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2 Tone BB guns at skirmishes


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Hi I'm a really new to airsoft and I was wondering if people take 2 tone BB guns to skirmishes, because I have searched up on the internet about having a black one but you have to have a ukara membership or something. And I don't want to be laughed at or be the one guy with a bright orange or blue 2 tone gun

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Yes, people do take two tones to Skirmish. You'll only get laughed at by the 1337 guys, but who cares about them anyway.


Watch out for some sites which ban two tone though. Sandpit springs to mind as being mentioned previously.


Have fun!

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if you are less than 18, you can only have two tone,

Many sites allow players to play from 13 up and there are plenty of two tone weapons at most skirmish sites (except for some that dont allow them).


Do your research and have fun.

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As previously said, we all have to start somewhere.


Some people will poo-poo you for your two-tone, but at the end of the day if that's all you can get then so be it.


I have never been a 'serious' airsofter in over 16 years - I wear what I want, and use whatever weapon(s) I want; I don't care about realism just to have a good time.


Some people are ultra serious, and this is where you may find some snobbery.


As for sites banning two-tone weapons? Well, they probably won't be worth playing at as a new starter (they probably cater for the 'realists')


Baz JJ summed it up - research and have fun :)

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Well, you will be laughed at no matter what - I had my fair share of it years back with an orange AK.


If you really are that self conscious about it then rent a gun, they are usually G36s, M4s and AKs.


Most people say a G&G CM16 variant as a solid starter gun; most around the £100 are decent starter guns, just don't buy from dodgy brand and websites like JustBBguns etc.

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Don't let other peoples opinion of two tone stop you having one. I used a two tone shotgun for a long time even after I started buying the "cooler" black guns - I only got rid of it when it broke (I fell down a staircase onto it).


Like others have said: it's only the people with their heads up their collective backsides who will say it with any real malice. Most airsofters (I've met so far) would comment on it jokingly but not let it bother them too much as everyone has to start somewhere - especially since you're too young to legally buy your own nice black gun unless one of your parents gets a UKARA and let's you borrow it for games.


Just make sure whatever you get is of a decent quality. At the end of the day it will shoot just the same as a black/realistic looking gun. Just don't expect to go to any serious milsim games with it.

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2 things -


Don't let it bother you its only paint at the end of the day


As mentioned you have to start somewhere.


Off the record if your that worried black tape it or just remove paint... But that makes your defence a lot harder.


I had a two tone pistol no one said a thing tbh your young plenty of time to get a RIF and the ones that laugh at you shoot em on the field then you can laugh at them for being shot by a two toner ;)

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Anyone who laughs at a 14 year old for having a 2-tone isn't worth knowing anyway!

Well said
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We all started out with 2 tone (those who started after 2006 from law changes)


I rubbed wet mud all over the green shiney parts on both green m4's I had, certainly made it less bright

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Quite right. Don't worry about what anyone else says, you can still have great fun with 2-tone. It's the same gun after all.


Sure you might be slightly more visible but get a bit creative with your cover and make sure you don't ever clean the outside plastic then you will be fine, as N1ckh said you can even dirty it up a little bit.


It's all about having fun and yes some sites do ban 2-tone but everyone who is there is there for the same reason, to enjoy a day of airsoft. You aren't going to ruin anyone elses day by being there with a 2-tone so it's none of their business. Get one, go there and enjoy yourself!

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Anybody who looks down on 2-toner's must also have a low opinion on renters too


to me it is all about the fun factor - £ for £ I bet a 14yr old with a £125 Z1 raider

is having more fun than a snobby middle aged player with expensive toys getting the hump being shot by kids


Actually that sounds like me a bit but I really accept I get ar$e handed to me


without new players starting somewhere it can get very stale and even risk of site not continuing due to regulars giving up


I pay little attention to people's guns - it is the person not the gun I like or dislike - forget what toy they are holding


Fine clothes do not make the gentleman - as my late father used to say

(we are/were both scruffy sods but besides that fairly decent blokes)

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There are usually a few 2 tones at my local site, no one seems to mind, though by lunch, often the awful JBBG 200fps cheapos are scattered round the safe zone and regs spare guns and any spare rentals get dished out! :-)

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If anyone looks down on you for having a 2-tone gun, then you can just enjoy the delicious taste of their tears as they walk back to regen after you shoot them :)

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Iv only been into the sport a short while (nearly 2 months woohoo!!) And im 30 and started with a 2tone! Anyone who has commented you just laugh along with then shoot the crap out of on the field :D

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Its so tempting to 2 tone my gun for a laugh. Would just love to see peoples faces when the crappy two tone out shoots their pride and joy.

That is an awesome idea, rock up somewhere new and innilate them!

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