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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. huh, surprised they had any left, pretty sure i just cleaned them out they are good, the one change that made all my ak mags work perfectly. the super precisions i dont think are worth the extra, they're a bit shinier but there's not enough difference. this weekend gonna be blasting with their .48's. it's gon' b gud
  2. Anyone got a spare pair of knees/ankles?


    I really need to get in shape......

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      sweet, you take bitcoin?

    3. Musica


      I wear knee supports when playing to keep everything where it should be 

    4. StayOnTarget


      AH lets just say the cartel does you a favour and maybe someday you do the cartel a favour....Hows your rectal passage for space?

      Oh I forgot to say assembly will be your responsibility and as per the law that only applies to airsoft your order will take much longer than anticipated and will meet with countless delays only to be the wrong size/make or just plain shite when you finally receive it (unfortunately this part isnt the joke)

      Cheers Amigo!!!

  3. so my geoff's order arrived, in a box marked "fragile"


    the irony is not lost on me.....

    1. Albiscuit


      "fragile" is italian, its pronounced frag-eel-e and means be careful :D  

    2. Steveocee


      Have you also paid the "new stock, increased prices" price?

    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      Probably, although it was only .3's so not too bad.

  4. Fresh carbon free float tube on the m4, and a pair of other guns ressurrected for a freind.


    It's been a productive day, so tomorrow i've got destructive to spare :P

    1. Aengus


      Carbon tubes on m4s always look so good. Where'd you get it from?

    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      Old test peice out of work, happened to be the right size to bolt onto a barrel nut.


      Bit incongruous as it blocks putting the gas tube in, but seems nice and solid, will be interesting to see how durable it is

  5. might be in the market for a tripod if you're considering splitting, don't have the money for the gun
  6. Good days shooting today, e&l worked just fine and the jack is doing stirling work in the m4.


    Boots were great, shame my legs arent

  7. damn dude, wouldn't a kidney have been easier?
  8. So i've been a lowa user for approximately 20 minutes and i'm already getting the hype, if they're this good now god knows how good they'll be when broken in

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      i'll still be surprised, but it'll be a pleasant surprise.

    3. BibbsOnTour


      What style of lowa boot would you guys recommend?

    4. Druid799


      I’ve two pairs of the Elite desert boot , they are ‘big and clumpy’ but once there on and done up properly I genuinely can wear them all day with out any problems at all .

  9. a clock spring in the centre with a follower in a circular track, basically take the notion of a ppsh mag and apply it to airsoft. that would allow the pan to spin as you fire if it's linked to the follower, which is why i thought you'd done it that way.
  10. fair point, when you first said 2000 rounds with the thing spinning i thought you'd made a giant spiral midcap
  11. fair enough, wouldn't have thought the dp mag was tall enough for that?
  12. so it's a hopper feed but with a pressure plate rather than gravity to stop the bb's rattling?
  13. Sounds like good progress. Still liking the sound of a proper replica dp28, how are you doing the mag mechanism out of interest?
  14. yeah i've heard a lot of good things about them. figured it's worth investing in a really good pair of boots not just for airsofting but for any time i need to do any amount of proper hiking.
  15. grabbed meself a pair of lowa z8x's to replace my long suffering magnums. hoping the hype about lowa stuff is real given how much they cost.
  16. yep, although you can get some decent deals if you're able to find the real simple fixes, or if you know you'd be messing with it anyway. generally for me all i care about is if the body is in good order, because even on a new gun i'll inevitably end up twiddling with everything else anyway.
  17. there's a 21 in both their names, close enough.
  18. Pinty do a cheap as chips 1x30 red dot works quite well on an ak siderail mount looks wise. Run one that bounces between my ak's.
  19. *Looks at m203* Yep, can confirm anything is fun when launched from a 203.....
  20. I see this thread has taken a return to form after our breif interlude with briareous
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