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The 'How Did Your Airsoft Day Go? Thread


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33 minutes ago, Dan Robinson said:

A bit gutting because a lot of people left at lunch and I assume the smaller numbers made for a more intense afternoon. 


Sorry to hear your knee is still knackered, after many games of footy I can empathise... But I don't think I've ever had it as bad as you looked yesterday 🥺


Yes the afternoon games were good too.  The blues continued to win everything until the last game (narrowly, not a complete mullering), when I was asked by one of the kids to swap teams.  Bingo, first win for the non-armbands!  (Not that I'm claiming any credit, I was just a Steady Eddie all day long, no hero moments for me)


Hope you're in better fettle for the next game there 🤞

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13 hours ago, Dan Robinson said:

Cheers @RostokMcSpoons, the 6th time it popped out was enough to end the day for me.  Usually it resets straight away, but this time it took 2 hours and still isn't quite right this morning.


Shame though because the morning games in the good weather were pretty epic for us on the blue team.  Particularly the raiding of the military items.  We got all of ours pretty quickly when attacking, but on the reversal, the otherside didn't get any as far as I know. Especially funny was when 6 or 7 people were running up a path in the open and 2 or 3 of us just opened up, putting an end to that particular push. 


L85 was rocking again... Although the boy's parting gift was to change the riser for my scope which meant not only was the zeroing totally off, but he didn't tighten the mounting screws enough, so that was a running repair for the morning. 


I didn't think the hit taking was too bad, only one instance I noticed, which in hindsight could have been a flag tied to a tree looking like a protruding leg. 😨 What was frustrating though is when the game relies on constant pushes to keep the other team suppressed, but the younglings and rentals, for obvious reasons, are chilling at respawn shooting themselves or the trees.  


As mentioned though, my knee decided to keep popping out of its joint, to the point where Carlos had to help me walk to a suitable fallen tree to recover, that was the 5th time. Then ironically during lunch, it happened again when I got up for a second helping, and, even when it reset, the pain was too much.  Tried walking back to the war zone for the afternoon session but had to give up.  A couple of kind gents ran  to the game zone to recover my remaining pews and ammo and I went home. 


A bit gutting because a lot of people left at lunch and I assume the smaller numbers made for a more intense afternoon. 

That sounds like an unpleasantly painful experience; is there anything that can be done to prevent it happening?

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14 minutes ago, Colin Allen said:

That sounds like an unpleasantly painful experience; is there anything that can be done to prevent it happening?


Not sure what can be done. Avoiding kneeling down like this... 




And more moving around like this... 




(sorry they just uploaded the pics from yesterday so good excuse for some tacticool 😁). 


Not quite as serious as heart palpitations, so I hope @Impulsegets some solution to that. 

Edited by Dan Robinson
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This morning, the lad and I once again set off for Airsoft Plantation, one of our regular sites.  

The morning started with a game in which we (red team) had to assault across the mortar pits to reach a siren which was located on the far side in front of one of the landing craft.  The attacking team had infinite regens on a marshal, while the defenders had two lives.  Assaulting out of the woods, the big surprise was that the double decker bus had moved from the centre of the mortar pits to the edge nearest the woods; apparently, this is in preparation for their upcoming two-dayer over the bank holiday weekend and completely changed the dynamics of fighting in that area.  We were badly held up trying to get out of the woods, but eventually wore the enemy down, forcing our way through the mortar pits and setting off the siren.

The game was then switched round and we realised why it had taken us so long to break out; shooting fish in a barrel came to mind.  After being hit, I moved back to a position in our left rear, where the enemy were starting to apply pressure after engaging  in a wide flanking manoeuvre.  We held them up for a while, but they eventually reached the siren, taking one minute longer than we had.  

Unfortunately, during this game, one of the lad's BFGs went missing after he had used it in a very well defined area; when he went to recover it 3-4 minutes later, it had vanished,  After the game, we searched for it, but could not find it.

After a break to mag up, play switched to the other end of the site in a game wherein the attackers had to transport a stretcher from the far end of the woods to the wobbly bridge and kill house; once they had arrived there, a casualty had to be placed on the stretcher with an band applied to each limb and then transported via the Border to the town hall in the village.  Attackers again respawned on a marshal, while defenders had one life at each of the wobbly bridge, the border and the village.  If the casualty was hit, they had to leave the stretcher and a new casualty had to don the bands and be transported forward.

The lad and I, along with several other players, occupied the ditch on the far right of the site, working well as a team and taking out a lot of attackers in the light woodland. Eventually, my rifle received a hit from a sniper rifle or DMR; calling a gun hit, I drew my pistol, only to be hit again by fire from my left, sending me back towards the border, where I settled into a favourite position and waited for the enemy, who arrived rather more rapidly than expected.  I took out a bunch who were exposed to my right and then another group who appeared in the same place; while I was doing this, a fellow defender to my front fell gallantly when faced by overwhelming numbers and I found myself facing a lot of enemies to my front and right flank.  After holding them back for a few minutes, I was hit and went back to the village, where an unfortunate friendly fire incident ended my participation in the game.  I decided to have another look for the lad's grenade and was later joined by him; we still could not find it.  We met an enemy player who had been there when it was lost and he stated that he had seen it in on the grass in clear view.

As this was now lunchtime, we mentioned the grenade to the site owner; at the end of the afternoon briefing, he mentioned it and stated that whoever had picked it up should hand it in at the site shop/office.  A player did so, claiming that he had picked it up (why?) and put it in his dump pouch, but had then completely forgotten about it and then spent one and half games and all of lunchtime completely oblivious to having a large and heavy BFG banging against his hip (yeah, right!).  Anyway, the important thing was that the lad got his BFG back.

After lunch, the stretcher game was reversed; a group of us, including the lad and I, assaulted the ditch that we had defended earlier, driving the enemy out in fine style.  We then attacked the border, which is always difficult as it is a very strong position, but eventually broke through after a fierce fight against a superb defence; poison gas and flash bangs were much used.  Rolling up to the village, we stormed it en masse, getting our casualty to the town hall more quickly than the enemy had.

After this, the final game saw a return to the mortar pits, with both sides attacking across them to set off a buzzer at the enemy's start point.  All players had two lives and my participation was somewhat limited as my two lives each passed quickly.

Despite the grenade incident, it was a really good day, with us running some of our less used weapons.

AP already has a 30m minimum engagement distance for full auto and, as last week, there seemed to be an effort to persuade players to use semi all the time, which is something that I applaud; it makes play so much more interesting.

Next weekend, we are probably going to an outdoor CQB site that is completely new to us.

Weapons used:

King Arms PDW
Double Bell KAC PDW
Milbro M1911 Classic (CO2)

The lad:
ASG XP18 Commander (CO2)

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8 hours ago, Dan Robinson said:


Not sure what can be done. Avoiding kneeling down like this... 




And more moving around like this... 




(sorry they just uploaded the pics from yesterday so good excuse for some tacticool 😁). 


Not quite as serious as heart palpitations, so I hope @Impulsegets some solution to that. 

Yes, I really hope that @Impulse gets his issue sorted out asap; it is not hugely uncommon and there are a range of treatments.

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10 minutes ago, Haru said:

Well, I just had my first skirmish and absolutely obliterated my knee by sliding on rough concrete and ripped right through my trousers, going again sunday :)

Do you have a plentiful supply of trousers?  You might have found a new way of making an expensive hobby even more expensive.

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1 hour ago, Colin Allen said:

Do you have a plentiful supply of trousers?  You might have found a new way of making an expensive hobby even more expensive.

i can assure you i will not be making that mistake again, figured id give it a try since the ground was wet.

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31 minutes ago, Dan Robinson said:

COD sliding as I call it is great fun, but does tend to give one awkward to reach splinters and holey trousers. 

Which are at least better than holy trousers.

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3 hours ago, Colin Allen said:

Yes, I really hope that @Impulse gets his issue sorted out asap; it is not hugely uncommon and there are a range of treatments.


Thanks both of you. Will probably get an ablation done, but the hardest part is pushing the NHS to actually do something :P

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1 hour ago, Impulse said:


Thanks both of you. Will probably get an ablation done, but the hardest part is pushing the NHS to actually do something :P

Aye, that can be problematic.  Best of luck with the procedure when it happens; until then, take it easy.

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Half day for me and the boy on Saturday.  He met up with a friend from cadets who had a great time and is planning his next visit, so looks like we've added another to the rank and file of Spec Ops roster.


Second day out with my Double Eagle and his Cyma G36.  Again, both performed flawlessly and just took the abuse and shrugged it off. 


I did a lot more shooting this game as I found myself in some great positions affording me sweeping arcs of fire as the opfor team tried to push objectives or flank.  I think I went through 12 midcaps in the morning session which is a lot for me.  Think I need to invest in an Odin or clone as my speedloader/thumb can't keep up at that rate of use.


Only brought one battery each as we were on a half-day and was starting to wonder if I'd regret that decision with the amount of firing, but surprisingly when I got back the LiPo from my DE was only down to around 25% so needed just a brief charge back to storage voltage.  The boy's LiIon pack was down to 10%, about 3.6v per cell so was pretty done.  


Was a busy day with a lot of rentals but it all went remarkably smoothly and I had one of my most enjoyable days yet.  The games this weekend were staged from some of the more peripheral areas of the Spec Ops map and it seemed to create some new and fun corridors of action that were better suited to funnelling people and objectives through. 


Good to finally meet @Dan Robinson, hope the knee mends up soon and thanks to @RostokMcSpoons for letting the boy have a play with the GBBR... I can hear a birthday list being furiously scribbled out at this very minute. 


Highlights of the day for me...

Saying 'This is the longest I've ever lasted in a game of Zombies...' before immediately being shot in the forehead.

Finding a perfect tree that afforded good cover and a great spot to rack up kills from.

Not being able to find said tree after returning from respawn.  How does a man lose a tree in a forest...



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3 hours ago, Gunboat Diplomat said:

How does a man lose a tree in a forest...

Consider the possibility that the tree loses the man.

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26 minutes ago, TheFull9 said:

Car parking sitch is for me a significant negative as I always want to be free to leave when I so choose

Isn't there an old 'visitors' parking area that can be used outside the buildings?


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Do not know, didn't spot anything that looked like a good all day car park on the way in or out, was my first time attending and their website/staff certainly don't mention that.  Looking at google maps there's at least 1 standard pay-and-display car park close enough that carrying all one's equipment might be safe/viable, potentially, haven't really dug in to it as the site is a decent distance from me so it won't be my regular or anything (plus I need my guns sorting lol).

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On 13/08/2023 at 21:09, Impulse said:




Downside is that I'm almost certainly going to have to skip the upcoming Vietnam game at Gunman Eversley (sorry @Tactical Pith Helmet but I won't be there. The others I usually go with should be though! I think one of the others can't make it either so our contingent won't be in attendance) as I'm not going to go camping in the middle of the woods with any risk of atrial fibrillation rearing its ugly head.

Damn bloody shame.  You'll be well missed, but your health comes first.  Heal soon and Godspeed to you.  You are one hell of a sniper!  I remember the game that you halted the advance of those US troops long he tree line at Eversley very well.  


I'll ratatatat a few extra imperialists for you with the RPK at the Namsoft game.  


Seriously mate, take care of yourself and we all hope to see you (and your fellow Worthing Massive soon).  I say this despite Mrs THP being introduced to the green gas M10/11 by Glynn.  She'd only just been bought a CYMA AK74SYU, yet raved about the rate of fire of the compact GBB rif.  More bloody expense...  Worth it if it makes a loved one smile though.  It's what it's all about....


Best wishes from all of us.   





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Today, the lad and I wandered off to Splatoon, a smallish airsoft and paintball in deepest Essex.  I had been once before for a boot fair, but this was to be our first time playing there.

The safe zone is pretty large and well appointed with remarkably good toilet facilities, a tap for water, a decent food stall selling the usual range of drinks, snacks and burgers (actually including vegetarian!) and HPA filling points.  It just about absorbed the 90-100 players who were present.  All weapons except pistols must wear a muzzle sock in the safe zone.

After finding a table and chronoing (which opened early and ran very efficiently), we were ready for the first game; this was a simple domination using the four available playing areas (two are being upgraded), two of which were wooded with lots of small structures, while the others contained a variety of larger structures, mostly built from old shipping containers, a kill house and a couple of wrecked helicopters.  This was a good, fun game which provided us with a good opportunity to explore the areas that were in play.  Hit taking seemed to be very good and the game ran well; apart from the last five minutes of the day, all weapons except support weapons were limited to semi auto, which meant that the latter actually had a distinct role.

After a quick trip to the safe zone to reload, we went back out to play a game were our team (red) had to transport a bomb across the site (at 90 degrees to the direction the first game had been played) and place it in either of the two helicopters.  If the bomb carrier was hit, they had to drop the bomb, which could then be picked up by another member of the team; the opponents could not touch it.  After a very good set of battles across the site, we got our bomb in with about 7 minutes to spare.  Yay!  Go us!

This game was then reversed; a well organised defence resulted in our opponents being unable to get their bomb into either helicopter.  Yay!  Go us, again!

After lunch, about which I cannot comment as we took pizza, there was a fun team deathmatch, which was manic, slightly chaotic (in a good way) and a good way to blow off the post lunch lethargy.

We then moved on to a fallback game; as the attackers, we respawned on a marshal who was a reasonable distance behind us, while the defenders had three lives in each of the four zones.  We pushed them out of the woods quite rapidly and then got stuck attempting to break into the first of the container structure areas, thanks to a gritty defence by our opponents.  Eventually, we managed to break into the area, although many of our team were taken out by a superb pyro throw which sailed over one of the helicopters and exploded, taking out all of the players who were clustered behind it.  We slowly pushed up and were just starting to move into the final zone when we ran out of time.

As so often seems to happen in the afternoon, a few players became quite vocal about alleged non hit taking and other alleged misdemeanours so, when we returned to the safe zone, the site owner gave a rather impressive "motivational talk", reminding everyone that we were there to have fun shooting each other with plastic balls from toy guns and it really was not something to get aggressive about; this was very well received.

As it was now getting close to the end of the day, we went out for another team deathmatch, albeit with a slight twist; the first ten minutes would be team v team and semi only, while the last five minutes would be all v all with full auto allowed.  The lad announced that he would be keeping as far away from me as possible towards the end of the game; I can't think why.

The last five minutes were as chaotic and fun as might be expected with lots of people taking the opportunity to shoot their mates.

Thus ended the day; it was great fun, was well marshalled and made the best use of the four areas of the site that were available.  We left very satisfied and will definitely return.

As the lad is off to train for Cambrian Patrol and then back off to university, while I have rehearsals for our third festival gig of the summer and the festival, our next game will be at Op-Tac's The Kingdom near Stoke in early September.

Weapons used:
LCT PP-19-01
Milbro M1911 Classic (CO2) - until it died just after lunch.

The lad:
ASG XP18 Commander (CO2)





Edited by Colin Allen
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1 hour ago, Colin Allen said:

Today, the lad and I wandered off to Splatoon, a smallish airsoft and paintball in deepest Essex.  I had been once before for a boot fair, but this was to be our first time playing there.

The safe zone is pretty large and well appointed with remarkably good toilet facilities, a tap for water, a decent food stall selling the usual range of drinks, snacks and burgers (actually including vegetarian!) and HPA filling points.  It just about absorbed the 90-100 players who were present.  All weapons except pistols must wear a muzzle sock in the safe zone.

After finding a table and chronoing (which opened early and ran very efficiently), we were ready for the first game; this was a simple domination using the four available playing areas (two are being upgraded), two of which were wooded with lots of small structures, while the others contained a variety of larger structures, mostly built from old shipping containers, a kill house and a couple of wrecked helicopters.  This was a good, fun game which provided us with a good opportunity to explore the areas that were in play.  Hit taking seemed to be very good and the game ran well; apart from the last five minutes of the day, all weapons except support weapons were limited to semi auto, which meant that the latter actually had a distinct role.

After a quick trip to the safe zone to reload, we went back out to play a game were our team (red) had to transport a bomb across the site (at 90 degrees to the direction the first game had been played) and place it in either of the two helicopters.  If the bomb carrier was hit, they had to drop the bomb, which could then be picked up by another member of the team; the opponents could not touch it.  After a very good set of battles across the site, we got our bomb in with about 7 minutes to spare.  Yay!  Go us!

This game was then reversed; a well organised defence resulted in our opponents being unable to get their bomb into either helicopter.  Yay!  Go us, again!

After lunch, about which I cannot comment as we took pizza, there was a fun team deathmatch, which was manic, slightly chaotic (in a good way) and a good way to blow off the post lunch lethargy.

We then moved on to a fallback game; as the attackers, we respawned on a marshal who was a reasonable distance behind us, while the defenders had three lives in each of the four zones.  We pushed them out of the woods quite rapidly and then got stuck attempting to break into the first of the container structure areas, thanks to a gritty defence by our opponents.  Eventually, we managed to break into the area, although many of our team were taken out by a superb pyro throw which sailed over one of the helicopters and exploded, taking out all of the players who were clustered behind it.  We slowly pushed up and were just starting to move into the final zone when we ran out of time.

As so often seems to happen in the afternoon, a few players became quite vocal about alleged non hit taking and other alleged misdemeanours so, when we returned to the safe zone, the site owner gave a rather impressive "motivational talk", reminding everyone that we were there to have fun shooting each other with plastic balls from toy guns and it really was not something to get aggressive about; this was very well received.

As it was now getting close to the end of the day, we went out for another team deathmatch, albeit with a slight twist; the first ten minutes would be team v team and semi only, while the last five minutes would be all v all with full auto allowed.  The lad announced that he would be keeping as far away from me as possible towards the end of the game; I can't think why.

The last five minutes were as chaotic and fun as might be expected with lots of people taking the opportunity to shoot their mates.

Thus ended the day; it was great fun, was well marshalled and made the best use of the four areas of the site that were available.  We left very satisfied and will definitely return.

As the lad is off to train for Cambrian Patrol and then back off to university, while I have rehearsals for our third festival gig of the summer and the festival, our next game will be at Op-Tac's The Kingdom near Stoke in early September.

Weapons used:
LCT PP-19-01
Milbro M1911 Classic (CO2) - until it died just after lunch.

The lad:
ASG XP18 Commander (CO2)





I was also at splatoon today 😂 It’s my go to site now after being constantly let down by the closest site to me, and I’ve never had an issue with their marshals or players which is fantastic. Shame you was the opposite team 😉

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7 minutes ago, JinxDuh said:

I was also at splatoon today 😂 It’s my go to site now after being constantly let down by the closest site to me, and I’ve never had an issue with their marshals or players which is fantastic. Shame you was the opposite team 😉

Hi!  It was a good day; both teams fought really hard!

3 minutes ago, Dan Robinson said:

I like the idea of putting a sock over the barrels. 

I had heard of it, but never encountered it before.  I do like it; it gives extra reassurance in case some muppet pulls the trigger in the safe zone.

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