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= Equal Airsoft

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Hi guys please check this out on facebook. 


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Not everyone does facebook so you may want to explain any relevance this has.  Is it a national event or international? When is it taking place? How much is team entry?

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Nah. If you're only using Facebook you'll put off a decent amount of older airsofters like myself who despise that shit. It's cheap and easy to build a website with one of those template companies.


I guess I miss out on an event and you miss out on a customer.

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Even for those who use FB, a link would have helped as well, I had to hunt around to find it.  Was on the point of giving up when I found it.

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I mean, that picture doesn't even tell you anything. Is this a group? A site? Promoting equal rights in airsoft? Is that even an issue?


Completely open to interpretation if you ask me. I guess I'll never know now because the only information on it will be on a dyeing platform. :)

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I agree with @Duff, and I am so disinterested I'm not even gonna bother looking for it on Facebook. 


Edit: from the picture I am assuming skinny white dudes with tatts who don't like colour matching camo are feeling under represented in Airsoft... 

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I hope it's not a sexuality agenda issue....I have no time for that bullshit.  I do not care what team you bat for..as long as you can pull your weight, get on with it and have a laugh all at the same time.


**Edit, ok..it is about sexuality/disability etc....etc....  Is there a problem in airsoft I don't know about? I've been to many events now and I have seen zero... ZERO! issues with hate, exclusion, bigotry, were all there for fun...  Is this just people seeking attention???

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1 hour ago, Arwen said:

I agree with @Duff, and I am so disinterested I'm not even gonna bother looking for it on Facebook. 


Edit: from the picture I am assuming skinny white dudes with tatts who don't like colour matching camo are feeling under represented in Airsoft... 

Im a skinny white dude with tats who doesnt like wearing camo. Im far from a 'fairy' with my feelings or emotions but still find it funny on a thread about equality that inequality bewtween 'regulars' and those who are starting out or prefer a certain play style is apparant. Its not about exclusion or under represented more of a inclusion of all and everyone i imagine....


I understand the platform of facebook isnt great and that it isnt full of infomation but the idea of equality is something that we should all strive for just to make the game more open to newbie, regardless of their camo fashion preference.


Again just my two cents, im open minded enough to know not everyone has the same view points.


Spread love and bb's not hate and abuse.

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40 minutes ago, MrGlitter69 said:

Im a skinny white dude with tats who doesnt like wearing camo. Im far from a 'fairy' with my feelings or emotions but still find it funny on a thread about equality that inequality bewtween 'regulars' and those who are starting out or prefer a certain play style is apparant. Its not about exclusion or under represented more of a inclusion of all and everyone i imagine....


I understand the platform of facebook isnt great and that it isnt full of infomation but the idea of equality is something that we should all strive for just to make the game more open to newbie, regardless of their camo fashion preference.


Again just my two cents, im open minded enough to know not everyone has the same view points.


Spread love and bb's not hate and abuse.


Oh get of your sanctimonious high horse ! I’ve been Airsofting for over 18yrs and I can hand on heart say it’s the most inclusive community I’ve ever encountered , this community couldn’t give a shit weather your male or female.

It don’t care if your black/white/yellow/brown of purple !

It don’t care if your straight/gay or can’t make your mind up wether your Martha Arthur or what ever ! 

It don’t care wether your built like a Greek god or you look like a 5ft streak of piss !

It don’t care if you’ve got two arms/two legs or bits missing and you trundle around in a wheel chair ! 

All it cares about is you turn up play fair and not act like a twat and have a good time and make friends with like minded weirdo’s ! end of  .

Only person who seem to have an ‘inclusion’ problem on this thread is you . 

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Yeah, seems a bit of a non-issue to me. Never seen any sort of discrimination at any of my games. Not to say it doesn't happen of course - I'm sure it does - but is it on such a scale where we need patches and silly hashtags to "fight it"? 

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Mmm I am also of the same view point as yourself in regards to caring more about somones drive and ability to progress then their skin colour or sexual preferances.


My experiances of eqaulity differs from yourself, i have been on the receivng end of abuse for my aesthetics too my ability to manvour (i have arthritis and being called a limp leg fag by a strange isnt helpful when tryna run up stairs and to me thats water off my back, to others that literally could be the final straw) and i have seen many neanderthals abusing others for the mental capacity to the type of fuicking grip on a gun just because their small minds tar everyone with the same brush that mean they all have to be as good or better then them, cunts. 


Yes i agree majority of places are fine but the minimal amount that are not shouldnt be tolerated and assuming that everything is fine everywhere based on your own experiances seems to be closing your eyes to a problem and ignoring it. Just the same as other sports and their equality drives why is it so bad to accept that even in airsoft there are people that belong in a vat of acid.


On 24/07/2018 at 11:07, Druid799 said:


Oh get of your sanctimonious high horse !

Only person who seem to have an ‘inclusion’ problem on this thread is you . 



Again as previously stated everyone has their own opinon but assuming im on a high horse or have a inclusion problem IS part of the problem by not seeing that racisim, sexism and other fucking ism's have the ability cause suicide and other horrific side effects. Whats small to me and you could be the differance to someone else hanging themself.

Bullying is never ok and no i wont give up my views as everyone deserves freedom to enjoy the hobby as much as everyone else.


Wasnt and i am not looking for a debate we obviously have differant opinons so agree to disagree. i just would rather spread a message that includes everyone irrespective of their background then assume that everywhere is fine because your experiances have been good.


And fuck anyone that calls me a snowflake im just sharing my views and experiances, suck my clit.

On 24/07/2018 at 11:22, Gepard said:

Yeah, seems a bit of a non-issue to me. Never seen any sort of discrimination at any of my games. Not to say it doesn't happen of course - I'm sure it does - but is it on such a scale where we need patches and silly hashtags to "fight it"? 


i think being prepared to stand up and say shut your mouth you ignorant asshole would work 100x more then a patch fo'sure, but youll find most people that say it doesnt happen or they never witness it are the ones that ignore it when they see it at a site or even on the street and dont step in to help.


Not everyone is a mentally stable airsoft god.



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2 minutes ago, MrGlitter69 said:

i think being prepared to stand up and say shut your mouth you ignorant asshole would work 100x more then a patch fo'sure, but youll find most people that say it doesnt happen or they never witness it are the ones that ignore it when they see it at a site or even on the street and dont step in to help.


Not everyone is a mentally stable airsoft god.



Mate, if somebody is being a twat then I'll tell them to fuck off and get on with my day. If it's an issue with racism or whatever then tell an admin and get the guy banned. We don't need fanfare for what should be common sense. 

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Too late pal debate is on , in the ideal world yes everyone will be treated in an equal way , but there’s no such thing and there never will be ‘an ideal world’ , if you get three or more people together then one or more will be excluded it’s not just human nature it’s in ALL animal’s nature . I’ve been called a fat twat , I’ve been told geriatric old bastards like you shouldn’t be playing I’ve been told fuck off back to Wales , and outside of Airsoft I’ve been told to leave a particular area of my home town because I was white and wasn’t welcome there do I care ? No I don’t care , at the time it may have angered me and I more than likely replied in the same fashion but I do not agree at all in the rights of the few not to be offended being projected over the rights of the many to be arseholes if they wish BUT if there is proven victimization then that is most definitely a different matter . I’ve got gay friends who’ve fought long and hard just to be treated on an equal level to everyone else I know disabled people who also have spent there entire lives fighting to show there a human being and NOT a lump of meat in a wheel chair .

Through my work I’ve seen the real face of it as well , I’ve held the hand of a gay person who was literally beaten almost to death because they were gay and I’ve tried to comfort a straight white guy who’d attempted suicide after he’d been gang raped in a gay bar on a night out so yes I do realise we live in an unfair society . My opinion ? (Everyone has one and some aren’t afraid to let you know either !) I think the inclusion campaigns going on at the moment are just bullshit being championed by entitled middle class SJW who quite frankly wouldn’t know ‘social injustice’ if it was standing in front of them . 

And that’s my 2 pennies worth . 

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doesnt matter what race gender ethnicity culture age or religion


what matters is wether or not you're a cheating son of a **** or an honourable player


and go ahead and weas mis-matched or niche camo, just helps me remember which of the 2 important categories you belong to....

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7 hours ago, MrGlitter69 said:

Im a skinny white dude with tats who doesnt like wearing camo. Im far from a 'fairy' with my feelings or emotions but still find it funny on a thread about equality that inequality …


I wasn't singling you (or anyone who fits that description) out. I was simply describing the only human on that picture. 

I thought that was pretty obvious, but maybe not 🙄


I've been playing Airsoft for just over a year now. I play with pretty much every minority there is, and have never seen a problem. Lots of friendly banter, that may well be construed by newcomers as offensive, but all parties know each others lines, and rarely cross them. If they do, they apologise pretty quickly.

Yes that doesn't mean there is not a problem, but as I belong to at least one of "minority groups" that play Airsoft I'd say that's pretty good going for any sport. 


Personally, my experience of campaiging equality groups has always been the same. They say they are out for equality, but in fact, when you really look at it, they are wanting special treatment for their group.

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29 minutes ago, Arwen said:

I’ve been playing Airsoft for just over a year now. I play with pretty much every minority there is, and have never seen a problem. Lots of friendly banter, that may well be construed by newcomers as offensive, but all parties know each others lines, and rarely cross them. If they do, they apologise pretty quickly.

Arwen has hit it on the head , By the very nature of the game (we are pretending to kill each other after all?) it’s going to be a slightly aggressive and combative environment so if your new to it yes you may take offence as you are going to get players shouting socially unexceptiable things at each other but there’s no malice or intent behind them . If your stacked up on a doorway but taking your time going in and someone shouts out “move it you fairy !” It’s not being used as a homophobic slur it’s just a bit of rather dated banter , if one of the younger players comes charging towards me screaming “out of the way grandad !” He’s not being ageist he’s just tell the older player in his way to shift so he can charge the enemy full of youth and vigor, nothing more nothing less . AND more times than not a very short time later I’m pointing and laughing at him as he rather sheepishly comes back past me after getting absolutely mullered by the other team and we both laugh about it . 🤦‍♂️😂😂

can say as well only time I’ve ever seen anyone being ‘singled out’ quite frankly they brought it on them selves by simply being overly sensitive (main occasion I remember it was blatantly obvious it was for attention and effect) and blowing the whole situation out of all proportion .

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The worlds gone PC mad lol.


Other than the occasional stupid sexist comment because there is a pretty girl surrounded by a bunch virgins never come across anything. 


People of all ages and races play together every week with nothing being said. Think this is not sorting an issue but creating one that doesn't really exist.

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9 hours ago, MrGlitter69 said:

Again as previously stated everyone has their own opinon but assuming im on a high horse or have a inclusion problem IS part of the problem by not seeing that racisim, sexism and other fucking ism's have the ability cause suicide and other horrific side effects. Whats small to me and you could be the differance to someone else hanging themself.

Bullying is never ok and no i wont give up my views as everyone deserves freedom to enjoy the hobby as much as everyone else.



To be honest, most suicides I have dealt with were white heterosexual males. Ditto for suicide attempts. Finances, relationship breakdown/lack of one and not feeling like they ‘fit’ are commonly what they cite. 


That being said I see what you are doing and think it is great you want to stand up against prejudice, at the end of the day we are all just running round with toy guns or playing at soldiers. Most of us are going to be considered a weirdo by at least some. It’s supposed to be a laugh and a bit of fun if this sort of tripe is stopping people from enjoying themselves then that’s awful. I’ll stand behind you whenever something like that occurs. 


I honestly believe that that players couldn’t give a flying monkey about any of that as long as you aren’t cheating. The only form of discrimination I have seen is against rentals and lets be honest what does that matter (currently I am a devious rental noob).


The kind of guys who make these comments about your race/gender/disability/sexual preferences are usually the ones who shout,  ball and make an idiot out of themselves. You know, the sort of guys who probably shouldn’t be trusted even with a sharp pencil. Racist patches and that are a big no no in my book though. 


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As much as I agree with you on how wrong any kind of bigotry is I just haven’t seen any real examples of it in my 18yrs of playing , yes I’ve seen the childish ‘name calling’ type which quite frankly if your offended by that you really need to take a good hard look at your self in the mirror , but as to genuine racist/sexist or any other kind of hate speech not seen it or heard of it happening to anyone I know or them having seen or heard of it either .

sorry to say but I’m also of the opinion that with out solid evidence to back up there claim people trying to start any kind of ‘inclusion’ campaign in Airsoft are just doing it for there own agenda and NOT for the supposed victims of this non existent problem there claiming is rampant if your to believe some posts .

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Just what we need, snowflakes in airsoft now lol.

Pointless thread on an almost non existent issue within airsoft right now, like druid799 I've also not seen anything of concern when playing, only adrenaline fuelled banter etc.

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So, after all these posts, we've still no links. Hum. /shrug.


I can't see how creating an us and them situation can improve a problem I don't think exists, all you do is [further] alienate those few people which might perpetrate bigotry.



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11 hours ago, ImTriggerHappy said:

To be fair I am big into equality which is why I treat everyone like a c**t so as not to discriminate 🤪

That’s a line straight from my last pub meet... 



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  • Mostly Retired Moderators

@MrGlitter69 - I've edited the offensive wording out of your post as you have chosen not to do so.

As per our conversation, please be more mindful about what you're posting before you submit each post.


Thank you.



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On 24/07/2018 at 12:51, Druid799 said:

Too late pal debate is on , in the ideal world yes everyone will be treated in an equal way , but there’s no such thing and there never will be ‘an ideal world’ , if you get three or more people together then one or more will be excluded it’s not just human nature it’s in ALL animal’s nature . I’ve been called a fat twat , I’ve been told geriatric old bastards like you shouldn’t be playing I’ve been told fuck off back to Wales , and outside of Airsoft I’ve been told to leave a particular area of my home town because I was white and wasn’t welcome there do I care ? No I don’t care , at the time it may have angered me and I more than likely replied in the same fashion but I do not agree at all in the rights of the few not to be offended being projected over the rights of the many to be arseholes if they wish BUT if there is proven victimization then that is most definitely a different matter . I’ve got gay friends who’ve fought long and hard just to be treated on an equal level to everyone else I know disabled people who also have spent there entire lives fighting to show there a human being and NOT a lump of meat in a wheel chair .

Through my work I’ve seen the real face of it as well , I’ve held the hand of a gay person who was literally beaten almost to death because they were gay and I’ve tried to comfort a straight white guy who’d attempted suicide after he’d been gang raped in a gay bar on a night out so yes I do realise we live in an unfair society . My opinion ? (Everyone has one and some aren’t afraid to let you know either !) I think the inclusion campaigns going on at the moment are just bullshit being championed by entitled middle class SJW who quite frankly wouldn’t know ‘social injustice’ if it was standing in front of them . 

And that’s my 2 pennies worth . 


Firstly my apologies i wasnt able to post the link as for some reason my pad will only allow me to get on fb via the app. I also hadnt been able to spend a lot of time on the internet over the last few day and having not set the notify on thread i had not realised that there had been the issues there seem to have been.


 This isn't somthing being started by some middle class self entitled  SJW (not sure what sjw is) its some who is a player and has has been for years. Who now struggles due to disabilities but still loves the sport regardless of her ability to charge around like a lunatic. It dosnt mean that she can shoot straighter than most of the others on the field. And when shes too bad to play she is still there supporting the team. She has  seen the sly remarks made by people that have affected others . She has seen new players put off the sport by people being assholes. Even old players get disillusioned by the bull shit attitutes of some players. That being said it is for the vast majority a pretty accepting comunity and there is far far more for it than against it in terms of acceptance. Iv had a lot of support from airsoft friends. But going back to human nature even when people dont agree with what somene is saying when they are sniping or even out right bullying someone. Its amazing how many people just dont want to stand up and say somthing that could cause a confrontation. You could say i have a vested intrest as 1 i know the person who started this and 2 i am openly gay but i am big and ugly enough to look after my self . And to be honest i have not had any negativity personaly but although openly gay its not as if i go around telling everone i meet that I'm  gay. Contrary to popular beleif you usually cant tell someone is gay just by looking at them or by the way they talk.And yet other wether gay or not seem to fit into what people preceive to be gay characteristics and are often harrassed for it. lable I certainly dont think that this is the case more in airsoft than other sporst or social groups But equall airsoft isnt about those who are gay ist just that that is a part of it i know somthing about . It is about everyone and primarily its about airsoft! Wanting to make it or even keep it a better, safer, tolerent and accepting  place  to have fun & encouraging people to come into it and be able to enjoy it with without all the bullshit the outside world has to offer. To my mind that has to be a good thing. It already has the support of many players aswell as teams , sites and even retailers. Yes its in its early stages and not quite the pollished artical yet as far as its fb page but everything has to start somewhere. This is just some trying to make the airsoft world a better place.

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