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Airsoft related jobs for 14 year old


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At my age my parents obviously aren't going to buy me everything I want to, I mean I'm not 4. So I to support my hobby I was wondering if you know any where airsoft related that would employ children of my age?

I can work weekends and on low pay.


Thank you

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Does it have to be airsoft specific ?? as I doubt you'll be paid for it cause you won't be on the books


Not sure if there's anything other than a paper round where you can get money


My dad used to match whatever I made each week but I had 3 paperounds, morning and afternoon 6 days a week

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What the hell is a talking train ?? or is it just a northern thing lol :)

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Airsoft is a hard thing to make a living out of at any age, let alone 14.

I'd love to work in an airsoft shop, but obviously there has to be one near by, there has to be a vacancy, blah blah blah. There aren't really any other proper jobs to be had from airsoft.

Site marshals have to be over 18, as do people in the shops for that matter, by the nature of over 18 sales being the predominant thing they do. But yeah, marshalling is only something you can do on weekends and weekends are when you want to have the time free to play! On the plus side, a lot of sites around here pay £50 a day and give you a free game day as and when you want. So marshalling actually acts as a pretty good way to fund airsoft, 'cos you can play for free, and spend the £50 on guns and shit. But yeah, 18+ only... Ignore me lol.

You could do tech work for people, but I doubt you know enough to do that at this point, and honestly even though I'm more than competent, I don't do it even though I could because I don't have the financial backing to get me out of any issues if I accidentally screw up.

So yeah... Paper round, as above. Got to be something like that you can find to do, go ask in the local newsagents or something. I used to deliver magazines from about 13 to around 19. 500 a month for just shy of £40.

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My friend did a paper round for a few months, he only got £2.95 a week for 3 days of work a week....


There aren't much jobs you can do at the age of 14 that earn OK money, I think you have to be at least 16 to work at a shop till.

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How about a Saturday job on the local market? You may even find a stall selling army surplus etc that needs a hand? Not exactly airsoft, but you could square yourself away with some stuff for loadouts?

I worked the markets all through my teenage years until I joined up!

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Kitchen porters and pot washer is often one for a younger person. Speak to your local pubs and restaurants, tends to be evening work, so Friday, Saturday and Sunday lunch will be the busiest times you may find vacancies. Although I think if they take on someone under 16 you need to have a form filled in by school to make sure they are covered.

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Well at least you can get a job where you are lol Anyway, as said above paper round is a good idea. However if you think of doing car washes BEWARE: I know that this may not happen but it did to a friend, he washed a persons car, got paid etc etc. The next day he got a phone call saying he had left a scratch blah blah blah. So yeah be careful as my friend had to pay for it to be repaired even though it may not have been him. Maybe not so common job but running errands for people maybe? Dont know if people stil do that lol.... Maybe help at a local football place cleaning etc. (Not nesecelary a groundsman but in the bar place if your local footy place has one) Anyway good luck and I've given me self a few ideas lol......

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Highly doubt you'll find any jobs where you can do mundane stuff such as peeling potatoes or collecting glasses etc.

inimum wage still applies right? No one in their right mind would pay anyone that young so much to do so little.

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Highly doubt you'll find any jobs where you can do mundane stuff such as peeling potatoes or collecting glasses etc.

Minimum wage still applies right? No one in their right mind would pay anyone that young so much to do so little.

At 14 you won't be on the books and it will be cash in hand, which will be less then the minimum wage.


Ask parents if they have any jobs you can do for them for some extra money, go round your relatives house ask them aswell, cut grass, paint walls, wash cars etc.


Everyone hates how much there wheelie bin smells, so go round, knock on people's door and ask if they want them cleaning for £3 a week write down the date there bin is collected and ask them to leave it empty for the day after they are collected for you to clean. Then get your self one of those hand pressure sprayers and some good cleaning products and off you go. Do a big enough area and u could have work everyday, say you do 20 bins that's £60 a week which is a lot more then a paper round.

Only down side is you would need some overalls as I bet it would get smelly. But it's money.

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Highly doubt you'll find any jobs where you can do mundane stuff such as peeling potatoes or collecting glasses etc.


Minimum wage still applies right? No one in their right mind would pay anyone that young so much to do so little.

I've had several friends do it. No need for minimum wage below a certain age.


@OP, There's jobs out there for all ages you just need to be willing to look for it and actually do it. A lot of people complain of there being no jobs but if you're motivated and have a good work ethic you'll pick up something. Probably nothing airsoft related for your age though I'm afraid.

Don't be one of the lazy people who just looks at stuff and says I don't want to do that it's crap. Get what you can, you can always change jobs should something better come along.

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I used to do a paper round, not to long ago now. Was paid £23 pound a week so £92 quid a month, was enough for me to get bits and bobs, and always got from between £80-£120 from the people if deliver to as a Christmas bonus. Also sell stuff. If I saw something underpriced if buy it, then if I didn't have a use for it then I'd sell it on for what it's true secondhand value was.

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At your age I was working in a barber shop sweeping hair making tea and getting the bacon rolls. I was learning Aswell but I made ok money £25 a day plus tips so could walk out with 45-50 on a Saturday.

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You won't get a job as a KP (kitchen porter) easily at age 14. Even then, you have to know what you've signed up to. I made £5.50/hour doing roughly 8 hours a week, until I stopped being given shifts and found I was in a zero hour contract. I've not had a single shift since October and I haven't found any other employment despite writing to half a dozen pubs and supermarkets.


If it's this dire looking for mainstream part time jobs, I don't want to imagine the difficulties in finding an airsoft specific part time job.

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At 14 I was doing three paper rounds (£42 a week) as well as working in the local garage sweeping up and making tea Saturday and Sunday morning. Friday and Saturday night I work at the pub round the corner washing glasses...well loading a bloody great dishwasher up. All in all I took about £80 a week, but my mum took £25 off me for housekeep! The rest paid for ciggys, a bottle of white lightning for sunday nights bus shelter boozing, and kept me able to collect warhammer. It was hard work but at the same time I enjoyed knowing the money I has was because I was earning it, not being given it like my friends. It eats into your social time alot, so don't expect to have many friends haha

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I think 14 is when I started working on a clat pigeon shoot as a trapper. IIRC it was pretty good money, somewhere around £40 a day (this is back 2 decades) every other week. I don't know if those sorts of jobs still exist and whether you can do them at that age anymore, gun laws were quite different when I was a teenager. But might be worth enquiring with a local clay pigeon shoot. Its not airsoft but you get a similar buzz firing 12 gauges at clays on a quiet day.

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Everyone hates how much there wheelie bin smells, so go round, knock on people's door and ask if they want them cleaning for £3 a week write down the date there bin is collected and ask them to leave it empty for the day after they are collected for you to clean. Then get your self one of those hand pressure sprayers and some good cleaning products and off you go. Do a big enough area and u could have work everyday, say you do 20 bins that's £60 a week which is a lot more then a paper round.

Only down side is you would need some overalls as I bet it would get smelly. But it's money.


That's genius! Wish I had thought of that when I was 14! :-)

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