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Liam Porter

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Profile Information

  • Guns
    CYMA CM.701 (VSR clone)
    Well MB-01 (L96 clone)
    Tokyo Marui Glock 17
    G&P M16A3
    CYMA AKS-74u
  • Loadouts
    Woodland DPM
    Ukrainian TTSkO
    Smersh Vest
    Battle Belt
  • Sites
    Free Fire Zone (FFZ)
    Modern Airsoft Warfare (MAW)
    Urban Assault (UA)
    Combat Airsoft (Thetford)
  • Gender
  • Location
    King's Lynn, Norfolk

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  1. Quick update: I ordered some SHS nozzles (long - 20.7mm and short - 19.7mm) and an SHS tappet plate - still getting the same issue with the gun. I spoke to AirsoftWorld, where I ordered the hop unit from, who suggested removing the upper screw from gearbox (holds hop to gearbox, but can pull it at a funny angle, causing an air leak) and said to put the barrel assembly in the gun loosely, then insert the mag, and then tighten all screws. Done it this way - still getting the same issue. If I fully assemble the gun apart from the stock, outer barrel and gearbox spring guide and spring, I get a perfect air seal (even with magazine in). If I put my finger over barrel and push the piston with a screwdriver, there is no air leak whatsoever, and the piston returns to original position when I stop applying pressure. FPS is consistent (+/- 2, with these new nozzles) but still 50-80 under what I would expect and what I can achieve with the exact same springs. So, in short - tried more things, still stumped. Will update when (if) I get this thing working properly!
  2. FPS is quite consistent, its 350 +/-5. I've found air leaks tend to give a lot more variation... I've had 430 FPS out of this exact spring before, but can't seem to get it in this gun. Will give it a try with hop adjustments, and will double check the spring in a different gun.
  3. LCT VSS air seal problems... When the gun is apart, air seal seems good, but I only get 350 FPS from an SP120 spring (hop completely off). Pic 1, gearbox in half, no barrel - near perfect seal - I can barely push the piston in with my finger over the end of the nozzle. When I stop pushing, the piston returns to original position. Pic 2, gearbox in half, hop/barrel attached to gearbox - near perfect seal - I cannot push the piston far with my finger on the end of the barrel. When I stop pushing the piston, it returns to original position. Pic 3, gearbox, hop unit and barrel assembled in body of gun - not sure best way to test, but I cannot blow down the barrel, so assuming good seal. SP120 spring, and the best I can get is about 350 FPS with a 0.20g, worst is 250 (depending on combination of parts below). Anyone have any ideas? Tried with all combinations of the following: - Stock hop unit; - Stock nozzle; - Stock barrel; - Stock hop rubber; - Combat Union hop unit; - Combat Union nozzle (came with unit); - Prometheus 6.02mm barrel; - Prometheus purple hop rubber; - Maple Leaf Macaron Yellow hop rubber. I've found the stock nozzle doesn't seal very well with the stock cylinder head, but the Combat Union seals perfectly. And the nozzle and hop unit only seal in pairs (i.e., stock seals with stock, Combat Union seals with Combat Union) - mixing and matching gives air leaks. (Apologies for some pictures being upside down.) Thanks in advance.
  4. I've tried washing BBs and have seen absolutely no difference whatsoever. If you're buying semi-decent BBs, then they'll not need washing.
  5. Are full length MagPul PTS Masadas discontinued now?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. jcheeseright


      same as any second hand gun, about 75% of what he paid for it.

    3. Liam Porter

      Liam Porter

      That's what I thought. He was hoping it'd be worth a bit more, with it being discontinued and in new condition :P.

    4. M_P


      They're pretty common, like the vfc scars for example, they wont get any price increase from being discontinued.

  6. Oh, welcome! I'm heading to Canada for a month in May/June. Flying to/from Halifax, NS but staying in Sackville, NB.
  7. I know it's not airsoft related, but it'd really help me out if anyone who's at university and is 18+ could fill in this questionnaire for me! :)http://goo.gl/forms/3j8IKoMgvH

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Liam Porter

      Liam Porter

      Thank you :)

      They can put 0 in if it's paid by the government, a few people have done so, but I'll add that as a note under the question to clear up confusion.

      If I leave it optional, people will skip it for the sake of skipping it. I had a draft one with a lot more optional questions, and so many people just skipped them out of laziness.

    3. DX115FALCON


      I entered N/A for it.

    4. Liam Porter

      Liam Porter

      Okay, that's fine :), I need to go through all of the answers to that question anyway and convert them to the same format and to GBP :P

  8. Some of us will be about, depending what time(s) you're on.
  9. Looked on his profile. Hmm fair enough then, I dislike most recent music. I listen to a lot of late 90's/early 2000's music, but then I'm 20, so I grew up listening to that stuff.
  10. Of course he listens to normal music too, he's 13.
  11. 420 FPS is definitely legal, and will be allowed at certain sites. Urban/CQB sites will most likely not allow it, but woodland sites where the engagement ranges are longer will generally have a 500 FPS limit for bolt action rifles. There will be a minimum engagement distance (usually 20-30m) for higher powered rifles (normally anything over 350 FPS), and some sites will say you have to have a side arm (pistol or similar) for use at closer range. That said, I'd recommend against a sniper as a first "proper" rifle, simply because out of the box, it'll be no better than a standard AEG and will limit the sites you can go to and the type of play you can do. To get decent use out of a sniper rifle, it takes quite a bit of money in upgrades, and a lot of time fiddling with it and making tiny adjustments. I'd recommend a G&G Combat Machine AEG instead as a first gun.
  12. Yeah, not sure if you're picking that out of what I said, but if so, I mean at the same FPS as a lighter BB, not necessarily from the same gun.
  13. That's because you're most likely applying basic physics, in that an object will fall at the same speed and reach the ground in the same time, regardless of it's horizontal velocity. You're forgetting that airsoft guns (with hop ups) but backspin on the BB, which keeps it in the air for longer. What BrightCandle said above about comparing distance of heavier BBs with lighter ones at the same FPS is right; the heavier ones will have more energy behind them. Even at the same energy, a heavier BB may travel further (to a certain extent) as it will be less effected by drag and will slow down less. If I were you, I would only rely on the table as a very rough guide though! The actual range you get out of your gun will be dependent on many factors and will be very specific to your gun. Even if someone had the exact same gun as you, with the exact same parts, giving the same power output and using the same BBs, you'll most likely get different ranges due to very small differences.
  14. If I play, which I haven't done much recently, I tend to play ArmA2/3 and DayZ SA/mod, may be interested in joining sometimes.
  15. I wish you could actually get 80 billion drawing pins for a quid.
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