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Colin Allen

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Posts posted by Colin Allen

  1. 7 minutes ago, Pseudotectonic said:

    It depends entirely on the circumstances, see Charging Guidance in




    There is an element of Public Interest Considerations, "if contravention is technical and there has been no risk to public safety" then prosecution may not be required




    Say you are somehow found carrying a >1.3J RIF in public place




    Since it is still shy of imitation firearm and not belonging in any other category it would be a Type 3 weapon, Lower culpability if you are not really trying to use it, so Culpability category C, and Category 3 harm (no harm/minimal risk), so you would get a fine or discharge (court finds you guilty but does not give you a sentence because the offence is very minor).


    But that can only happen if somehow you are carrying it outside without good reason and somehow getting arrested and then prosecuted


    So again, it depends entirely of the circumstances, and if you are a sensible person you won't be able to get yourself into insensible circumstances very easily

    The problem with that is that the nature of an overpowered full auto capable airsoft gun is not clearly defined in any legislation.  All we know is that it becomes a lethal barrelled weapon and, hence, a firearm.  Anything else is up to the CPS and whichever, if any, court some poor sod ends up in.


  2. 4 hours ago, Adolf Hamster said:


    Yeah thats the test i was alluding to in my initial post.


    There is a part of me kind of wants to see it tested, it would suck for whoever the book is landing on but at least it would set a clear precedent for the community to work to.


    Maybe if it is towards the more extreme end of things sites might finally start putting some goddamn effort into enforcing limits.


    Ofc i accept i'm perhaps in the minority in wishing we had a more concrete definition of what we can or can't be doing.

    I think the definition is clear enough; it is enshrined in law.  What is uncertain is what happens if someone breaks that law.

    Sites really do need to get their act together on chronoing; however, no matter what regime you put in place, people will always find ways around it. Strangely (or not), the only site where I have never had concerns about hot guns is the one site where they rely on players to check their own RIFs and then carry out spot checks during the day, with a no-tolerance approach to hot guns.  If it is hot, you are going home.

  3. 4 hours ago, Adolf Hamster said:


    Theoretically for a bolty or semi auto gun then it being treated like an air rifle makes sense.


    But for an auto capable pew does that mean being just a hair over the limit is going to get you the same kind of shitstorm that having an actual automatic firearm would net you?

    That is where it gets messy as the law is rarely either clear or explicit; however, anything over the stated limits is a "lethal barrelled weapon" and, hence, by definition a 'firearm".

    One interpretation would be that a full auto airsoft toy shooting over 1.3J is indeed a prohibited Section 5 firearm, with all the legal ramifications of that.

    However, that will probably only be properly defined when someone gets arrested for possessing such a weapon and the case goes to court, probably followed by an appeal.  Let's hope that never happens.

  4. 5 hours ago, JinxDuh said:


    I was shocked at the amount of people there yesterday, I don't think I've ever seen it so busy!

    Always enjoy the day at Splatoon though, and you hit the nail on the head with your description.


    Thanks, I have enjoyed both of my visits there; the lad did as well when he came the first time.  It will be a regular part of my rotation of sites now; it offers something very different from AP and Tower.

  5. 5 hours ago, Leo Greer said:


    The question is what specs they're using. Chinese/Japanese/older units are often designed for thinner, shorter rubbers, whereas Taiwan/HK/newer units are often designed for thicker rubbers with longer lips. If it's a perfect 1-1 copy of the A&K unit that'd be awesome, and it should work better with the Prommy rubbers, Modify rubbers, and PDI rubbers, though @MrTea will be able to tell us more as he works on it. 🙂


    Ah, in that case, it definitely prefers the older style rubbers.

  6. 2 hours ago, Tackle said:

    New member with the usual "tell tales" that raise suspicions, then @Colin Allen spotted their sales pic on a thread on reddit I think, well done to him. 

    I'd already asked them to update their thread with a username note which they hadn't responded to. 

    Got my eye on a couple of others that are "off" ? 

    The power of reverse image search!

  7. This morning, I somewhat reluctantly set off for Airsoft Plantation; when the alarm went off at 07:00, I could have quite easily remained in bed for several more hours.  However, I was rather glad that I did go, not only because it was a damned fine day of airsoft but also because, after paying and getting my wristband, I bumped into three fine, upstanding members of the Brotherhood of Arseholes (BOA), an airsoft team (in the loosest sense of the word) that I have not had the pleasure of slinging plastic alongside for several years.

    We started off with a simple attack/defend game in the mortar pits; the attackers (that was us!) had to locate and set off two sirens that were secreted in the area.  We got the first one rather quickly but locating and securing the second one seemed to take forever, probably because of the difficulty of dislodging 115 well dug in enemy players each with two lives.  However, eventually we found it and set it off.

    After a short break to mag up, the game was turned around and we held our position for quite a bit longer than the blue team had, mainly due to some excellent communication between players, calling out sightings and movements of the enemy, who could attack from the full 360 degrees.

    After this, we played a long fallback game.  Starting at the far end of the woods, we had to clear the enemy out of the area around the Killhouse, secure the briefcase full of packets of Colombia's finest and transport it to the Border, where a very dodgy looking chap would take it off our hands in exchange for a briefcase full of cash, which we then had to take to the bank in the village.

    We had a rolling respawn on a marshal, while the defenders had one life in each of the Killhouse area, the border and the village.

    Again, it felt like we were making really heavy weather of it, until the enemy's defence of the village finally collapsed.  Huge kudos to the blue team player who, having been overlooked as the Border fell, took out about 12 of us from behind as we moved towards the village,.

    After lunch, we played a simple bomb delivery game in the mortar pits; each side had a smoke bomb, which had to be transported to a location on their opponent's side of the mortar pits and set off.  All players had two lives and only five designated players on each team could transport the bomb, so they had to be protected.  My involvement with this game was lamentably short as I got slotted twice in short order while pushing forward with intemperate aggression.

    Once that game was resolved, the fallback game was turned round; a stalwart defence of the area around the Killhouse delayed the blue's attack; once hit, I fell back to a  favourite spot near the border, a deep ditch protected by a fallen tree.  I was joined there by a friendly Bush Wookie.  We put up a good defence; he died first and I held out for quite a while before being overrun.  One chap got very salty when I emptied a pistol mag into him and his pals at close range.

    After falling back to the village, I was eventually taken out by a sniper; as I walked back to the safe zone, the marshal announced that the blue team had five more minutes to match our time; they failed!

    It was a very good day of airsoft and it was great to play alongside the BOA guys again.

    The only downside was that I yet again failed to win the raffle for a TM pistol.

    Splatoon is next Sunday's destination.

    Weapons used:
    Hurricane/G&P SR47
    Double Bell AKMS
    Milbro M1911 Classic (CO2)

  8. 3 hours ago, Impulse said:

    Just got home from a day of airsofting at Driver Wood (first time at the site) and I've definitely got a bit of a write up for my experience. Day started early with my alarm going off at 6:30am, but I was ready to go get stuck in. I planned on using the MWS set up as a DMR to make the most of their 1.88J with 25m MED DMR rules, since Worthing Airsoft's DMR rules are just not worth bothering with. Had to dial the hop all the way on to lift the .4s, but on green gas it was sailing them out nicely at about 1.8 - 1.85J, so once I got the gun chronoed and saw how it was performing I was set. I joked with my friend as we headed out, saying "ah, we're a DMR and a bolt action sniper, so I'm sure we won't be the front line." This joke is important for our story here...


    First game was a three base domination and was a good game to get started. As I had no idea where anything was, I took myself into a central position with my friend who was running his VSR and we got entrenched in some bushes and started picking people off. It didn't take long before we were the front line, with the rest of our team all dead and not pushing back up. He eventually got taken out, leaving me by myself as I was slotting people on the flank just one after the other (seriously, I loved running a DMR as it allowed me to engage multiple enemies one after the other). I eventually got taken out too when a player on the other team was basically on top of me trying to work out where I was, despite me using an MWS with its clack-clack GBBR mechanism. He said he would never have found me if I was running something quiet. We headed back to respawn and then found that our team was basically being spawn-camped. This was a sign of things to come and something I was wary of going into the day after what I heard at the brief.


    Second game we had to escort a pair of VIPs to various spots across the site, having to hold it for 5 minutes. I'll be honest with you, we got absolutely folded again, barely getting out of our spawn. I managed to hold one of the flanks with another guy, just doing Viet Cong tactics hitting them and then disappearing into the foliage all game; Namsoft taught me well! I also lost count of how many grenades they threw in our direction, both a combination of green smokes (count as toxic, so can't be in it without a gas mask) and bangs. They must've spent a small fortune trying to uproot us, but every time they threw grenades, we simply weren't there. I was surprised to hear we managed to do a whole 1 of the objectives, which was 1 more than I thought with how the game was going. We swapped sides and it was much the same; I took a central position and my friend got into a really good spot for sniping, but while we managed to totally lock down part of the site, the other team was running rampant elsewhere. Then we got teamkilled by a mortar that wiped out about 7 or 8 of us and we totally lost control of that too. That was probably the most frustrating part of the day as it was the one part of the site where it felt like we had traction and then we got mass teamkilled.


    Third game involved a bunch of oversized playing cards. Numbers were 5 points, pictures were 10 points, ace was 15 points and the joker was -20 points for the enemy team. No prizes for guessing how it went. We actually got a decent start, but then with only a few of us defending the base the other team eventually rolled in and stole all of the cards. I was the last man standing having to cover behind me with the pistol as well as the front with the MWS and it was just a bit too much for me alone. Regardless after I got hit I stood there waiting for a medic, knowing full-well that nobody was around to do so. It did exactly what I wanted it to, as I had 4 of them distracted by me and slowing them down in their endeavours as they watched me with paranoia. However, my team didn't come back in and all of our cards got stolen. I went back to spawn and... we were basically spawn-camped. Again. I still managed to break off and take out a bunch of them from a flank they weren't watching much, but by this point most of our team had given up. I'm not the type and I don't mind being on the losing team, but I could see why morale was low; we had spent all day getting kicked around the site.


    Anyway, I did have fun and do enjoy a bit of an uphill battle, especially considering I was against so many regulars while I've never been to the site so I don't know any of the strong positions or even where half of the objectives were. The MWS performed exactly as I wanted it to, but outside of 1.88J I will continue to run it at 1.14J elsewhere; I noticed a little more effective range with 1.88J, but it was borderline. So, my overall thoughts:



    + The site itself is lovely. It's huge and they clearly put a lot of effort into making it a very fun site to play at.

    + DMR rules are great. 1.88J with a 25m MED is where I'll use one and I thoroughly enjoyed doing so

    + Games were well put together and worked well with the site

    + Early start. Briefing at 9am and it's not a massively long one, so we were out to play nice and early.

    + Very nice safe zone and actual toilets! Shame airsofters are a disgusting lot and the male toilets were rather splashed from bad aim



    - Horrendous team imbalance confirmed my suspicions I had going into it. Even heard one of the marshalls speaking to a regular who was on our team saying "you know all the regulars go on green and we always do that side as green" after they split us down the middle

    - That team imbalance was never addressed. At lunch time, despite orange team getting hammered and basically pushed back to spawn every game the marshalls did nothing to balance it. When there were more greens than oranges, it was more newbies and kids who were moved onto orange rather than a group of regulars.

    - Hit taking was laughably bad. I had many shots that I watched to completion through my scope, with people recoiling from the hits and then just continuing on. And I know these are being felt as they're .4s at 1.88J that they're recoiling from

    - It's very businesslike. Whereas Worthing, Southdown and Gunman all feel like a community, Driver Wood very much feels like a business first and I feel it lacked the character of other sites. I felt very detached.



    ~ I don't think I've ever been at a skirmish weekend with that much pyro being hurled at me. Green smokes and bangs were raining down like someone on green won the lottery

    ~ People were proving my point when I say "full auto is a crutch for people who can't aim" with the amount of high ROF full auto spray that was being peppered everywhere

    ~ Gun sock. My gun literally can't fire if the mag is out, but gun sock needed. I kinda understand this one since they have such a wide customer base and people are dumb

    ~ They never checked if my DMR was semi-locked. I could've rocked up with a Section 5 firearm and nobody would've known. Fortunately, I'm not a jackass and had already modified my fire selector to only shoot on semi (such an easy mod on the MWS...)

    - "Outside food is not allowed" combined with "don't worry, we have relatively expensive food on sale". I didn't eat anything on principle!

    - Going back to the safe zone after every game. Those safe zone breaks need to be shorter!


    I did enjoy myself and will likely go back again, but there are definitely issues and I can see that a lot of what I heard about Driver Wood was well-founded. Good thing is that the site is good and the games are good, so I can largely make my own fun, but there are a lot of very easily solvable issues that do impact it.

    Thanks for this report.

    I have been contemplating going to Driver Wood as I have heard some positives comments about it.  However, I have been hesitant following my eldest's visit there a while ago.  He used to be a regular player, was a marshal for a few years and still plays very occasionally.

    His experience was very similar to yours, especially with regard to the unbalanced teams (regulars v the rest), spawn camping  and hit taking.

    I don't think I will bother going.  The "outside food is not allowed" rule seems to show that it is, indeed, very much a business.

    I was planning to go to Airsoft Plantation today, but events prevented me doing so; Tower Airsoft on Saturday will be my next outing, followed by Splatoon the following Sunday.

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