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Colin Allen

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Posts posted by Colin Allen

  1. 9 minutes ago, Yashy said:

    My first outdoor game, amazing!


    Anyway. I just got home and the gun did go through a lot so I wanted to just clean the inner barrel (without) opening the gun. So I put a paper towel on the rod and slowly stuck the rod inside, I did it slowly in a circular motion. I was met with a lot of resistant and I manage to push through and clean the the upper part of the barrel a tiny bit. I'm to scared to go full down incase i damage something on the way.


    However, when i took the rod out, this is the colour that came out. A bit yellowish and orangyIMG_3029.jpg



    Just wondering if I have done anything wrong, am I removing the grease or the oil in the barrel? I've stopped whatever I'm doing, really don't want to damage the inner barrel. sorry for sounding stupid.

    It does look like you are clearing some grease from the barrel, which is a good thing.  There will be some resistance but, if it is too much, use less cleaning rag.  I would not use a paper towel, though.  Use something softer to reduce the risk of scratching the barrel; I use strips of J-Cloth with Isopropyl alcohol.  Make sure you do not damage the hop rubber.  It is better to take the barrel out of the gun to do it, if possible; that enables you to get a good look down the barrel to make sure it is clean.

  2. 31 minutes ago, Shamal said:

    I think that Airsoft is a game played for fun and enjoyment.

    By offering a monetary prize those reasons go out of the window and it becomes a competition which some players will be desperate to win at any costs. We have all seen instances of "I hit you mate","no you didn't mate". Can you imagine how this sort of scenario would be escalated if I large prize payout was at stake.

    Competition is ok in the case of putting your skills to the test in a static comp by hitting targets and trying to beat the best time and accuracy of other players and the winner gets the shiny new gun.


    I think I would be keeping a good distance from this event.


    I will be surprised if this event actually happens in anything like the format proposed.  As you say, it is a terribly bad idea.

  3. 3 hours ago, ParHunter said:

    I remember one tank commander putting his boots on the heater as he managed to step into a 1 meter deep ‘puddle’. When he tried to put the boots back on the sole still stuck to the heater.

    I had a couple of pairs; the soles started to detach from both of them.

  4. 21 minutes ago, Yashy said:

    Hello! I currently have a Specna Arms Edge 2.0. (SA-H22)


    I want to go for a quick cqb session, however the spring thats for cqb is gone walkies somewhere and i cant seem to find it.


    I was wondering if anyone could link me a decent spring that is good for indoors?


    My current fps is 350 with current spring and of course I cant use that indoors.

    Unfortunately, the answer to your question rather depends on what spring is in there now giving you 350FPS.

    If it is an M100, an M90 or M95 should do the trick; however, it is impossible to give an accurate answer.  The XT springs from AK2M4 are very good. https://www.ak2m4.co.uk/internal-parts/springs

  5. 1 hour ago, ParHunter said:

    Standard German Army issue? They must have improved a lot over the years. Back in 88 they were very solid but would give you the most beautiful blisters. Oh the joy when they then got infected as well.

    Our Sargent told us to urinate into the shoes to make the leather softer. I don’t think anyone took up that idea 😉


    The issue Meindl Kampfstiefel Schwer Combat Extreme boots are very good.

  6. 33 minutes ago, Von Kirk said:

    The underlying company running this is Project Zodiac Limited, they have a website you can visit https://www.projectzodiac.org/about, it seems the idea is to run large scale airsoft and paintball events and then funnel that money back into the industry, its in theory a nice idea but I question given how low some of the ticket prices are what sort of money they're making on this event that they can break even let alone help fund Airsoft and Paintball events for the next 2 years. 


    They state that they provide sites with "Up to £2500 Training Bursary to cover mandatory training of site marshals"; where is the money coming from?

    At the moment, this all seems to be vapourware.

  7. 13 minutes ago, DanBow said:

    It's a shame that we are so prepared for it to fail. This is exactly the kind of thing we, as a sport/hobby, need to get us some positive media attention. Maybe lessons will be learnt for the next one, or we might just be surprised how well run and organised it is! I suspect pigs might fly but it would be nice!

    We may end up being pleasantly surprised and eating humble pie; however, this venture gives the impression of being somewhat overoptimistic and likely to disappoint.

    When claims of rewards on this scale are being made by a team who seem to have suddenly appeared on the scene, a healthy level of scepticism is required.

  8. 4 hours ago, Sewdhull said:

    The spring in the cyma has .7mm wire, another from either the src or we has .6mm.

    That's quite a significant difference and my mp5 doesn't have a rate of fire more than those other 2.

    That is a considerable difference; I didn't measure the wire thickness on mine, but 0.1mm larger seems about right and it was definitely much stronger.

  9. 16 hours ago, Sewdhull said:

    When I'm finished opening the box I'll lube everything, seems I have a leaky nozzle, the blue, apparently 3d printed, one that came with gun has a texture on it, no o ring and a very strong tappet plate spring which I'll have to compare with some others before I'm happy.

    I recently picked up a new CYMA V3 gearbox for my MPiKM in place of the LCT one that was in it.  The blue nozzles are awful and the tappet plate springs do seem to be very strong.

  10. 31 minutes ago, LazzurusMan said:

    I can't find an exploded diagram of the gearbox, so I haven't got a clue what the part number would be.

    I'm gonna try and use 4 different screws and 4 nuts instead, as I don't think the plate itself holds anything in place that the 4 nuts wouldn't also hold if tightened correctly.

    Email them with the gun’s name and a photo of the part.

  11. 39 minutes ago, LazzurusMan said:

    Sooooo I sold my amazing custom ares mutantnto my brother so I could switch to hpa and buy a tippman (god I love it) aaaaaaand he broke the motor grip. As in the screws ate the threads off the plate that holds it to the gearbox. He has since tried to loctite/super glue them back in, to no avail.


    Does anyone know where I can buy another of these plates? Or is it a case of taking it to a fabricator and paying well mote than its worth to have a new plate custom made and tapped with four new screws?

    Email [email protected] with the part number from the exploded diagram.  I have found them to be rather helpful if they have the part available.

  12. 7 minutes ago, Marauder211 said:


    Actually, the gearbox is actually a specna arms gearbox that replaced the original ares gearbox to fit the mosfet in. I'm in the process of putting a full timeline in there, but if they messed up this badly the first time (and I'm not the only one this has happened to) then I'm not going to trust them a second time, especially when I pay £175 for the parts and installation.

    When was the work done by Airsoft Cymru?

  13. 1 hour ago, Marauder211 said:

    Essentially, I paid like an idiot thinking that I was getting a good deal. Luckily I was smart enough to turn down the metal hop unit they wanted to install because I figured the original was good enough

    Why didn’t you go back to Airsoft Cymru and get them to sort out the problem rather than going to something else?  Their work should have had a warranty.


    What you claim to have been told about the Aster is wrong, as Sewdhull has pointed out.  It is far more likely that the gear was damaged when the gun locked up and it is unlikely that a Nuprol motor was too strong.


    When was the work done by Airsoft Cymru?  I have emailed them about these threads so that they can give their version of events, if they choose to.

  14. 1 hour ago, Rogerborg said:


    Then might it be fairer to say that it's claimed that they're different, but apparent that they're not?


    For one thing, if I were selling two guns like that, I'd mention the alternative gun in each advert to increase my chance of finding an interested buyer.

    It might indeed be fairer to say that; I was using 'apparently' somewhat ironically.

    54 minutes ago, Cannonfodder said:

    Well he says they're 2 different guns but provides bugger all evidence to back up his claims. This to me is a massive red flag



    2 hours ago, Sewdhull said:

    The MOSFET has 2 extra wires otherwise it's the same as the Airsoft one.


    The motor is unlikely to be too strong, the effort in the gearbox is dictated by the spring.


    Isn't it possible the bevel gear was damaged when the nozzle hit the mag knob thing and the gearbox locked up?


    It doesn't sound like they have been diligent but the timeline is a bit confusing for me.

    I almost posted something similar last night; there is something about this entire saga which is a bit odd.

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