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What does everyone really think of kickingmustang

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He's a sadistic bastard who profits from causing misery and getting a rise by provoking people into a justifiably angry response.


Deliberately making face/headshots when a large part rest of their body is exposed is bad sport.


Emptying a full mag of an auto pistol on a player who has already called their hit then having a go later at another player doing the same to him is hypocrisy of the highest order. He could have taken it on the chin and said "I deserved that" or "That's karma getting me back" but instead he launched a verbal assault as if he had always acted in a virtuous manner.


Singling out people who criticise him and calling on his followers to dox them is scumbaggery and cowardice.


Short of stealing from other players, he could do little more to damage the image of airsoft to the layman. Boasting about the sites he's banned from isn't the flex he thinks it is.

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13 minutes ago, Galvatron said:

Short of stealing from other players,

As I understand it he has done that too. When he first started out filming he was loaned some filming equipment and failed to return it

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4 hours ago, Tackle said:


images (71).jpg

Now get to your room until you learn some respect 😂

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1 hour ago, PureSilver said:


Would you rather have dinner with me, or wear my clothes?


Would you rather date a beautiful woman, or be my simp?



This made me bust out laughing. It's hard to imagine this is serious... but I'm sure it is.

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The thing is that the more people decide they've had enough of his bullshit, the more ridiculous shit he has to pull to stay in the public eye

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6 minutes ago, rj1986 said:

If it isn't satire -  i would rather shit in both my hands, and then clap.

I doubt that he would recognise satire if it full auto’d him from 10 metres.

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32 minutes ago, Mr Gold said:

when he blinds someone and gets sued that will be the end of him


Maybe. But:


(1) It'd be a damn shame it if comes to that, since no sites should be allowing him to play in the first place.

(2) If it does, I don't see him hanging around to have his non-airsoft-airguns / Section 5s seized and tested.

(3) I very much doubt he's got professional indemnity (he ought to, given that he's a professional shitweasel), and it's always better to go after the deepest pockets. That would be the site's insurance given (1)


Of course, that then raises the question of whether sites even have insurance.  I have never, not once, seen any site publish or post details of their indemnity, whether public, or employers.  On that, it's a finable offence to not display employer's liability insurance. Not that I'd wish it on any site[*], but if any money is changing hands in return for marshals' services, they might fall foul of that.


[*] Unless they fail (1), perhaps.

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Forgive me for I have sinned.

I watched one of his videos recently. I'm sorry.

Only because it had a gas blowback FAL in it and I had a weak moment. 

He was, however in Germany. Maybe he might stay there.....

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On 09/11/2023 at 16:57, Rogerborg said:

Of course, that then raises the question of whether sites even have insurance.  I have never, not once, seen any site publish or post details of their indemnity, whether public, or employers.  On that, it's a finable offence to not display employer's liability insurance. Not that I'd wish it on any site[*], but if any money is changing hands in return for marshals' services, they might fall foul of that.


[*] Unless they fail (1), perhaps.


Public liability insurance is the legal requirement for airsoft skirmishing and UKARA site registration so if the site appears on the UKARA website, they will have public liability insurance.


As far as I know, employer's insurance can be displayed "electronically", which might be simply an email I reckon


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32 minutes ago, Pseudotectonic said:

if the site appears on the UKARA website, they will have public liability insurance


Which moves the point of trust to UKARA, which is... a corporate entity? A limited company?  A sole trader?  A very small shell script?  🤷‍♂️


I expect almost all sites do have PLI, but if a site is openly flaunting what I understand is a common clause - prevent deliberate face shots - by hosting Licking Mustard, it does get me wondering.



41 minutes ago, Pseudotectonic said:

As far as I know, employer's insurance can be displayed "electronically", which might be simply an email I reckon


Ah, it seems so. What got me wondering was pondering what would happen if a marshal got blinded or fell down a hole.  They claim against the site's public liability insurance, the insurer says "Oh, you were providing services in return for payment, or payment-in-kind? Then you're an employee, not our problem."


It'll never happen, until it happens, of course.

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1 hour ago, Rogerborg said:


Which moves the point of trust to UKARA, which is... a corporate entity? A limited company?  A sole trader?  A very small shell script?  🤷‍♂️


I expect almost all sites do have PLI, but if a site is openly flaunting what I understand is a common clause - prevent deliberate face shots - by hosting Licking Mustard, it does get me wondering.




Ah, it seems so. What got me wondering was pondering what would happen if a marshal got blinded or fell down a hole.  They claim against the site's public liability insurance, the insurer says "Oh, you were providing services in return for payment, or payment-in-kind? Then you're an employee, not our problem."


It'll never happen, until it happens, of course.



I would have thought that the insurers would be the same for both...I certainly have never had separate policy providers if only for the hassle factor... mind you i've also never displayed them either electronically or otherwise (although do send them to contracts if requested).


Out of interest what is the cover up to?  I have to go to at least £10 million for public and £5 million employers. But then I'm dealing with private and commercial buildings, rather than soft squishy humans.

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On 10/11/2023 at 20:10, Rogerborg said:


 A very small shell script?  🤷‍♂️





On 10/11/2023 at 20:10, Rogerborg said:


I expect almost all sites do have PLI, but if a site is openly flaunting what I understand is a common clause - prevent deliberate face shots - by hosting Licking Mustard, it does get me wondering.




They are probably labouring under the idea that the "waiver" they make people sign actually does anything to protect them.

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4 minutes ago, Lozart said:

They are probably labouring under the idea that the "waiver" they make people sign actually does anything to protect them


Those pieces of paper always make me chuckle.

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I know I'm a bit late to the party but.

As an older player with a daughter that plays on occasion I look at it a bit different.

I think that he should be an ambassador for the game which we love with his YouTube channel and all the views that he gets, and try and get new people into the game. As that's what keeps Airsoft going is new players coming in and spending money on the latest stuff. But no he is out for affect mostly bad and doing nothing but damaging Airsoft,  

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10 hours ago, mickanos said:

I know I'm a bit late to the party but.

As an older player with a daughter that plays on occasion I look at it a bit different.

I think that he should be an ambassador for the game which we love with his YouTube channel and all the views that he gets, and try and get new people into the game. As that's what keeps Airsoft going is new players coming in and spending money on the latest stuff. But no he is out for affect mostly bad and doing nothing but damaging Airsoft,  


I think I get what you're saying.  Somebody on Youtube with the kind of audience the KM has should be out there making the case for our hobby and bringing in new people.  Instead, he's just a knob potentially putting people off.

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2 hours ago, Jamsandwich said:


I think I get what you're saying.  Somebody on Youtube with the kind of audience the KM has should be out there making the case for our hobby and bringing in new people.  Instead, he's just a knob potentially putting people off.


Or, worse, bringing in the sort of person that you don't want on site, because they act like KM does.

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39 minutes ago, Poach said:


Or, worse, bringing in the sort of person that you don't want on site, because they act like KM does.


My brother in law watches him and thinks he's hilarious. He has absolutely no intention of ever going airsofting but he is pretty much the KM content target - not actually an airsofter, but is amused by clickbait of people getting hurt.

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