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NAF 22

Merchant Lord

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5 hours ago, C-Diddy said:

Never seen a chrono at GZ in the past four years.


Never seen one being used by site staff either in all the times I've been there. It's the only site I've never been chrono'd at.


Ironically - GZ Urban at Sopley used to be super hot on chronoing - with a strict 328fps (1j) limit.


That was fun when every retailer (including Z1) was aiming to kick their guns out at around the 340-350fps mark for woodland use and QD gearboxes were not a 'thing' yet. I saw guys rock up with brand new Combat Machines etc bought from Z1 themselves just a couple days before, unable to use them on the Urban site as they were 10-15fps too hot.


Good times.





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7 hours ago, C-Diddy said:

Never seen a chrono at GZ in the past four years.

All guns that go out on field at the naf are checked for chrono tags. I have been random chrono checked in game before as have plenty more.



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16 hours ago, Shamal said:

I bet the anti gun lobbyists love seeing this sort of arguing.

I can see the headlines "Airsoft events rife with drug taking and alcoholism"

Paints a pretty picture don't it. 🤦


I very much doubt the anti gun lobbyists will ever even see this. The only reason for there to be any headlines about drugs and alcohol at an airsoft event is if something reportable happens which is incredibly unlikely (although I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if someone manages to set fire to the campsite at the minute).


ANY large gathering of people will include a number of people that want to get absolutely wrecked via drink or drugs and a number of people who can't think of a worse way to spend their time. It is what it is and quite frankly BOTH sides need to get over themselves. Enjoy what you want to enjoy as long as it doesn't harm someone else and don't be a dick about the things you don't like.

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11 hours ago, C-Diddy said:

Never seen a chrono at GZ in the past four years.

4 years ?


Played there in 2003, no chrono's at all.


More than a few "hot " RIF's being used , including a very OTT APS2 SV.


One of the reasons i stopped using their site.

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6 hours ago, Lozart said:

as long as it doesn't harm someone else


Everyone drives and plays better when they're a little high, right?


As I said, no moral judgement, I just don't want any player to be under the influence of anything. 


In terms of harming the hobbysport, a team name that clearly and deliberately links airsoft with weed does give me a bit of a...



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34 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:


Everyone drives and plays better when they're a little high, right?



That's not what I said and you know it.


If someone is intoxicated then they shouldn't be playing, that much we can agree on but as far as what goes on in the campsite, there's more likely to be belligerent behaviour from the drinkers than the tokers. 


But yeah, having a weed based team name is immature at best. But then so is the whole "special operator super soldier" brigade so...


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7 hours ago, Lozart said:


I very much doubt the anti gun lobbyists will ever even see this. The only reason for there to be any headlines about drugs and alcohol at an airsoft event is if something reportable happens which is incredibly unlikely (although I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if someone manages to set fire to the campsite at the minute).


ANY large gathering of people will include a number of people that want to get absolutely wrecked via drink or drugs and a number of people who can't think of a worse way to spend their time. It is what it is and quite frankly BOTH sides need to get over themselves. Enjoy what you want to enjoy as long as it doesn't harm someone else and don't be a dick about the things you don't like.

The problem is that people who have got absolutely wrecked via drugs and or alcohol should not be anywhere near airsoft guns; that is a  situation where, due to impaired reactions and decision making, along with, in some/many cases, increased aggression, there is a very real risk of harming someone else.

It is not about not liking being around people who are off their tits on drugs or alcohol, although I do dislike that; it is about safety.

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1 minute ago, colinjallen said:

The problem is that people who have got absolutely wrecked via drugs and or alcohol should not be anywhere near airsoft guns; that is a  situation where, due to impaired reactions and decision making, along with, in some/many cases, increased aggression, there is a very real risk of harming someone else.

It is not about not liking being around people who are off their tits on drugs or alcohol, although I do dislike that; it is about safety.


Like I said:

2 minutes ago, Lozart said:


If someone is intoxicated then they shouldn't be playing,



Which is entirely down to the site to police properly. If they don't, then you won't catch me near the place anyway (I have no intention of going as it happens - I hate camping).


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48 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:


Everyone drives and plays better when they're a little high, right?


As I said, no moral judgement, I just don't want any player to be under the influence of anything. 


In terms of harming the hobbysport, a team name that clearly and deliberately links airsoft with weed does give me a bit of a...



As a player that has been going to the naf/nae for many years I can honestly say that I have never seen or experienced any jacked up or inebriated players. I've never witnessed any aggressive or volatile behaviour on the field or for that matter anywhere on site. I've seen more at smaller sites.

 I can only speak as I find. All you guys that hate the event for whatever reasons,have you actually been and experienced bad behaviour? 

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35 minutes ago, Lozart said:



Like I said:


Which is entirely down to the site to police properly. If they don't, then you won't catch me near the place anyway (I have no intention of going as it happens - I hate camping).


It isn't just about when they are playing; they have everything they need to cause mayhem in the campsite.

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13 minutes ago, Shamal said:


 I can only speak as I find. All you guys that hate the event for whatever reasons,have you actually been and experienced bad behaviour? 

No, but given the travelling involved for me to attend, I'd have to hear a lot more positives about before I'd consider it. 

& that goes for any site or event really, spunking a load of money on fuel, then adding green fees on top, I'd be severely pissed if I then had a shite time due to organisation or wholesale cheating. 

The doped up fucktards I could just about tolerate, as long as its not at playtime etc. 

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14 minutes ago, colinjallen said:

It isn't just about when they are playing; they have everything they need to cause mayhem in the campsite.


And that's different to any other campsite, how? (Apart from the guns - plenty of mischief can be had without those).

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4 minutes ago, Tackle said:

No, but given the travelling involved for me to attend, I'd have to hear a lot more positives about before I'd consider it. 

& that goes for any site or event really, spunking a load of money on fuel, then adding green fees on top, I'd be severely pissed if I then had a shite time due to organisation or wholesale cheating. 

The doped up fucktards I could just about tolerate, as long as its not at playtime etc. 

I could supply names of 20+ positives just in my small circle of acquaintances.

Come on down one year you will love it and it would be nice to meet you🙂👍

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22 minutes ago, Shamal said:

I could supply names of 20+ positives just in my small circle of acquaintances.

Come on down one year you will love it and it would be nice to meet you🙂👍

Don't leave it too long though cause I don't know how long I got left 😂😂

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52 minutes ago, Shamal said:

Don't leave it too long though cause I don't know how long I got left 😂😂

You & me both lol🤕

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1 hour ago, Lozart said:


And that's different to any other campsite, how? (Apart from the guns - plenty of mischief can be had without those).

Yeah, the guns and the pyro; they are not exactly insignificant, are they?

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3 hours ago, Lozart said:

as what goes on in the campsite, there's more likely to be belligerent behaviour from the drinkers than the tokers


Agreed, and if I regularly saw people necking White Lightning at lunchtime, or if OP's team name was "Boozed-Up Ball Battlers", I'd focus on that.

3 hours ago, Lozart said:

That's not what I said and you know it.


Fair point, and I apologise for implying otherwise.


That was really aimed in the general direction of OP, to pre-empt any assumption or assertion that a couple of $INSERT_SUBSTANCE_DOSES_HERE over lunch doesn't really count at all.

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16 hours ago, Shamal said:

All you guys that hate the event for whatever reasons,have you actually been and experienced bad behaviour? 

I've been a couple of times,  granted it was over 10 years ago so things may have changed. My issues with the NAF are more to do with the way it's poorly run


20 hours ago, Archer said:

4 years ?


Played there in 2003, no chrono's at all.


More than a few "hot " RIF's being used , including a very OTT APS2 SV.


One of the reasons i stopped using their site.

The two times i went I don't think I saw a chrono once either. I did have one of their marshals tell me I had to have a MED for my 8mm shotgun,  despite not chronoing it. How he was able to tell the muzzle energy without seeing it fired I don't know 

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weird derailment in here.


I went NAF last year, they were chonoing guns and tagging them with cableties to show that they had been tested and passed.  If i remember right they were colour coded for fps so visually marshals can see if its sub 350fps, 420fps for DMR of 500fps for sniper.  Not that its infallible for people bringing their own to pass without check, but at least an attempt was made.


As for the weed comment, not for me.  Our old neighbours used to do it every evening and it stank out our house, definately do not miss them now they have gone (by the loud day time arguments im pretty sure they were only together because she got pregnant).  All people i have come accross that use it regular seem to be the most paranoid, conspiracy theorist bunch that spew the largest amount of BS that i have ever come across. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Bloody hell!


Not at all good.this will cause probs 

I never played in that area so can't comment but I will say that I experienced no bad play. Hits were fairly taken and verbally acknowledged for being good shots.marshals were never far from play and radio requests for medics were quickly responded to. 

Apart from some adrenaline fuelled shouting and cussing,I never saw any angry confrontations on or off field.


I hope that incident will be fully investigated.


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Hopefully fully investigated, though it'd be hard to do so after the fact. Had this just been the first 1/4 of the post I'd be inclined to side with the poster, but since the other 3/4 seems dedicated to basically "I don't know who it was but it was definitely this youtuber I hate" I find it reeks of those people that seem to spend all day seething over single bell- sniper on youtube. 

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Does KM play as part of a team ??? 

The op states that when they tried to question one particular sniper, his team mates all came to his defense ? 

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There was an issue with over shooting, look what happened to one of our friends after he didn’t put his hand up to call a hit29C025A6-5DFB-4002-9104-949D8E816756.thumb.jpeg.be39e84e9abeb22c8ba4f4827bd973b7.jpeg

Edited by Alimcd
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