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This might be a hot topic. So I apologise.


There was an incident at a site recently of a person with disabilities being banned. 

This person claims it was discrimination. But he was acting aggressive/dangerous. 


Where is the line drawn? I know most sites caters as far as it can for disabilities/ neurodivergent players.


Is it Still discrimination when it's dangers for the person and those around them?


Again sorry if this is a hot topic and I don't want to offend anyone.


Thanks for reading




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9 minutes ago, OrlithNightfire said:

This might be a hot topic. So I apologise.


There was an incident at a site recently of a person with disabilities being banned. 

This person claims it was discrimination. But he was acting aggressive/dangerous. 


Where is the line drawn? I know most sites caters as far as it can for disabilities/ neurodivergent players.


Is it Still discrimination when it's dangers for the person and those around them?


Again sorry if this is a hot topic and I don't want to offend anyone.


Thanks for reading




It would entirely depend on the circumstances.


Discrimination is covered by the Equality Act, and applies to protected characteristics which include disability.


If they were banned for being disabled then that would be discrimination 

If banned for their actions as an individual then that would not be discrimination 

But if banned as an individual, for their actions which are a result of their ability then that may or may not be discrimination - and can come down to what is reasonable.


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As said, if the player's behaviour was aggressive or dangerous, that is more than adequate grounds to them being banned. Being ND/disabled would be completely incidental so no discrimination is at play.


Any self-respecting site will say safety comes first and if anyone, be they ND, NT, disabled or "able-bodied", behaves in a manner deemed dangerous or otherwise against the site's rules, that's on them to deal with the consequences.


On a somewhat related note, someone posted a negative review of a site saying its staff were unwelcoming and that his experience fell short of expectations. It was vaguely written without specific examples of what he didn't like. It transpired that he wrote it out of spite because he was asked to leave for ignoring multiple safety warnings. I think he was Romanian but I very much doubt that it even crossed the minds of the staff who asked him to leave.



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I mean my site is awesome. They bend over backwards to help include people. Even doing private games for parents oh high spectrum neuro, in small groups so they can play. If a group plays on a normal game day, one of the marshal's shadows to make sure they are safe if they have a episode due to it being too much. This marshal often play marshals so they can stay with them but not give away their location away with a high vis.


Just hurt to hear person saying they would sue on discrimination act because they were band as they didn't ask to be this way. Didn't want this awesome site say shut down or get a bad rep for not including people. 



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4 minutes ago, OrlithNightfire said:

I mean my site is awesome. They bend over backwards to help include people. Even doing private games for parents oh high spectrum neuro, in small groups so they can play. If a group plays on a normal game day, one of the marshal's shadows to make sure they are safe if they have a episode due to it being too much. This marshal often play marshals so they can stay with them but not give away their location away with a high vis.


Just hurt to hear person saying they would sue on discrimination act because they were band as they didn't ask to be this way. Didn't want this awesome site say shut down or get a bad rep for not including people. 





We have a (now somewhat diverted) thread running about marshals and body cameras.  I don';t think this situation was considered in our ramblings.  Sounds like this person is just being an attention seeker which ruins everything for everyone - especially if there are outlets catering specifically for their situation.

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The line is drawn at the site's duty to make "reasonable adjustments" under Equality Act.


To sue for discrimination the claimant will have to convince the court that there was a >51% probability that "failure of reasonable adjustment" had occurred, but because you cannot reasonably adjust the site rules to allow any aggressive behaviour to happen and compromise safety of others, it is pretty much impossible that such a claim would succeed.


It is not discrimination to not adjust the site rules for a disabled person if they are being a safety risk to themselves or others as it is going to "fundamentally alter the nature of the service".

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IMO safety trumps disability.


You can be accommodating as possible but sometimes places have to say no.


Im 17.5 stone, and too heavy to do skydiving. But I’m not going to kick up a fuss and then go splat into a puddle. If you’ve got no arms, you can’t race in F1 as you can’t get out the car if it catches on fire.


Similarly, if this person was having an episode or not able to control what they were doing (widespread generalisation) that put other players at risk - if that’s game rules like ignoring MEDs or more real life and getting physical with other players - then for the safety of other people then they should be banned.


Playing the disabled card could just be a dick mood. Same way Tyson Fury and Joe Marler always act like dicks then go “muh mental health”

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Ditto, my autistic son showed some mild interest in airsoft sniping, but we determined that the reality of the shouting, bangs and ouchies wouldn't work out well for him.



11 hours ago, OrlithNightfire said:

I mean my site is awesome. They bend over backwards to help include people. Even doing private games for parents oh high spectrum neuro, in small groups so they can play. If a group plays on a normal game day, one of the marshal's shadows to make sure they are safe if they have a episode due to it being too much.


This is genuinely great to hear, and I fully commend them for doing it.  However, I'm unsurprised that it's gone wrong for them.


People often threaten to "sue" without the first idea of what that means, or what their cause of action would be.  In this case, it sounds like the site has more than demonstrated their Equality Act Section 20 duty to make reasonable adjustments for disability.  Tolerating dangerous behaviour can't be "reasonable" though, as they also have a duty of care to everybody else there.


Sad, but reality doesn't always allow for a win-win.

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i know of the incident talked about , was due to over shooting and shooting people after games ended/ after calling hit, person has disability's and was using them as an excuse went on a trayed on facebook and instergram , trying to prove his Innocent, but made the situation worse , then deleted  his face book and youtube videos   

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1 hour ago, Jez_Armstrong said:

I mean, 80% of airsofters also do this 😂

Lol yep, but if he'd taken a telling off & stopped being a bellend, he probably wouldn't have got banned.

That's the difference between those of us regular people who can get carried away in the excitement of the "heat of battle"😉, & the ever-growing masses of the self entitled who can't accept they could possibly be wrong, whether it's acting like a cnut at an airsoft site or discussing how many genders there are 🤣


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I am fully aware of whom you speak of. This particular player often uses his disabilities to try to win arguements and get his own way. Has been banned from multiple sights for safety issues and uses legal action threats constantly. It's not discrimination as this individual has literally been given chance after chance before being banned. And other player would have been automatically removed and banned without hesitation. If anything they were given more leeway due to their existing conditions. My brother has similar disabilities and I won't bring him along to matches due to his lack of control if he becomes triggered. Safety is priority especially when you can lose an eye and those Airsoft weapons are often heavy enough to knock someone out with. 

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The more I read, this guy sounds like an absolute nightmare.

Feels like he needs to join the ranks of licking cumstain & be banned almost everywhere. 

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Please don't start throwing names out. No its not this person you speak of, don't know them. 


I don't want this thread to turn into a witch hunt. It was a genuine question about whats going on. 

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1 hour ago, OrlithNightfire said:

Please don't start throwing names out. No its not this person you speak of, don't know them. 


I don't want this thread to turn into a witch hunt. It was a genuine question about whats going on. 

Hardly a question, you started a factual thread regarding an incident, one of many allegedly ?, & the outcome actions by the site, of which pretty much everyone here agreed was the right outcome.

What you did ask was essentially "is any part of this discrimination ?", which I think we're all agreed on it wasn't, given the information provided & further background info gleaned regarding the sites other events designed to show inclusiveness of all disabilities, which should be applauded. 

Thing is, regarding a witch hunt ?, this is a public community forum, used by players & site organisers alike, all of whom it could be argued have a right to know if there's a potential timebomb stood next to them in the safety briefing, someone who could possibly harm them, or himself, if triggered.

I'd call that a form of discrimination if that information was denied to the community, especially site owners, just to "protect" some pita bellend who's playing the wrong game, yes I get it he has a "disability", but if he knowingly exploits that to justify his poor & potentially dangerous behaviour, he's a pos that shouldn't be on any airsoft site, & he casts a dark shadow over everyone else who has a disability, of any kind, but can play without causing a shitstorm.

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3 hours ago, Rogerborg said:


Bad people can and do get away with abusive behaviour for years because nobody wants the bother of naming or dealing with them.


But perhaps the safety of future victims is more important than the desires of predators.

This. As much as I dislike the whole trial by social media and cancel culture bollocks, if someone is regularly being a cunt they need to be called out over it. Otherwise they'll just carry on and it gives the impression that sort of behaviour is ok

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I'm not sure whether this is a blessing or a curse...


...If we call them disabled here in Texas it usually means they're incapable of using social media.


IMO, if you can post about it on social media, you're fully responsible for your actions.

Edited by Leo Greer
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The topic has been locked for now.  General discussion around the topic of discrimination was fine. There is no need to post the banned player's name (handle) or social media info to identify them.


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