Bit of a necropost here, but an update nevertheless.
I went to this site last Sunday, and I’m sad to say all of the above review is still the case. But now with added bad airsoft bingo:
Wall to wall unchecked HPA wankers
Hot guns
Non hit taking
Poorly executed medic rules
I’m being harsh, and I think there’s more going on with the site than I understand. Everybody was friendly enough, but nobody in charge seemed to have a grip of what was going on. I was chatting with a lovely lad who had been allowed to use his hi cap fed Barrett 50 cal HPA, firing .43’s as a semi auto DMR on fuck knows what silly FPS. He didn’t carry a secondary, just grenades.
It’s really put me off airsoft - 1/2 the site were using wanker HPA guns, I suspect mainly to circumvent the single shot only rule by feathering out 5 shot taps. However some were in my opinion taking advantage of the extremely weak chrono policy on site, where far too much trust was placed on players to say what weight ammo they were using. No tourney locks, no random chronos on .20’s. In my option having 40 odd players on HPA, poorly policed, is a recipe for a day of toxic airsoft. If every site was run like this I honestly would just quit, it was that unnecessarily shit.
From chatting with other players, I suspect that it’s just how things roll there, and to be competitive the way to play is rock up with a HPA rig running 1.7 J, spam the trigger and only expect to have your hit taken on the 4th or 5th bb. Toxic airsoft, but if you go there knowing that and are prepared to play on those terms, it’s probably loads of fun for those in the know. As I said, the others players, site owner and ‘marshalls’ were warm friendly people who were up for a fun day, but ultimately the place was out of control.