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Airsofting in the rain


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Evening All


So this weekend I'm going to my first event at Skirmish in Billericay. But according to the focast it's going to be tipping it down (it will probably be 30 degrees).


I'm still going as I'm taking my nephew and have paid for the rentals. But I was wondering what's people's opinion on playing in the rain, is it all good fun or to much like hard work?





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I played a two day event in the rain right through the night and to be honest it was so refreshing, I was stuffy and warm and it kept me cool enough to keep going, only thing is I went through 4 pairs of socks and two boots and even the wellies didn't keep the water out of the long grass from getting in. Be prepared that is my advice.

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HATE IT when people wont turn off because of some water. hate it hate it hate it. Seriously, man up!


despite me being quite outspoken against "realism", it really does get to me that we're supposedly playing soldiers. Soldiers who wont turn up if it's raining.

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Actually this saves me starting a new thread but battery etc is it ok to game in heavy rain? Does it not bugger the electrical internals? Only reason I ask is I just bought my gun so no longer a rental and have to care for my own aeg now and I live in Ireland nuff said?

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Guest PT247

....despite me being quite outspoken against "realism", it really does get to me that we're supposedly playing soldiers. Soldiers who wont turn up if it's raining.

If the RN is anything to go by.... they wont turn up in the rain, on a Monday morning, any time after 2pm, never in the afternoon on a Wednesday and don't even think of asking about a Friday! :D


I love playing in the rain, sliding around in the mud trying to get up a hill.... reminds me of the film Hamburger Hill! :D When in a tougher environment it helps build on your skills and stamina, just as the humid heat does too but you can't beat a drizzely wet morning with mist running through the woods and smokes thickening the air... really builds the atmosphere for me :-)

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The site is mainly under fairly thick tree cover so you don't even feel it too much, just when your in the safe zone. The only thing is that the green zone / cqb area will be like a swamp as well as the main path to the bridges. Other than that I actually enjoy playing in the rain!

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Personally if it was hammering it down, I wouldnt bother going. I'm not there to pretend that I'm a soldier, I'm just there to play airsoft. I wouldnt pay £50 and get soaked all day.

If it was light rain fair enough but I've got a full time job that doesnt pay sick pay, so if i get ill I'm buggered. The mortgage comes first in my life i'm sorry to say.

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One thing to remember in the rain is to have decent mesh goggles. Even if your not a fan of mesh, switching to a pair in the rain gives you a major advantage over those using perspecs specs, as even the best glases will steam up or catch droplets on the outside. A Digger hat (or boonie) with some mesh goggles and you will be like shooting fish in a barrel.

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Take a towel, change of clothes, and be prepared to clean .. yes CLEAN your weapons after the game ... cleaning guns should always be practiced but even more so after a day in the rain ... if you want to keep your precious multicam from getting wet .. I would suggest a poncho .. they are about £5 from ebay or any military surplus store.

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I do love playing the rain. One time I slipped in the mud and I got my gun covered in the stuff. It looked so cool. But I did have to clean everything afterwards.

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Hi all cheers for the advice and info. It's really nice to get such a strong response.

I don't have a weapon yet so rental co will take the brunt of the cleaning.

I will def pop to the army and navy in Southend for a poncho tomorrow. I'll also take a spare jacket for lunch time as well.


If anyone else has and advice. Please keep it coming. It's very welcome.


Thanks again everyone.



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Try and get a bench under cover as if you get an open one in the safe zone then you will be drenched. I may go to billericay on Sunday depending if my new battery arrives. As jay said aswell billericay has a lot of high and dense tree covers you should be fine

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HATE IT when people wont turn off because of some water. hate it hate it hate it. Seriously, man up!



despite me being quite outspoken against "realism", it really does get to me that we're supposedly playing soldiers. Soldiers who wont turn up if it's raining.

haha I was thinking the same thing. Dry weather soldiers lol


Getting wet is all part of the fun. Once you're home afterwards, in dry clothes, the feeling of achievement is great. Its when you're stuck out in the field on an exercise in the regs, with no chance of even dry clothes, thats when it becomes character building

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If its rains I have a waterproof seat cover I keep in the car (for all of my seat) that way I don't need to change or have to carry anything extra to the car.


Rain doesn't usually bother me in the slightest, Hell I remember me and a sniper buddy laying on top of a pillbox at our site in the heaviest hail and rain for about 20 minutes just to keep our position hidden and it ended up with us having a very big advantage over people that seemed to flounce around like pansies over something "could" give you a tactical advantage.


At the end of the day your games are what you make of it, if you let rain or whatever ruin it then that up to you.

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I have one very rare photo of me in the snow a few years back .. before I found the beauty and power of pink weaponry .. I loved that OZ Bunny Camo too.


Back when I was a marshal at First and Only Midlands .. the picture was taken at the Asylum.



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I play in rain and snow both are good fun your find Billerclay site not affected much anyway as its dense woodland with high trees above , very good aite for a starter and friendly staff

Trying to get others to skirmish in deep snow...... *sigh*



and there I was all happy n excited n ready to spray my ak white last time it snowed :(

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Trying to get others to skirmish in deep snow...... *sigh*



and there I was all happy n excited n ready to spray my ak white last time it snowed :(




Lol snow is amazing, buy cheap overalls and your set. Only problem i had was car was stuck at the site we played so took hours to get it out, need take sure the site has decent roads ect

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This thread is over three months old. Please be sure that your post is appropriate as it will revive this otherwise old (and possibly forgotten) topic.

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