kit but it does leave a small section of the bridge of your nose uncovered and that attracts every stray bb!! lol
    1 point
  31. Thought I'd give the delta mike face snood a go, so I can get rid of the half mesh I use now as the straps rub my ears.
    1 point
  32. Cannonfodder

    Gun picture thread

    A simple set up but it works for me.
    1 point
  33. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006924772859.html? 7 day delivery.
    1 point
  34. ttony1314

    VFC UMP9 package


    • For sale or swap
    • Used

    VFC UMP9 6 mags in total, all mags had the channel sanded down and gas router replaced with the hard rubber from the UMP45 mags. These are all to address the loading and gas router wearing issue. also comes with the QD sling adapter 100mm inner barrel installed with stock TM rubber( for lower/legal fps) all works as it should, will comes with some spares if I can find them including hammer, auto sear, hop adjuster ect. mainly looking for trade for the following: AFPG MPX VFC SCAR H VFC MK18 MWS mk18 Face to face only from Leicester, any question please ask OR message me on 07393187136.


    - GB

    1 point
  35. Rogerborg

    5.1 Custom Hicapa

    Yes, no offence, but I read that as "dragged through a random parts catalogue until it broke". You're selling something niche, you'll want to market it a bit better than that.
    1 point
  36. Darkmikey22

    Gun picture thread

    What makes it different is the markings. In the real world, the 701 was a Full auto export rifle, with export colt markings. Compared to the USGI issued 705. Which had U.S government markings and burst fire. So all those airsoft auto A2 lowers, but U.S markings are all wrong. Now with mine. Up till recently, no one made the correct export marked lower till angry gun released their gbb 733 body. So, a few years ago I had to have my lower engraved to replicate what was issued to UK troops.
    1 point

    • For sale
    • As new

    Mk 12 mod 0 conversion set Dummy peq 2 Top rail Rear sight Front sight Suppressor Spr flash hider not pictured Harris style bipod Spr grip £70 Nitesight m3 type scope with clone arms qd lever mounts and railed mount with sunshade £70 All collected from chepstow or can post at cost and pp fee covered by buyer


    Chepstow - GB

    1 point
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