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Yet another UKARA question....


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when it comes to UKARA when you have your completed form can I send it and be registered onto the UKARA database without buying a RIF from them?

I ask because I want to order a hk417 from gunfire.pl as it's the cheapest I've found by far, but They can't put new players onto the database


Cheers, Steve

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Buying from who?

If you mean from the site you have gone to three times and then registered at then no you don't need to buy from them? Once you're on the database from my experience ordering from TaiwanGun you just say in the order comments or whatever they have on Gunfire what your number / code is and if they will write it on the box.


Can take a while for the UKARA to come through though? The self check is a load of absolute bollocks (it doesn't work for loads of people) so you should ask at a local site or shop if they can check for you.

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Thanks for the reply, sorry if I'm being unclear. As I understand it I go to my site 3 times ect which is Cerberus then your supposed to send your completed form off to whomever I wanted to order my RIF from. But as I'm wanting to order from a non UKARA registered retailer (defined by the list of retailers on the UKARA website) where do send my form to be placed on the database? Or can my game site (Cerberus) register me onto the database?

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So youre dealing with a site who doesnt want to put it on the database and a retailer who either cant or doesnt want to put it on the database?


Most sites will do it for you, usually through a tame retailer, either for free or for a nominal charge.

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Any UKARA registered retailer should put you on the database if you ask. If your local site has a shop, they may be able to do it, otherwise they may have suggestions for where to send it. Keep a copy of the form just in case.

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I just emailed land warrior airsoft and asked them to put me on the database,they replied yeah no problem,I posted the completed form off to them,2 weeks later I'm on the database job done

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This is quite intersesting! I thought that when you'd sttended your first 3 games, you get the site to fill the form in and you had over £10 plus a photo and THEY put you on the database? Is this wrong? Is there an easier and quicker way to get on the register?

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I completed 3 games at my site. I filled in the form, handed it back and 2 weeks later I got an email from Ukara telling me I'm on the database. Seemed quite simple to me. But I think my local site do a good job and don't charge either.

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This is quite intersesting! I thought that when you'd sttended your first 3 games, you get the site to fill the form in and you had over £10 plus a photo and THEY put you on the database? Is this wrong? Is there an easier and quicker way to get on the register?

It should be free to add you to the database?,you have to of course prove who you are usually two forms of identification e.g passport/driving license plus maybe bank card? Attend 3 games,your site stamps the form,then post it off to ukara registered retailer

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I completed 3 games at my site. I filled in the form, handed it back and 2 weeks later I got an email from Ukara telling me I'm on the database. Seemed quite simple to me. But I think my local site do a good job and don't charge either.

Yeah, I've heard a few people saying that my site can take a fair while to get it sorted! I'm looking to get a new RIF for Christmas (Plus it's my 40th the week after).

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It should be free to add you to the database?,you have to of course prove who you are usually two forms of identification e.g passport/driving license plus maybe bank card? Attend 3 games,your site stamps the form,then post it off to ukara registered retailer


i can only quote what I've been told, which is to provide a pic and £10! Do you have a photo card? (Maybe they're charging the extra for that?)

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I've done my ukara reg and required games on xsite. They charged me a lot of money to do the registration (15 or 20 pounds as I remember) but I got the ukara email by the time I got home from my 3rd game. So the actual registration cost and time depends on the site.

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i can only quote what I've been told, which is to provide a pic and £10! Do you have a photo card? (Maybe they're charging the extra for that?)

I have a photo on my driving license card if that's what you mean?,otherwise I don't know of any photo card for an ukara licence no?,the ukara license is just some letters and numbers assigned to you,so a retailer can confirm you can buy rif's,seems a bit weird to me to charge £10 for something you can do yourself for free?

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So it's the general concensous that the site will put you on the database rather than a retailer?

It's quite confusing as all the info online to do with UKARA states that the form is sent to a retailer with first order.

Another question is would I have to be a paid up member of the site? In my case £40 for the year at Cerberus

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Not exactly, In my experience, the site has to verify and sign off the paperwork to say you are who you claim to be and then the retailer puts you on.

The site normally has a retailer they work with.


It might be worth asking Cerberus as all sites vary !

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Once I got my 3rd qualifying skirmish, got the site to stamp the form. Took it into the retailer and stood and watched while they put it on the system! bit cheeky, but hey... :D

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Only retailers can add people to the database, United Kingdom Airsoft RETAILERS Association. Some sites are registered as retailers too and so can add people to the database themselves, but if your site is not a UKARA registered RETAILER they won't be able to add you and you'll have to send your form off to a shop.

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You also don't need to be purchasing a gun from the place you send the form to.

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