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Colin Allen

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Posts posted by Colin Allen

  1. 49 minutes ago, concretesnail said:

    Anzio has had hpa limits listed separately for a while but and there on site measurements have been consistent when I've been there. However their website doesn't help matters as it lists limits then maximum variances up to a hard limit. The language used makes it more confusing than it needs to be, like they are trying to show a rule of thumb for builders and that fact some rifs chrono differently due to weather or drying seals etc. 

    They also list lower joule limits for anything over 0.20g than they do for 0.20g, which is bizarre.

  2. 3 hours ago, AirSniper said:

    You mean this? https://www.patrolbase.co.uk/perun-mosfet-v2-hybrid-front-wired?gclid=CjwKCAjwh8mlBhB_EiwAsztdBFfvw5SY6nRtzEr7-_OESX235AuxRwZ9XKZiu4rLUaVYw2Dh0D3T8BoCmWUQAvD_BwE


    Which looks like a chore to install, I have Perun ETU++ on the G&G's which were very simple to replace the existing mosfet boards.

    It isn't particularly difficult to install.  What you have in the G&Gs is irrelevant unless you want to try to install a G&G ETU and Perun ETU++ in the SA, which may or may not work and would be a very expensive approach.

  3. Despite a terrible weather forecast, I decided to go to Tower Airsoft in Essex today for a third successive weekend of airsoft, as I am unlikely to be able to play for at least the next two, and possibly three or four, weekends due to rehearsals, a festival set and, weather dependent, hiking on Dartmoor.

    As the lad had set off for the Helmut-Schmidt-Universität/Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg for a week of playing with G36s and other interesting activities, I was on my own this time.

    Despite the site not usually playing host to HPA users, attendance was once again low, with a group of rentals forming a significant percentage of those present.

    However, in true Tower style, the games suited the numbers present and a good day was had.  The rentals turned out to be good players and the teams were well balanced, with the times for two legged games being almost identical.  One "amusing" incident related to the site's 30m minimum engagement distance for full auto.  While defending the village in one game, I was hit by a short full auto burst from about 4m; when I mentioned the rule to the player, he replied that it wasn't full auto as it was a three round burst; the marshal "had a word".

    The forecast heavy rain and strong wind failed to put in an appearance, which was a bonus.

    Weapons used:
    CYMA/LCT/real steel MPiKM
    Golden Eagle AMD-65
    Milbro Classic M1911

    The MPiKM has been running low on power for a while; a quick strip down this evening revealed that the piston head O ring was no longer sealing.  It is now back up to power:).


  4. 1 hour ago, Speedbird_666 said:


    So - I occasionaly wear one of these olive Webtex shemaghs around my neck (some events even mandate them for opfor kit).


    For my own edification - are we saying that some people find it offensive to wear something like this?

    I doubt that anyone you meet at an airsoft site would find it offensive.  However, in some Muslim traditions green ones are worn by those who are regarded as descendants of the Prophet and the Imam Ali.  I wouldn’t worry about it.

  5. 4 minutes ago, TacticalWaifu said:


    If you're referring to @BreadyC's keffiyeh remarks, specific meaning and history behind various pieces of headgear like that are significant and long-standing -- and while not common knowledge spread along UK shores, are absolutely in no way "revisionist bullshit" 🙄

    Different coloured keffiyehs were used to indicate allegiance to Fatah and the PFLP; wearing the wrong one in the wrong place at the wrong time was potentially a life shortening mistake.

  6. 1 hour ago, AirSniper said:

    Played sunday, HPA boys were in and not taking their hits however, plenty of trigger spamming from them.


    The one was bad mouthing me in the safe zone because they wouldn't accept that I had actually hit them and they denied I had, claimed I couldn't have turned around with my gun fast enough to shoot, the assumption he was making was I was playing right handed when I am in fact an ambidextrous player and was at the time left handed pointing the rifle in the direction of the door that he blind fired around to hit me.

    You can't make this shit up, the bruise is one of several from one of the HPA players who was clearly over limit because no rifle / pistol aeg or hpa should be able to leave someone with a bruise like that.


    I hear that Anzio have now made HPA limits lower than AEG, which I applaud, it levels the playing field, better sites do it than allowing government to legislate and limit HPA if it is to remain and hopefully these other sites that are going to follow suite will clear out the nobs who can't follow the rules.


    The problem on some sites is that CQB as in actually playing CQB doesn't mix with the speedsoft bois.


    So apart from an HPA nob and the further injuries from the group of lads that were onsite this week, it was a good game.





    I picked up a welt like on Sunday; there were no HPAs at the site.

    You probably should take up another hobby; airsoft seems to cause you nothing but stress and angst.

  7. 13 hours ago, THE CHIEF said:

    I swear by the KWC/cybergun 100th anniversary edition. Has the great kick of CO2 but chrono's at 300fps. Now I must say I like the old school 1911 and series 70 types. I have a TM but the KWC keeps creeping into the shoulder holster because it's usually a short range weapon for me and a loud bang send people running.


    Think about how you will use it. No point it paying for a super pistol that will send rounds out a hundred meters if you pull your pistol and 10 meters or less. 


    The only ball ache is most people require you to Chrono with a fresh bulb so it can be wasteful if you don't empty the mag at a game.

    I would not buy one; the lad and I had one each and they are a bit crap. They are very inconsistent, the hop unit is crap and the only available upgrade is a pretty average hop rubber.


    I am still using mine while deciding what to get to replace it.

  8. The vast majority of G&G ETUs do not like anything lower than 11.1v, although the lad had one that ran happily on 7.4v.  As concretesnail suggests, switching the board, which is easily accessible in the stock, to a Perun ETU++ will enable you to run on 7.4v or 9.9v and give you a few funky options such as precocking and a wider selection of fire selector options.

  9. 11 hours ago, Beorn said:

    I’m getting into hiking a bit at the moment and am looking for a good hiking pant that might also be useful for airsoft once in a while. I’ve seen rave reviews about Revolution Race pants, but also a few which are quite critical of them in terms of fit in particular. Anyone else used them? They’re on the pricey side but there’s a sale on at the mo so considering whether to give them a try.

    As someone who does a lot of hiking, I have never really understood the need for expensive hiking trousers; a pair of flecktarn shorts or DPM trousers do the job perfectly well.

    Most hiking clothing is more about marketing than need.


  10. Today, the lad and I headed over to Dragon's Lair in Essex, a site that we visit 3 or 4 times a year at most.  It is a small, heavily wooded site with lots of structures including a village, a fort and quite a few barricades.  It has a rather decent and surprisingly large safe zone, with free tea and coffee available throughout the day, a basic site shop, provided by Airsoft Zone, and an in-house tech.  We always take pizza when we play airsoft, mainly because it has become something of a ritual to do so, but also because most sites do not really cater for vegetarians.  Today, we were very glad that we did as lunch was not available on site and it is quite a long way to anywhere that sells food.

    We were rather surprised at how few players were there today; we are used to there being around 100+, but only about 50 were present today, with fewer after lunch and as the afternoon wore on.

    One nice surprise was that finding that they now chrono using the BB weight that you will be using, rather than just using 0.20g BBs; I know that we can discuss whether chronoing serves any real purpose, other than providing a moderately reassuring ritual, but this seemed like a significant step forward.

    As usual, the games were fairly short, simple, straightforward and good fun; having fewer players present helped as the site can feel a bit "wall to wall" when it is busy.

    We played a good variety of relatively simple games throughout the day, with the first one being particularly memorable as I ended up behind the opposing (attacking) team and had great fun crawling around in a heavily overgrown ditch taking players out and hearing them complaining about being shot by their own team.

    In the reverse of that game, we completed the objectives in about 30 minutes, whereas the other team had taken nearly an hour.

    Other games played included a push the flag game, last man standing in the village and frozen (when you are hit, you have to remain still and can only be released by someone on your own team shooting you).

    Overall, it was a good, fun day.  The games played worked well with the numbers and the marshalling was on point; the teams were rebalanced a couple of times in the afternoon as player numbers decreased.

    Weapons used:
    CA HK33
    CA HK53
    Milbro M1911 Classic CO2

    The lad:
    E&L AKS74U
    CYMA AK105
    ASG XP18 Commander CO2


    1 hour ago, OTH21 said:

    Worse still the older gent decided he'd wait outside the site to continue the argument, the last I overheard from the marshalls were the 2 brothers had 'filled him in'. All over a heated exchange of plastic pellets, pretty pathetic.

    That is really pathetic; it is supposed to be fun.  One site that we play at makes a point of mentioning in the safety brief that, if you lay hands on another player in anger, they will support the 'victim' if they want the police involved.  It is one of the best sites that I know for player behaviour.

  11. The O ring in the base of the CO2 valve (the one in the back of the magazine) has failed.  You will need to unscrew the valve, get the O ring out, which is easier said than done, and replace it.  The O ring is 8mm O/D x 6mm I/D.  If you message me your address I can send you some.

    You can get mag maintenance kits here: https://www.gearofwar.co.uk/product/kwc-repair-kit-co2-1911-magazine/

    If you want new mags, look for the KWC 18 round ones; they are the OEM for the Cybergun M1911.

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