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Status Updates posted by Hudson

  1. So who else is going to the Midlands Airsoft Fair on the 9th?


    Third time for me, and first time as a seller!

    1. Galvatron


      I'm thinking of it (as a buyer) but curious what variety of things are for sale as it will be close to a 2-hour journey for me to Newark.

    2. Hudson


      There's usually all sorts. Guns, gear, unusual parts.


      Picked up lots of bargains in years past!

  2. Don't you just hate it when a buyer just goes radio silent on you 😒

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Rogerborg


      Dog ate his internets.

    3. gavinkempsell


      I don't usually sell but had 2 items buyers were looking for & thought I was reasonable with the prices then nothing, don't mind that so much tbh but offered someone their asking price for an item and then bugger all communication.

    4. Hudson


      It was all ok, and then I asked the guy if he had WhatsApp, or someway I could send him some photos & videos of the gun working and then they just disappeared.


      Think it's probably for the best tbh!

  3. It's always a good day when you receive an @ak2m4 order!

    1. ak2m4


      Was that the 500mm order?

    2. Hudson


      It was. All installed and ready to go this weekend, hopefully!

  4. Are there any Airsoft stores near Nottingham that are worth checking out?


    Going to be heading down from the frozen north this weekend, thought I may as well have a look in whilst I'm there!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Hudson


      According to Google maps they're an online only store?

    3. EvilMonkee


      Not really, the only place I know of even reasonably close is Fire Support in Peterborough


    4. Hudson


      It's ok, I made it to Leicestershire Airsoft in the end, and picked myself up a new Amoeba.

  5. Hooray! First day out with it and my new type 89 died before I even made it to the safety brief. 🙃😭

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Hudson


      Found that shapeways do a replacement part, but the cheapest shipping is almost £15.


      What the actual fuck. 😑

    3. Rogerborg


      Massive, pendulous oofs.


      What brand should we be avoiding?  I'm only seeing TM Type 89s.

    4. Hudson


      It's a Tercel, which I think is just another rebranding of the Jing Gong or Both Elephant.


      I don't think it's the brand itself necessarily, as I had one about ten years ago for a while and had no problems.

      I think it's just age, it'd been sat in storage for a while according to the advert.


      I wouldn't even have needed to open it up, but it was doing over 380fps when I got it. 🙃😅

  6. Finally got around to opening up my Type 89 for a downgrade & bucking change, as well as greasing the (bone dry) gears and a new piston o-ring.

    Bought it a few weeks ago and It was a little too spicy unfortunately. 😅


    I tried an M100 first, and that was way *way* over 1.13J, but thankfully one from my random bag of lower-powered springs was ok, and it's sitting about 0.9J now, so ready to game for next week.


    Version 8 gearbox wasn't as bad to work on as I remember it being, I just need to rewire it now.

    1. Druid799


      What make is it bud ?

    2. Hudson


      It's one of the clones. Tercel/JG, I believe.

  7. Lovely. The CYMA AK74U I bought yesterday at the MAF that was "Doing 320" is actually over 370.

    Guess I'm gonna have to open it up. 🙄

    1. Rogerborg


      "Just drop 0.28g in for the chrono made, lovely gun, beautiful plumage."

    2. Hudson


      Well it's down to around 325 now, so that's better now. 👌 

  8. Omw back from the Midlands Airsoft Fair. 


    It was okay, but not quite as good as the last one in 2019, imo. 

    Picked up a CYMA AK74U, a few mags & sights and that was about it. 


    Typical that I realised I could have got myself a railed upper receiver for it there too, only AFTER I'm on the way home. 😤😂

  9. UKARA set minimum engagement distances now apparently?


    That's news to me. 🤔 🤔 🤔 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Skara


      Maybe he meant 50 feet...

      You know, when you use an inferior unit for measures that relies on fuck all logic :P


      Let's just say the head marshal hates snipers.


      on a serious note, sites should figure out at what distance a heavy bb fired at 2.3J drops its energy to a "safe" level (say 1J). Your 20m bog standard MED was calculated on a 0.20g bb being fired at 500 fps, we all know that heavy bbs retain their energy for a longer time/distance and that nobody with at least one working brain cell would use 0.2s in a 2.3J gun.

    3. Hudson


      No, he definitely meant metres. "I was in the army, I know distances!" 🤪


      Like I say, I've no problem with sites running any rules they want, just the passing bullshit off as fact. 😂

    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      @Skara i did run the math on it, a 2.5j shot with a 0.2gbb has 0.39j at 20m, with a 0.5g bb you're talking 1.27j, which lines up surprisingly well with a 1.3j limit for auto/non MED pews



  10. Picked up an Action Army T11 recently, thought I'd give a a paint job to cover up the boring old black. 👌 






    1. Skara


      True shame that AA doesn't sell the Gspec with the full stock :(

    2. Hudson


      They do the short T10? 

  11. I'm heading through to London next week for the first time in a while.

    Is there anywhere airsoft-related (or similar) you'd recommend visiting?

    I know of Wolf Armouries, and I'm flying there & back, so won't be able to buy anything gun-like, but wouldn't mind a browse, or a short shoot; be it on a range or a game.

    What is there?

    1. Robert James

      Robert James

      what part of London? You can try Bunker 51 but iv'e not heard great things... AirsoftZone in Romford. Proairsoftsupplies in Archway

    2. Gimli


      if you're looking for a game nearby, Tactical Warfare near Croydon plays Saturday and is pretty cheap

  12. I hate ordering from X-Fire sometimes.
    At least it's less expensive... <_<

    1. proffrink


      Truly useless website. Their new one is just as bad too.


      Seriously it's not that hard to have proper postage calculations - it must be so expensive for them to manually calculate every shipping fee.

    2. Hudson


      It's just taken so long to even approach getting my parcel.

      It's spent about a week in customs before they've even thought about sending me the invoice.
      Annoying when it can travel all the way from Japan in under 48 hours.

    3. proffrink


      Remember as soon as it hits your local depot you can ring in - even without the letter - and pay over the phone. But yeh, HMRC have been a bit useless lately. I've something that's been stuck in there for a few days now also.

  13. Spent most of yesterday kitting up for shooting today, and it ended up having to be cancelled due to low numbers. Yay. :(

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. AshOnSnow


      It's a fairly large site - old abandoned WW2 RAF training ground. It's got 5 main areas of contact between the two teams, so at 120, that's 60 on each team, split across the 5 areas which takes it down to 12 per squad, minus 4 on each who are doddling back to respawn, so each little concentrated battle only becomes 8 on 8 (give or take, the Grasslands area usually has a little more as it's a larger space).


      Parking is tricky though!

    3. Hudson


      What site is it?

    4. AshOnSnow


      Coms Site 3

  14. Despite all the slagging they get; I honestly can't fault OnlyBBguns for this order.

    Lone UK stockist (that I could find) Over 20% less than the usuall RRP, free delivery & arrived the day after it was posted.

    Still feel a bit dirty though! :lol:

    1. Albiscuit


      It is deserved..  BUT if your after something and they are cheaper then why not!! I tend to stay away from a couple of shops for previous customer service issues, employment issues and ethical reasons, until its going to affect my wallet and place an order.. But your right does make me feel dirty B)

    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      They are the better of 3 x well known BB shop muppets

      still a bit mickey mouse but like you say if you know what you want and they have it then it is worth a look.

      Most of their stuff is 2-tone as they mainly sell to newcomers

      but even then bought a few bits off them in the past and all good

      even a 2-tone non blowback m92 wasn't bad for £30 - 10% discount delivered.

      Despite the newbie beginner shop - good to support some local shops now n then I guess


      wouldn't catch me recommending JBBG

      highly highly unlikely to suggest BBGuns4Less

      But Only - aka iwholesales - same addy are ok out of the 3


      glad you got it sorted

  15. Dear Lord I can't believe I'm even considering it...but how are OnlyBBguns for delivery?

    I know; I wouldn't even think about using them normally; but they're the only place I can find what I'm after in stock, and the item itself is actually a decent product; is it worth it, or are they con-artists?

    Now excuse me whilst I shower the filth away.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Max2000


      I am ordering G&G 0.25g BBS from them for a decent (the lowest) price I can find! (Ordering 5 bags) I think the postage is free and takes 3-4 days.

    3. Max2000


      Sitting Duck thanks a lot!!! The discount code works!

    4. Hudson


      Yep, worked for me too!

      One VZ58 RIS kit ordered!
      £58.49 delivered, as opposed to the £80 everywhere else has it advertised for! (Assuming they even have them in stock).

      Thanks very much, Mister Duck!

  16. Japan to UK: < 36 hours 
    Halfway across England: Several days & counting. Yaaaay parcel force!

  17. Are there any spray-paints out there that give a nice Coyote brown type colour? (And are available in the UK)

    1. sokar666
    2. Hudson


      Thanks. I *did* find that one earlier today; but it's as much for postage as it is for the damned paint!


      I've bought some Plastikote I'm gonna try out in the morning; it might not be 100%, but hopefully closer than the Khaki & Tan paints I've got currently.

  18. Are there any sites around (20/30 minutes) Manchester that are a mix of indoor and outdoor?

  19. I don't suppose anyone has the front end from an AK beta they'd sell, do they?

  20. PC blew up tonight. Boo. :(

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. GiantKiwi


      @Lozart - It is if its a noname cheapo brand :P

    3. Lozart


      I usually find, the cheaper the PSU, the more likely it is to spike and wipe out the HDD too. That's why I have a Corsair HX1050....

    4. proffrink


      Like Lozart says: If your PSU goes then it usually takes at least the motherboard with it.


      Might just be heat though. Clean them fans and radiators yearly, people. And don't use generic case fans (with a few exceptions) unless you like poor air flow.

  21. Just about packed for F&O tomorrow. Bring & buy sale to boot. :D

  22. Urgh. 15 year olds trying to buy my RIFs. >:(

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Hudson


      I kind of feel a bit bad now; the kid got banned from the groups...oh dear how sad, never mind.

    3. Governor


      First, be smart from the very beginning. Pulverize all teeth, burn off fingerprints, and disfigure the face. Forcing a DNA test to establish identity (if it ever comes to that) might introduce the legal/forensic hurdle that saves your ass down the line. An unidentifiable body can, in a pinch, be dressed in thrift store clothes and dropped in a bad part of town where the police are less likely to question it. I don't reommend that disposal method, I'm just saying an easily identifiable...

    4. SeniorSpaz87


      Bury the body parts at least 2m underground, vertically, with a dead fox or something equivalent at least 2 feet above the body. Satellites use ground penetrating radar to look for 5-6ft horizontal shallow holes in the ground. And the fox is for if a police dog finds the body; investigators will find the animal and assume that's what the dog smelt (dogs are trained to find buried bodies, whatever the species)

  23. We got to play with tanks last night. :D 1:15 for the fun part:

  24. Are replacement parts for the Echo 1 Vintorez available anywhere?

    1. TheFull9


      If you can find out the company who actually made it, probably.

    2. proffrink
    3. Hudson


      Well the E1 and AY seem to the be the same model, from what I can tell.

  25. Picked myself up a Vintorez today. :D

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