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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. very niche, although even more so as an hpa given that's going to ruin any interest from the re-enactors market. funny my logic was i wanted a ww2 gun and the mp40/stg didn't do it for me which left the k98 (and getting outgunned) or the 42 which i reckoned the 42 was modern enough to still be relevant (given it's lineage is still in service). that said we had a showing yesterday from a ww2 russian commissar running a very nice ebb ppsh41, so there are folk out there willing to take on something different. of course i'll openly admit if i want to actually be effective i'd still pick up the m4 over anything else, but then you can't play too seriously in this game.
  2. indeed, it's a tricky one, end of the day something's only worth what someone's willing to pay for it. like my mg42 conversion, to comission a tech to do that would cost a lot given what's been done, but at the end of the day it's now a very specialised bit of kit that unless you really want that particular use case it's pretty much worthless.


    that is all.....

  4. Look, the vegans have a point, theres too much inneffeciency in raising meat, much more effecient to get rid of grazing land for kale farms. I would ask that anyone who shares my opinion join me in ensuring we rid the world of meat products as quickly as possible, it will be tough going but if everyone has a minimum of a bacon sandwich and a burger every day we can soon get rid of all the animals. #makeachange
  5. hmmm, should my next purchase be a nice new body for the m4 (king arms reciever is getting a bit knackered) or a nice ak?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      I was thinking real sword or e&l, the little jg aksu is a lovely shooter but something truly ak like is my dream

    3. StayOnTarget


      Oh thats just begging to be sanded down maybe some Annie Sloan chalk paint,I'm thinking a nice paris grey then a antique white gently sanded in places to allow the grey to come trough and finally lime waxed to finish? 


    4. Druid799


      RS and E&AK are very nice BUT if you get a cyma you’ll have the money to get a metal body kit as well ?😉

  6. can you fit it to an m4 and get it to shout "freedom!" every shot? with a side option of "FREEEEEEDOOOOOOOOOOMMMM!!!!!" for full auto?
  7. the quality of most airsoft suppressors i wouldn't be surprised if they blew apart on the first shot if you put them on a proper rifle.
  8. great days pewing today, one of the most fun days i've had for a good while despite rentals trying to activate godmode, problem is godmode vs my ak still loses :P

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      yep, running into a hail of fire and not stopping even when being unloaded on from many directions.

    3. Mad Rag

      Mad Rag

      i bet he/she is sore today 

    4. Adolf Hamster
  9. hey man if you're embracing the meme enough to custom build a gun then go for it, airsoft needs more people prepared to run not an m4 let alone going for proper custom kit.
  10. well, decent day's shooting yesterday, although the polarstar still needs fine tuning.


    once again ak did some serious work for the one game i brought it out for, really impressed with how it's been going of late.

  11. hell yeah, '42 is getting back into the fray, new mag mech ready for testing tomorrow

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      it's a modified m60 box, can't recall the specific brand but it's a real solid mechanism for feeding, basically because of how the gun works now it's entirely reliant on the mag and the stock mechanism didn't like being hit with 11.1v

    3. Game Cam

      Game Cam


    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster


  12. well yesterday's pewing was interesting, mostly stock jg ak outshooting my polarstar, says a lot about madbull blue hop rubbers.....


    (to clarify the p* had the madbull rubber and it was all over the show)

    1. Iceni


      Those madbull buckings are very hit and miss. I've tried the blue and the red and my guns didn't like either. Loads of fliers.

      Prommy purples, G&G greens, Or if you have a barrel that can take it the Maple leaf 50's.




    2. Druid799


      I just stick stock TM hop rubbers in all my guns .

    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      yeah, twas a madbull blue i dropped in as i was quickly taking the rhop out (which is deadly accurate but skies ammo still) and it was the only one i had pre-cut as a flathop, needless to say i'll either be getting the rhop filed down to stop the fliers or i'll pop a g&g green in there as a flathop.


      the jg ak i'm pretty pleased with, recently the gearbox rebuilt but nothing special internally but she was still shooting dead straight on the stock hop and barrel.

  13. Urgh, legs, anyone wanna lend me a pair?

    1. two_zero


      Ill swap ya my knees haha!!

  14. Damnit, opportinity to test the m4 hop at a mates (with an adequately sized field) and of course the air tank has leaked dry.


    Guess im gonna have to actually take the reg off after games.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      No, it was still set at it's operating pressure, just the qd valve holding it. ahh well guess tis a learning experience.


      The reg is still showing pressure but the bottle has dropped.

    3. sjhirst


      oh bugger :(


    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      well, if i'm going tomorrow i have a recently dsg'd ak to take, but been absolutely lashing down today so might be a bit damp even for me so might give it a miss.

  15. i'm pretty sure the republic has a 1j limit too so he might have fun with that
  16. treated the m4, new low flow poppet for the polarstar, pdi barrel, some proper rhop patches and a madbull hop. right pain getting the hop together but fingers crossed it should perform well, although it may overhop .3's now....
  17. this, a nicely tuned polarstar can rival a mk23 for utter silence.
  18. welp, busted my 2 working aeg's yesterday, had to end up running around with the vsr which does not shoot well enough to be effective.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. skintrade


      Sometimes having a decent back up pistol is handy, for those "just in case" moments, or hell just for fun 😝

    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      lol, fortunately pistols is one area i'm well furnished, given that i had the mighty makarov stuffed in a pocket for those moments when they're too far away for the vsr to engage :P

    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      well, the f2000 straight up busted the rear tooth off the piston, dunno what brand the piston was but it's had an shs dropped in and the angle of engagement tweaked so fingers crossed it might last this time.

  19. oh god oh god oh god.


    the mg42 hpa conversion is nearly done.


    am i evil?

    1. clumpyedge


      As I could only see the "oh god oh god oh god" I thought you may have sharted

    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      i haven't, but i suspect any poor bugger on the recieving end of this gun might.....

  20. welp, m4 has died, or at least the etu has, think its finally time to cut my losses and go hpa

  21. well, m4 didn't explode.


    but computer says no to not firing on auto....

    1. Asomodai


      Lucky for some! My fuse blew first game with it! 

    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      it just goes full auto the moment you connect the battery, think the etu's fried.


      however it did get some glorious kills before that happened.

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