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Colin Allen

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Posts posted by Colin Allen


    2 hours ago, Sewdhull said:

    The MOSFET has 2 extra wires otherwise it's the same as the Airsoft one.


    The motor is unlikely to be too strong, the effort in the gearbox is dictated by the spring.


    Isn't it possible the bevel gear was damaged when the nozzle hit the mag knob thing and the gearbox locked up?


    It doesn't sound like they have been diligent but the timeline is a bit confusing for me.

    I almost posted something similar last night; there is something about this entire saga which is a bit odd.

  2. 1 hour ago, Cannonfodder said:

    Yet both adverts use the same photos. Compare the position of the knots in the wooden flooring and it's obvious they used the same image in each advert

    The £200 gun


    Now the £150 gunScreenshot_20231228-063755_Chrome.thumb.jpg.2bfd56c4b506db1c1da3010f450039dc.jpg

    Indeed; they are exactly the same photos, which I checked before commenting on his posts; his reply was "They are different rifs one has full auto only but the other has semi and full auto but obviously they look the exact same".

  3. 19 minutes ago, Cannonfodder said:

    I think it's option 2. Anyone playing a character for that long would've had at least one moment where the mask slipped by now. 


    Unfortunately I think the only thing that'll make him leave airsoft is if the money dries up, either due to lower views or more sites banning him which won't happen when sites like Pheonix allow/encourage his bullshit. When that happens I can almost guarantee he'll start releasing even controversial content to try and stay in the spotlight 

    Having seen his spawn camping, experienced his cheating as a marshal, and read his bigoted comments, I am pretty sure that he is just an egregious little shit who has found a way of monetising his behaviour.

  4. Today, the lad and I, with some trepidation, pootled down to the wonderfully named Featherbed Lane, which is home to Tactical Warfare Airsoft (TWA).  As some may know, this site has a somewhat mixed reputation for a range of reasons, most of which relate to its proximity to the chav haven that is Croydon.

    Having had both good and bad experiences there in the past, we had set our expectations accordingly and were prepared to be disappointed.

    Attendance was low at around 40 players and, as the site also does morning and afternoon bookings, the lineups changed throughout the day.  Players were a good mixture of the experienced, the relative newcomers and the complete beginners, that latter being a group of eight.  Even Father Christmas turned up but left by lunchtime, leaving a candy cane on everyone's gun bags.

    TWA has a rather decent safezone, although the wind kept finding ways in.  The old and rather disgusting dunny had been replaced by what appeared to be decent toilets, although we did not check them out.

    After chronoing and a nicely short but complete safety brief, we went out for the first game, which was in the CQB village.  We were the attackers and had to reach and defuse a bomb, which required holding down a button for 20 seconds; any interruption reset the timer.  We had infinite regens on our starting point, while the defenders had two lives.  Our attack was a little disjointed and we failed to set off the timer, mainly because the chap who eventually reached it got shot after about 15 seconds.

    This game was then turned around and, to our shame, the other team completed the mission quite handily.

    After this, we went into the woods for a fallback game; we were the defenders and had one life in each of Badger Base, Jungle Base and The Pit, the latter of which is not another name for Croydon; it is literally a large pit with structures in the bottom and halfway up one side.  Attackers had infinite lives with a 30 pace fallback each time they were hit.  We put up a decent fight and fought hard for each position, but were eventually and inevitably wiped out at each location.

    In the return, we struggled to take Badger Base and just about managed to take Jungle Base before we ran out of time, leaving the Pit unmolested.

    Luncheon was then taken, consisting of cold pizza for us (Yum!) and veggie or meat burgers and chips for those who did not bring their own food.

    After lunch, there was a rather silly and pointless game of "everyone against the unkillable marshal" in the CQB village which, while amusing, was somewhat a waste of time.

    We then moved back to the area around Badger Base for a game of domination, with the aim being to have a player or players in the Foxhole at the end of the game.  Neither team could advance past the Foxhole.  Regens were infinite and involved returning to your starting point.  This was great fun, with lots of action and several great runs at the Foxhole by players from both sides; I have no idea who won.  This was then turned around and was even more fun because I prefer playing from the far end.  On one occasion, while returning from regen, there was a distinct sound of real gunfire from just over the next hill; it was too close to be from Croydon.  Again, I have no idea who won; I was too busy enjoying myself and shooting people.


    After this, we returned to the CQB village for a game of "Hunt the Barrels"; the attackers had to recover three barrels from the village and get them back to their regen.  Attackers had infinite lives on their start point and defenders had two lives on a buddy regen.  This was a great game, with lots of action and good play by both sides, which ended with the attackers stealing three barrels from us, as they were intended to do.  However, by this stage, a few players were becoming rather salty and we decided to leave before the game was turned around.

    Overall, the day was far better than we had feared it might be; it was a fun day of old fashioned airsoft.  The approach to marshalling seemed to have changed for the better and the only real issue was some appalling hit taking by a small minority of players on both sides, which saw the marshals resorting to taking test kills.  The day was well run and the games, with one exception, were well thought out and appropriate for the numbers present.

     On the basis of today, we would definitely go back, which was a slightly surprising, but rather pleasant, outcome to our last game of 2023.


  5. 41 minutes ago, Whats said:

    It’s a tabbed gear inside the “chamber” on the left hand side, moves up and down to apply or remove hop. No tools or disassembly what so ever. 

    Many thanks; I am looking for a new pistol and this one is of interest.

  6. With the lad being back from university, we went to Airsoft Plantation's Christmas Shoot today.

    With around 200 players present the site was busy, with a fair number of players dressing for the occasion.

    In the first game we, the red team, had to kidnap the other team's players in fancy dress from the village and get them back to our regen, gaining a point for each such player captured.  Regular blue team players (those not in fancy dress) had two lives while we had infinite regens on the Firebreak.

    A group of us set off on a wide flanking manoeuvre and fought our way into the village in the face of stiff resistance.  The lad got an excellent grenade kill on three chaps in a structure just before the grenade they lobbed at him went off.  It was wonderful mayhem, during which we wiped out the defenders and captured a number of fancy dressed folk..

    This game was then reversed and we decided to defend against anyone repeating our tactic.  Having been hit, we fell back and defended against Blues who had captured the suburbs and were trying to push into the village from that direction.  I was hit again just before the end of the game; the attackers were still trying to break into the village when the game ended.

    The next game involved collecting presents that Santa had deposited all over the very large site; some could only be collected by the red team, some only by the blue team and others by either team.  The blue team apparently decided that the best way to win the game was to capture our repository at the DEA base so that we could not get any presents there; they sent a large force to do this, which they succeeding in doing after our players had transported several presents there.  However, this seriously weakened their present collection team and they failed to collect enough, so we still won the game.  During the latter part of this game, the MPi-KM started misbehaving so my contribution to shooting people was limited.

    Lunch followed, including a raffle with some rather good prizes including three pistols and several packs of pyro.  We had ten tickets; two prizes went to players with numbers one lower and one higher than ours :(.

    After lunch, during which the catering van provided a proper Christmas dinner for around 140 of the players, we had to defend the mortar pits against the blue team; three presents were located in the pits and they had to get a pyro to each of them in turn and blow them up.  However, only players in fancy dress could transport and use pyro.  Attackers had infinite regens while defenders had two lives.  The lad and I, with me now using my somewhat underpowered but long ranged MPi-AK-74N, which I had just finished building, started off in a favoured forward location, from where we put up a stiff fight before being hit.  After falling back, the lad was shot by some of our own players, who seemed to think that a player facing the same way as them and shooting at the enemy must be an enemy.  I fought on longer, potting attackers who were trying to mass behind the comms truck, before finally being hit.

    In the return of this, played in rapidly diminishing light, we attacked via the comms truck, with the lad carrying out a solitary charge with a pistol, and then getting down on his belt buckle and crawling along behind a berm like the trained semi-professional and Cambrian Patrol silver medal winner that he is.  The game ended soon after this.

    It was a really good, fun day and it was good for the two of us to fight together again; we hope to get at least one more day in before he returns to university in January.

    On arriving home, I changed the spring in the MPi-AK-74N, which is now shooting at a pleasant 1J.  I then decided to test the MPi-KM, which seemed to be running perfectly again!

    Weapons used:

    CYMA based MPi-KM
    CYMA based MPi-AK-74N
    Cybergun M1911 Railgun (CO2)

    The lad:
    G&G C7A2
    G&G GR4 G26
    ASG Commander XP18 (CO2)

  7. 1 hour ago, Caj109 said:

    Thanks! Yeah I think I might just get the gun into a tech in the new year to service it and do other bits. Would the spring be naff now its been sat under tension?


    I'll grab the charger down and have a look


    Tbh the bbs are 0.25 and gonna look at 0.28s going forward so will see


    The spring might well be weakened if it has been compressed for the duration, for example if the piston was not fully forward.

    What do you want a tech to do?  Most airsoft guns are reasonably easy to service provided that you take it slowly, photograph everything as you take it apart and watch lots of disassembly videos for your gun online.  What gun is it?

    If the 0.25s look ok, use them to chrono the gun (if you have a chrono) to see what power it is doing; this will help you to work out what, if any, work needs to be done.

    Rogerborg's suggestion of spraying a bit of silicone into the air nozzle to regenerate the piston head O ring is a good one.


  8. 15 minutes ago, Caj109 said:

    Hello, Ive not played airsoft in a few years, but planning on getting back into it come spring.


    My gun and other bits have been on the loft all this time. Would it be wise to get my gun looked over by a tech before using again? And worth binning my bbs I have in the case in the bottle container? I might look at getting .28s going forward.


    Plus my lipo batteries were put into storage mode using my B6 Imax charge when I last played, would these be fine to use still or replace? Can get the charger out to check them over. Last time I checked them no bulging.


    Any other things to do before coming back?





    Try charging the batteries to see how they go; if they are ok, try the gun.  As it has been out of use for a few years, you might need to change the hop rubber and seals and it could possibly do with regreasing, but that all depends on what happens when you try shooting it.

    Give the BBs a visual check to see if they look ok.

  9. 30 minutes ago, Sewdhull said:

    I don't know really, probably none, altho I don't really need any of it I suppose. Just a MOSFET to protect the switch contacts.


    I can see fast trigger being useful regardless of the gun unless it's full auto.

    Much of shooting is feel, or not having to do thing and just be able to shoot.

    Granted in Airsoft we have few of the real problems in shooting and if it were a no brainer (thank you America) everyone would use precocking all the time.

    Precocking is useful, as is high trigger sensitivity; both help you get shots off more quickly, which is a good thing.  

    What is this "full auto" that you speak of?  

  10. On 12/12/2023 at 22:52, Sewdhull said:

    Can't really compare the two.


    Leviathan has better MOSFETs, more features, BT, data logging, trigger, etc etc.

    Perun is half the price but offers what I'm after at the moment.


    Sadly the leviathan can only be purchased via socom tactical minus all the normal choices you'd get from the manufacturer.

    The Perun doesn't lose its settings and how much of the "ooh shiny" stuff on the Leviathan do you actually need/use?

    21 minutes ago, Rogerborg said:


    I'd say the exact opposite, for the very simple reason that if you're respecting your DMR MED then the extra few milliseconds are unlikely to matter, but if you're up close and personal, it can do.  I love the handiness of my MP5K in CQB, but the trigger travel and semi-auto response left a lot to be desired.

    Precocking is useful for both; getting a shot off quickly when you pull the trigger is important at both short and long ranges.  However, I have never quite understood why folk run DMRs.

  11. 2 hours ago, Sewdhull said:

    I have always made my MOSFETs but have just bought a perun hybrid for my mp5 because I fancied a burst mode and precocking.

    It was the cheapest of those type otherwise I'd have sprung for a leviathan or just gone with my homemade one.

    Time will tell if it was a wise move.


    I would take a Perun Hybrid over a Leviathan any day.

  12. So, what you are looking for is a site (not a sight) which is open enough to be a sniper's paradise.  It seems that you want to stack the odds in your favour.

    You might enjoy Splatoon, which is near Wickford in Essex, although it might be too far for you.  A large part of the playing area (not the "map") is a treeless area with container buildings, old cars, a couple of helicopters and other structures.

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