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Colin Allen

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Posts posted by Colin Allen

  1. Today, I took another trip to Airsoft Plantation.  Unfortunately, their other site, Tower Airsoft, is now only open on the last Sunday of the month; I miss the Saturday games there.


    Numbers were a bit lower than usual, which resulted in more open play.

    I took my newly built MPi-AK74N to set the hop and test the power; it came in at 1.24J, which isn't bad on an M100 spring!

    This was very much "smoke grenade day" at AP; every game involved designated "bomb runners" having to get smoke grenades somewhere and set them off.

    The first game of the day involved the Blue Team (that was us) having to transport two smoke grenades to the Town Hall in the village and set them off in it.  We had infinite respawns on a marshal while the defenders had two lives, one of which had to be taken in a village structure, while the other had too be taken outside a structure.

    As a team, we decided to spread our attack across the front and left flank of the village.  Initially, I went straight up the middle but it soon became obvious that the enemy had that area well covered.  Having been hit, I regened and went up the right flank before cutting left into the village along with a number of other players.  We pushed hard, supported by another group on our right flank, and got both smoke grenades into the Town Hall.

    This game was then turned around and it was our turn to defend; along with several others, I took up a position in the village suburbs, intending to hold up any flanking move by the Red Team.  This went well for quite a while as, despite losses, we prevented the enemy pushing into the suburbs, picking them off as they tried to get close.  However, some of our group had to redeploy further down the flank as we became aware that enemy players were flanking wide in attempt to attack the village from the rear, leaving us weakened.  The enemy attacked again and I was hit, having to leave my structure and fight in the open.  Noticing two enemy players who had flanked us and were behind a building, I moved up to it, peeked round a corner and took the first of them out with a couple of close range shots, followed by another enemy player who was in a bush just behind him.  I ducked back behind the corner to try to work out what the other player behind the hut was doing; peeking around the corner again, I saw him and put three shots into his chest.  He ducked back round the corner and, as I advanced, shot me in the face at point blank range, leaving a deep gouge and a lot of blood.  Wanker!

    The Red Team failed to get either smoke grenade into the Town Hall.

    After a break to mag up (and clear up the blood), we started a new game.  The Red Team started behind the Mortar Pits and had to get a smoke bomb into each of the Town Hall (village), the High Tower and the Boathouse.  We started on the firebreak and had a 10 second head start to try to get into defensive positions.  A group of us headed to the Boathouse and secured it; after a while, it became obvious that the enemy were not putting us under any real pressure so half of us decided to go on the offensive, attacking the Mortar Pits and moving up on the enemy's rear as they attacked the village and the High Tower, although we feared that the latter might have fallen as it is very close to the enemy's start point.  After a stiff fight around the Comms Truck, we swept through the Mortar Pits and were buoyed up by waves and cheers from the remaining defenders of the High Tower, who had withstood many enemy assaults.  We ended up attacking the enemy as they attacked the village: it was a very messy Red Team sandwich.

    After lunch, during which the player marshals were switched to the Red Team to try to get them going, our team took up a position at the DEA Base, with a mission to get a smoke bomb into the Town Hall.  The Red Team started in the village and were tasked to get a smoke bomb into the cockpit of the plane at the DEA base.  I stayed with the group defending the DEA base; after quite a while when not much happened, we noticed movement indicating that the enemy had flanked around the site and were attacking from our rear.  Redeploying, we had a really good firefight with them, with lots of buddy regens on either side.  After a long fight, I was hit and had to fall back 30 metres and and find an unengaged teammate to regen on.  This proved impossible as everyone was in combat, so I set off to find our attacking team and regen on one of them.  Just as I found them, our smoke bomb was set off in the Town Hall.  Game over!

    This game was then turned around and a group of us went on a long flanking manoeuvre to do exactly what the enemy had tried to do to us in the previous game.  Fighting through various ambushes and a poison gas attack and taking casualties, we approached the DEA base, only to be attacked by a lone enemy player who had crept up behind us.  Most of us had to go back to find a friend to regen on.  When we had regrouped, we pushed on again, only for the same player to do the same thing again.  More regening and off we went again, this time keeping a good eye on our tactical rear.  After a stiff fight, our smoke grenade was thrown into the cockpit, signalling the end of the game.

    It was a really good day, despite the incident with the wanker, which was dealt with really well by the marshals.

    Guns used:
    LCT PP-19-01
    Milbro M1911 Classic (CO2)


    2 hours ago, Cannonfodder said:

    So after months of life getting in the way, today I managed to get to South Herts Airsoft just south of Hemel Hempstead. Despite getting royally buggered by the gods of public transport it was a really good day. The site is well run with a relaxed atmosphere and an emphasis on making sure you got a decent amount of game time but without feeling like you're being rushed. The games themselves were well thought out and worked well with both the layout of the site and the numbers (they were fully booked but had a number of last minute cancellations, total was 23 iirc). Hit taking was also really good with no "wtf?" moments.


    On site facilities weren't great (portaloos and tables under gazebos) but they're still a new site and are planning on making changes so I can't really fault them there. They also had a selection of drinks for sale and Combat UK were there with bbs, gas and pyros for sale.


    All in all I think I've found my new regular site 

    Sounds good; it will be interesting to see how it develops.

  2. 16 minutes ago, Yashy said:



    This is my battery.



    So is the overlander charger safe to use for my batteries that I have? once again I don't know anything about Batteries, will it be simple as plug in and charge or do i have to change settings on the overlander?

    You will have to change settings but it is not difficult; just follow the instructions.

  3. What charger are you using?

    If it is one of the cheap ones, you really need to get a decent charger, such as the SKYRC S60  https://ymctestdomain.ymcracing.co.uk/chargers/246-skyrc-s60-ac-charger-60w-6a.html.  It is now discontinued, but still available from some retailers.

    This will enable you to take your battery down to storage charge safely and will do a much better job of charging your battery.

  4. 4 hours ago, Lozart said:


    The issue is that while C ratings are very much a real thing, battery manufacturers lie about what they actually achieve from their battery. 

    The attached actually explains C and its relationship to current and capacity better than the MIT thing.

    What-is-a-battery-C-rating.pdf 533.74 kB · 1 download

    I suspect that it is more likely that the branders lie about the C ratings rather than the battery manufacturers, which is what I commented.

    I understand C ratings rather too well.  Much of my current work is on alternative energy sources for transport; while I am more focussed on hydrogen, I have had to learn about battery technologies.

  5. 10 hours ago, Duprv said:

    I had the Masada in the past and at this point I was very lucky! I’ve heard people complaining about that platform in general, so I do believe it’s risky to get one at this point.


    I’m really into the Ares KelTec it’s a shame it’s not that reliable..


    thanks a lot for the explanation I didn’t even know you could order parts from Ares directly! 

    I would really love to see where I can find an A&K Acr, last one I found was completely wasted outside, apparently had problems with the trigger and they were asking nothing less than 180! Not that much of a bargain!


    im really thinking of going for the ICS, seems the most reliable and reasonable choice 

    Regarding the A&K ACR, which colour (black or tan) and barrel length (short or long) are you after?

    6 hours ago, MrTea said:

    BespokeAirsoft have a A&K Masada in their boneyard which has a snapped stock release, missing selector and is electrically dead and they want £150 for it which is a joke IMO.

    I have just had a look at their boneyard.  Bloody hell!  The prices are ridiculous.

  6. 34 minutes ago, Lozart said:


    It is an industry standard term and describes the charge rate of a battery. If it's good enough for MIT, then it's good enough for airsoft.



    (taken from the attached file)

    summary_battery_specifications.pdf 72.9 kB · 0 downloads

    Sadly, purveyors of batteries for airsoft toys do not seem to have received the memo about the C rating being an industry standard term, which I suspect was Sewdhull’s point.

  7. 1 hour ago, Duprv said:

    Hi everyone!
    I was playing Airsoft in Italy, for around 7 years, luckily for work reason I had to relocate around the world and I then had to stop playing.
    I've been looking into the UK Airsoft community since I've arrived, 2 years ago, and it seems that is way more "Colorful" in terms of gun and laws.

    I've bought everything I need in terms of loadout...Except... The rif it self!
    So I'm here listening to more expert people, since I'm outdated!

    I'm now undecided to go for one of those replicas:
    Ares - KelTec RDB 17 (I'm scared since some parts are dedicated, so if this thing brakes, where will i find the replacement or reinforced parts?)
    PTS Magpul MASADA (I Know it's quite old, but i'm in love with the ACR look)
    CXP-APE (Always a Dream to own this, but unlucky stopped airsoft when it came out)

    VFC 416d/c (Had them, quite fun and reliable with a 7.4v, I won't trust VFC with 11.1v tho)
    TM Aug High Cycle (This was one of the most fun replicas i ever owned, and it's really tempting to buy it once again)

    What do you guys suggest? Open to suggestions! Thanks a lot for your time

    Welcome aboard!

    Looking at your list of RIFs:

    Ares KelTec: it is beautiful but it is an Ares and, therefore, badly designed, badly made and very likely to kill itself in strange and unusual ways.

    PTS Magpul Masada: Guess what? it is beautiful but it is an Ares and, therefore, badly designed, badly made and very likely to kill itself in strange and unusual ways.  

    For some reason, I own three Ares RIFs, including the AK version of the Masada, for which PTS managed to make the wrong mags as they are the 5.56 version rather than the AK ones; the hop unit is junk but, fortunately, SHS make a decent replacement.

    I have found Ares to be very good to order parts from if they have them in stock.  However, their stocks seem to be very low, especially for parts for older RIFs.

  8. 2 hours ago, Terrywristt said:


    Simple google image search shows he's photoshopped it using this as the source


    Steer clear.  Report him to a mod

    Yep!  I was just about to post the same thing; it is the left hand one.

  9. 59 minutes ago, Shamal said:

    That's what I was thinking. Perhaps a dremil or similar to lightly engrave markings on spring.

    Cost!  That is a manual activity that would push the price up.  Even doing it for oneself would be tricky as it is such a small surface area.  I wonder how Begadi manage it at that price.

  10. 1 hour ago, ak2m4 said:

    I'm due to test the new brushless motor this weekend and that will push my XT M110 test spring to around 1.5 million cycles.  It's not lost any power / size yet so interesting to see what the results are.  

    Your XT springs do seem very good; I have not had any issues with them yet.

  11. 13 minutes ago, ak2m4 said:

    @Colin Allen from talking to the factory and my own test the zinc coating they put on those springs affected the performance of the spring in terms of power and reliability over time.  Another reason why some brands use zinc plating is to help mask the poor quality of the steel underneath.   Believe me when I say I would gladly have a zinc coating on these as packing them into bags you get covered in grease. 

    I did try colour coding the piston end of my springs but could never find a paint which wouldn't flake off.  I imagine some sort of powder coating would work fairly well but have to keep costs low otherwise before you know it paying £14 for a spring.  If anyone has any ideas I'm open to suggestions ?

    Thanks.  I did wonder about what was obviously a coating on the Prometheus springs and how it would stand up to repeated use.  The paint, or whatever it was, on the ASG springs seemed pretty durable but I gave up using them as they were ridiculously long.

    It doesn't matter to me as much now as I keep a record of which spring each RIF contains.

  12. 9 hours ago, Sewdhull said:

    Thanks, I'm not after high rates of fire, but do like snappy semi.

    With the right gears and motor etc I can get decent semi but it seems like I may have to get a posh etu.

    I did wonder if id really notice given that were talking milliseconds...

    You will notice the difference!

    You don't need a posh etu; a Perun AB++ provides precocking and only requires rewiring although, assuming it is a V2 gearbox, if you are going to open up the gearbox to do that, you may as well fit an etu.

  13. 23 minutes ago, Liamcella96 said:

    Amazing thanks everyone. I've taken it apart today and the internals seem shot. Plastic piston a little stripped. Nozzle not the best. I will replace the internals and let you know how it goes. Thanks

    One of the advantages of a plastic toothed piston is that it can "settle in" when the AoE is not quite correct; this results in it looking a "little stripped".

    Another advantage is that only the piston dies if PME or one of a few other nasty things happens.

  14. 2 hours ago, Lozart said:


    Yeah...but @ak2m4 doesn't.





    True; if he did, I would buy them.

    Ideally, they would need to be entirely coloured, like the Prometheus ones, or coloured at both ends so that you do not lose the indication if you have to trim them.

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