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Posts posted by CrackCommandoUnit1972

  1. 19 minutes ago, PopRocket123 said:

    I can basically guarantee you that they were either planted or they found them, worked out what they were then shot the "discovery" and then staged the police response

    lol probably so

  2. Well not really.


    Just been watching 'Can't Pay we will take it away'  (daytime TV is so awful).


    Anyway, some bailifs turned up at some guys house to remove stuff for an unpaid debt. During a search of his garage they made a shocking discovery of a few handguns and an M4.


    The police were called but the officer was pretty quick to identify that they were airsoft guns.


    The guns had the tell tail signs that they were airsoft guns, the M4 high cap mag winder, but it goes to show for the general public they look very real.



  3. On 01/07/2020 at 03:45, ZeroDark&Dirty said:

    But a wrong-un could by the same logic paint a legit firearm to look blue/orange/green/pink etc. to also fool armed police into thinking it wasn't real - when in fact it was.


    I think in that case, regardless of what colour the gun was, if he had pointed that gun at the officer instead of throwing it to the ground, the officer probably would have shot him.

  4. 1 hour ago, HuttArmouries said:

    Just bought a conversion kit to turn my gas blowback g36c into a full length german army style as well as the traditional german army scope with the built in red dot and a new mag release and ra tech charging handle to replace blue parts. Even with all of this and the price of the original rifle its ended up cheaper than buying a full length we tech g36 and I have a spare barrel, 2 mags and other parts to mess with. 


    Get some before and after pics on here.

  5. On 01/06/2020 at 17:09, J1989h said:

    Hey guys and girls, been looking to get involved for a long time but none of my mates are interested nor do I know anyone who currently plays.


    got loads of questions from what gun should I start with is there any rules I need to know. The overall cost of a full days game play that kind of thing.


    so really anything at all you could advise me on I’d appreciate! 


    Bomb Up Airsoft is in Warrington.


    If the shops ever open again it is worth a trip even if it is just to ask the staff about the basics. They have all sorts of guns (mostly M4's)  you can have a feel of to see what might take your fancy.

  6. 6 hours ago, paradoxum said:



    Got this TM Samurai Edge AW01 Custom from avenger63 a month or so ago, got some pick n' pluck foam for the casing so it can hold an extended mag + 3x standard mags in there nicely. I've just added a spring guide buffer to it because there's really nothing else to upgrade internally, it's solid as fuck. I was disappointed that the LAM was only a torch even though it has a faux painted red-dot on the front of it, so I bought one of these from AliExpress for £60, has a torch with strobe function as well as red dot laser.




    And latest pic of my M41A PR:



    Think i'm finally happy with it now. Hopefully never have to take it apart again, full internal upgrades on every single part.


    Loving the pulse rifle. That reminds me, I have to introduce my son to Aliens this weekend.


  7. On 08/04/2020 at 17:02, L3wisD said:

    My new Specna Arms SA-H20 😍


    Can't wait for Covid to fuck off and actuallly use this on people.

    Gives me enough time to experiment with the Gate Aster's pre-cocking and trigger sensitivity etc






    Is this any good?


    I had a dream last night where I was running round with a 416. I am taking that as an omen and I now need to buy one.

  8. No one cares what colour your gun is. You will have more fun at a proper organised game.


    And if after playing a few games you thought that airsofting is great fun and you plan to make it a regular hobby, you found that your mum for some reason spayed all your guns black over night when she came home drunk from the pub, no one would care.

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