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The 'What have you just bought' Thread


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1 hour ago, RostokMcSpoons said:

So I've snaffled a couple of good things from the Action Hobbies boneyard... a large hard case for the princely sum of £12 (it's a bit tired and shabby, but it'll still do the job), and something I've wanted for a while.... an SLR!   Well, a FAL.   Well, a FAL carbine.   But it's still a thing of beauty all the same 😍

So it was YOU who beat me to it!

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19 minutes ago, MrTea said:

So it was YOU who beat me to it!


Sorry :)

(Not sorry ;))

And just to taunt you a tiny bit further, it does look really cool with a barrel extension on it, to make it more SLR'y. 
I stuck my Acetech Blaster C tracer on the end of that, lobbed an 11.1v battery in, and even with non-tracer ammo it made a very pretty light show in the dark, with an insane rate of fire.   I can see why AH said to use a 7.4v, the battery got warm after just a few bursts.

I've no idea how long this thing will hold together, and whether it's actually any good past 15m, but so far it's been fun!

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Was out in Athens the past week with my father for a memorial service for my great grandfather and the crew of his submarine,  but I had a few days spare either side so in addition to the usual touristy bits, and needing a bit of an airsoft fix, I went out to Greek Airsoft in Achilleos for a bit of a browse and a chat (curious how greek airsoft compared to UK)  and then, because i love more unusual things in airsoft.... I decided to buy myself some new gear in Greek Lizard camo...



Edited by Spartan09
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You're gonna need a bigger crib soon 😂😂

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Well I have a solution.


Why not send half of them to me and I can store them at mine. And the best part is that it's not gonna cost you......much. 😂😂

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it'll cost a weeks wages to send a Scotch pie to you, I hate to think what my collection would cost.

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Nothing too exciting but I wanted to give a shout out to CMAirsoft. They have 20% off site-wide sale and I was due a restock anyway so I spent a bit of cash. A day or two later I get an email saying that they're sorry but one of the owners is away on holiday and they can't process the order until he's back. They couldn't apologise enough and were ready to refund the order. I wasn't that bothered about waiting so I told them to leave it and just dispatch it when they could.

The package arrives today and I find that they've given me a bottle of 0.32g and 0.25g BBs, a rifle sock and two lollies for free :)

The sale is still live at the time of writing so go snag yourself some consumables with a decent chunk of change off.



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Silverback Tac-41 lite

Complete impulse buy.

I am tempted to make it in to a pirate hand cannon since it weighs nothing and I can remove the barrel and stock 😅IMG-20240605-WA0000.thumb.jpeg.804dfb40157783330178d19d3b97073e.jpeg

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Ordered a UCP/ACU Rifleman set from the US on the 30th & it arrived today, bought the Large rucksack at the same time from Germany & it arrived a couple of days ago, still waiting on the TAP setup from the same supplier in Germany with a selection of pouches to go with it.

Postage was a bummer but after doing my sums it was a bit cheaper buying from the US, mainly because the assault pack seems a bit expensive in Germany.


It's ridiculous how satisfying I find sorting out molle.


FYI, for my fellow big chaps & chappettes... IT FITS my fat gut & I can wear it in game.




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Just picked up two Helikon Tex GPS pouches, one in Ral 7013 and one in DNC.


Then realized Skirmshop had some of the newer TTI parts in stock so I bought:

2x TTI Npas valves for the AAP-01;

2x TTI AAP-01 piston heads;

2x CowCow firing pin lock thingies;

1x TTI fixed Glock outer barrel (14mm CCW thread).

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I just bought @HuttArmouries cyma cm356 springer shotty.

(That was close, autocorrect had fun there!!)

I've not had a tri shot before and I have to say, it's really silly. 🤣🤣

Love it. Can't wait to use it on some unsuspecting 'softer. 😁

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3 minutes ago, Egon_247 said:

I just bought @HuttArmouries cyma cm356 springer shotty.

(That was close, autocorrect had fun there!!)

I've not had a tri shot before and I have to say, it's really silly. 🤣🤣

Love it. Can't wait to use it on some unsuspecting 'softer. 😁

I wonder how many posts in this thread im responsible for 😅

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17 minutes ago, HuttArmouries said:

I wonder how many posts in this thread im responsible for 😅

You're a bad influence but please don't stop. I love your ads, I rake through them looking for that unicorn part that I'm missing for something. 🤣

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28 minutes ago, HuttArmouries said:

I wonder how many posts in this thread im responsible for 😅

Too many, I could have paid off my mortgage by now.

10 minutes ago, Egon_247 said:

looking for that unicorn part

Like the Auto 9 on it's way to Scotland. :)

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Bought a few things the past couple of weeks...


Firstly, a new gun....   TTI TP22 pistol..


Also bought a maple leaf hop unit and modify inner barrel to give my EMG John Wick hicapa a well deserved overhaul and upgrade after several years of quite heavy use


Next, I bought a double ammo pouch and "field pack" from my local army surplus shop.  The double pouch just holds the cassette mags for my VFC M249, and the field pack will be used to replace the ammo grab bag I currently use to take gas and bb bottles to a respawn point, as the grab bag is a little too small for my needs


Finally, i jave some bits on order from WGC shop, so no pics yet....

bought a para stock, pack of mags and a CO2 power source box mag for my VFC M249...   pics will follow when the parcel arrives (assuming the customs monkeys don't fuck things up again)



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I'm a sucker for a carbine kit, just need a 226 to put in it now, a 1911A1 for my VN loadout & a bucket list Auto 9.




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I got distracted buying a pistol speed loader and bought two CTM TAC Magazine Extension Plate's for my AAP-01...






... as I liked the thought of more gas in the mag and a few more BB's. Pretty simple to install...






... and look good...






... but don't work with the Action Army flared magwell which I had to remove :(


As expected the extra gas made the pistol too hot and added around 0.17J over my usual power using Nuprol 3.0, all good though on Nuprol 2.0.

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I went to an arms fair couple of weeks ago to sell some stuff and I even made sure to take a small amount of cash so I didn't buy but I could not turn these 2 down ! 


G&p mk18 mod0 and a g&p upper with gas buster charge handle.. 


Both for a dizzy £85 .. 



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