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Colin Allen

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Posts posted by Colin Allen

  1. 2 hours ago, hunter511 said:

    Hey at least they chrono......


    I went to a walk on day at ground zero and they didnt bother. Oddly enough myself and the guys I went there with walked off at lunchtime after "oops we've forgot the chrono, anyone got a hot gun"

    "HPA players you're all set to legal fps, right" and the ever classic "your first mistake was using midcaps here".


    That last one was after identifying a particularly obviously dressed player to a marshall having expended 2 mags at him at close range and been ignored (the rifle I was using at the time was notorious for being freakishly accurate and consistant, it was like a laser and at the kind of range that bbs could be seen bouncing off him).

    It sounds like a great site to visit 🤮.

  2. 1 hour ago, Dan Robinson said:

    Fun day at AWA, bit chilly, plenty of puffer jacket clad rentals not taking hits, another cluster fuck with guns not working.... But was genuinely fun. 


    Touching cloth to start with (aka capture the flag) our team was trounced by time, but at least I kept up my average by being the one to get the flag for our team. 


    Some how managed to bend my thumb back on itself too which is now v sore. 


    The boy's M16 shit itself on chrono, so we have decided to make it my "learning to tech" gun. 


    My newly returned (as in yesterday) Rapax M7 managed two shots on chrono before the gearbox locked up.  So we were stuck my new Honey Badger and the boy's L85. 


    The latter performed nicely.  The Honey Badger was great apart from being incredibly fussy about the spring tension in the mags.  Several occasions saw me lying in my back behind a tree taking fire on all sides trying to ferry bbs from a duff mag to the least fussy. 


    Best game of the day was a rolling retreat, then counter attack, but sadly I got caught short with the battery dying at the end of the first round necessitating a 20 minute round trip to the safe zone. 


    The Badger's accuracy is a little sporadic but then it was never going to be a sniper. Got more than my fair share of kills when I found a nice hidey hole behind a tree 


    Marshalls were fair and kept things flowing once everyone was out of the safe zone. For some reason, two dappy old codgers decided to meander through the game area on their bikes at one point.  Last time out it was a dog walker.  



    You'd think the sound of explosions and 70 adults dressed in military gear brandishing assorted automatic weapons would have been a deterrent.  But hey ho 🤣

    I have heard good things about AWA; I might have to take a trip up there sometime soon.

  3. I run 9.9v LiFe batteries in anything that has a solid stock; anything with limited battery space runs on 7.4 LiPos, while the VZ58 and the AXR 160 use 11.1v LiPos because they run better on them.

    Like Tackle, I almost always use semi; I am not sure when I last used full auto.

  4. 25 minutes ago, 1967PF44 said:

    Yup, that was my understanding of a cotter pin - a cylinder with a flat side - 


    they have taken out cotter pins but they will never take our woodruff screws!! 

    Screws?  I know of Woodruff keys but have never heard of Woodruff screws.


    Oh, for the days of good old 1/2” BSW screws!

  5. Welcome back!

    I am not local, but I play reasonably regularly at Airsoft Plantation and Tower Airsoft, both of which are in Billericay.  Both are great sites that pull in a good group of players, Airsoft Plantation generally getting 150ish and Tower about 40-60.

    I am not playing this weekend, but am planning to try Skirmish on 12th March.

  6. 11 minutes ago, Impulse said:

    I didn't really play today on account of my heart doing weird things at the moment and couldn't really work on my two m700s much because the temperature seemed to yoyo pretty incredibly today, so getting a consistent setup was nigh impossible. Plus it was incredibly windy on the range, so every shot curved to the left. Not good! I was about to go out to play, but I asked what the game was and was told that it was down at the bottom of the site, and considering I'm not allowed to do strenuous activity at the moment, I wasn't going up and down that damn hill.


    However, I did chat a lot with people there and I met @Hatchet (jury's still out whether that's a positive or a negative ;)).


    Just kidding, always good to meet more people from here! Way too cold though; where is spring?

    Sorry to learn about the heart problem; I hope it gets sorted out very soon.

  7. After a very good day with the lad at Airsoft Plantation last weekend, I took myself off to AP's other site, Tower Airsoft, today.  I was rather laden down with guns as I had the two AEGs that I was intending to play with and the lad's AKS74U, which I wanted to test as I had stripped and rebuilt it on Friday evening as it was underpowered and suffering from midcap syndrome.

    It was a typically good Tower day, with well organised games that worked with the numbers present and the nature of the site.  I teamed up with three chaps and we formed an effective little squad of an LMG, a sniper and two assault rifles.  However, the high point of my day was in a fall back game; having potted a few players from a favourite well concealed position, I let the opposing team advance past me and then stalked them from behind, racking up a number of kills that delayed their attack.

    My newly built LR300 was on the receiving end of some admiration, which was satisfying; it has been a long time in the making.

    I am now deciding where to play next.

    Guns used:
    A&K/G&G/E&C LR300
    Ares VZ58
    Milbro Classic M1911 CO2 (I really must get a better pistol!)

  8. 7 minutes ago, MrTea said:

    Having decided it was worth a punt, I did order the CYMA hop unit... x4... just in case. Shipping from Powair6 was fast as always. Can't fault them, would recommend to anyone.


    I've got home from work tonight and started messing about. The CYMA ones are definately lower quality than the G&G hop unit. I even had to use the G&G C-clamp for the barrel as the CYMA ones wasn't big enough and kept trying to jump off. Installing the Omega nub was a pain in the ass as always.


    Looking down the barrel, I can see my hop acutally working! All I need to do now is get back to my brothers place and see what the feeding, reliability and range is like.


    Interestingly, G&G support got back into contact with me and they said they'd sell me a hop unit directly from them. $23.10 for the hop unit and $10.11 for shipping to the UK. Might order it to see if they're still manufacturing them they same way and for the sake of having the proper unit. The CYMA is serving as an emergency repair.

    G&G’s parts service is very good; Apple is very efficient.

  9. 11 hours ago, Jaylordofwaargh said:

    Used to, key point. Easier to manage eye pro always on than mag in/out.


    As for young kids, going to site, how young is the site letting play and how are their adults not being very clear on this one?

    But yes, safety brief in safe zone, and the long game brief if needed, game brief/recap in game zone. 



    I am not sure if they still do it or not; we stopped going there because of a range of issues, culminating with the management allowing a "friend of the owner" to keep a mag in his Scorpion in the safe zone.

  10. Sportsmanship from both teams was good during the gameplay but there are some things I find rather annoying and unprofessional.


    Don't really think it's a case of "being a professional".


    Which of the two do you mean?

    Again, the real problem is people removing their eyepro in the game zone; even the most dim witted airsofter should be able to work out that is not a good idea.


    As much briefing as possible should be done in the safe zone; then get the players out and get them started.

    2 hours ago, JVacation said:

    I understand that is a problem however I have seen it at numerous sites people taking their eye pro off when they shouldn't be. Quite often it is young kids however majority of the time it is done during the downtime moments.


    Don't really think it's a case of "being a professional". There were 204 people playing yesterday which were all forced into a confined area waiting to listen to the head marshall. Why should people who are waiting patiently and being sensible have to put up with the idea they might be shot in the back of the head from close range because people are messing around and being silly. Yes people have paid to get shot with bbs but they have paid to be shot during the games. Rifs should only be fired around people inside of games only. There's no real need for people to have their mags in the time before the safety briefing, the mission briefing and whilst walking to the start location. 

    I know of one site that encourages, or used to encourage, players to take their eyepro off in the playing area between games.

  11. 17 minutes ago, JVacation said:

    Went to Rift Redcon-2 yesterday for a long time in a while. Sportsmanship from both teams was good during the gameplay but there are some things I find rather annoying and unprofessional. From the get go I am strong believer that during safety briefing and during the pre match information there should be a strict no magazine in guns policy. You will be waiting for the safety briefing or something to start and there are just idiots walking around shooting bbs everywhere. This is a serious issue that needs to be addressed. People are more to accidently take their eye pro off whilst they are waiting doing nothing and people are just generally closer with a higher risk of accidents happening. I just think sites need to start addressing a policy of no magging up until you reach your start location and as soon as the game is finished everyone should un mag straight away and clear their rif at the floor. The only times people should be magged up is either whilst they are in the game or they are at the range/chrono. 


    I understand people don't want refs to be "over the top" but this is general health and safety. To be honest majority of the time the only people shooting their rifs during this time are just messing around and have no logical reason to be shooting.

    The real problem that you raise is people removing their eyepro outside the safe zone.  Of course people are going to pull the trigger while waiting; they are NOT professionals, so should not be expected to behave professionally.

    However shooting and arsing around during the briefings, in particular the safety brief, should be an instant "pack your stuff and go home".

  12. 12 hours ago, Stevobeavo said:

    Finally got my mag adapters to run the more manageable mp5 mags.





    mag wobble is no more than the standard magazines. I'll test them out this weekend for any feeding issues 

    Very interesting; where did you get them from?

  13. 19 hours ago, AirSniper said:

    HPA has a lot to do with it. They cycle faster than AEG, in a game where you have one team of HPA and another of AEG's, the HPA will win because of the rate of fire and power difference.

    In the last game I was at, the HPA was recognisable by how much faster the BB's were flying compared to the AEG's it is also noticeable by the fact that I again have small circular bruises despite having a vest, t-shirt, my game top, fleece and a plate carrier, and I have been hit with AEG's and whilst they sting, the HPA fire was actually hurting.


    Most sites work on 1 joule on 0.2g which is 328 fps, 1.2 joules on 0.2g is 359 fps and max on sites fps wise is 350 fps.

    IDK what AEG you have used but mine don't output 1.2 joules, they output 1 joule.

    As for finding somewhere else to ply, why should I move when the other players need to change their attitude to game play and stick to the rules, they are there for the benefit of enjoyment, just seems to me a small number of guys that can't stick to the rules or play fair.

    Yep, they do but giving a description is hard when they all look the same.

    Where I live, sites are very far and few, were talking about an hours drive to a game at another site.

    All it takes is an attitude adjustment and to play by the rules, it is a game that uses the honour system and if players don't play by the rules and honour system it says a lot about that person.

    Have you considered that you may be pursuing a hobby for which you are not suited?  Playing airsoft seems to be very stressful for you; in particular, getting shot seems to really upset you.

    Perhaps knitting would suit you better.

  14. 25 minutes ago, Dan Robinson said:

    I'm feeling very pleased with myself..... 


    Tappet from snapped.... 





    Now where to find one? 

    For reference, and because it should get here in time for the weekend.... 





    Now the cat is out of the bag.... I'm thinking new cylinder head as the seal seems a little disappointing. 


    FFS what have I started? 

    Excellent! Well found.  AK2M4 ships out very quickly and has them in stock as well (https://www.ak2m4.co.uk/internal-parts/misc-internal-parts). 

  15. Following our recent adventure oop north as described in Weeble200's post above, I spent today at Tower Airsoft, one of my regular sites in the sarf east.

    About 50 people were present to indulge in shooting each other with little plastic balls.  For a change, the games were organised by the team from Airsoft Plantation, Tower's big brother at the other end of the wood.

    We started off with a simple ambush game which, as the name suggests, involved one team ambushing the other as they patrolled along the road through the site.  The patrolling team's key rule of engagement was that they had to stay on the road and could not shoot until engaged by the ambushers; once that had happened, they were free to return fire and go wherever they wanted.  Patrollers had infinite regens on a marshal, whereas the ambushers only had one life.  I was dubious about the game at first, but it turned out to be rather fun, with both teams getting a go at being the ambushers and the ambushees; the team that cleared the ambushers out in the fastest time form the first shot being fired were the winners, with a one minute penalty for each ambusher still alive after the area had been declared clear by the patrollers.

    After that, we played the first leg of a longer game using the whole site.  The concept was that the attacking team had been parachuted in ahead of a seaborne invasion with a mission to destroy a road via which the enemy would receive reinforcements, a comms centre, and a vital bridge.  In order to destroy these, the attacking team had a designated demolition specialist, equipped with electrically triggered smoke grenades (no bangs allowed at Tower due to the proximity of neighbours), an electric detonator and a remote control.  They could attack them in any order they wanted but had to start dispersed across the site out of sight of each other as a result of the drop.  The defenders had to start around the road.

    Both sides had infinite buddy regens at the start; however, once two objectives were destroyed, the defenders were down to two lives as no further reinforcements could get through.

    We were the attackers and the group of about five of us who banded together after our dispersed drop decided to try to draw as many of the enemy as possible onto us rather than onto the team with the demolition specialist.  This was successful as we spent a lot of the hour engaging much larger groups of the enemy and all targets were destroyed.

    After lunch, we played a fallback game, defending the road, then the castle area and, finally, the church.  The enemy captured the road and the castle, but not the church.  This was then reversed and we captured all three.

    We then played the reverse of the paratroopers game, with us as the defenders.  I will draw a veil over this game, except to note that, despite some great play, we got walloped.

    It was a good, fun day with great play from both teams and no significant issues apart from my M4 deciding yet again not to feed from most of the magazines that it had happily fed from on Friday evening; it seemed to only like the PTS PMags.  However, I have now modified some other mags that should now feed perfectly in it, although I suspect that it will still find a way to reject them.

    I also bought a cheap Double Eagle shotgun from the site shop and got a kill with my third shot from it; it shoots at 1J and has excellent range; great fun.

    Weapons used:
    Lancer Tactical M4 (upgraded and being used as a testbed for the CHiLUN mosfet)
    Classic Army ISSC MK22 (who the heck decided that the world needs a .22 SCAR?)
    Milbro Classic M1911 CO2
    Double Eagle shotgun

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