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Status Replies posted by StayOnTarget

  1. Has anyone else been seeing a noticeable increase in delays using Royal Mail? Had a few bits (incoming and outgoing) taking significantly longer to arrive than the name of the service used would imply, entirely understandable with everything going on. I've had a look around and just can't find any obvious reason outside of the very obvious one (COVID) for the sudden spike in delays. Asking purely so I can be sure to set expectations on arrival times where they should be.

    1. StayOnTarget


      Having the same experiences as Herr Hamster very hit and miss I wouldn't worry about it too much everyone should understand we're all in the same boat really.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  2. I fucking love when your gun is fucking spot on at home (even after fucking extensive testing), but then on the field it does whatever the fuck it wants.


    Fuck off, really..

    1. StayOnTarget


      I feel your pain my brother,my personal favorite is changing makes of BB its the same weight and its round what could possibly go wrong???

    2. (See 20 other replies to this status update)

  3. Nobody warned me how bad propane smelled 😐

    1. StayOnTarget


      Had a wonderful conversation on Reddit about pea protein drinks,trust me propane is nothing in comparison,the farts were so bad people wanted to get a catholic priest because they believed an evil presence had entered the building😳

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. Just knocked out a tooth filling with a fucking Pringles chip.

    Fuck me.

    1. StayOnTarget


      Fucking hell that sucks.have you tried the Walkers Max Strong jalapeno and cheese?

      Very nice I like to put some in a bacon sarnie...most excellent

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  5. Just knocked out a tooth filling with a fucking Pringles chip.

    Fuck me.

  6. Currently tea-dying a shirt that's not quite the right shade of beige. I suffer for my art.

  7. First game in ten years, let's go!

  8. Is a gun build ever truly finished?

    1. StayOnTarget


      Hahahaha(this is a evil laugh BTW) oh yes you will,welcome to hell!!!!😈

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  9. Is a gun build ever truly finished?

    1. StayOnTarget


      Of course.....then you move on to the next one🙄😉

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  10. Zero In has been hacked... So I'm doing my part:





  11. Everyone screams “UP-GRADE ! UP-GRADE ! YOU MUST UP-GRADE ! “ shortly afterwards you see the same people asking for advice as ‘it don’t work like it’s supposed too ?’ Is it really worth the effort? 🤔

    1. StayOnTarget


      Mate it just goes on and on,people are asking whats a great beginner gun and what upgrades should I do to it?

      My answer a red dot?

      Oh its only got a 50m range and I'm getting took out by guys at 60m

      My answer run forward under cover/covering fire 10m now your in range

      When stuff breaks down or you buy secondhand then by all means have some fun I love putting in the wrong stuff you learn so much by your mistakes 🖖

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  12. nothing better than having an overwhelming amount of rentals 😕

    1. StayOnTarget


      Bloody hell ignoring point blank hits? Is your fps ok on your RIF?

      Me and and a lad came across each other on a skirmish last weekend and we both said "fuck that" way too close so agreed on hits taken,fist bumped and walked off in opposite direction to our respawn points 

      Point blank shooting is way too dodgy 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  13. I also had a cracking day yesterday at black ops Portishead , just me and my best bud , not particularly kit heavy just my Arthurian 416 and a TM recoil 74su , lots of good kills ,no real problem with ‘shouty’ players or non takers . Even shared a table with a guy never met before and we were all best mates by the end of the day ! So for me ? Just what I wanted (AND needed!) 👍

    1. StayOnTarget


      One of the best things about the sport good crack with perfect strangers even better if you team up and work together 🖖

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  14. Didn't realise there were so many frustrated Para Wannabes in the U.K! Pmsl

    1. StayOnTarget


      Well look on the bright side your post is well on the way to winning the day as most liked content? I've been trying for ages to get this kind of attention if I'd have only known all you have to do is insult your fellow members I'd have done that ages ago 😡

      Para want to be? No my current obsession is Rhodesian light infantry/Blood Diamond mercenary loadouts,Paras are so yesterday darling haven't you heard?


      Oh and one final thing seeing as there are a few of you paying attension to this post (hopefully) ......you're all a bunch of wankers and I fart in your general direction!!!!!  🖖



    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  15. Took midcaps out for a spin, holy cow they're fun to use :) almost forgot what "fun" means in airsoft :)


    Also took the ssx out and it performed nicely, somewhat quiet even without the suppressor 😕

    Did have one double feed, but that's because I cocked the gun and de-cocked it again to holster it.
    range is stupid Btw, outranged everything. By a far margin. With stupid good accuracy.



    1. StayOnTarget


      Is that the first time you've used midcaps? I wont run anything but,never got on with high caps the ratterling made me cringe 

      Glad to hear the ssx is going well,what ammo where you using and a guess on range would be great to hear about e.g 50-60 meters?


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  16. Off to the Isle of Wight for a week.

    Be good for Jedi and Ben!





    1. StayOnTarget


      Bye daddy have a good time promise to behave......now where does he keep the booze again?😁

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  17. First time playing in 3 months since my op...bugger me i'm fooked.  lol..was a great day though.  :)

    1. StayOnTarget


      Thats pretty fuckin ninja! 🧕 (couldnt find ninja emoji) 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  18. First time playing in 3 months since my op...bugger me i'm fooked.  lol..was a great day though.  :)

    1. StayOnTarget


      Druid beat me to it,well done mucka,was the Pew Pew good for you? 🖖

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  19. Put over a thousand rounds in my LMG at home since I upgraded it. First pull of the trigger on its first game day and sounds like the gears/piston is gone. Bloody hell!

  20. Put over a thousand rounds in my LMG at home since I upgraded it. First pull of the trigger on its first game day and sounds like the gears/piston is gone. Bloody hell!

    1. StayOnTarget


      Yep welcome to my mother fucking world,everything hunky dorry at home get to the chrono and...... nope turns to wank 😡

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  21. Anyone else get in trouble when the mrs finds bbs in the washing machine? 

    1. StayOnTarget


      Just checking through my kit recently came across a mag that I believed to have a few BBs left in it.....nope probably 150 BBs left in it that scattered all over the tiled kitchen floor.

      What do I do? Let out a deep sigh go to the fridge and get a beer,its going to be thirsty work   😉

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  22. So, to change the spring on a TM recoil, Eagle6 will charge you £83. That's beyond ridiculous. Somebody please justify that for me.

    1. StayOnTarget


      If you'd looked up eagle6 on this forum you wouldn't have wasted your time,why are you changing the spring?

      I do think TM aeg's are overpriced but at the same time they are damn good out the box(until they get opened up then they seem to become money pits)

      Now their pistols are very good,I have their G17 and MK23(the only thing I've done is straw hop them) I'll never use anything else.

      Hopefully in the future I'll come across their GBBRs as I've heard nothing but good things about them

      Please bare in mind folks I'm not here to offend,what I like is what I like and its the same for you too 🖖

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  23. Christ. I go through 4k+ BBs every game day.

    1. StayOnTarget


      Sorry but I am mate I dont like that sort of thing it spoils the game and I never played a game where it was part of the objective.I'm a PTFO man personally 🖖

    2. (See 31 other replies to this status update)

  24. The STAR FN FNC has become my holy grail,found a G&G 2nd hand £360 and heavy as fook,my quest contines 🖖

    1. StayOnTarget


      Hey thanks Asomodai for the info £400 that would be the most I've ever paid and the weight puts me off too. As for the FAL Mr Druid when you get a moment could you post a picture kind sir with a few details as in which kidney you would  desire etc

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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