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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. Asg 40k has enough torque to be called "high torque" but its also very fast and very power hungry. If you increase the wiring gauge/replace the tamiya with an actual connector it might only acheive letting it draw enough to kill the fuse/battery
  2. Nope, never got that far. Just the e&l and the dragonuv to go. Unless your an optics man?
  3. Most folks selling items as boneyard tend to put either "boneyard" or "spares/repairs" in the title so shouldnt be the hardest to search for?
  4. Sounds like mesh/shimming might be a tad off? If your running 7.4v then 22rps does sound about right, my krink build has the same setup (12:1 standard warhead) and puts out 18rps although granted its being fed with nuprol batteries. The thing with the warheads isnt the top end speed but the pickup, so whilst auto might not be much to write home about the semi response is fantastic if you have a ton of precocking. Edit- just seen thats 11.1v, yeah defo check the shimming/pinion mesh
  5. Can confirm, they fixed the broken contact on mine even though i made no secret that it was me being heavy-handed. Damn good motors too, pickup speed is noticable even next to the likes of the asg cnc stuff.
  6. I know, especially the sas wannabe's. I mean i've never even owned an mp5.......
  7. Im going through the process of quitting the hobby, and pistols are easier sold than rifles. Want a we svd?
  8. That you took that post more seriously than intended I was going to make a joke about regulating you specifically, for being crazy.....
  9. Is it definately cycling back fully? Kinda sounds like she's not going far enough back to reset the knocker. The safety mechanism will lift the knocker, so possibly that's jamming? If you pull the slide on the left side at the rear there should be a sliding nub (the knocker reset) and the safety lifter arm sits around it. Can check to see if they're binding. If you can take a pic it'd really help remind me where everything is, i'd normally grab me own but i dont have me makarovs any more.
  10. So the trigger won't release after the hammer has dropped? Hmmm, dont think i've met that one. The one ive seen more commonly is the transfer bar has a little spring that runs in a groove on the underside, if that spring isnt set in properly it'll not engage in the first place. Dissassembling the trigger unit isn't too bad, but getting it back together is a bit on the fiddly side....
  11. No idea, tbh a lot of airsoft pews tend not to really be serialised. Even e&l's im not sure if the serial number is a serial number or if its just to look like one.
  12. Sadly in the court of public opinion a gun-shaped-object is a gun-shaped-object.
  13. Yeah but that would take effort, fuck that
  14. i guess the problem lies in the realistic (if thankfully slim in this country) possibility that a given gun-shaped-object may indeed be a real, illegally obtained, firearm. not a decision i'd want to have to try and make on the spot that's for damn sure.
  15. assuming your son's is the left-hand one then looks like it's not too bad with only one shot being significantly low. the range of readings if you discount that flier is really not too bad and the lower average more likely just means the spring being a tad softer. chrono data like that is about as good a diagnosis of air seal as you can get without stripping the box or having some range time to check vertical dispersion.
  16. speaking as the perspective of someone who's entire style of play revolves around maximizing range you'd be surprised how often people actually do stand around and let you shoot them. most often it's people simply not expecting you to be able to hit them, until you do..... even funnier is how often you'll see people just coming back to the same spot or taking the same route that you literally tagged them in all of 5 minutes prior.....
  17. this is a fair point, although tbh it's mainly due to the inevitability of your average airsofter failing to comprehend rule 1, as evidenced by the number of point-blank hosings that occurr outside of buildings. tbh i can kinda get that one, for some folk its as much about getting out of the house away from spouse/kids and having a catch-up with mates. kinda like a social club mixed with a fashion show and a gym session. as long as sites don't mess around more eager players to cater to them i can't see the harm. most often it seems places just start the game and people can show up late if they want.
  18. tbh i'm kinda surprised someone hasn't been shot for pulling this kind of stunt already, although it feels like its only a matter of time before someone seems credible enough to catch a bullet for this sort of thing. play stupid games win stupid prizes i just hope when it happens the poor officer involved doesn't spend too long in that blender known as the court of public opinion. you make a solid point about being sensible, i've bumped into police RIF in hand all of twice in my airsofting career, funny enough nothing came of it as both times were on site mid game day..... problem is a lot of the public need no more reason than to know gun-shaped-objects exist to want to get rid of them and that kind of press is never going to end well for us. i get the sentiment, but whilst such strict controls might not kill airsoft, it will massively impact the number of players to the point it might as well kill it off. part of the attraction for airsoft for a lot of people is the accessibility and lack of paperwork compared to traditional shooting sports.
  19. *flashbacks of trying to get them adjusted on the f2000 to cure precisely this problem*
  20. not strictly true, have a look at a recent discussion on the topic here: of course absolute range isn't the only thing worth considering, especially with pistols the range can often be limited not by how far the pistol can lob a bb, but by how well a given shooter can aim and fire at a fleeting target in skirmish conditions. they look pretty typical to me. whilst joule creep is a thing in gas blowbacks it tends not to be too noticeable for pistols simply due to the short barrel length, the bb doesn't spend enough time in the barrel that the extra % time spent for a heavier bb to pick up that much energy. the other thing to note is .2g to .25g isn't that big a weight difference compared to jumping from .2g to 0.4g it's also worth noting did you set the hop for each weight or is that set for only one of the 2 weights, as that can affect the energy (as noted in the above linked thread) yes on both counts. heavier ammo generates more back pressure which can apply extra load to the nozzle. in extreme cases it'll bulge or even burst (granted i've never actually burst a nozzle but i have heard of it happening). how much a given gun can take in this regard is a hard one to state as it depends on the build quality, gas used, ambient temperature etc etc. heavier ammo will need more spin, which needs the hop set on further or even a hop with a softer compound, which will wear it out faster. although tbh a hop is a wear component anyway and especially for the typical round count you'd see in a pistol i don't really think premature wear is an issue worth worrying about (as in by the time the hop wears out the rest of the gun will also be in a pretty poor state).
  21. Mans is getting deja vu: The spreadsheet thread linked in there does some (admittedly basic) math behind bb lobbing, but as @rocketdogbert points out there are a lot of variables. Getting a hit after expending half a mag fired 45 degrees in the air isnt the same range as that where you can aim, fire and (wind/target movement aside) hit a man sized target reliably. I've always taken claims of people claiming to be able to shoot x/y/z meters with a massive pile of salt, and i've never measured it myself because all that matters to me is having that little extra distance compared to the other guy.
  22. Hmm, theres a few things it could be but it kinda sounds like the alignment between the cutoff lever and the trigger isn't quite right. Its one of those problems you can run into if your scratch building a box from random bits but not normally for a stock build. How old is the gun?
  23. isn't this a thread for jokes not well established facts?
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