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The Noveske Diplomat Build

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It's better to be safe then sorry.

anyone can say there on the way to an Airsoft site, anyone can print off a piece of paper they have created saying there booked into an airsoft site.

Just like people said on here it's easy to create pictures, it's best to not need a defence while on your journey.

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Well that clears up the Green Party's view on airsofters then, I don't think we need worry about them being in Government anytime soon though. :)


Although tbh their policy isn't hugely different to the VCR Bill as originally written, aside from the ownership issue, prior to the changes allowing airsofters etc being able to avail themselves of defences as in the final Act. The Greens would have to change the law to carry their proposal out and judging by their long list of plans/laws it probably wouldn't happen quickly anyway!


Regarding importing rifs be aware that although a UKARA number might give a defence against prosecution, section 36 (7) of the VCR Act states "a realistic immitation firearm brought into Great Britain shall be liable to forfeiture under the Customs & Excise Acts".

Note there are NO defence stipulations to that clause.

Regarding earlier posts the maximum penalty if convicted under section 36 (which includes manufacturing, importing, selling rifs without valid defence) is 51 weeks imprisonment (6 months in Scotland) and/or a fine set at level 5 in the standard table (as defined in section 36(9) of the VCRA.)

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From where I see it, you could of handled this a lot better.

Instead of posting on here saying look what I'm building.

wait till you finish and post on the gun picture thread "look what I just got given off a friend who plays Airsoft"

you are not incriminating yourself then.

Second instead of going off on one and painting your gun purple, you should of just brought a cheap hand guard, stock and carry handle then sprayed them all bright green.

Keep these on your gun and take your none fluorescent items with you to a site, once your there change them out.

Yes your now creating a RIF, but you have a defence as you are currently Airsofting.

When the day has finished change them back for the journey home.

I highly doubt that people will believe i got given a ~£800 gun.


This is getting out of hand now. This is just a log of my journey creating something with heart filled effort, something i can look back on. I have already said it wil be brighter. The many posts after that are utterly irrelevant.


Chill the fuk out. I don't wanna see nonsense everytime i finish an episode of anime.

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I highly doubt that people will believe i got given a ~£800 gun.


This is getting out of hand now. This is just a log of my journey creating something with heart filled effort, something i can look back on. I have already said it wil be brighter. The many posts after that are utterly irrelevant.


Chill the fuk out. I don't wanna see nonsense everytime i finish an episode of anime.

yeah frizzle just keep posting it, can't wait to see the outcome, and looking forward to it :)

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Damn.... such drama..


I kinda get it, but if its that bad let a mod delete the thread. Otherwise allow him to build his toy FFS..

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I honestly can't be arsed reading all this VCRA bollocks so I'm just going to skip to the end and say my piece.

He's under 18 and hasn't played in 12 months. Ok, right. He's manufacturing a RIF. He's posting about it on an airsoft forum.

Wait, did I just say he's posting about it on an AIRSOFT FORUM?! Hot damn, I think he might be building it with the intention of using it for airsoft.

UKARA isn't a 100% guarantee if you end up in court either. It can be faked just as easily as photos, ok not that easily, but it can be faked easily enough for it to not be a 100% fool proof thing to fall back on. We know from a member of this very forum that BAC can be faked insanely easily, and there are still retailers accepting that.

The law asks for you to prove beyond reasonable doubt you're an airsofter for you to qualify for a defence to buy RIFs, and I'm pretty sure Frizzle can manage that to some capacity or another. Why would anyone who isn't an airsofter be on a forum with so many posts?

Speaking of court, you're only EVER going to end up in court, if you wave it about in public like a dick. In which instance, it's not the manufacture of it that you're going to be getting nicked for.

So... If he ended up in court, I think it'd be because he was a dick with it, and he'd be getting charged for being a dick with it. Because how else are they going to know he even has it at all? Let alone how he came by it, or whether or not he made it.

If by some weird stroke of the worst luck in the entire universe he ended up in court for manufacture, which simply isn't going to happen, then I think his involvement in this forum and the fact that he's what, like 14? Would count for enough for them to not label him as a gun toting psychopath and lock him up.

Let's be realistic here. He's not going to get locked up for what he's doing because even the law doesn't care until he acts like a nob with it.
Also, owning a RIF isn't illegal, but building one is?

So the build process is illegal, but once it's done you're fine? The whole thing is so full of holes you could write a damn bible about it. The letter of the law can't be enforced if you know how to talk your way out of it, they simply can't and won't pin you for it.

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Ha, i'm going for pink or an ocean blue, they also have bright ass fuk-off neon green and orange lol, but for reason they store the bright neon colours in an extra safe cabinet...



If you get hold of the orange I reckon it wouldn't look half bad.

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I don't think people on this forum actually understand what it takes to go to prison in the real world. I mean are there any documented cases of anyone going to prison for manufacturing a RIF? I understand the need for not bringing the sport into distripute however laying the letter of the law at every opportunity just gets boring and as in previous posts drives people away from this forum.


Nevermind prison, I don't think some people understand how fragile our sport is.

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Nevermind prison, I don't think some people understand how fragile our sport is.


I understand I was just demonstrating how over the top some people can be. I believe as much as anyone we need to protect our sport. But I completly agree with Ed's post.

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It's just scaremongering and it serves no purpose. If you end up in trouble because of airsoft guns, it's because you deserve it.

The person being a dick will be dealt with and life will go on. Airsoft isn't going to get shut down over night because one person acts like a cock. There was a thing in the paper a few weeks ago where some teenager in Wales was parading around with an air rifle (which are actually dangerous) and even went as far as pointing it at ARMED police.

He's not dead, and air guns aren't banned.

Go figure.

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Updated: http://www.airsoft-forums.co.uk/index.php/topic/25049-the-noveske-diplomat-build/page-3


Brighter purple now. The finished isn't as great like the first time but it will do.



Liquitex acrylic is good but I would say the can you used hasn't atomised the paint very well (hence the rough surface). Also it's not a "hard" finish so yes, you will be able to poke it off with your thumb. Try putting some Plasti Cote clear matt sealer over it.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 years later...

OK BITCHES. Time to get this back up and running; since there's a skirmish site up here in Dundee, I can actually go and get my ukara now.


Currently browsing through what I need:


Cheapo mbus sights


Lipo Buffer tube

Emod stock

T1 red dot


Gen 3 receiver


I'm gonna have to yolo buy the receiver right now off redwolf while I can because that sh*t is so elusive.


But the rest is plentiful and can get whenever.





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  • 2 weeks later...

03/03/2018 UPDATE:


WELCOME BACK MY FELLOW BRETHREN. It has been a while as I was shackled by the despairs of reality. 


BUT I AM BACK, once again, to finish what I started and hopefully continue with it.




After amassing what little cash I had, I decided to yolo and go on a hard spending spree because I know I would eventually earn the money back... *cough* student *cough* loans *cough*.


So what did I aim to build? Well to refresh your old aged brains, I set out to build a Noveske Diplomat 7.5 from a game called "Contract Wars", which still holds dear to me (cry for me). It was my favourite weapon and I decided to build the same exact rifle in real life or as close as possible.


After some hard searching I eventually found the real genuine airsoft gen 3 style body on Redwolf - was around 130 smackeroonies doe! I also needed a low profile T1 red dot because that's the optic it had in the game.


Mustering up my courage, I checked out with all my might, preparing to eat from the garbage can for the next month or two. And sure, about a week later UPS hits me with a "IMPORT FEES motherf*cker!".




So uh... let's just say the import fees was like 2-3 weeks worth of food for me.


SO the next day, UPS was supposed to knock on my door and hand me my valuable nuts but soon after leaving my kitchen at 11:30, I get an email saying I missed the delivery at 10:55.... BRO R U SERIOUS? I WAS EATING MY HEINZ BEANS AT 10:30 AND SAT THERE FOR AN HOUR. But in all seriousness, that was a pathetic attempt at a delivery - not even a knock or a sound, just simply saying "Nope, you weren't there, mine now.". My kitchen is situated right next to the door so I would've heard anything that touched the door nope, not even a poke.


SO the next day, I woke up at 9 am and sat there with my phone and sure enough this time, they actually touched the door this time at 10 am to which I finally got my package although the bloke didn't seem to enjoy the nice weather the Russians have brought upon us. 


BUT here it is:



And after I strip it out of its home:




Just... look how sexy it is.


I also applied the T1 red dot I forgot I bought too:




And you can also see the mbus sight at the back but don't worry, they're just £5 cheapos for aesthetics only - who in the right mind would £50 for a set of sights, pfffffftttt.


But I also forgot I bought a buffer tube from Taiwan gun which arrived the same day too:




With everything coming together, I only need the stock, silencer, grip and some mags before I take it for a good spin.


Luckily in Dundee, there's an airsoft shop near me named "Kingdom of Airsoft" where they do all sort of custom works on AEGs, and since I don't have access to soldering irons and have no shims or whatnot, I sent my gearbox to the shop to get it tuned and mosfet "ed", hopefully getting rid of gear whine and making it fire roughly 25 rps. The guy told me once the gun is completed, it is pretty much one or two steps down from the highest possible build you can do, to which those words melted their way into my heart since this is like some £1000 build at the moment.


And just a few days ago I bought the rest of the parts from airsoft club apart from the mags because I am not sure what pts style mag the game has:




It's like a pmag but with the grippy dimples in each window and I don't know what that style is called.


So uh, maybe someone can uh, find the name for me, and uh, maybe some product that resembles it the closest. *wink*


BUT finally, with the receiver and sights, the build is nearly done-  this will truly be a special M4 build.


Also did a lot of bragging with this image, enjoy my cheesy toes:



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