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Colin Allen

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Posts posted by Colin Allen

  1. 11 minutes ago, Scott doogan said:

    Yes bought and sold lots of things on hear and elsewhere, do t know why I’ve only had the two feedback reviews but never asked for one, as for the nonce comment that was a joke, also escalate I what way 

    Making such threats is potentially a criminal offence; the police would be the appropriate route for escalation.

  2. 1 hour ago, JustMark said:

    Had an great day of getting shot at, thoroughly enjoyed charging around the woods today.   100% confident I got pewed more than I pewed anyone else but not gonna worry about that :)


    Only slight issue was my glasses fogged up pretty badly and kinda ruined one game.  I might see about getting the shooting glasses style with the prescription inserts, does anyone have any help on that eye protection for glasses wearers front please?

    I strongly recommend Revision Sawfly glasses with their own prescription inserts.  I have used them for a few years now, along with either Cat Crap or Absolutely Clear anti fog, although the Revision wipes are good as well.  If you go for the Sawflys, use the MAX lenses to give your eyes extra flank protection.

    They will stop a shotgun blast, so at least your eyes will survive as the rest of your head disintegrates!

  3. On 06/11/2022 at 12:29, Dentonboy said:

    The main open field to the left of the track as you walk into the playable area. So north of the containers until the wood line. The car park is now in a field opposite where the old car park was. It is bigger though.

    Blimey, that really is a reduction in size; I have rather fond memories of setting off rather large pyro charges in that area.

  4. 1 hour ago, Adolf Hamster said:

    Ofc that only helps when the hop unit/arm is capable of holding the nub and barrel square in the first place.

    That brings back suppressed memories of a King Arms SVD. 🤬

  5. Is it a new gun? Has this just started happening?

    Possibilities include:

    The barrel being slightly twisted in the hop unit.  The bump in the rubber should be at the top dead centre position, not slightly off to one side.

    The hop nub being slightly off centre or misshapen.

    The inner barrel not being utterly straight; take it out and roll it on a flat surface to check.

    The inner barrel being dirty.

    Your gun being an StG 44 with a Krummlauf.

  6. 22 hours ago, Tackle said:

    As the title says, I'm getting one in 13 days, my non dominant left knee, not that it matters, the right one is royally Fooked too😭

    My question to the rest of the forum is have any of you guys had a total knee replacement, & if so how long did it take you to get back on the playing field, any issues ?. 


    I'm realistically expecting to be  good for nothing much for 2-3 months, but being the determined old git I am, I'm hoping I can meander round a flat site soon after that ? 🤞

    Be good to hear anybody else's experiences following similar ops. 

    Cheers guys 



    I cannot offer any insights or advice, but I hope you make a rapid recovery.

  7. I had a very normal day today at Tactical Warfare Airsoft near Croydon apart from two things.  As usual, the games were well though out, fun and challenging for both sides; it is also nice not to have to have to go back to the safe zone after each game as they just roll from one game to another throughout the morning and again in the afternoon.   Alternating between woodland and CQB games helps to keep it interesting.

    The two oddities:

    1. Attendance dropped significantly throughout the day; apart from one chap who was on crutches, I have no idea why as it was a good, fun day.  Humans!

    2. A player got really annoyed with me after I shot him in the face at very close range (to be fair, it was about all I could target).  Strangely, he was not annoyed at me for shooting him in the face; he became annoyed and slightly aggressive because I challenged him over not taking the hit.  Humans!

  8. 12 minutes ago, Adolf Hamster said:


    It's become routine?


    Thats what did it for me, the bits i enjoyed became just usual but the bits i hated got no less annoying

    I went through that a few years ago; to try to get through it, I marshalled for a couple of years, which nearly put me off airsoft entirely.

    I have found that playing at a number of sites and trying new ones stops it becoming too routine.

  9. 18 hours ago, EvilMonkee said:

    AFAIK (and I may be wrong) I think he was TA 5th Btn Rifles.  So hardly John Wick.  Weekend warrior gobshite at best.

    5 Rifles are a regular unit, not reservist.  

  10. 24 minutes ago, Skullchewer said:

    No game for me this weekend, as I had other stuff on today, however; yesterday we spent the day creating a new paintball arena for kids parties at Red Alert, much further away from the Airsoft areas.

    This means there will be fewer occasions when a boundary is determined by where the kiddiwinks are splatting each other.

    So bigger game area more often, with potential for other stuff we're not allowed to talk about yet 😁


    Excellent!  Paintball can act as a gateway drug for airsoft.

  11. Today I wandered over to Tower Airsoft, one of my regular sites; it was an opportunity to test the recently, and not completely, rebuilt VZ58.  On its first outing a few weeks ago, it had a range of about 25m and was shooting 0.25g BBs at 230FPS; it also performed the classic Ares trick of pulling the back off the piston.  It is now shooting at 295FPS on a 0.25g BB and has a range of around 60m:).  I also ran my MP5, which has crazy range.

    It was a typical Tower day; around 45-50 people and simple but challenging games that used the small site very well.  I met some interesting folk and had some good conversations.

    There were two highlights.  The first was in a fallback game, in the first stage of which we had to defend the village, where we had one life, before falling back to defend the bridge complex, again with one life.

    After a hard fought defence of the village, the attacking team declared it cleared and moved on to attack the bridge complex.  After allowing a minute, I carefully crawled out of the bush that I had ended up in and cautiously followed them as they moved forward.  As I cleared the edge of the village another blue player, who had also been overlooked, appeared.  We had great fun shooting the opposing team in their backs, sniggering while receiving shouts of "Oi! We're on the same side!"

    The second was in the last game of the day.  I was dug in behind the roots of a fallen tree, popping off opposing players as they appeared; after a while all went quiet until I heard movement behind me.  Drawing my pistol and turning around carefully, I found myself looking at a deer that was about 5m behind me; it beat a rapid retreat.

    On arriving home, I found the real steel folding stock for the VZ58 waiting for me (Many thanks to @CzechMeOut!) and its new motor.

  12. 10 hours ago, Tackle said:

    No offence mate, according to your activity log you've only been playing a few weeks, some of us have been playing for decades, & one thing that pisses people off is wasting time & money visiting a site that turns out to be a shit house, possibly run by inept incompetents ?. 

    Naming sites doesn't guarantee their downfall, but it does hopefully trigger two responses, the first being that members here will openly discuss the pros & cons of said site, the second is that hopefully the site gets to hear about what's being said about them, & if they care one iota about their future revenue stream, they'll try to address the negatives ? 


    Its not about telling tales, technically you've already done that, it's about looking out for your fellow players in the community, we all pay for the right to play, no sites pay us, shouldn't we do our best to ensure the experience is as good as it can be ? 🤔

    You make really good points; consequently, I have edited my review from 26th September to name the site.

  13. Thoughts on Negative Airsoft:

    A very opinionated chap who sometimes exaggerates (for effect?); the Ares L1A1 is not great but it is not THAT bad.  Extremely good at what he does, very helpful and does not rip people off.

    I messaged him one evening a couple of weeks ago about an issue I was having with an AEG and, to my surprise, he got back to me really quickly and steered me in the right direction.

  14. 1 hour ago, nappa said:

    The opposite to being shit


    I aim to please

    Define what you mean by "shit".

    1 hour ago, Speedbird_666 said:


    Are. They. Fuck.


    The likes of Eagle6 or Kingdom of Airsoft wouldn't exist is they were the 'best' guns out of the box.


    Hold on...are we being trolled here by the OP...?








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