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  1. 7 points
  2. Coldy


    3 points
  3. >Ever telling them you have something to declare. >Ever. Gun bits that aren't integral to the workings of a firearm are completely legal to import. Basically, don't bring home: Actual gun barrels Receivers for guns Bolt carriers or firing pins within your $50 budget you will not be able to afford: Actual gun barrels Receivers for guns Bolt carriers.
    2 points
  4. sp00n

    G&G L85A2 Top Rail

    i have the ant supplies on my G&G l85, works really well
    2 points
  5. Airsoft_Mr B

    G&G L85A2 Top Rail

    Standard rails are 20mm, not 25mm? What about using a Dovetail-Picatinny adapter? http://airsoftzone.co.uk/l85-l86-m1913-21mm-tactical-rail-ics?filter_name=L85 http://ant-supplies.co.uk/Pages/SA80SightRailAdapter.aspx
    2 points
  6. It should be ok provided you only wear anything that could be construed as police gear onsite. The only other issue would be on the off chance you get pulled over and they think you are impersonating a police officer, even with skirmish receipts etc they may not be too happy about it. As far as loadouts go I think it could be pretty tidy but I wouldn't want the hassle potentially associated with it myself.
    1 point
  7. Just make sure you have a damned good explanation for the customs guys if you try and bring RS gun parts into the UK...
    1 point
  8. Avionyx

    G&G L85A2 Top Rail

    Thanks guys, I've ordered the adapter from ANT supplies this morning. Much appreciate the help. Alex
    1 point
  9. Magpul MS4 People keep asking me what the hell sling it is and then basically creaming themselves when they hear that there were numbers higher than 3
    1 point
  10. Deek

    Starting a company

    Ouch... in that case find another site to skirmish at! Even though airsoft can result in small injuries there should still be at least public liability insurance in place. You basically sign a waiver to say that you accept certain risks, etc. This is as ludicrous as sites who don't provide adequate first aid cover, and I have even heard of sites suggesting teams have their own first aiders...
    1 point
  11. You may want to link this on the Russian Military Airsoft Loadouts page......
    1 point
  12. EvilMonkee

    Changing stock on Ak74

    You cant put a traingle folding stock on a standard fixed stock AK74, the receiver is different. So either buy a new receiver, which for the price of them you may as well buy a new gun or an alternative would be the Romanian/East German style side folding stock which will fit a normal fixed stock receiver.
    1 point
  13. Josh95

    Changing stock on Ak74

    I forgot the battery is housed in the stock (facepalm) I tried to fix the wobble in my stock and ended up ripping the battery wiring out in the process (facepalm) not having a good morning lol.
    1 point
  14. n1ckh

    Royal Mail

    Who do you think played 'Nick the navy seal' in the advert floating around on telly at the moment lol
    1 point
  15. Don't know about your holster problem sorry with that. EDIT after looking at the link it *looks* compatible with I I stuff just have t done it nor know anyone. For the magazine is part of the bit where the follower, spring and bbs go bent inwards? This could affect the travel. There may just be something blocking it too, take apart the follower and spring assembly and look for anything that's dirty or broken. You could also try putting some bbs in a bag with some silicon oil and then loading them into the mag. I wouldn't put feed lips to fault unless there is obvious signs of damage But ya never know...
    1 point
  16. If it's just for plinking and not for airsoft, you could consider getting a co2 air pistol. Less hassle, no need for UKARA and powerful enough to plink with.
    1 point
  17. http://www.britishmilitarysurplus.co.uk/shop/special-offers.html I think this is a pretty good place to start. I would go for knee pads over your kit, it's cheaper and gives you the option to switch your kit up if you ever play cqb and want a more 'urban' look. Personally I play in a polo shirt with a decent base layer that takes the sting out and the polo shirt hides the beer gut, being helped by my chest rig. I suppose the built in pads route is good (ie more convenient) but the cost of it puts me off.
    1 point
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