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Whats's Your Weakness?

Adolf Hamster
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figured this could alleviate some of the ol' lockdown boredom for a wee while.


airsoft is of course a game where you get to play to your strengths, the speedy guys rush in, the sneaky guys hide in the undergrowth etc etc


so we probably have a fairly decent idea of what we're good at, but what are we bad at?


for me i'm not the fastest or the sneakiest, but i'd say my biggest weakness is mid-range pistol shooting. i can hip fire at point blank and take careful aimed shots at range, but in that middle ground where they're far enough that you need to aim but close enough you need to aim quickly i'm hopeless.


so what's everyone reckon is their kryptonite in this game?

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Sweating. The inside of my goggles tend to look like the windscreen of a roadie’s van after a bit of running about. 

Tactically I get pulled into a visual tunnel, I need to be more aware of threats at longer ranges. Working on it. 

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Every rifle I own malfunctioning. Never having a pistol that can hop anything above a .25 even though they should be able to quite easily!

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17 minutes ago, Ropeyshep said:

Tactically I get pulled into a visual tunnel, I need to be more aware of threats at longer ranges. Working on it. 


ahh yes the old tunnel vision, been got by that one a few times when you just... have.... to... get that guy.....


5 minutes ago, Asomodai said:

Every rifle I own malfunctioning. Never having a pistol that can hop anything above a .25 even though they should be able to quite easily!


tried adding some spacers under the hop arm? normally a nice soft ML autobot and a spacer will lift a .48 at even half a joule.

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5 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:


ahh yes the old tunnel vision, been got by that one a few times when you just... have.... to... get that guy.....



tried adding some spacers under the hop arm? normally a nice soft ML autobot and a spacer will lift a .48 at even half a joule.


Both the Hi Cappas and the M9 used to hop .28's flawlessly. Then for some reason after one or two skirmishes each they didn't, I have replaced the stock rubbers with MLs and I-Keys which didnt make any difference with the M9. The M9 cant hop anything above a .25 and is very innacurate. The DOR and The Gold Match I haven't had enough time to test much, but they don't look too good either! 


The Strike Warrior can though so who knows!



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Just now, Adolf Hamster said:

tried adding some spacers under the hop arm? normally a nice soft ML autobot and a spacer will lift a .48 at even half a joule.

This. I've done it to all my flat hopped guns and the striker, otherwise they wouldn't lift 0.25s -.-


Biggest weakness?

My fitness actually. I'm a fat piece of shit (lockdown didn't help).

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Teamwork. I always start the day talking to the people I'm going with about how we'll work together and how cool it'll be the the whistle blows and I'm on my own inside 5 minutes. I do well on my own and join up with people I run into when I need to but I spend most of the day having no idea where my mates are until we get back to the spawn between games

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Game wise, probably unfitness. Didn't have as many fogging issues until the BMI tipped from overweight to Obese. 


Hobby wise, can't leave well enough alone. Continually tinkering which leads to dis-improvements as often as the other way round.  

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35 minutes ago, Asomodai said:


Both the Hi Cappas and the M9 used to hop .28's flawlessly. Then for some reason after one or two skirmishes each they didn't, I have replaced the stock rubbers with MLs and I-Keys which didnt make any difference with the M9. The M9 cant hop anything above a .25 and is very innacurate. The DOR and The Gold Match I haven't had enough time to test much, but they don't look too good either! 


The Strike Warrior can though so who knows!




could be there's not enough pressure, i cut up a wee square of AEG hop rubber and pop it under the hop arm helps get it in the right range for lifting the heavier ammo.


even with a 40 degree autobot and an I-key the makarov needs that if i'm planning on lobbing .48's out of it (although these days i don't bother and just run .3's because it still shoots further than i can effectively aim it)

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My weakness is for sure my fitness. I'm still rather overweight, but making progress on that front at least (keto diet best diet). Lockdown doesn't help as I'm no longer cycling to work, doing martial arts or airsoft, which are my exercise activities. This doubles for glasses fogging, because when I'm overweight and unfit, I sweat a lot more which causes goggles to fog more.


I'd probably also say my aggression, or lack of it. I'm quite a passive player, which somewhat works with my sniper loadouts, but I'd like to learn to be more aggressive while maintaining stealth in my ghillie suit.


I guess I'd also put my camo choice down. I know and I've seen many advantages of wearing actual camo patterns like DPM or MARPAT in a woodland (had people trip over me in DPMs), but I now only use OD because I like doing PMC or intelligence agency loadouts, which often mean no camo patterns and OD is the best I can do. Ghillie suit mostly helps, but when I'm not using my ghillie...

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6 foot 5 and 25 stone i am neither fast, sneaky or flexible. I also produced missives amounts of CO2 and so playing at an outdoor site in the central belt of Scotland means the midges go for me.  I prefer SMGs over rifles so it looks like I am using a 2/3 scale gun. My main issue is i buy guns i like the look of on impulse and some time get bored of them and sell them before i have used them in a game. 

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I'm young enough and fit enough to run rings around most, but I'm a terrible shot.


Sod camoflage, dress up as a barndoor and you're quite safe

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Like many here it's fitness, age on top of a number of health issues have meant I couldn't break in to a run even if my life depended on it, so even the mildest of exercise is impossible, which as a former pro athlete that's a real mindfuck, that then triggers a deeper spiral of depression, to which my usual response is to eat to excess......it's a vicious circle lol, currently 6.2 & 18st, but with shot knees it feels like twice that 🐷

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26 minutes ago, BigStew said:

6 foot 5 and 25 stone i am neither fast, sneaky or flexible. I also produced missives amounts of CO2 and so playing at an outdoor site in the central belt of Scotland means the midges go for me.  I prefer SMGs over rifles so it looks like I am using a 2/3 scale gun. My main issue is i buy guns i like the look of on impulse and some time get bored of them and sell them before i have used them in a game. 


Don't let that slow you down. I'm 6'5 and, granted I play at a woodland site, I've had people call me out for being super sneaky :P

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27 minutes ago, Impulse said:


Don't let that slow you down. I'm 6'5 and, granted I play at a woodland site, I've had people call me out for being super sneaky :P


the key is patience and timing, it's something i've gotten better at over the years (although i'm still pretty bad) is opening up on someone too early when waiting a few seconds would have let his mate walk round the corner too.

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1 minute ago, Adolf Hamster said:


the key is patience and timing, it's something i've gotten better at over the years (although i'm still pretty bad) is opening up on someone too early when waiting a few seconds would have let his mate walk round the corner too.


Unless you're standing in the middle of nowhere and/or dressed in flashy purple/yellow, if you stay still the opponents will have a harder time detecting you.

You already have the advantage of a. being in cover and b. having your gun already pointed at them and the finger on the trigger.

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5 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:


the key is patience and timing, it's something i've gotten better at over the years (although i'm still pretty bad) is opening up on someone too early when waiting a few seconds would have let his mate walk round the corner too.


Pretty much this. It's patience, staying still and knowing the basics of camo and concealment (don't silhouette!)

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I have a weight issue, which causes sweating when playing , then fogging glasses

At work before this bullshit covid situation, I could be walking up to 8 miles a day

- (you would be surprised just how big a car dealership is) The walking helped me to control my weight , this was really my only exercise outside of playing


During lockdown I am drinking a bit more, then boredom eating

Not helping the situation 🤦🏻‍♂️ 

Then with pew-pews , I have no patience

if I see something cheap, I just buy it ,  new or used , half the time and has been said before, they change hands before I have even used them 

I could have had 3 really nice RIFS, For the amount of money I have spent on cheap shite 😂

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3 hours ago, Impulse said:


Don't let that slow you down. I'm 6'5 and, granted I play at a woodland site, I've had people call me out for being super sneaky :P

last years Halloween game for scale I am on the right by the way. the forest I play in none of the trees are wide enough to give me cover. 


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37 minutes ago, John_W said:



And white chocolate cookies

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My biggest weaknesses are all health related unfortunately. I get by as best I can but unfortunately it does impose certain limitations. I'm definitely not as fast as I used to be nor as strong. I'm still striving towards doing milsim events but it's taking a fair amount of work in terms of physio to get there but I will get there.


As far as gameplay goes my biggest weakness is probably pistol related although all this downtime has probably resulted in degradation in all the skills I've developed.


I've picked up the Texas star that was available on Weapon762 to work on my pistol skills. I've mostly been using it at around 10 meters and I'm definitely finding it to be a hell of a challenge at present. I'm yet to try out my rifles against it.

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