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Posts posted by Airsoft-Ed

  1. I did mean the Osprey specific plates, not just plates in general. There's only restrictions on the issued ones because they're stolen property. As are the Mk7s.

    Everything else has been listed as surplus or something now, so it's all fine.

  2. If you've got the front and back plates then they are worth quite a bit of money, you can buy level 4 ballistic plates online for around $70 - 140 per plate in the states depending on the size, to give you a rough idea. I don't know what to sell them for from the Osprey though, as I've never seen any for sale.

    It's finding someone to buy them that'll be the hard part, because they are illegal to own and a lot of people know it. Couple that with the fact that they are utterly useless in airsoft, and very few people want to handicap themselves to that extent. It's a lot of added weight for nothing.

    The soft armour is also illegal to own... I have a set of side plates as well as the soft armour, the Osprey I bought came with them in it, didn't even know I was getting it. I also have a Mk7, because I bought it without knowing they were illegal, and obviously the bloke selling it wasn't going to tell me...

    Mk7s sell for between £60 and £120 though, depending on how little the buyer knows about them, or how desperate they are to get one. I paid £80 for mine quite a long time ago, but I was offered a few for around the £120 mark prior to buying the one I ended up with.

    It ought to be easy enough for you to price up the other stuff by searching for it on Ebay, Mk4s go for anything from £40 to £200+ depending on how much of the extra bits and bobs they come with. All the extra little shoulder blade and upper arm covers and everything, as well as all 13 issue pouches will net you £150 or so I reckon.

  3. AEGs work under water guys...

    As I understand it, water only really causes damage if you've got complex electronics in your gun, like programmable mosfets and stuff, because in them, water causes the signals to pass through components that can't take the current without it being lowered before passing through, because the current diverts through the water instead of going through a resistor first, or whatever.


    In a simple series circuit there's effectively no danger of anything bad happening whatsoever. You might blow a fuse perhaps, or burn your motor out, but I wouldn't expect that to happen because of rain, you'd have to properly dunk it under water and hold the trigger down on auto, as if forcing something to break.

    TL;DR you can play in the rain, your gun isn't going to break, or explode.

    Conversely, gas guns in my experience are terrible in the rain, obviously there's no risk of them being damaged, but if my L85 gets wet it can't hit jack shit, the hop goes all over the place and the shots come out of the barrel practically sideways, it's ridiculous.

  4. They're all about form before function, they'd rather everything been categorised and placed in the right little box on the right little shelf, looking all tidy and nice; than for it to actually work as an information hub... Other forums will go out of their way to deny you the answers you want just because you should have asked it in another place, or it's been asked already before.

    I don't think they actually understand what a forum is.

    They're so busy trying to shape it that they don't realise the shape it's taking is that of a gigantic penis embedded on a forehead.

  5. That particular forum would be UKAZ then lol, and I know this because I too went there in search of L119 info and was met with, "Oh yeah, that's mentioned earlier in the thread"

    *Thread is over 6000 posts long*

    Yaaaaayyyy, I know, I'll just systematically scroll through over 600 pages on a forum to find something that you could just tell me right now. Dickhead.

    This is why I'm tolerant of the same topics being started multiple times (so long as they're not on the same page) because if every time anyone asked anything we compiled it all into the same thread, you just end up with a thread a million pages long and all the answers on random pages in the middle that no one can ever be arsed to find.

    Adding to what Finius said, I heard on the Grapevine that Seal Team 6's ops are actually just very very very very very very very very very dark blue! Not even black! Dafuq?

    Me and Finius could totes wreck them.

  6. The army are using the Mk4 Osprey in Afghan at the minute, it's a pretty heavy, bulking plate carrier, but you can buy them online for next to nothing these days. £40 - 60 for the base plate carrier, I've seen some go for £80 -150 with all the bells and whistles, additional armour bits, all 13 issue pouches, everything.

  7. You can't judge a book by its cover or else you might think I actually knew something about airsoft



    I'm too good a judge for that level of error.


    Haha just kidding.


    I'm interested now I know there are psychologists amongst us, I always thought being a psychiatrist sounded like a really interesting job but when I took psychology at A-Level it was so full of stupid contradictory bollocks that I just lost interest in it... It's kinda like the whole post count thing Sitting Duck was talking about, no one seems to accept that other people's theories might be right, no one seems to try and incorporate aspects of multiple perspectives to explain any given thing and I think that's what's needed in a lot of ways.


    I can't remember any of it well enough to go into specifics now though, it's been a good 5 years since I was at school.

  8. The actual article itself was on the whole positive when the DM reported on the Scout video, amazingly.

    It was just the keyboard warriors who don't understand much above breathing who were polluting the comments with shite. One was talking about littering the environment with plastic pollution... Yeah, 'cos people go to airsoft sites to enjoy the scenery...

  9. Reading all this soppy shit with the Metal Gear Solid Sons of Liberty theme playing in the background.

    Feel like I've just watched the end of Saving Private Ryan or something D=


    The AR pattern rifle is the L129A1, a modified version of the AR10 made by Lewis Machine & Tools (LMT) it's only been in service for a couple of years, if that. Brought in to deal with targets out to 800m where the L85 lacks the accuracy and punch.

    It's sexy as fook.

    Snipers are using the L115A3 chambered in .338 Lapua Mag, also sexy as fook, and currently holds the longest range kill record at a touch over 2470m

  10. I think if you go down there expecting a good skirmish experience then you're going for the wrong reasons.

    Imagine playing at your regular site if it had 15 times the maximum number of players allowed booked in, it's far too oversubscribed to work.
    The best firefights are the out of the way ones that have no bearing on the actual game, because they're secluded enough to not just be a case of superior numbers = win.

    Plus, in the areas where there are an ungodly number of players, it just turns into pain rules because no one can get out of the way fast enough to not get shot, and no one can be arsed to walk all the way back to a deadzone 500m away only to die again in the next 15 seconds.

    I do however think that the little envelope you get given on sign in, with your "Mission Brief" and a map inside it, is seriously awesome, and I like the way they've planned the game, with timed objectives and stuff, having to reference your briefing and map throughout the day just feels so badass :P If there were a realistic number of players it'd be awesome.

    In short, don't go for the games, go for the social experience. Being surrounded by 2000 people with my same, over the top gun obsession is just amazing.

    Also, if you are going, check out the topic that Geoffreym just started, last year we set up an AF-UK camping area and put some faces to names, we had a good camp of 20 or so last time and it was a good giggle.

  11. I rely on lifts, my dad used to be a driving instructor so I can drive pretty well, I just never took my test because I'd have to do it in my dad's car; but I can't because he's not a recognised instructor anymore.

    Plus the test has changed recently so he couldn't teach me the new bits.

    Just never got around to booking any lessons with a current instructor and sorting my test out. I'll have to do my theory again too as it expires after 2 years... Even though the practical test doesn't :huh:

    DVLA logic.

  12. So you want to sell your TM because having compared it to a G&G you feel that the travel time of the shots is just too slow for you?
    I feel like this is going to turn into one of those fps vs range debates...

    Personally I've never liked TM guns because of the lower power, purely because the range could be the best out of every gun on the Earth, but with the shots travelling as slow as they do it doesn't matter because people can just side step out of the way of them at barely 20m, especially if you're using anything heavier than .25s, so I don't think you're mad for wanting to improve on that situation... But I do think you're slightly mad for thinking of selling your gun and buying another one to get around the problem.

    I think the upgrade route would be the more sensible one to go down, especially if you like the gun as much as you make out. New spring, maybe a snappier motor to make up for the reduced cycle time, tightbore for a bit of an extra boost. Job jobbed.

  13. ^ Seems... His elite training means he can go unseen to our uniniated eyes.

    Proper read that as "urinated eyes" a good 5 or 6 times there, I was just sat here thinking, "...What? Pissed on eyes...?" Haha


    But anyway, my issue with it is that the over the top way it's presented is sort of similar to those scams you get emails about, where on the surface you think, "Hmm, yeah" but the second you actually give it some thought, you immediately turn your nose up and delete the email.


    Like those bots that like airsoft pages just to try and sell hangbags on Facebook, y'know? You'll go on the profile and there'll be some photos and it'll look like a genuine person, but then you check their interests and look at their posts and you realise they have nothing to do with airsoft at all and thus; *decline request to join*


    Like Britain First's Facebook page! That sort of weird propagandist type affair, except this doesn't have a clear cut goal.


    I just think the whole thing seems a bit scary, like someone's just thought, "How can we get airsofter's attention?" then compiled a list of all the stuff airsofters like, without knowing themselves, hence the unusualness, and then crammed it all into one paragraph to try and sell the idea, but instead it's just come across as some really terribly written, rip off of the RMC recruitment ads.


    Like it's just trying to sucker in some naïve people who might not know any better. For what purpose? No idea. But I'm going to be avoiding it like the plague.


    There was another similarly walt-tastic page floating around not so long ago where some individual bloke, who almost definitely will have been on some sort of register, was trying to build a team up and this just hums all the same tunes.


    Might I have got the wrong end of the stick and blown this ridiculously out of proportion? Yeah, and I kinda hope I have because I'd love nothing more than to be wrong and if I am, I apologise. But this whole thing just gives me all sorts of funny gut feelings.


    So if I am wrong, you really need to work on your writing and change your approach.

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