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Getting stuff out of Russia. Bullgear etc


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Anyone got any idea if stuff can still be sent out of Russia?

Anyone had anything from a Russian company since Ukraine?



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Guest DrAlexanderTobacco
1 minute ago, Groot said:


Anyone got any idea if stuff can still be sent out of Russia?

Anyone had anything from a Russian company since Ukraine?



Tl;dr it depends on the seller and how they're running things.


Some vendors are sending everything to a non-sanctioned country first, such as Kazakhstan, and using a shell company to ship that onto customers. Some aren't, and are denying orders to Western customers



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Even if they’ll take your order I wouldn’t risk it no matter how ‘reliable’ the seller was before all this started . Think there’s a VERY good chance if your order goes tits up you’ll either have to jump through hoops or just be shit outa luck getting your money back .

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2 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:


have to say i agree here.


at the risk of opening a can of worms I'm not sure how comfortable I'd be continuing to buy stuff from Russia given current events.


I might like their kit on a technical level, but I don't want any part in supporting the present actions of their government, no matter how indirectly.


I dont want to but I REALLY need a part that only seems to made by Bullgear. A hop for a Classic Army Stoner LMG

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1 hour ago, Groot said:


I dont want to but I REALLY need a part that only seems to made by Bullgear. A hop for a Classic Army Stoner LMG

Try this place for weird parts bud

Is it this?



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2 hours ago, Adolf Hamster said:


have to say i agree here.


at the risk of opening a can of worms I'm not sure how comfortable I'd be continuing to buy stuff from Russia given current events.


I might like their kit on a technical level, but I don't want any part in supporting the present actions of their government, no matter how indirectly.

Funnily enough is also my feelings on the topic just didn’t mention it as I can’t be arsed to get in to it today with some knobber and their inevitable snide comments ! 😉

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38 minutes ago, Enid_Puceflange said:

Try this place for weird parts bud

Is it this?



The M249 and the stoner is slightly different afaik but can be made to work. 
This new one coming out is design specially for the Stoner and the latest version.

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14 minutes ago, Cossack said:

Hard agree with the posters above. I'll not purchase anything from Russia or Belorussia now, most likely forever.


As someone who mostly does Soviet WW2 airsoft, that does make getting good kit difficult as the main suppliers are either in Russia, Belorussia or Ukraine. 


But WW2 airsoft is a nicety that my friends and family who live under the Russian bombardments wish they could go back to. War is much nicer with toy guns.

Some Ukrainian guys that I know went home to fight when the invasion began; they are all still alive and doing their bit to defeat the Putinist fascists.  I will not buy anything that even slightly benefits Russia until the country sorts itself out.

Edited by colinjallen
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I received a gorka from Russia a couple of weeks back.  It was listed as UK stock.  


I ordered gear from Moscow in January and have had to raise a paypal claim as the seller reckons that the invasion in the last week of February has stopped it arriving.  Bollox as it was supposed to be posted on the 16/01/22, five weeks earlier.  The parcel was stopped in Kiev.  


So a bit of a lottery in my recent experience.  


As @Floperatorsays, if you try and avoid any state that occupies other states, you best make sure not to fill up any with Saudi petrol, or buy Turkish electronics, Moroccan herbs etc etc.  Probably best to get an allotment too tbh... 

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I have a electric Mag loader from Bullgear..arrived a month before PootyTunes screwed his country over by sending his Army into Ukraine.  I doubt very much you will get anything sent from Russia these days and not for a very long time.


Edited by Monkman
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15 hours ago, Oneshotscott said:

If a percentage of the money you pay for goods will be used for putins war i think you need to have a quiet word with your self. 


I would not advise you purchase anything from Russia purely based on common sense. 


Bleed the fuckers dry. 






While it is important to support the "Current Thing". Until everyone stops buying oil and gas from Russia. Me abstaining from spending £40 with a small independent airsofter is not going to make fuck all difference. 

I truly hope you have not driven, heated or cooked anything since this War started. Otherwise you're just virtue signalling.

https://www.independent.co.uk/climate-change/news/uk-russia-oil-ukraine-war-greenpeace-b2066346.html#:~:text=The UK has imported around,at the end of February.

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Exactly, just like the covid 'heroes'... its only me it wont make a difference... yes but theres millions of 'me'


Not saying the individual Russian airsoft store should be the one at loss from all this, but its all these little losses that may add upto a change for the better.

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6 hours ago, Groot said:


While it is important to support the "Current Thing". Until everyone stops buying oil and gas from Russia. Me abstaining from spending £40 with a small independent airsofter is not going to make fuck all difference. 

I truly hope you have not driven, heated or cooked anything since this War started. Otherwise you're just virtue signalling.

https://www.independent.co.uk/climate-change/news/uk-russia-oil-ukraine-war-greenpeace-b2066346.html#:~:text=The UK has imported around,at the end of February.

I cycle to work and we have been using our log burner for years (we have too much kiln dried wood). 

Regards food: my home is 100% electric (latest outdoor heat pump) and solar panels to 'top' it off. Yes the car does get used (100 miles a week max) and guess what, its an eco car (70 mpg/£0 Road tax). 


Good return shot but you missed. 


Honestly, just buy your kit from Russia. Buy as much as you can. 





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So you use as much Russian fuel as the dent I’m going to make in Putins war purse with my hop purchase.

As long as you have a flag. I guess you’re the better person here.  



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8 hours ago, Druid799 said:

And this is the exact kind of smug virtuous “oh no one complained when America blah blah blah or when China blah blah blah or the big bad British Empire blah blah blah” comments is why I didn’t mention about not buying from Russia due to a moral standpoint originally . Im sorry but all your trying to do is score some “look at me I'm so right on and politically aware on my high horse” points , what your comparing to the Russian invasion of the Ukraine is puerile at best and bloody offensive at worst ALL Governments are guilty of some heinous crimes at sometime or another but Russia is committing genocide against a sovereign nation live on tv 24/7 ! Plus how do you suggest we sanction China and America then seeing as China is responsible for 28.7% and America 16.8% of the Global manufacturing output making them No’s 1&2 respectively(fyi the Russian federation is 15th with petrochemical but 47th without) ?

Well you can't sanction them can you, because our manufacturing capability and energy production has been hollowed out and outsourced overseas because this generated the most profit in the short term for greedy motherfuckers who have no real conception of the economy beyond the next shareholders report. We actively destroy democracies and treat with tyrants and despots, to no ones benefit except a select few. Yemen is also happening *right now*, but the Sauds are our buddies so we're not doing shit to help them as they starve. No sympathetic headlines for them. No ones airing out the spare bedroom for Yemeni refugees. China has spent the last few years literally herding a specific ethnicity into concentration camps. No 24hr rolling news cycle for that either. All forgotten, because we are dependent on them. The truth is that its psychologically convenient for many of us to minimise the atrocities that our own administration tacitly accepts or even encourages, because there is practically nothing we can do about it.

Smug? No, the hypocrisy of all this fucking sickens me.


The Russians are just the enemy of the moment, that's all, and if our government didn't have a stake in using Ukraine as a proxy no one would be saying shit about it, just like they had nothing to say about Georgia and Chechnya. Just like they have nothing to say about the Uyghurs, or Yemen, or Palestine.


I'd say I have more reason than most here to have a grudge against Russia - In a way I'm only here today because of the brutality of the Russian government.

My grandfather came to Britain in 1956, fleeing Soviet retribution after the failed Hungarian Uprising, which he took a very active part in.

The Russian security services tortured his parents - who I was lucky enough to know in my childhood - pins under the fingernails, that sort of thing. The whole family got the treatment, everyone who was still left. They were extremely eager to find and kill him.

We used to go to Hungary on holiday every year when I was a kid. Before the Berlin Wall fell, but after things were at their worst, when people were burying bread and the meagre produce of their smallholdings to keep them safe from the privations of Russian soldiers. Things were extremely grim over there, a real eye opener as a kid from the west to see the kind of conditions people had to live in elsewhere.

After the Wall fell we got to see the country heal year by year, slowly building up the kind of infrastructure that we take for granted. The dirt roads were gravelled one year, streetlights installed the next, tarmac the year after that. But the scars are still there today, if you care to look for them.

So I don't really need a lecture on how bad Russian occupation is thanks, I've seen it first hand.

Me and my family have better reason to hate Russians than most.

But we don't.

Even my grandad never boycotted Russian products - his favorite drink is Smirnoff ffs - and even he was and is able to differentiate between the actions of the Russian government and the Russian people themselves, who have lived under the heel of Putin for over two decades and are as much victims of their government as the people living in the countries that Russia invades and occupies.

Who do you think your sanctions are really hurting? Tsar Putin, reputedly one of if not the richest man in the world? Or is it just another kick in the teeth for a people that have lived under poverty and dictatorship for longer than anyone alive can remember?


As I said before, you can draw your own line in the sand wherever you want, and power to you. But to start moralising on other people's choices when we live in a fundamentally amoral system is frankly bollocks. Every time you start your car or turn on your hob or buy some plastic shite or charge your batteries you are in some way contributing to human misery somewhere.

That's the reality we live in.

Watching people suddenly get on their high horse about #IssueOfTheDay because that's what the media has told them to do bores me to tears. 

Do I care about Ukraine? Of course I do. And I'll still care when the cameras are off. I'll still care about the refugees after the media has decided they are now villains, not heroes (it won't be long, just wait and see!). I very much doubt thats the case for the people banging the drum loudest, a good proportion of whom a few months ago wanted to send in the gunships to turn back the boatloads of refugees crossing the channel. 

Maybe you'll still care once everyone else has put a different flag in their profile picture, maybe not. We'll see.

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5 hours ago, Floperator said:

Even my grandad never boycotted Russian products - his favorite drink is Smirnoff ffs


All good points, but Smirnoff hasn't been Russian since the revolution! 

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FYI, I just had to claim a refund from a Moscow based uniform shop for non-delivery.  My note to PP is given below.  Claiming wasn't a problem.  


'Hi. I placed my order in January, some five weeks before the conflict in Ukraine started. The seller claims that the conflict in Ukraine has messed up delivery. The item should have been here long before any military action started. I would like a refund. Thanks.'

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