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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/11/20 in all areas

  1. 4 points
  2. Hurry up America and announce who won.. I want to see all the carnage start
    3 points
  3. Haha. Love the ballpein hammer. What we used to call contact engineering. If in doubt,give it a clout! Regards
    2 points
  4. Visited the NEW local CQB before it's all locking down. Review here: https://recon101.uk/sites/skirmish-cqb-kirkby-01-11-2020/
    1 point
  5. heroshark

    Gun picture thread

    Got myself a detonator barrel and tracer .
    1 point
  6. RMDavis

    THE TM MWS thread

    Is it used to keep all the fan girls at bay, when they see you're rocking an MWS in the safe zone? Meaning you are indeed a fully paid up member of the GBBR master race!? 😂
    1 point
  7. Audio sample attached, talking and whispering. (Yes I was in the garden, not behind the camera). To answer the feedback / screech question: Scenario 1 Racals transmitting, ambient mics ON, receiving radio on speaker. Yes you get feedback from 3-6ft ish (volume dependent) Scenario 2 Racals transmitting, ambient mics OFF, receiving radio on speaker. Yes you get feedback from 6inches ish. (Volume dependent) Scenario 3 Racals transmitting, ambient mics ON, receiving radio on headset. No feedback. Even when in contact. Scenario 4 Racals transmitting, ambient mics OFF, receiving radio on headset. No feedback. Even when in contact PXL_20201102_215628578.mp4 And as if to illustrate my point, the cable on one of my wosport headsets just died for the second time. The tests were done with a working wosport headset on the receiving end.
    1 point
  8. Still very happy with mine - great coat for everyday use for £20, let alone Airsoft.
    1 point
  9. EDcase

    Gun picture thread

    After a bit of wear and an engraving service (I know the font isn't quite right but I'm happy with it) I also improved the hop so it shoots 0.25 quite well.
    1 point
  10. Just brought a new Airsoft Matserpiece pistol grip and trigger for my Limcat Hi-Capa so much better than the standard plastic TM one! Oh and I went and brought a Tapp Airsoft drum mag for it!
    1 point
  11. Ordered a few things that are turning up today: InvaderGear UBACS in Wolf Grey (Actually already arrived. Great quality but fuck me is it tight. Should've gone XXL) Viper Titanium Elite Jacket (Reduced to £19.99 from £54.99!) Grey Fast Mag holders x2 Viper Titanium Scrote Pouch to protect the beer belly Velcro Panels for the back of the Carrier GREY!
    1 point
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