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Status Updates posted by GiantKiwi

  1. Having to host pictures for a sales thread on the forum's own space seems rather counter intuitive. Especially, as up until now I've never had any issues with using Google Photo for hosting. Logic, there is none o.O

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Deva


      If you're not posting confidential images, to which you are not, I can't see the issue with imgur. You can still delete your images etc.


      Anyway, the reason why it doesn't work is because there is no extension on the URL, so it looks like a page. Append .jpg (or if it was png .png etc) and it will work just fine.

    3. Liam1992


      Just as an aside, as far as the UK Govt is concerned, confidential no longer exists as a Classification. Random point I know...

    4. GiantKiwi


      Imgur was setup by a redditor for the purpose of serving stolen images without gaining consent of the original owner, even after an image is "deleted", they retain it on their servers for 6 months. Not to mention that their server reliability is pathetic. And I pay monthly for a larger data allowance for google services, so why should i ever want to use anything else? Google doesn't pre compress images before completing an upload, and all images they serve are gzipped.

  2. Well thats another £500+ of parts ordered :3

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. GiantKiwi


      As soon as I get the chance I will be posting up the resultant build, should have everything by friday, so Saturday is going to be a hectic day to get it prepped for sunday.


    3. Monty


      bloody 'ell

    4. GiantKiwi


      Well my colleagues are now giving me funny looks because of the pile of parcels on my desk :3


  3. Well that's half my student loan gone in 2 days, upside, I'll look pretty damn awesome out on the field.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Silent7Sniper7




      wooow, total price?

    3. GiantKiwi


      about £700, so slightly mad is probably an understatement, but luckily I have work alongside uni, so i can afford to do that kind of spending :3


    4. Silent7Sniper7


      thats good then, get a few pay days & do it again ;)

  4. Went to the hospital today for follow up xrays on my hip and knee after the injury at AI, my knee is getting worse :( which means no more airsoft indefinitely until the voodoo doctors can work out why..

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      soz - hope they can get it sussed & sorted soon. Keep up some target practice & play online in the warm & dry

    3. DX115FALCON


      Sorry to hear that Kiwi. Hope it gets better soon

    4. team flex

      team flex

      damn mate, sorry to hear it, hope it heals quicker and the doctors can find whats wrong :)

  5. Holy crap, it took 11 hours to upload, but its finally done, now for youtube to process the damn video -.-

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      ^ what she said

    3. GiantKiwi


      23 minutes at 1080p :P

    4. GiantKiwi


      Huzzah, the video is finally processed.

  6. As Ed eloquently put it, I have epic mong-finding skills - just traded a Cyma AKS74U and 5 midcaps for a GHK G5 and 4 mags. :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Airsoft_Mr B

      Airsoft_Mr B

      Damn yeah hope it's in good condition and all that if it's is that's a right steal

    3. GiantKiwi


      G5 works, just needed a clean, even had a 1J nozzle in it :D

    4. GiantKiwi


      And it was a guy at my local site after an AEG backup, he didnt like the G5 (What a fool :P ) so I obliged :)

  7. In a really good mood, paperwork has come through, I start my new job on 19th January :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      ATB for new job - same job type or something new ???

    3. ak2m4


      congrats mate

    4. GiantKiwi


      Web Applications Developer, so a little bit of a change. Decided to make the move back to full stack.

  8. Is it a school holiday? Couple of the FB groups I manage are awash with irritating children posting crap today..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jedi_Master


      Yes, there is always a surge of kiddie posts during the holidays.  Mind you some of the illiterate / lazy adults who post instead of sending a PM, or cannot be bothered to use any punctuation or the edit tool is also frustrating at times. School is out for half term tomorrow, so expect an increase in teenager angst.

    3. djben9


      next week in our area GK....so expect more!

    4. GiantKiwi
  9. New years resolution was to curb airsoft spending, not going to well so far, already spent more the grand in 3 weeks of the first month. And got another 500 queued up in the next few weeks, too many shiny things tempting me.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. two_zero


      better spend alll cash before new year next time!!

    3. jay83


      Dame i thought i was bad!

    4. Airsoft_Mr B
  10. I suspect Josh95 will be coming back to us posted in pieces by the regulars at Zeroin after his first ever post on there :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Josh95


      lol, thought id try it out

    3. Mack


      was waiting for someone to say something lol


    4. GiantKiwi


      Not even by RM, probably MyHermes as well..


  11. New Inokatsu P226 *Mouse hovering over buy button*

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GiantKiwi


      Been doing a contract that has been paying enough that i can afford to buy that from 3 days work (crazy americans seem willing to pay anything o.o)


    3. M_P


      wonder how easy it'd be to offload were you to ever want to sell it though

    4. GiantKiwi


      Sell it? Oh hell no. Same reason why i'll never sell my Ino M4's, they are just too nice to look at.

  12. Argh. Tried to replace the KC02 nozzle last night, I snapped the first spring, and overstretched the 2nd. I've literally had enough of the woes on this damn gun.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GiantKiwi


      Magpul stock is getting sold separately either way, as even Black rifles aren't getting any more in stock, and mine is still fairly close to pristine :P

  13. WOOOHOOO!! NZ WON!!!

    1. Aengus


      Big surprise XD

    2. Aengus


      Although they should've beat Scotland not Australia -.-

    3. Ewan_Vs_Pigeon


      Im glad they won, Australia knocked us out so I had a sort of natural dislike to them beforer the game started.

  14. Playing through Destiny today, started in the morning at Level 5, now at 17 and completed the storyline...woops.

    1. b1n0gHo5t


      I like the Pve/open world stuff

      but i disapprove of the pvp..putting lvl 20+ against lvl6 is just dumb

    2. GiantKiwi


      It's irrelevant as all level bonuses get turned off, leaving it all down to player skill.

    3. b1n0gHo5t


      ...skill comes with time played so a level 6 whose played a few hours going against level 20+ who've spent alot longer playing equals to a unfair advantage

      the grouping system coul of easily been tweaked to put lower levels together and higher levels together..if the games as big as everyone says it's not like there is a lack of players to do something like that

  15. 6 years using hobbyking, and now they are refusing to refund me £38 after they cocked up an order. Now got to wait until the 4th August to escalate the Paypal claim -.-

    1. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      Bastids - wtf happened sir, sent wrong stuff, wrong dimensions or just ripped off with moofy or no goods ???

    2. cyrexx


      I don't think Hobbyking know what customer services is.


    3. GiantKiwi


      They've refunded me now, but still won't be using them again. Basically, their system autofilled my address wrong, went to try and change it before it got shipped and got told, I needed to pay extra to do that. So I cancelled and asked for a refund, which they claimed to have done, but in fact hadn't, and only bothered to refund me when i put in the paypal dispute.

  16. Suppose I should take photo's of the KC02 stuff i need to sell, been dithering over it for months :P

    1. CaptainDumbass


      dont you'll make me want to buy one hahaha

    2. GiantKiwi


      I posted most of it up on one of the FB groups I manage, and most of the PITA bits sold within an hour (ie stuff i can't post easily)

  17. Why is it, that despite every thread I see about WE OB GBB's they've swapped the barrel out for an RAT one, that it is damn near impossible to get hold of one of the stock WE ones -.-

    1. Airsoft-Ed


      I think VSR barrels are the same cut, I'd check before buying, but I bet someone's got a stock VSR barrel that's just been sat in a drawer for years.

    2. GiantKiwi


      I'm aware of that, and I have one, but no decent pipe cutters or anything to recrown one, which is going to be my last resort :)

  18. Oh look, Zeroin moderators on a powertrip again, what a huge surprise!

    1. jcheeseright


      when you say 'on a powertrip' do you mean enforcing the rules of the board?

    2. GiantKiwi


      They were deleting links to other retailers that have absolutely nothing to do with airsoft, just generic components, and hence would never be competitors to them, which is the stipulation of the rule. So, yes. Powertrip.

  19. Well with a lot of time invested in getting fit again, i've finished physio and am able to go airsofting again as soon as i can find the time :)

    1. Undieing_Lust


      Nice one lad. Take it easy though, It would suck for you to hurt yourself in a game, getting caught up in the moment.

  20. The look my boss gave me this morning, as all of todays post was for me, was rather amusing. :D

    1. Lozart


      People at my place get confused when a parcel turns up and it's NOT for me! :)

  21. My Masada is out for delivery :D

    1. Colonel Kurtz

      Colonel Kurtz

      I'd have turned my underpants camo from excited anticipation if it was me :)

  22. Maintenance prep for tomorrow finished (Nozzle replaced in G5, cleaned and re-lubricated every gun i'm taking, and finally fitted the Nineball gas routers to the M&P Mags) Now to sit down with a brew and find a film to watch.

    1. Randymanpipe


      Special ops missions on uk netflix well worth a watch. Sure to get your tactical juices a flowin!

  23. Things I ordered last week, 1 coming from 3700 miles away, the other coming from 15 miles away - Guess which arrived before the other was even shipped >.>

  24. By a complete stroke of luck with some cancelling, take 2 of my driving test is now on Friday, don't have to wait until the middle of February...WOOO!

    1. AirsoftTed


      Good luck mate, got my first go on the 3rd of Dec!

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