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The 'How Did Your Airsoft Day Go? Thread


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5 minutes ago, LMKipper said:

Brilliant day at Imperium - perhaps my bestestest airsoft day ever.


It was one of their 'Cartel' games, with three factions (police, taskforce & cartel) all vying to prevent/control/run a drugs smuggling operation. The roleplaying element with specific RoE for each faction made the day feel really different from your typical skirmish without the eight hours lying in a trench of a milsim. A real highlight for me was leading a four man patrol that snuck into the cartel CP and pinched all the gear while they were out attacking another objective.


By far the best bit of the day though, was that I think it's the first time I've gone the whole day without hearing any cheat calling. No one was accused of not taking hits. No one was accused of being hot. No dodgy medics, no hiding from 'nades behind bushes, no dead men talking. Just a really well played and well marshalled day.

I was in Faversham yesterday having a little op, I remember thinking one of these days I'm coming back to the town to give imperium try.🪖🔫

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Played at Special Ops HQ - the fireplace in Milton Keynes on Friday night. It was a rare opportunity for a night game as I’m not normally in area on a Friday night.


I spent the whole night trying not to get shot in the face, thinking about the wedding photos for my friend… instead of getting shot in the face, someone got a good angle and I was shot in the “two veg”… I was then shot a few more times because my hand wasn’t raised 😂


Anyway, it was an awesome night and a good indoor venue - I’d highly recommend giving the site a visit.


I ran my GHM9-G and a few TM glocks - I’m very impressed with the GHM9 and loved that one type of magazine serviced both RIFs 👍🏽



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Played at Survival yesterday. Combination of weather and recent road closures which had only just been re opened kept numbers down . About 28 of us, but what a great day ! . Now i Iove low number days 'cos it's way more tactical , add in a decent number of first timers and no snipers and it was bloody great. 

The rental guys all got stuck in and played well. Proper hit calling all round and fair play from everyone. We wone the first 3 games, and although we did probably work better as a team, the other team never gave up , none of that 'we're going to lose so meh' attitde, they kept coming right till game over. 


Pacey games using only part of the field each time , teritory game, raise / lower the flag in the village and get the barrel from the centre start point as close to the other teams HQ as poss. That one involved running into a hail of BBs !


Game 4 was interesting . I was made team leader (probably based on age 😂) and got to pick 4 other guys. We then had to rescue a casualty ( manakin on a stretcher) from the medic station and get him back to our start point. Other team of everyone else were already spread out covering th earea when we started. We seriously didn't think we'd do it, the casualty was so well covered, but a concerted push just before the end got him out with 2 of our guys running him back up the hill to base . 


At that stage i was completely soaked as it had rained pretty steadily most of the day and various body parts were complaining, so I called it a day. 


Ran my L119 A2 and G3 GBBR's , they both got stashed in the airing cupboard over night to dry them off before a strip and clean today.

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Made my way over to UCAP Green Ops yesterday. It's a bit out of my way and further than I would normally travel, but I had to drop my girlfriend at Gatwick for 7:30, so thought I'd treat myself...


Anyway, what a really great site. There wasn't a huge amount of people, only 40 or so at the start of the day but the games were fun. Started with your typical fall back defence game, followed by a timer game then drugs/bombs in the helicopter. Nothing revolutionary but what makes the site so great is what they've done with the playing area. 


They've built/dug loads of bunkers, buildings, trenches etc, so there's loads of variety in quite a small site. It's not all long distance stuff either, so they've created a sort of woodland CQB in some ways. The other thing, which is a pet peeve at some sites, is that they've kept on top of maintenance. Lots of the rhodendrons/bushes/weeds are kept in check with paths kept clear. That means you can move around the site easily and everyone isn't funneled into one small area because the rest is impassible. 


Bit too far for me to be a regular site but if I find myself that way again I'll head over.

Edited by LMKipper
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Red Alert is 100% my favourite site now, roll on 27/10/2024 and the next Battle Sim, and the sausage + mash + gravy was lovely on Sunday...



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Had a fun weekend at Stirling this weekend. First Stirling in a few years and good fun. I was running solo but was lucky to be attached to 1 troop although the takings really were the same as any other callsign. Lots of patroling and recce to build up a target package before conducting strikes into the village.


It was really hard work as the tempo was high for a 36hr event and opfor fought incredibly hard with everywhere outside of the fob feeling like a hostile environment. If you have your admin on point and are comfortable being aggressive in a firefight then it really is worth giving it a try as they're really special events.


Run TF if you're into sprinting into battle and opfor if you're looking for a more relaxed attitude to the game. Either way you'll be looked after.


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On 09/09/2024 at 16:12, Nick G said:

i Iove low number days 'cos it's way more tactical

This times million. IMO far too many sites are happy to cram in as many players as possible which turns games into a boring stalemate where nobody is able to move.


I know it's a bit late but last Tuesday I took a trip back to Bunker 51 for the first time this year. Numbers were low at 12 total dropping to 4 for the last game and on the whole I had a great evening. Hit taking was good with no problems. Although there was one amusing moment where myself and an opposing player were both thinking the other wasn't taking their hits, only to find out both of us were having feeding problems. We both had a good laugh about it afterwards when we realised what happened. All in all I think I definitely would recommend their mid week games. The Sunday games I think I'll avoid though, from talking to other players it sounds like they have too many players for both the game zone and safe zone

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3 hours ago, Crazy_Crystal said:

Had a fun weekend at Stirling this weekend. First Stirling in a few years and good fun. I was running solo but was lucky to be attached to 1 troop although the takings really were the same as any other callsign. Lots of patroling and recce to build up a target package before conducting strikes into the village.


It was really hard work as the tempo was high for a 36hr event and opfor fought incredibly hard with everywhere outside of the fob feeling like a hostile environment. If you have your admin on point and are comfortable being aggressive in a firefight then it really is worth giving it a try as they're really special events.


Run TF if you're into sprinting into battle and opfor if you're looking for a more relaxed attitude to the game. Either way you'll be looked after.


This is good to hear. I'd like to get back into milsims having restarted airsoft, but no longer have a regular group to go with. Thought rocking up to a Stirling/Defiant/An Other solo might be a bit crap but sounds alright.

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1 hour ago, LMKipper said:



This is good to hear. I'd like to get back into milsims having restarted airsoft, but no longer have a regular group to go with. Thought rocking up to a Stirling/Defiant/An Other solo might be a bit crap but sounds alright.

Yeah, it can be intimidating but actually most airsofters are a friendly bunch and you'll quickly meet new people. 


I did have an advantage of meeting a few people at a training event and having nods etc. I didn't run with them but I recognised a few faces around and having been doing milsims off and on for a good few years made it easier to slot in from the task force side of things. Tbh if I was getting back into it just enjoy causing chaos with opfor you'll definitely enjoy it 👍

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On 17/09/2024 at 10:26, LMKipper said:



This is good to hear. I'd like to get back into milsims having restarted airsoft, but no longer have a regular group to go with. Thought rocking up to a Stirling/Defiant/An Other solo might be a bit crap but sounds alright.

Go for it you'll have a great time

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