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Colin Allen

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Posts posted by Colin Allen

  1. 4 hours ago, Mattcrx said:

    Thanks guys!

    So more hop = lower velocity? So technically if my hop is off that could be a real reason why it’s over powering? 

    Im going to set the hop as best as I can and hopefully after putting a few mags through it it calms down. 

    Regarding the hop slide altering itself iv read quite a lot about this happening so I will be sure to tighten that up and secure it. 

    Thanks again guys! Brilliant help! I’ll keep you all posted.

    Yes, the slider style hop units in particular tend to have a significant impact on velocity; more hop = less velocity.

  2. 23 minutes ago, DerDer said:

    Well they at least had one at their stand at the IWA show, according to some videos. I'm not too optimistic as to their time-frame. Would be nice to be surprised as waiting since 2019  myself and others a lot longer.

    They did indeed, which is what led me to email them.  Hopefully, this will be the year that they actually deliver.

  3. 8 hours ago, RostokMcSpoons said:

    I've been very lucky for a few years now, unfortunately it looks like my luck is about to run out.  36 years employed without a single jobless week... April 1st seems the appropriate day for that to come to an end 🥴.


    There is still a small chance it'll be ok, but other people around me have had their contacts renewed, but only for short terms with very short notice periods, and I've heard zilch.  No news is bad news in this scenario. 


    And nothing out there to go to at the moment, because I work in a niche market. 


    That really sucks.  I hope that it does not end up as you fear.

  4. On 14/03/2023 at 13:46, SSPKali said:

    Thinking about a Perun AB++ for the M4 which is front wired and so the two power cables are on spade connectors so when I take the upper receiver off I can disconnect them and feed them through the gap at the bottom of the barrel below where the hop unit sits. This leaves the fuse and deans conector with the barrel / upper receiver.


    With the Perun AB++ there are 3 wires - black and red power (which I am happy putting spade connectors on) and a smaller gauge signal wire - has anyone put a connector on one of these? what size would it need? Is this a dumb idea for a reason I am not aware of?


    Worst case I could leave them intact and take the barrel and delta ring off to fully disconnect it if needed?


    Many thanks in advance.

    I have used 2.8mm spade connectors for signal wires.

  5. 1 hour ago, Cr0-Magnon said:

    @Beorn - They're decent bunch at Red1 Chislehurst. I did find that some of the game modes led to wandering around, not knowing which direction the enemy team was shooting from. Twice I stumbled across gun fights between people on the same team.


    Also yeah, most sites have rubbish toilets, Portaloos at best. Driver Wood in Crawley and Battle Lakes in Kent have proper plumbed indoor cubicles and hot running water though.


    Funny you mention that actually. There was one player being repeatedly shot, putting their hand up but not moving. Turns out he was part of a group with half of them on each opposing team. He was playing silly buggers to stop his friends on our team from shooting his mate.

    On one occasion at Red 1 Chislehurst, we finished a game and were about 10 to 15 minutes into the next game when we came under fire from one of the villages, which was not in play in the current game but had been the objective in the previous game.  The marshals had not told the few players still defending the objective that the previous game had ended.


    After a few poor experiences, including excessive waiting around, marshals not knowing the rules for a game, the site owner failing to take action after a player shooting at wildlife threatened me for reporting him after he refused to stop doing it (it was clearly stated as being a serious offence in the brief), we finally walked out on a day when a group of players, including my son, reported a player for repeated non hit taking from grenades and BBs.  Junior marshal called in the boss marshal who aggressively bollocked the complaining players for not taking their hits and refused to listen as they tried to tell him that they were the ones who had reported the non hit taking.


    It may have improved; hopefully it has as it is a cracking little site.

    4 minutes ago, Beorn said:

    Disclaimer, I have only played there once and my other games were at Bunker 51 which I honestly didn't enjoy at all. By comparison they seemed organised but I've heard other sites have built insanely good reputations. Haven't been able to get anywhere like that yet so I wouldn't take my report as gospel :D


    Yeah I really noticed that things felt aimless when playing that fallback gamemode, I think because it was sprawling over a large area it was confusing and people were just sort of waiting around. My site choice is limited at the mo because I don't drive. Might have to consider bringing some bog roll and a fishing seat with a hole cut into the bottom or something... improvise, adapt, overcome...

    My eldest son worked at Bunker 51 for a while; it is/was a literal death trap.

  6. 1 hour ago, Beorn said:

    Went to my first ever proper game (not as a rental) down at Red1 Chiselhurst a couple of weeks ago. Wanted to put up a post to say that it was even more fun that I had hoped it would be. Weather was chilly, crisp but clear and got comfortable as the day went on.

    I ran out my AEG for the first time. Its a VFC Avalon saber carbine I got off airsoft forums classified's second hand, but it was in basically mint condition. I was really worried it would be a lemon or something and I haven't been able to test it properly since I bought it back in Nov (I live in a small apartment)... but it worked really well after a bit of zeroing. Could probably improve accuracy/consistency by using heavier bbs but even on 0.2s it seemed good to me. Trigger response on 9.9 life's seemed snappy too but I don't have much to compare it to I guess. Only tech hiccup seemed to by my mags, for some reason my hi caps (VFC QRS ones) were a bit inconsistent, so I ended up fucking them off and using the one QRS mid cap and just refilling it as and when I needed to. A bit of a hassle but didn't ruin the day because I was picking my shots and not suppressing too much.

    Rest of my kit ran well and was very comfy, particular shout out to my goggles (Valken) they didn't fog at all and I was really active and togged up in a few layers with a helmet and mesh snood too.

    Site itself was a lot of fun - good mix of woodland, CQB and medium range combat, some fun game modes (one or two duds - I wasn't a fan of the fall back game mode on defense, felt like a lot of waiting around and wasn't as much fun as the more dynamic capture the barrel/flag/tdm modes).

    Seemed a good crowd on the whole, fair few rentals but a load of dudes running their own kit, maybe 40/50 people total perhaps a bit more. Site staff were quite well organized and seemed to be fair when marshaling.

    Only complaint about this site, and I'm sure they're not the only ones guilty of this, is the lack of toilets/plumbing but luckily that wasn't an issue for  me on the day.

    Only complaint about my kit is that I realised getting a riser for my holo might make things even more comfy and easier to shoot with, and that  midcaps seem to be much more reliable/less fuss so will be swapping to those.

    Highlight moment was a bunch of enemies set up in a building with oversight on our spawn and the area leading out of it. Me and two other rando teammates managed to basically push up on it, sneak under the windows of the building and then breach and clear it from behind. Was the type of moment I hope to have more of playing airsoft and felt really immersive and exciting.

    Can't wait to get down there again!


    It sounds like you had a great day.

    From your report, it seems that things might have improved at Red 1 Chislehurst.  I have not been there for a while but words such as "organised" and "fair" are not ones I would have chosen to describe the marshalling there.

  7. 57 minutes ago, 1st commando said:

    I still have one of the original batch from 2008 . King arms have been promising a re-release every year since 

    Indeed; we will see what happens.

  8. 5 hours ago, Dan Robinson said:

    Yeah - ended up order this one https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/144019574727  which i think @RostokMcSpoons  also has.


    Not sure what the weird plate is with loads of holes and numbers, but I'm sure it'll be fine.


    I now have to look at the boys M16 which is not feeding.... Stand by for a separate thread on that one 😁

    They are nice little chrono's.  I keep one in my game day bag for quick checks.

  9. 22 minutes ago, RostokMcSpoons said:


    Yeah, I've never been a fan of the AK / AR mashups in the past, I suspect my positive attitude to this one is because it's almost all AR plus the AK mag (... and that's about it), and because it's Double Eagle and I've become a fanboi  😋

    I run a Hurricane SR47, but I don't like the look of this thing.  However, I do rather fancy a Double Eagle.

  10. If you want to improve the range, one option would be to fit a Maple Leaf Macaron 60 degree hop rubber and the slightly softer nub from AK2M4: https://www.ak2m4.co.uk/internal-parts/hop-up-buckings-nubs/maple-leaf-macaron-60-nub

    The CYMA hop unit is rather decent but, if you want greater consistency and possibly a few extra FPS, you could fit either a Begadi or Combat Union hop unit; however, if you buy the latter you are contributing a few pounds to Putler's war in Ukraine; also, the newer ones are not as good as the earlier ones.

  11. 32 minutes ago, RostokMcSpoons said:

    It's an all-polymer new release from DE... rather tickles my particulars...



    For a start I've already got an AK with a couple of mags... and I've got too many M4 variants already - but I'll always be happy to have another DE

    I am not sure whether to admire it or find a convenient road roller to drive over it.  I guess it might be possible to do both.


  12. 4 hours ago, Groot said:

    Evri is by far the worst excuse for a courier I have used in the last 5 years. Nothing arrives on time or at all. 

    Strangely enough, I had a package delivered by them today; it was left on the doorstep in full view of everyone, despite the sign on the door requesting that packages not be left outside.

    Needless to say, it was not there when I got home.

  13. 9 hours ago, Asomodai said:

    I feel that SRC gets a bad rep for it's cheaper lines. However like many other brands it does have it's good and (admittedly mostly) bad products. 


    The V3 Gen 3 SRC Gearbox is genuinely very solid, the stock SRC Magnatar motor is a very very good motor and I still snap them up these days. 


    SRC were the first brand to make a genuine stamped steel MP5 AEG which is very good quality (Not to be confused with the cheaper models). 


    The one thing I would accuse SRC of is complacency, they have fallen behind most of the competition when it comes to modern features on their entire range. 

    My SRC MP5 is the stamped steel one.  The externals are great, but the internals were absolute and utter shite; they went in the bin.

  14. 5 hours ago, Rogerborg said:

    Are Lancer Tactical that bad for the price?  Do we know of any specific issues with them?

    I have a Lancer Tactical LT12 that I bought to find out for myself just how bad they are.

    The answer is that it is not too bad at all, once you get over everything being just a little bit off spec.  After much fiddling around, I ended up putting the original gearbox and hop back in as nothing else seemed to fit or work in it.  Fortunately, the QC gearbox and rotary hop are pretty decent; not great but decent.

    The biggest issue that I have found is that it is VERY picky about magazines; it only seems to like Magpul PTS PMAGs and some other mags that I have modified to fit.  The hop seems to have a very short feed tube.


    It is currently the test bed for a CHiLUN mosfet.

    3 hours ago, JinxDuh said:

    Based on the constant reddit posts;


    Poor quality control - "They’re a scummy company, selling these poor quality guns to new players by getting reviewers and stores to sing their praises, often with large sums of cash through “sponsorships”"


    "They sold unsafe eye protection that they lied and claimed was impact rated, for his their CEO was publicly arrested. They’ve since taken off the fake rating, but are still selling the unsafe eye protection"


    But it's reddit, so... take it with as much salt as you want. 😂

    It happened; what they were doing, and are still doing, is unforgivable.

  15. 22 hours ago, Tactical Pith Helmet said:

    SRC are crap.  I wouldn't wrote Nuprol off completely.  A local site uses Defenders as hire guns. 


    A problem here is partly that QC is so loose in airsoft that one person's nightmare is another's quality buy.  That said SRC are seriously crap.  


    I'd be interested in who actually honours a warranty, rather than tries to wriggle out of one.

    I actually have an SRC MP5.  Well, the externals are SRC; everything else has been changed.

  16. 1 hour ago, Dan Robinson said:

    Thanks for that.  Next order I place there I'll get those. 


    My next learning target is to figure out what I'm doing that results in the gearbox locking when I reassemble it.  I did it to my Specna, now this one. 


    Last tech to work on it seems to have done a tidy job.  No excess greese, although the red wire is mighty close to the motor shaft. 


    When I can reassemble these things reliably, I might drill the casing and reroute it.  Or perhaps use a slightly thinner guage wire. 


    Not sure what mosfet has been fitted either.  Has the label "AAUG09". So will hit Google while I have a relaxing bubble bath 😁

    That sounds like a Gate serial number. Do you have a photo of the mosfet?

  17. 29 minutes ago, Nick G said:

    Real steel style, my GBBR's are the same.

    Indeed; unsurprisingly, real steel M4s do not rely on tiny screws to keep the mag release in place :).

    20 minutes ago, Dan Robinson said:


    Yes I had for that one.


    Just got it out now.  Needed a bit of brute force and ignorance. 


    All the gears are fine, so I think the nasty noises were just the engagement height.  


    Time to reassemble and battle that damn anti reversal lever. 


    I think I kept the shims in the right places. 

    You can get a clip that will hold the ARL in place while you reassemble; https://www.ak2m4.co.uk/internal-parts/gearbox-tools/gearbox-installation-hands-kit

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