Skullchewer Posted May 1, 2023 Share Posted May 1, 2023 3 minutes ago, Jacob Wright said: This is how my day went … yes it was great … that is all 👍🏼 No further explanation necessary. 120 on site for Red Alert yesterday. Great day, fun game modes, my DMR rocked as always. A friend broke her ankle when she took a tumble down a hill, unfortunately, but she's taking it in good spirit. Her biggest concern is that she won't be able to attend the battlesim this month! Also in attendance was Monsignor @Lozart. A fine gentleman to play with, who has a very pretty pew pew. Lozart, Jacob Wright and Pollynator_bravo2 2 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Spartan09 Posted May 2, 2023 Share Posted May 2, 2023 i was also at AI500, but unlike @Impulse, i was on tan team (not sure what team @Badgerlicious or @wicksy101 were on) after Rochdale, this event was much better, and i can also confirm that myself and other tans i spoke with didnt encounter any suspected hot guns, unlike at Rochdale where BB hits were sending brick dust everywhere when they hit the walls, and obvious ricochets were still hitting with the power of direct hits. the accusations of blind firing impulse mentioned were not unique to tan team, as i and another tan player had several greens moan that we were blind firing over the fence between the road and service yard. we were definately aiming down the sights though, my teammate running a full length rifle, while i was running my KWA Skorpion. after explaining this to the marshal that popped his head over the fence to address the complaints, he was satisfied that we were within the rules and advised the greens accordingly. there was also an issue that occurred regarding the sliding gates into the service yard on Sunday. all through Saturday i saw greens firing through the gap at tan team as we tried to advance (and naturally we returned fire through the gap) but on Sunday we were told we couldn't fire through that gap, nor could the greens. despite being told multiple times by marshals that the gap was to be considered hard cover, we were still being shot through the gap, then accused of not taking hits despite us and the marshals reiterating again and again that it was hard cover, which is why we weren't returning fire through the gap, despite having several clear shots on greens. got to site Friday afternoon, and despite bringing everything but the kitchen sink (literally) i discovered i had made one massive balls up, by leaving the remote line for my Tippmann at home after filling the bottles, so i was forced to use my backup AEG. with a limited round count allowed in games, i decided to mainly stick to semi auto, even in the full-auto zones, but also switch to my Skorpion as well. also discovered that all my APS shells were leaking from the fill valves, so i was unable to run my striker12, which i was incredibly annoyed about Saturday was a pleasant day weather wise, and things seemed to run well. though i did spend most of the day fine tuning the hop unit on my m4 as it has mostly seen use in CQB sites that didn't require much hop, so long range shots were hit and miss (mostly miss) until near the end of the day where i was semi-satisfied i had things dialled in. i also brought out my galaxy G31 (Barratt m82) having finally obtained a new CO2 bolt for it after breaking the old one during lockdowns where i was trying to get it setup ready for the end of restrictions, but i found that the rifle needs a lot more tuning before its remotely useable =( went to get ready for the night games, but when i knelt down to get some supplies out of my bag, i felt a pop, followed by pain in my hamstring, so i was forced to sit out the night game and rest in hopes i could play for the full day Sunday. thankfully my legs held out enough for me to muscle through Sunday, though i certainly wasn't running around much that day. spent a pleasant evening with other team mates chatting shit and drinking whiskey Sunday definitely had a lot of people getting wound up, and there were definite non hit takers. i personally saw multiple greens not taking hits, and heard many more people complaining about others, especially on the road and in service yard. one guy i shot as he was stood behind a barricade, but exposed half his body to my position. shot him once centre mass, once in the arm, watching him flinch before moving back but not far enough, so i shot him 3 more times, watching his shirt flutter each time, only for him to step back behind the barricade. second guy was casually walking backwards between two barricades, and i shot him 10 times, myself and a team mate both confiming that BBs were hitting him centre mass, but he carried on walking and then took up position behind a barricade and directing his team despite clearly having been shot. tempers were definately flaring towards the end of the day, and i was forced to break up an argument before it became a fight, all because of a misunderstanding. tan team assaulted a shop through the open service doors. i had looked through the gap between the door and doorframe and had spotted a green hiding in a cupboard just inside the service doors with the cupboard door pulled closed so he could fire through the gap. as we breached, my focus was the green hiding in the cupboard, and we ended up trading. green exited cupboard and we fist bumped as he went to respawn. i was about to go to respawn myself when i heard a commotion behind me, with another green that was at the other end of the shop f ing and jeffing at the tans, firstly shouting "were greens you morons" to be told that we knew, and we were tans, then he started accusing us of closing one of the service doors to gain cover. this green and one of my teammates got into a very heated argument and i was forced to step in and separate them just as the marshals ran in. after the marshals arrived and spoke to everyone, it became clear that he had mistaken his teammate coming out of the closet (not in that way you perverts) for the service door being closed (which was still firmly wedged open). apologies were made and everyone went separate ways. despite the issues, i still enjoyed being able to meet with friends, have a laugh and a drink, and i was glad to have been able to get out of the house and be active for the bank holiday weekend. I was also bloody glad to have had today off to recover and rest my aching body, as well as begin making the phone calls i never thought i would have to make, and cancel all my bank cards. as i was breaking camp i realised my wallet was missing, and after going through all my kit after unpacking i confirmed that it is not just tucked in a pouch or down the side of my car seat. tomorrow i need to try and contact the DVLA to get new drivers licence issued as well =/ Badgerlicious, Tactical Pith Helmet, Impulse and 1 other 4 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Badgerlicious Posted May 2, 2023 Share Posted May 2, 2023 9 hours ago, wicksy101 said: I have decided not to return to AI after the last few, been very poor. You seem to have had a good experience but I have seen reports of police being called for not allowing people out of the gates and marshals saying they will shoot at people's cars if they try to leave? Good that they're listening though i guess. Still sounds like chrono is a mess despite the 8mm BB's that were being used in Dover. I've not heard anything like that. Might be about a comment I saw on how the exit road was the current play area. I can't imagine the marshals would stop the game to let one player go home just cos they're having a strop. We all knew this would be the case, and I imagine someone with a legit reason would be able to leave. They have poor communication, they're not monsters. We ended early on sunday anyway. Also forgot the hilarious levels of bitching about spawn advantage, apparently from both sides. But one tan in particular despite green having a much longer run due to being all they way in the tan half of the field both days 🤣 @Spartan09 I was green, but it's a real shame to hear about some greens being scummy that way. I think those mesh covers on the barriers spawned a few instances of grumbling on Saturday morning, because they were impossible to see from any distance, the tape helped but I found people still shooting at me despite being behind a big piece of "floating" tape 😂 And the rules on hard cover with flappy bits of tarp plus a ton of ricochets didn't help either. Impulse 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JustMark Posted May 2, 2023 Share Posted May 2, 2023 Went to Combat Airsoft on Sunday as planned even though the battle-sim was cancelled due to not enough people booking so that was a bit disappointing. This was my fourth or fifth visit and it was good fun but complaints and arguments regarding hit-taking broke out within minutes of the first game starting and for the first time I noticed a bit of general "shirtyness" presumably not helped by the warm weather. Moaning continued about the enemy team not taking hits and having over-powered weapons until in the afternoon the Marshalls had enough and basically put us all on the naughty step with a final "if I see you not taking your hits you will leave the site" warning. Now I personally couldn't verify that I did hit anyone that didn't take it and didn't receive any hits that left unusually large welts (I did catch one in the ribs under my right arm that's a bit of a corker and stung like hell) but the general feeling I was left with was one of meh about it all. I think because I don't really enjoy being told off for things I didn't do despite being a grown man of 40+ and the attitude was less positive than usual. Anyway, I guess they can't all be great days out. On the plus side the AKM performed pretty well, it'd be nice if the trigger response was a little sharper but I suspect my reaction time is too slow to make much difference there Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Supporters Lozart Posted May 2, 2023 Supporters Share Posted May 2, 2023 14 hours ago, Skullchewer said: No further explanation necessary. 120 on site for Red Alert yesterday. Great day, fun game modes, my DMR rocked as always. A friend broke her ankle when she took a tumble down a hill, unfortunately, but she's taking it in good spirit. Her biggest concern is that she won't be able to attend the battlesim this month! Also in attendance was Monsignor @Lozart. A fine gentleman to play with, who has a very pretty pew pew. Pretty gun is pretty. JustMark, Pollynator_bravo2 and Skullchewer 1 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Enid_Puceflange Posted May 2, 2023 Share Posted May 2, 2023 Had a mild, wet, rainy and muggy day on sunday I got my turn to player marshal, and was blowing out of my hoop by the end of the day. Still on target with my weight loss but my stamina is holding me back. Still had a cracking day despite slippy conditions and steamy eye pro 👍 JustMark, Skullchewer and Jaylordofwaargh 2 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skullchewer Posted May 2, 2023 Share Posted May 2, 2023 1 hour ago, Enid_Puceflange said: blowing out of my hoop I am guessing (hoping) this means something different where you are from. 😶 rj1986 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jamsandwich Posted May 2, 2023 Share Posted May 2, 2023 (edited) "Breathing out my arse" 🤣 And as if the expression isn't already funny enough - You may be able to breathe out of your bum, and one day it could save your life Edited May 2, 2023 by Jamsandwich Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cannonfodder Posted May 2, 2023 Share Posted May 2, 2023 7 hours ago, Jamsandwich said: You may be able to breathe out of your bum, and one day it could save your life Well enough people talk out of theirs so I suppose breathing through it is the next logical step Pollynator_bravo2 and Jamsandwich 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Enid_Puceflange Posted May 2, 2023 Share Posted May 2, 2023 (edited) 10 hours ago, Enid_Puceflange said: Had a mild, wet, rainy and muggy day on sunday I got my turn to player marshal, and was blowing out of my hoop by the end of the day. Still on target with my weight loss but my stamina is holding me back. Still had a cracking day despite slippy conditions and steamy eye pro 👍 Evidence 😂 And sounded like Diles46 🤦🏻♂️😁 CE7DFD04-2EF4-4938-8C2A-C0EDBB1ED1D6.MOV Edited May 2, 2023 by Enid_Puceflange Pollynator_bravo2 and Lozart 1 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Badgerlicious Posted May 2, 2023 Share Posted May 2, 2023 Ill post the video our resident content farm creator put up, this is part 1 of probably 3, just covering the saturday morning. No matter your opinion on AI, you can't say it's uneventful. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Smiling-Dutchman Posted May 8, 2023 Share Posted May 8, 2023 After about a year-long hiatus I had my first game again yesterday, at Skirmish High Wycombe and I definitely enjoyed it. The site has changed a bit since my last visit, although mainly the safety zone, with more covered tables (but thankfully I stayed dry yesterday), a better food joint in a separate container (their bacon baps are great and bigger than expected, I almost had some struggle finishing both). It seems they have a few more marshals walking around now who are, thankfully, a bit older. From what I remember from a year ago, most of the marshals were quite young (some not even 18) which meant they didn't really have the (figurative) dick'n'balls to stand out over some of the rougher clientele. These new marshals were very good and didn't take crap from anyone. Even tho it stayed dry all day, the field was quite soggy and muddy, but that seems to be the norm there My highlights of the day were: - Everyone doing their best to avoid a massive muddy patch to not get their shoes dirty. - That same muddy patch having the objective, so there was no choice but to go through it if you wanted to win - Coming over a hill and see a group of (opposing) rentals looking somewhere else and spraying the whole lot of them (about 15M distance so no need to feel sorry for them). - Seeing the same group of rentals refusing to push the same flank for the rest of the battle and always attacking the other flank instead. - Getting called a cheater by one guy on the opposite team who complained to the marshal about me not taking my hits. - Another marshal standing close to me most of that game and noticing I accepted every hit I recieved (and even told me that I wasn't shot in the back but that it was a ricochet so I could stay where I was after I put my hand up). - Seeing someones rifle stick out behind a barricade and hitting it from at least 35M distance. (Not that my aim is that great, I fired half a mid-cap that way. Worth it!) JustMark 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Colin Allen Posted May 8, 2023 Share Posted May 8, 2023 (edited) Yesterday, 260 of us turned up at Airsoft Plantation for a day's play. The large safe zone managed to hold everyone but it was fortunate that the weather was good as a fair number of players had to set up in the open. As AP is a large site, it was able to absorb such a large number of players without feeling crowded; games were vaguely coronation themed to the extent that they involved kings and crowns, the titles on which included such well known British monarchs as Burger King and Porn King. Both sides played hard and well and hit taking appeared to be good. As usual, the marshalling was on point, being relatively low key but always where and when it was required. At lunchtime, the food van served 240 people in an hour, which is pretty impressive; apparently, the food is very good, although I cannot vouch for that as I always take my own. For me, one of the highlights of AP is the rapport among the players; the site seems to attract the "right type" of player, whatever that is. This morning, I went to an airsoft boot fair in Kent; despite being somewhat on the small side, there was a good selection of items for sale, including something that I had been seeking for a while. I bumped into a couple of folk who still play at sites where I used to marshal; one of the sites appears to have improved massively due to investment from the current owners so a trip down there is being scheduled. Weapons used: APS UAR LCT PP-19-01 No weapons were melted or burned after yesterday's play. Edited May 8, 2023 by Colin Allen Tactical Pith Helmet and Dan Robinson 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jaylordofwaargh Posted May 8, 2023 Share Posted May 8, 2023 First time up at RedAlert. I will be back, likely the bodies I that chauffeured me will be back before I am, which is rude. So a quick and dirty run down. Loved it. We did well and managed to get a great space in the safe zone, to be moved on saying there is a couple of parties, went to actual safe some to loose out on the last table. Fine, compressed kit and found a spot to stand in, passed by @Skullchewer and some of the Outcasts, nice to meet you. banter is very light hearted, even people asking for small favours or borrow X or y. The whole feel was very welcoming. safety brief, well it's a safety brief... they give good expectations as to turn time on games, but as always, it's herding cats. first game is fast and a great wake up, lemmings they called it. Fun. Touch the police van, sat in the middle of the town with very clear field of fire surrounding it! I'll say this for the town, it is a great set up, lots of smaller buildings couple of taller ones many hiding spots and many ways of getting shot. Good fun it did feel like the reds (us) were going to get steam rolled as the yellows did take a some great angles to get them in. turn it more fun but I did find the "incline" repetitive 😂. back in and new game - move box from a - b catch is (and I really liked this) carriers are designated and can only change at spawn. Defended first, intense heavy constant fire. Loved it. Anyway theme of the day was fun. First aid response was great (my brother cut himself open on a knee slide, the second one that day). Great showing from all involved. do recommend, would have liked to explore the whole site, our day was very town centric but loved it. The paintball parties didn't interfere at all. oh, and the rolling storm the fort? Very fast game. Smiled all the way through even if I did manage to stick myself in from of a number of people, and I know it looked bad as the reaction was "that sharp intake of breath" rather than a bit of a giggle, and yes it feels like a bruised rib and yes I did move my toy gun out of the way and take the impact on my made sense at the time. Skullchewer, Colin Allen, Lozart and 1 other 3 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dan Robinson Posted May 8, 2023 Share Posted May 8, 2023 (edited) 3 hours ago, Colin Allen said: Yesterday, 260 of us turned up at Airsoft Plantation for a day's play. The large safe zone managed to hold everyone but it was fortunate that the weather was good as a fair number of players had to set up in the open. As AP is a large site, it was able to absorb such a large number of players without feeling crowded; games were vaguely coronation themed to the extent that they involved kings and crowns, the titles on which included such well known British monarchs as Burger King and Porn King. No weapons were melted or burned after yesterday's play. As part of my promise to get him to as many fields as we can before he leaves, the boy and I were there yesterday too. Was very impressed by the safe zone and the Marshalls. Struggled with the morning games which I am putting down to not knowing the map, and suffering a few technical issues (one of his AEG's was firing whilst in safe mode and without pulling the trigger, which I think is a dodgy mosfet) and my Double Eagle was more a Splatter Gun than a rifle. There were a couple of teenagers "shooting a video" which was their excuse for being thoroughly annoying by playing music during the game play, but I managed to keep out of their way for most of the day. Really enjoyed the last game as our team had to get a stretcher with kings hats on it, across the majority of the map with the Blue team, I assume, on a rolling retreat. My Specna was on form shooting nice and straight, but not as far as liked. Was pretty impressive to see the food van clearing the queue, and this was the biggest number I've seen on a gameday at one event too. We should be going back to AP for the two day event at the end of the month, although I'm not sure how my legs will cope. I have a thermal camera for work ,so that will make night ops an interesting one - although I'm a little worried about the lens LOL. Had a god day at Reforger the other week too, although I didn't get many kills. I nearly put an end to my chances of being a grandfather when I lobbed a smoke grenade to cover the Boy's final sprint to the objective (suicide bombing the plane) only for it to land short - right between his legs and nearly cauterised his family jewels. It's a shame we're out of sync with our regular sites' gamedays, but once SWMBO has fecked off for the summer I can sneak in extra days - but mum's the word on that one 😁. Edited May 8, 2023 by Dan Robinson Jacob Wright, Tactical Pith Helmet, Pollynator_bravo2 and 1 other 3 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Colin Allen Posted May 9, 2023 Share Posted May 9, 2023 6 hours ago, Dan Robinson said: As part of my promise to get him to as many fields as we can before he leaves, the boy and I were there yesterday too. Was very impressed by the safe zone and the Marshalls. Struggled with the morning games which I am putting down to not knowing the map, and suffering a few technical issues (one of his AEG's was firing whilst in safe mode and without pulling the trigger, which I think is a dodgy mosfet) and my Double Eagle was more a Splatter Gun than a rifle. There were a couple of teenagers "shooting a video" which was their excuse for being thoroughly annoying by playing music during the game play, but I managed to keep out of their way for most of the day. Really enjoyed the last game as our team had to get a stretcher with kings hats on it, across the majority of the map with the Blue team, I assume, on a rolling retreat. My Specna was on form shooting nice and straight, but not as far as liked. Was pretty impressive to see the food van clearing the queue, and this was the biggest number I've seen on a gameday at one event too. We should be going back to AP for the two day event at the end of the month, although I'm not sure how my legs will cope. I have a thermal camera for work ,so that will make night ops an interesting one - although I'm a little worried about the lens LOL. Had a god day at Reforger the other week too, although I didn't get many kills. I nearly put an end to my chances of being a grandfather when I lobbed a smoke grenade to cover the Boy's final sprint to the objective (suicide bombing the plane) only for it to land short - right between his legs and nearly cauterised his family jewels. It's a shame we're out of sync with our regular sites' gamedays, but once SWMBO has fecked off for the summer I can sneak in extra days - but mum's the word on that one 😁. Yes, we were on a rolling retreat in the last game; one life in the woods, another anywhere between the border and the mortar pits and the final one in either the mortar pits or the field. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skullchewer Posted May 9, 2023 Share Posted May 9, 2023 8 hours ago, Jaylordofwaargh said: First time up at RedAlert. I will be back, likely the bodies I that chauffeured me will be back before I am, which is rude. So a quick and dirty run down. Loved it. We did well and managed to get a great space in the safe zone, to be moved on saying there is a couple of parties, went to actual safe some to loose out on the last table. Fine, compressed kit and found a spot to stand in, passed by @Skullchewer and some of the Outcasts, nice to meet you. banter is very light hearted, even people asking for small favours or borrow X or y. The whole feel was very welcoming. safety brief, well it's a safety brief... they give good expectations as to turn time on games, but as always, it's herding cats. first game is fast and a great wake up, lemmings they called it. Fun. Touch the police van, sat in the middle of the town with very clear field of fire surrounding it! I'll say this for the town, it is a great set up, lots of smaller buildings couple of taller ones many hiding spots and many ways of getting shot. Good fun it did feel like the reds (us) were going to get steam rolled as the yellows did take a some great angles to get them in. turn it more fun but I did find the "incline" repetitive 😂. back in and new game - move box from a - b catch is (and I really liked this) carriers are designated and can only change at spawn. Defended first, intense heavy constant fire. Loved it. Anyway theme of the day was fun. First aid response was great (my brother cut himself open on a knee slide, the second one that day). Great showing from all involved. do recommend, would have liked to explore the whole site, our day was very town centric but loved it. The paintball parties didn't interfere at all. oh, and the rolling storm the fort? Very fast game. Smiled all the way through even if I did manage to stick myself in from of a number of people, and I know it looked bad as the reaction was "that sharp intake of breath" rather than a bit of a giggle, and yes it feels like a bruised rib and yes I did move my toy gun out of the way and take the impact on my made sense at the time. Glad you had a good day! That particular safe zone hut is always reserved for the Paintball kids parties, when there are any, unfortunately. The next full battlesim is in a couple of weeks and they're always a blast! Was good to meet, hopefully next time we'll be on the same team. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skullchewer Posted May 9, 2023 Share Posted May 9, 2023 Also: I don't need to do a write up for my day, as @Jaylordofwaarghdid it for me🤣 All I would add is that they change the game modes up all the time. No two skirmish days are the same. There's a couple of game modes I'm not overly keen on, but they don't detract from the rest of the day. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hitmanNo2 Posted May 9, 2023 Share Posted May 9, 2023 15 hours ago, Dan Robinson said: I have a thermal camera for work ,so that will make night ops an interesting one - although I'm a little worried about the lens LOL. Get yourself a honeycomb style killflash. It will cut out a bit of the signature but still usable. Unless you want to shell out for a germanium lense protector. Dan Robinson 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jujujr Posted May 9, 2023 Share Posted May 9, 2023 Sad day last sunday, was playing at absolute airsoft and my makarov blew up on my hand:( thats 2 broken makarovs now but i do have one more. i just really like makarovs Tactical Pith Helmet 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Smiling-Dutchman Posted May 9, 2023 Share Posted May 9, 2023 6 minutes ago, Jujujr said: Sad day last sunday, was playing at absolute airsoft and my makarov blew up on my hand:( thats 2 broken makarovs now but i do have one more. i just really like makarovs "It sounds like you're just feeding makarovs to the scrap pile." Rogerborg 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jaylordofwaargh Posted May 9, 2023 Share Posted May 9, 2023 2 hours ago, Skullchewer said: Also: I don't need to do a write up for my day, as @Jaylordofwaarghdid it for me🤣 All I would add is that they change the game modes up all the time. No two skirmish days are the same. There's a couple of game modes I'm not overly keen on, but they don't detract from the rest of the day. You enjoyed the fort game enough! I knew Red Alert had wone them over when they started talking about what and how they would do differently (bringing table) next time round. Skullchewer 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Skullchewer Posted May 9, 2023 Share Posted May 9, 2023 3 hours ago, Jaylordofwaargh said: You enjoyed the fort game enough! I knew Red Alert had wone them over when they started talking about what and how they would do differently (bringing table) next time round. Oh yeah, Rolling Fort is great. Fort is always a fun one to attack and defend. Lozart 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tactical Pith Helmet Posted May 11, 2023 Share Posted May 11, 2023 On 08/05/2023 at 21:11, Colin Allen said: No weapons were melted or burned after yesterday's play. Not sure if I'm relieved or disappointed! 😆 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Colin Allen Posted May 12, 2023 Share Posted May 12, 2023 11 hours ago, Tactical Pith Helmet said: Not sure if I'm relieved or disappointed! 😆 I did cut up a very old and very knackered sniper rifle though. Tactical Pith Helmet 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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