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Posts posted by Airsoft-Ed

  1. I've got to say I think your mate's impression is closer than your own, if he had the L85 he'd be much closer to the right look. Things like the medic pouch he's got, he's wearing that on his right side, it's a standardised piece of kit and it's in a standardised place. Helps with the legit look.

    You have the right camo pattern, but the clothing is wrong, a UBACS will be worn instead of a shirt. You're missing an awful lot of kit that would help it look a lot more fleshed out. Your Osprey is so thin that I almost said you had the wrong rig lol, that thing is factory fresh, it's so thin it's insane, I've never actually seen one look so small lol. Get some padding shoved into it or something, and you could look into covering that huge amount of open velcro with cummerbunds as your mate's done, or an ops panel.

    Do your gloves not try to stick to it or anything? The straps on my gloves manage to stick to the tiny strips of velcro on my bloody mag pouches, I think I'd lose my sanity if they had the entire front of the rig to stick to lol.

    Some Blackhawk knee pads would be another functional addition you could look into, they'd help flesh out the look as well as actually being helpful, and you could also swap the black leather boots for some Desert Elite Lowas, I managed to snag mine for less than £9 on Ebay, they're £140 new. Excellent boots and issued in Afghan. All minor changes that don't break the bank that would help with the look.

    Really though there's a lot of stuff to change before you can really call it a loadout, I'd call it more a base impression. It's clear you're going for a British vibe, but it's just not specific enough to actually resemble the Army's kit.

    If you want I could give you a full list of items, but of course there's nothing wrong with playing as you do with the kit you have, it all just depends how deeply you want to delve into it. It can be a bit of a money pit if you want to go the whole 9 yards.

  2. It does make me chuckle how left wing the majority of airsofters seem to be. I am repeatedly hearing the words very dangerous!

    You think the majority are left wing? Whhhaaaaaattt?


    Since I started airsofting and adding all the people I've met on Facebook I find myself inundated with fucking morons sharing Britain First posts left, right and centre. Airsofters seem to be ridiculously right wing on the whole.


    I think that kicking off about something being dangerous is a right wing stance as well, because they'll be the same people who go ballistic in the event of an accident. The lynch mob mentality is that of right wingers. Oh, he got caught cheating? Ban him for life and make sure all the other sites do too. Oh, he shot someone in the face even though that's the point of the game? I think we should hang him for that.


    Yup, 'cos that's not an overreaction...


    Even in this very thread people are saying the guy blind firing ought to have been banned.


    Seriously? What has to have happened to you in life in order for you to gain such a ridiculously malicious mentality?


    It's a game!

  3. I'm not saying it's fine, because blind firing definitely isn't fine.

    I'm just saying, I couldn't give a single toss about that particular photo, because it's just a photo of blind firing. I have seen instances of blind firing that are far worse than this, on multiple occasions.

    This isn't a special instance of it, it happens every single weekend more times than you could shake every stick in the wood at.

    My issue with it, is that people are going ballistic about it when it's really not a big deal.

    It's blind firing. Yes, and? People shouldn't do it? Ok. Now what...?

  4. It's more for the social experience I think, there's nothing particularly special about the site, aside from the fact that it's moronically fucking massive, the game play is all a bit hap-hazard because there are 2000 people to organise, and there's a good amount of cheating. In high player density areas everyone pretty much just flips over to pain rules tbh.

    There's a village section which is always the last objective of each day, and it just gets scary going into it.

    For me it's just amazing to be surrounded by so many people with an unhealthy gun obsession. The roadtrip was actually the most fun part last year tbh.

    But I'm going again, so I certainly think it's worth it.

  5. Hold the mag and the bottle upside down and apply pressure directly in line with the valve. Which might not be in line with the angle of the mag.

    Some valves have silent fill valves where there's no leak, which is stopped by a small O-ring in the outside of the valve, others don't but so long as they're holding the gas once you let off there's nothing to worry about.

  6. If you watch any of LevelCap's airsoft videos, then you'll realise he is the absolute OverKill King.

    There's even a particularly bad instance of it in his video intro where he full autos a guy in the neck and face from about 5m away for a good second and at the time he's got a pretty blistering rof.

    There's a point in one video where a guy gets a little pissy at him and in the commentary he talks about "He shouldn't have been here if he didn't want to get shot" blahblahblah.

    Yeah, shot. Once. Not 50 times.

    Bit of a penis imo, but his videos are good.

  7. Oil drum test thing

    Love that idea! Everywhere should do that.


    Sometimes I wonder if people realise BBs can actually be physically seen in flight. How can anyone be so oblivious that their gun isn't shooting straight?


    Have you all seen the Father Ted sketch with the cows? "These are small... The ones out there... Are far away!" Well, I think that aspect of science is lost on a lot of people. There comes a point when BBs travel too far away for you to see them anymore, so people think that when they lose sight of their shot, it means it's hit something.


    So, say the range they're too small to see is about 40m. There's a target at 50m, they watch the shot travel, they see the little drop off, they adjust and fire again... Still no hit call?


    It's because their point of aim, their reference point, is the point at which the BB disappears. So they hold that disappearing point over their target thinking they're disappearing because they're hitting something, when actually there's still another 10m to go and in those 10m the BB falls short and doesn't even get there.








    Just remembered there was once a time when I ran across a large open space that a hiregunner was watching, I heard him spray at me for the entire run and I didn't feel a single thing. He then went full on psycho-banshee mode screaming at me. Initially, I thought he might not know what "target lead" means.


    But what actually happened, was that he didn't have a mag in. So obviously, I shot him and carried on ahaha, it was a beautiful moment.

  8. Yeh I know what you mean but using the reg on the tank you can bring the pressure down quite a lot lower than green gas but still get between 360 and 380 so using it is a lot better for your guns life span.



    Not trying to be a dick, but I don't buy that, and I think it's wrong of you to state it. I hope it's due to lack of understanding, and not to try and persuade people to consider your products because you could cause someone to spend a lot of money thinking their gun's going to last longer because they're running it at a lower pressure.


    It doesn't matter what pressure you put through the gun so long as it's not too much to explode the nozzle. The wear comes from the parts moving, it's going to be more or less the same regardless of pressure.


    If I remember right then from what I've read it's also impossible to run a gas gun on HPA at a lower pressure than that of propane anyway, it needs to be a fair bit higher to work on compressed air.

  9. Have a google around and see if there are low flow valves available for the mag, they'd reduce the power.

    There might be other brand valves that will work or something, otherwise straffham's idea sounds pretty solid.

  10. £10.99, cheaper than a bottle of .25gs :D

    Cheaper than a bottle of .25s?!


    Where the flying balls (see what I did there?) are you buying your ammo from? £12 is obscene, I can get a bag of BB Bastard .28s for that.

  11. I'm not a PC gamer, but I've been following numerous YouTubers who play this often and it looks seriously awesome. It's kinda like Counter Strike meets Battlefield 2's Project Reality mod, only on a much smaller scale.

    I don't think it looks too bad either. Plus, 3D scopes! All games should have 3D scopes.

  12. The NAE doesn't suit me, it's bloody miles away and its expensive, if there was an event at my regular site that cost the same as walk on I'd be all for it, but that just isn't realistically going to happen because the people who live more than 2 hours away are never going to see the value in going to a site they've never been to before, for the sole purpose of meeting and playing with people they've never met, for just one day.

    It's asking too much of people.

    If we use the pre-existing big events, such as the NAE, I didn't say it had to be the NAE, then people pay their money, they know what to expect, there's a lot to do other than just play airsoft, there's a whole shop there, there's ample facilities for socialising, there's burger vans and stuff, there's camping, people can pitch up in a group and spend a decent amount of time off-field with each other.

    The big events are just a better option. That's all I'm saying.

    And it's just undeniably the case. You can try your damnedest to organise something that isn't a pre-existing big event, but the simple fact that it isn't pre-existing is going to mean that hardly anyone's going to turn up.

    Not being a party pooper, per se. I just think it's better you all realise that now, instead of after you've spent forever organising something only for it to not go as planned.

  13. It amazes me that forum meets always seem to be for the convenience of those living in the South.

    What the hell guys? Middle, or North would be better, especially if Scotland are expected to be included in this.
    I think where it falls flat and dies is that no one wants to travel more than about 50 miles just for 1 day of skirmishing because you'd end up spending more time driving than playing and you'd have to get up so early that killing yourself would be a more appealing prospect (I'm not a morning person).

    For me to even consider it, it'd have to be a weekender event, significantly closer to me, or a day and night game or something. Especially for those of us who rely on car pooling or public transshiteport.

    Therefore, since it's a bit too much to expect anyone on here to organise a weekender when there's no guarantee anyone will actually turn up, existing weekenders are definitely the best bet.

    Last year at the NAE we had a pretty decent size camp of AF-UK players, people had brought an interesting mix of stuff, we had our own portaloo and even a generator.
    Perhaps Ai500 could offer a meet up chance too, but like I said, the only reason I'm willing to travel for those events is because they're established, I know what to expect and despite the distance, they're for more than a day.

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