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Airsoft toolbox ideas


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Im trying to put together a toolbox for game days that I can take with me that’ll have everything in it for when something inevitably goes wrong!

Ive started off with various batteries like AAs and AAAs, some gun grease, Alan keys, screw drivers and a few other bits

Any Suggestions of what else to get? I wanna have it so it’ll be useable to most players that need it and be able to bodge a gun together long enough to run for the day if not longer


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a long shaft screw driver, long cleaning rod and micro fibre cloth, small rubber mallet, a work mat, gas/battery powered soldering iron, solder, shrink rap (maybe a few deans connectors) a multi tool with wire cutters/strippers.

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It's a good idea. You'll want an unjamming rod somewhere in there, just in case, but here's my kit (which does move away from 'tools' towards 'accessories' I admit...) 

(It spans both a tool box, and a tool bag which lives inside my rucksack.  The latter also holds my ammo and gas and goes to the game zone.  The box stays in the safe zone)


Allen keys, both metric and yank (... Very cheap from Amazon)

Assortment of screwdrivers

Assortment of tape (electrical, heat wrap, PTFE, velcro)

Bungee cords


Cable ties

Head light, torch

Reading glasses, spare contact lenses

Anti fog wipes

Lubricants (silicone grease and oil)




AR tool (for stock nut, barrel etc)

Spare batteries (AA, AAA, CR2032 etc)

Battery tester (for LiPos)


Loctite thread lock glue (low strength)

Super glue

Assorted m-lok and RIS spare nuts and bolts, grips etc


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I have barrel C-clips, D-clips, a spare hop unit for AK and M4, a few hop rubbers and nubs in different grades, E-clips, D-clips, shims, electrical connectors, gas o-rings, a battery tester/multimeter, wire, self annealing, gaffer and electrical tape, screwdriver with hex, torx, flat, Philips etc, non-contact connection tester thing, plus all of the various bits that I've taken off of rifs over the years.   AK butt plates, mag-wells and the like.  


Being an engineer on call, I carry a fair bit in a big van.  Your best bit of kit is sometimes the mobile phone and the University of Youtube instruction video!  All the airsoft kit fits in two shoe box sized boxes.  Another well useful bit of kit is an anchor magnet.  It's worth its weight in gold recovering lost bits, especially springs.  

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Oh, I forgot my toothbrush ;)
And my microfibre cloth. 
And the multi-tool in my belt rig.

Just because I carry a shit-ton(ne) of stuff, doesn't mean it all gets used, so here's what I've actually used from my toolbox (or other people have borrowed!), with most-used at the top:

Reading glasses (as I'm wearing long distance contacts during the day).
Allen keys, both metric and yank (... Very cheap from Amazon)

Assortment of screwdrivers
Anti fog wipes
AR tool (for stock nut, barrel etc)
Loctite thread lock glue (low strength) to fix stock nuts coming undone on both my DE and VFC 

Lubricants (silicone grease and oil)


Battery tester (for LiPos)

Spare batteries (AA, AAA, CR2032 etc) as I often forget to turn off a sight after test-firing at home

Spare nuts and bolts (needed to fix MOLLE mounting on my mag pouches)


Edited by RostokMcSpoons
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As above. For me it's a small set of allen keys, a couple of screw drivers and a roll of electrical tape. Anything which requires more than that can be done at home

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6 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:

i'm gonna offer the alternative solution:


don't bring anything


or in longer form, trying to work on a pew in the safe zone is at best going to be an exercise in frustration and at worst the easiest way to lose bits.


do the work at home, get your gun in good order, and bring a spare (or two)


if you can't accomplish it with a leatherman within a minute, it's probably a job worth waiting until you get home.





I used to have a mahoosive box'o'tools that I would drag to each game day.


Problem is - if you have a technical issue that requires those tools, you should be doing it at home.


I take one gun plus a spare per person, so myself and my two sons - 6 guns in total. Gun breaks mid game? - run back to the safe zone and grab a spare out of the bag. Great excuse to buy more too.



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The amount of times I’ve witnessed a spring jettisoned across a safe zone is many

or a tiny item popping out and falling between the slat on a picnic table

Fek that

 minimal tools to allow fitting optic batteries or swapping accessories is my limit

(and a leatherman )

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18 hours ago, BigStew said:

long cleaning rod

As an alternative to this for actually cleaning the barrel, I use a 5.56/.223 bore snake (also known as a pull through). Tight enough that it cleans the entire inner barrel in one pass and doesn't need loads of force to pull it through.

Only tools I take are allen keys, screwdriver set and the bore snake just incase the inner barrel gets dirty/fouled. If I can't fix my issues with these alone, then I have a backup for a reason.

Edited by MrTea
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1 minute ago, MrTea said:
18 hours ago, BigStew said:

long cleaning rod

As an alternative to this for actually cleaning the barrel, I use a 5.56/.223 bore snake (also known as a pull through). Tight enough that it cleans the entire inner barrel in one pass and doesn't need loads of force to pull it through


As long as it doesn't have any metal brushes/other components, dont want to be scratching the barrel/tearing at the hop unit.


I did always keep a plastic rod i got with the mg42 in the kit bag with a few strips of cutup microfibre which is handy for when you forget to clean the barrel ahead of time.

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I used to keep a length of curtain wire in the Kit, already plastic covered, stiff enough to push or pull but flexible enough to not damage stuff, add a small crimped ring at one end that's covered with heatshrink at the joint, perfect for adding a small cloth strip for cleaning. 

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I'll go with... don't bring any tools.

I've not been to many gamedays but in pretty much EVERY one I have attended someone has 'fiddled' with their AK, M4 etc and something has fallen or a spring went springing never to be seen again.

If you need a plan B, take another pew & do your tech work in the safety of a nice clean environment at home.

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2 hours ago, Adolf Hamster said:


As long as it doesn't have any metal brushes/other components, dont want to be scratching the barrel/tearing at the hop unit.


I did always keep a plastic rod i got with the mg42 in the kit bag with a few strips of cutup microfibre which is handy for when you forget to clean the barrel ahead of time.

It has a few bronze bristles but not a lot. That section of the bore snake seems narrower than the rest of the snake too. I've mainly used it on my MP5 which has a stainless barrel and i've never noticed any degredation in performance if it was damaging the inner barrel.

If you really want something like this without brushes at all, you can get something called a 'bore-whip' or trying pulling out as many of the brushes as possible.

Edited by MrTea
I can't spell
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There's like a super specific allenkey size (I want to say 1,27mm, but I am probably off) used in MP5 or MP5k, you might want to see if there's anything like that for your MP7.

I'd say electrical tape and cable ties but they've already been said ;)

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If it can't be fixed with cable ties or tape, do it at home. You paid to shoot people, not piss around opening a gearbox.

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1 hour ago, Cannonfodder said:

I really shouldn't look at forums after drinking, for a moment I thought that said 12.7mm 😁🍺


Glad to know i'm not the only one who can't not see caliber numbers when they appear.

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1 hour ago, Cannonfodder said:

I really shouldn't look at forums after drinking, for a moment I thought that said 12.7mm 😁🍺



25 minutes ago, C-Diddy said:

If it can't be fixed with cable ties or tape, do it at home. You paid to shoot people, not piss around opening a gearbox.

the idea of opening a gearbox in the field T.T


57 minutes ago, Pseudotectonic said:

@two_zero are you sure about 1.27mm? That is an imperial 0.05" hex key but I thought generally airsoft all use metric, I suspect it might be 1.5mm instead

I literally said that I am not sure - but it's not 1,5mm - how is that obscure?? That its imperial 0.05" is possible thou.

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On 28/12/2023 at 17:56, Enid_Puceflange said:

or a tiny item popping out and falling between the slat on a picnic table


Relatable, and a cautionary tale.

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My personal airsoft medkit contains….

3 Phillips screwdrivers: one long for buffer tubes, one short and stubby for gearbox case screws, one small mainly for poking wires and checking shimming.


1 flathead for opening gearboxes and prying things that need prying


1 pair of needle nose pliers


1 pair of channel-lock pliers


about 30 Allen wrenches


2 Guarder chromed cylinders, one full and one 3/4


2 pistons, one Aztech lightened w/ some assorted head and one SHS 15t FMR w/ POM head


2 sets of gears, one SHS 18:1 and one XYT 18:1


2 assorted cylinder heads


2 neodymium motors, typically one Arcturus 28K and one Tienly 35K or whatever I’m not using…


1 Perun hybrid unit w/ trigger (believe I’m using Krytac trigs as spares currently)


1 265mm Lambda 5 inner barrel


1 Prowin hop unit, 1 Maxx hop unit, and whatever other units I might have around…


a couple generic fit tappet plates and nozzles


1 tube of aquarium silicone


1 tin of molykote grease


1 tube of superlube


teflon tape


duct tape


scotch tape


aluminum tape


one tube of steel epoxy (until I used it all and forgot to add more…)


A few corks


100 0.1mm shims


1 sharpie king size


1 hand file set from China


1 battery checker


1 thing of isopropyl alcohol


1 thing of brass polish


1 set of electronic calipers


1 tube of blue threadlocker


1 small tube of superglue


some 8mm vinyl tubing





and probably a lot of random things that I’m not remembering…



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