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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. you're literally just describing the three variables in the kinetic energy equation wherein Ek=0.5*Mp*Vp^2 but that's far from the only equation at play if you want to know the answer to how much energy a bb with given starting properties (mass, energy and spin) will have at a certain distance, or indeed as most airsofters really care about how much distance can they get the bb to go.
  2. i'm starting to think there are 2 very different conversations going on here........
  3. ahh yes, that does seem to be the case, as i mentioned it doesn't seem the "drag crisis" which could do something like this, applies to airsoft. Internal mechanics are a whole different kettle of fish. there's a lot of work could be done for example in looking at pressure curves for given energies and barrel lengths/diameters to find out if there's an optimum. so say an Xmm barrel with a Ymm wall clearance to the bb has the most stable airflow around the bb at X energy, what wall clearance would be needed to acheive the same stable airflow for a shorter barrel to acheive the same level of stability? where do the limits lie? and that's before even considering the requirements for achieving this, such as for a given volume of cylinder whether it's better to have a full stroke piston that will start compressing with the piston already at a higher velocity, or a short stroked piston that starts at a lower velocity but has a stronger spring to compensate. there's plenty of anecdotal based information, eg folks saying "x-y" is the optimum barrel length, or "use widebores for X application tightbores for Y application" but i've not seen any hardcore nerd-time testing/simulation on the subject. i suspect any benefit within the extremes is probably small enough that getting a system consistent enough to even notice would be it's own challenge. the real answer of course, is whilst it's fun to think in hypotheticals, those who say "screw that, just get closer" do have a valid point
  4. it is technically possible, depending on the difference in energy, and difference in bb weight used. for example (and i haven't checked these numbers) if you were talking a 0.48g fired at 1j compared to a 0.2g fired at 1.3j then the 0.2g would lose energy faster, and at some distance would pass the 0.48g bb and from that point on the heavier bb would have more energy at range. combine that with the fact that as the 0.2g slows it falls further out of the sweet spot for magnus lift and it magnifies it even further. however if we're talking bigger energy difference, say 0.48g at 0.5j compared to 0.2g at 1.5j then it'd be a different story.
  5. when it comes to airsoft projectiles when you do the math on this it ends up pretty linear: for fixed bb weight, more energy at muzzle also means more energy at every point along its flightpath (including extending said flightpath) for fixed energy, more bb mass means the same energy at the mozzle, but higher energy at every point along its flightpath (including extending said flightpath) any combination of both (more energy and more bb weight) increases both. it is also possible for a given range that a heavier bb fired at a lower energy can land with more authority than a lighter bb fired at a higher energy. there was some discussion a while back about the "drag crisis", most notable for its implementation with the dimples on a golf ball, but best i can make out our bb's are too small and travelling too slowly for this criteria to matter. as for when it hits a target, well generally speaking our bb's don't really deform nor do they penetrate their target, so the energy transfer is pretty much whatever energy the bb has at the time.
  6. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
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    evening folks here we have a SOTAC reproduction of the russian 2dps flashlight. pretty nice repro, simple on/off toggle or will strobe with a quick double tap of the same button. takes 2x CR123a batteries, iirc brightness is meant to be ~300 lumens, decent enough to see by but by no means the retina burning levels of bright some folks seem to prefer these days. price includes postage


  7. i was talking generically, but having started on the kind of site who is the exact kind of place that spawned this thread, ie testing new starts on site .2's and using regulars weight when said regulars would happily chat away about how they were under the "fps limit" when using heavier ammo i do disagree. as a newcomer it very nearly put me off airsoft, going somewhere with admittedly no better chrono practice but a more honest playerbase had me thinking "holy **** this game isn't supposed to leave you with stinging welts every time?" granted that's not joule creep, just very lazy/ignorant chrono practice, but well within the purview of what could be achieved accidentally. the general point is that spicy hardware makes the hobby unappealing, both to new and experienced players. yes if we were to test all guns equally that would indeed be the case. however regardless of which method is chosen, what needs to happen is for marshalls to know which types of guns are susceptible to problems and give those specific players a bit more time and attention. i've lost track of the number of times i've chrono'd on heavier ammo only to get a "that's a bit low" remark, and the only time i've ever seen an hpa regulator locked was the time i locked my own regulator to show the site marshalls that it was a thing you could do. i agree as a practical matter that absolutely eliminating spicy hardware is an impossible task, at least for as long as airsoft is a game played by humans and chronographs only read projectile velocity, but that doesn't mean we should give up on it. yes, however the point i was trying to make was that we can't hope to catch a determined cheater, you know as well as i how easy it would be to bypass any of the methods be it using site ammo, using player weight or hell even a site that issued only its own guns. the point of asking player weight is it'll catch the people who are honest but ignorant, those who own joule creep susceptible guns but don't understand more than "use heavier ammo it goes further". which as has been pointed out is becoming more and more popular especially hpa.
  8. i'm not saying i disagree with such a subjective assessment.......
  9. to answer one of the questions in the ad about the lack of safety- it's done when using a speed trigger which essentially keeps the trigger pulled almost all the way and means the default safety block won't engage. it's possible to modify the safety to account for this, but it's equally easy to just disconnect the airline if you want to safe the gun. it's a tricky one, price wise it's a bit steep for a jack build, and whilst aesthetically it might not be to many folks tastes it probably is pretty damn good for speedsofter shenanigans.
  10. as has already been mentioned, as a mechanism to catch a determined cheater there's holes in pretty much any method you care to name. the best we can hope for is to catch the honest but ignorant cases, the lazy cheaters and follow that up with decent in-game marshalling to weed out those who slip past. i can't say i agree with the whole "being XYZ over doesn't really hurt any more", if that's the case why not raise the limits? why have limits at all? it's all well and good to play the manly man who doesn't feel pain on the internet, but remember this hobby is supposed to be fun, and not everyone thinks pain is fun, and that is not a character flaw. after all, if the energy of a hit doesn't matter why play airsoft instead of paintball?
  11. i mean that's as valid a reason as any in this hobby, carry on
  12. i recall reading a guide that went something along the lines of "if you aren't concerned for the continuation of the next generation you haven't got it far enough up your leg" however i'd simplify that to the correct way to wear a drop leg holster is to have it so far up your leg it's on your shoulder.
  13. i'd have to say the warhead standard. it's somewhat comparable to the asg 30k however the pickup speed for semi-auto is noticeably better. i was getting ~18rps in auto on a 12:1 short-stroked build on 7.4 whilst retaining very snappy response in semi. the contacts are a bit more delicate going onto a pcb, and installation does need an extra bit of care, however once it's in there then there's no dirt from brushes as a bonus.
  14. hmmm, not too up on which manufacturer double bell is oem'd by, i have JG in my head which would indicate cheap pot metal externals but an otherwise relatively decent shooting gun. however, if the aim is steel and wood akm i might suggest the classifieds might have you covered: at least taking the "uncompleted" at face value and assuming it hasn't already sold.
  15. one thing i did forget- if you don't normally wear a helmet, a night game is a good time to do so, at least something on your head lest you accidentally walk into tree branches etc that you'd normally easily see in daytime.
  16. you missed the blinding white light as someone lights up a 2 MegaLumen weapon light 6' away seconds before unloading half a mag......
  17. a good idea, although sometimes directional light is handy for choke points.
  18. make sure your main torch has a simple on/off switch, or a hold switch. the last thing you want is not to be able to turn your torch off in a hurry, it needs to be on-shoot-off if you have spare torches, take them and hide them in trees/covering areas so you can keep a place lit safely. expect any torch you use for this purpose to get shot to shit and hastily re-angled (or possibly pocketed) by the other team. expect on the attack to get lit up at point blank with no warning if you use a tracer then expect every burst you fire to be met with return fire expect anyone with decent nods (gen 2 or better) to be absolutely owning the place. and expect it to be colder than you're used to. in general night games can be pretty good fun if there's enough people of equal playing level, eg a well filled site of players without any decent nods can be pretty fun, especially on the defensive (which is biased at night even more than during the day)
  19. good of you to share man, hopefully the news of just how shit things can end up prevents some other poor sod going through the same.
  20. wait, the sites are supposed to know more than the players!?!?
  21. that's its own kettle of fish. one side of the argument is a players personal chrono won't be subject to the countless tube strikes, bb shards and damp storage conditions that a site chrono will. the other side is the site chrono (wether it's correct or not) is the one that will define wether or not you're allowed to play. the other approach to the argument is any cheap chrono that isn't properly calibrated should be deemed useless. as a practical term, if you can't access 2 or more chrono's that give agreement for a particular pew (under the same conditions that is, so same gun, same ammo etc), go with whichever one reads highest to be safe. it's part of the reason why you don't want to necessarily push to get a gun to be right on the limit, as it just takes a site chrono to be over-reading by a couple of fps for you to be turned away.
  22. not to mention the number of sites that'll set the chrono to the correct weight, then read the fps value instead of the joule value anyway.....
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