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Posts posted by Airsoft-Ed

  1. Also, and I cannot stress this enough - so I'll use bold, italics and underline to help me - ...oh and caps: DO NOT BUY SOMETHING SH!T BECAUSE YOU'RE IMPATIENT.

    Whoops... Seriously, remove the notion from your mind that you need a gun. You don't. You need more money. Spending £80 on an airsoft gun is a bit like spending £80 on toilet paper, because it'll end up down the poo chute either way. Save up until you can get a Combat Machine, because anything cheaper than that, simply won't be skirmishable.

    If you spend under £80 on some horrible orange monstrosity from the likes of JBBG, people will see you at a game and think you are "that guy" they will know that you have ignored people's advice against your better judgement, and they will think you're a tit for it. You would literally be better off hiring a gun from the site than buying something like that.

  2. There's a pretty gigantic market of replica air weapons as well, I used to have a Walther CP99 that fired 4.5mm lead pellets, but that was most definitely a RIF, it was as real looking as they come.

    But to buy that I just had to be over 18, because it's classed as an air weapon. Even though it looks equally as realistic as an airsoft gun, and even though the muzzle energy would've been close to 5 joules, if not more (not sure what air gun pellets weigh).

    There's an airgun version of the Dan Wesson revolvers too, they're just chambered for .177 copper BBs instead of 6mm plastic ones, that's the only difference. Yet for the 6mm one, you need UKARA, and for the more dangerous one, you don't.


    Kinda forgot my point...
    They were probably air guns and not airsoft ones.


    There is that one guy (wounded ex serviceman) that stops just short of threatening him though. Basically insisted that he can't wear it and if he did he'd be in trouble if any ex servicemen caught him. FFS.


    Yeah, sounds like the sort of mong who supports Britain First even though they're basically Nazis. Lots of thick yobbos in the forces, unfortunately. No disrespect to those who aren't, of course. But there's no denying it really. They join up through some misguided sense of patriotism, when really their ideals are anything but.

  4. I hate GHK...

    They've made so many beautiful, perfect things, but I've already got so many WE mags that it seems daft to buy into a system that doesn't accept them =[

    I have no doubts that the GHK M4 is going to be the best on the market once it's more widely available, based on the WA system, full steel internals as standard, and their mags are spectacularly gas efficient.

    I'm having to seriously think about selling half my WE mags with my SCAR to get the GHK, instead of just selling the SCAR, keeping the mags, and getting a WE M4... It's such a burden on my mind, and my wallet D=

  5. I don't think anyone's disputing the fact that hitting anything at that range would be impossible to do on purpose, even with an entire garrison firing all their small arms in the air, but people have been killed by stray rifle rounds from 21 gun salutes and stuff from obscene distances away.


    I'm trying to find an article on it, there was a famous case when a guy just dropped down dead as he was waving goodbye to his wife or something. Turns out a stray shot falling from the air just happened to hit him square in the back of the head. I think they worked out it was fired from 5 miles away or something.


    The danger is there, it's just infinitesimally small.

    Even a .22LR round is lethal to over 1000 yards, yet it's only accurate to a couple of hundred.

  6. I play War Thunder too, since it's on the PS4.

    Up to tier 3 in all the airforces apart from Japan because I can't get over how utterly, atrociously shite their reserves and tier 1s are...
    Up to tier 4 with the German tanks, and 3 with the Russians.

    Think I prefer tanks to planes, always play tanks in Sim battle, planes in Realistic.

  7. I have the metal bodied version and it came in at around 320fps, it's also an absolute machine.

    The range is monstrous with .25s, it makes a pretty nice clack with the blowback and although the accuracy isn't the greatest, you can spam fire it like a pro because the trigger response is excellent, and the spread you get is more than adequate for dropping targets at the extent of your range.


    I've modded a CYMA rail set to mine, and an ASG scope mount, so I could stick my EOTech, angled grip and one of the camera to it.

  8. There's a fair chance that the one you get won't be doing 370fps, what's the gun, and where are you buying it from? Which review did you watch?

    A lot of reviews are done in the US where guns can sometimes be shipped with different specs, as they have higher fps limits over there, generally speaking.

    Best thing to do would be ask the shop to chrono it, then if it's shooting over your local site limit, see if they'll reduce it for you. Might cost you a bit extra, but you'd have to spend that anyway if you don't want to do it yourself.

  9. Nah, I don't play it myself but I watch all of Jingles' YouTube videos about it for the lulz and the history/tank facts and stuff, I find it interesting.

    I did briefly play the Xbox 360 beta and I just hated it passionately, I left it with the impression that unless you spend money levelling up your crew you wouldn't be able to hit the broad side of a barn, from within the barn...

    Though I did once get 12 kills in one game with a T82... Think it's a T82. Rather aptly labelled as a tank destroyer lol.

    I've played WarThunder since it's been available on the PS4 though, not been a PC gamer since I was about 11, and back then I was all about flight sims.

  10. I run pistols only in CQB quite often, the mobility you gain is a huge advantage, and there's just something fun about pistols, the action is vey visually pleasing and because they're generally seen as back ups or "secondaries" I think people assume it takes more skill and effort to be successful with them, which makes them that much more satisfying to use.

    Though I do think it's worth mentioning that although pistols and rifles might be equally accurate at range if you clamped them down on a range, the human element makes aiming a rifle at longer range infinitely easier, having your shoulder, head and both hands all on the gun give you a far more natural idea of where it's pointing, and you can hold it far more still.

    With a pistol all point of contact is back of the barrel, there are less points of contact and you can't brace it against anything, which makes it quite hard to consistently point in the same direction. The longer the gun is, the easier it is to point it at things that are further away.

    I only run a chest rig with my L85 any more, and that's just to carry the mags and flesh out the look of the gun, I just don't think L85s look right unless there's all the right kit paired up with them.
    With everything else I run a belt, consisting of my pistol, 2 pistol mags, a pouch for 2 rifle mags, a utility pouch for 6 extra rifle mags (which I'll transfer to the double rifle pouch as I use them), a dump pouch and my BFG. If I need anything else I can carry it on my back in a bag.

  11. As far as I can remember, the Gen2 also has a tightbore and a high torque motor. The Gen1s were basically just metal bodied versions of the "sportsline" polymer furniture range, with a few tougher internals, gears, bearings, etc.

    The Gen 2s had tightbores and upgraded motors as standard.

    The Gen3s have better wiring, a mosfet, a high torque motor and a tight bore. The hop units are the same across all of them I think, G&G's hop units are just exceptionally good in my experience, so they've just made a point of mentioning it, it's not because it's something it has that's better than the previous model.

    Standard M4 mags ought to fit all of them, as that's what they take. Pmags will not fit in anything prior to Gen3 because they have 416 style magwells, which are longer, though not enough to really notice a visual difference.
    The point of stating the Gen3 has an M4 mag well is so that it can take all the mags M4s can take, such as Pmags which previously did not fit the 416 because they have a lip on their leading edge, which used to hit the extended mag well and no push up far enough to lock in.

  12. The Gen 3 magwell might be an M4 style but it still needs angle grinding to support an M4 magazine. Its got a spine at the back that pushes very hard onto the M4 magazines and the inside of the magwell where that spine is needs to be grinded down to get the magazines to go in normally.


    I can't really recommend the T4-18 gen 3, I just haven't found it to be a good gun at all.

    So what mags can you use if it doesn't work with M4 mags...?

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