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Posts posted by Airsoft-Ed

  1. I set up an airsoft society for my Uni when I was there, and everyone who joined just kept their kit covered up and under their bed, nothing's come of it yet. Our union refused us space to store RIFs on campus, so we had no option but to store them in halls/appartments or whatever, and it's not like they didn't know because we had a freakin' airsoft society, the guns had to exist somewhere.

    In the event of enforcements coming in, I'd offer my house as a storage vault, as I stayed at home for Uni, but it never came to it.

    Once one of my mates was fondling his new M4 whilst sat on his bed and security just randomly walked in and didn't even bat an eyelid lol, he had a conversation about how he used to shoot MP5 in the army or something.


    Don't be a dick with it and no one will be any the wiser.

  2. Inb4 everyone advises against getting a sniper as a first gun.

    Seriously. "Sniper" is just a word. It has absolutely no correlation whatsoever with the actual capabilities of the rifle. Rental guns will be better that any sniper out of the box, you need like £300 of upgrades to make them worth it.

    I spent over £600 on mine and gave up.

    Get an AEG, for the love of all that's holy.

  3. When you arrive you get given a written briefing in an envelope.

    Each team have the same objectives and they're all at set times through the day, so it might say that at 1400hrs you need to assault and capture the fort in the middle of the site.

    It keeps the battles focused in key areas. I actually really like that type game plan, with time objectives and stuff like that. You can fight to the location earlier to get a foothold, at the expense of losing control of an earlier objective.

    But it just doesn't work too well with 2000 players. If there were 3 teams of 30 it'd be the most intense as fuck game day ever but the whole point of the NAE is that it's ridiculously over subscribed, so I guess you have to leave it to MilSim events to do the same thing with more condensed numbers.

  4. Yeah, I think there's a vast world of difference between actual maximum range, and the range at which it's actually possible to hit someone without them having time to get out of the way.

    I think everyone's effective range is only really about 30-40m unless you're firing on semi because then it's harder to figure out where the shots are coming from, harder to see singular shots in the air coming at you etc.

    Snipers may have a greater effective range, but that's down to their higher power, faster shot travel time, and the fact that a lot of the time they're using non-white ammo and obviously, also only firing one shot at a time.

    The range debate is fairly pointless tbh and I know the question was asked more for the sake of technical exercise; "What set up provides X range" etc.

    But no two guns are the same even from the same manufacturer, so it's no good for that either.

  5. See I actually have 140m of flat, open space where I can test range using Google maps.

    My AK, which I know from experience in games can outrange just about anything, can only just about reach 50m, and that's with a degree of arcing. Maybe aiming 1-5ft high, I forget.

    It's firing at 320ish and then loaded with .25s.

    My SCAR set to around 370 on .2s, which rather terrifyingly actually makes it fire .28s at, wait for it... 370fps... Dat joule creep doe... Can hit 70m flat with ease. It might even be 80 but I lose sight of the shots before my 80m marker.

    All I'm going to say is, a lot of you have no idea how far a metre is... Oh and, Maple Leaf rubbers are OP.

  6. Handful of screw drivers of various lengths and head types, a little swiss army knife style allen key tool, duct tape, electrical tape, PTFE tape, silicone spray and grease, pliers of various types, needle nose, wire cutting etc.

    I think that's everything.

    Actually no, I also have a gas valve key.

  7. My Glock, SCAR and L85 all seem to function perfectly without issue regardless of cool down.

    I once tested my L85 by spamming all 9 mags through it as fast as I could on semi auto, in the middle of April, and it didn't stop functioning properly until I got to the 7th mag. At which point the bolt carrier had a layer of ice on it, and then it still managed to JUST finish all 9 mags.

    Still locked on the last shot even after that as well.

    Used it in as low as 4°C without issue too, pretty confident it's good for near all year use.

  8. The open bolt mechanism utilises the bolt's size in order to expand the gas, so it will use more gas and kick harder because of it even if the bolt physically weighs about the same.

    So in terms of gas used per shot efficiency, it can only get worse.

    But in terms of how many shots you can get from a gas fill, it could potentially be better, which is ironic as the mags will likely hold less ammo.

  9. Just looking for a post to pin up as evidence now, but it's been flying around Facebook all morning.

    Personally I'm disappointed it isn't a more interesting weapon platform, we've already got a SCAR L and the SCAR platform is essentially just an M4 in every aspect of functionality and control surfaces.

    I had my fingers crossed for a G3 or SLR, but at least now there's a gas blowback battle rifle, it might open the flood gates for other designs.

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