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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. m14's are pretty annoying because they decided to add an extra thing on a spring for you to hold with the 5 hands you don't have when reassembling. although getting it in/out of the reciever isn't so bad, just a bit longer than most guns. v2's are a pain because you have to get it most of the way back in the gun before you can dry fire it see what she sounds like. however, i feel like i'm not alone when i say this: v3 triggers....... easiest box i've worked on is the g&g f2000, because it's nearly all external and by the time you've got to the actual main body of the box there's not much left to have to keep track of on reassembly.
  2. welcome to unicorn guns, try finding a front railed forend for an sa80 or an f2000.
  3. Hmm, maybe soon time to replace the king arms reciever, anyone reccommend somewhere to look for decent reciever sets? Feels kind of wasteful to buy a whole gun only to gut the internals and replace most of the furniture.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      ooh good shout, those look pretty decent.


      there was me thinking he only did internal bits

    3. Lozart


      He has so many fun things to part you from your cash!

      I have an E&C Colt engraved receiver set and I have to say it's rather lovely (especially for the cost).

    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      yeah it looks very similar to the king arms one i have, well, at least what the king arms was like several years ago.


      just ordered one, was mighty tempted to add some other shiny's but sadly funding isn't infinite at the moment.


      shame he doesn't have barrel nut shims, those seem to be like hens teeth to find.

  4. Yeah, i'm thinking if set up right it would be a simple pass/fail mark on the pendulum based on site joule limit, shoot it from a fixed point and if it swings higher than that it's a fail. No asking ammo weights or popping ammo into folks mags, just rock up and shoot with whatever you brought. But like i say the issue is how accurate such a device would be.
  5. true, although you're right it is a faff, done it a few times when i wasnt sure what weight i'd left in the speedloader. i do think a dragons den idea would be to figure out a chrono method that's independant of ammo weight, they used to use pendulums back in the day where you could work out the velocity of a bullet by shooting it and seeing how far it swung, given we care about energy and not velocity it could work, although not sure how accurate it would be.
  6. i'll add to this- instead of constantly changing the chrono settings, print out a strip of paper with the proper fps reading for each weight of ammo and tape it on, then just check that the gun is under that. of course you'll still get the straight up liars "oh i'm running .2's mate" but cheaters gonna cheat regardless of how you do it so you might aswell force them to lie and follow up with a straight up ban if anyone gets caught in a spot check.
  7. Lower looks straight arp556 to me. I'm not saying there's no investment in tooling, reprogramming machines etc but compared to making a completely different gun like, well, pretty much anything that isnt an m4, it's nowhere near as much to change up an m4. I mean to g&g's credit they do a half decent range of more strange stuff, and they do it pretty well on the whole, so they're not that bad. I suppose they're looking at the sales for things like the firehawk/arp9/arp556 which seem to be popular enough amongst speedsoft types (by which i mean literally every actual speedsoft video i've seen has an arp9) so they're probably thinking they're on safe enough ground.
  8. tbf how much of that product is really new? the trigger, stock mount and the handguard? everything else is just from their big bucket o' m4 bits. but then that's a general problem for airsoft- slap a new handguard and stock on an m4 and act like you've somehow managed to create something new and interesting.
  9. for sure my hicapa definately wins when it comes to range/accuracy, but there's something so satisfying about pinging people at long range with such a tiny gun might have to look into the weathering, normally i let these things go naturally but it's not really fading to the same effect.
  10. yeah, i've got one of the kwc blowback ones with that style of grip and for sure it's not as comfortable. of course for all the times i use a pistol it doesn't matter too much, mostly it's just for a bit of fun when entering buildings and/or when my rifle runs dry.
  11. will have a look, although ironically i'm warming up to the black grips, guess i'm too used to them now.
  12. ooh that's nice, where'd you get em? loving the weathering on that slide, never bothered weathering myself normally just let it happen naturally. i suppose a bit of an update to this thread is i do wish there was an aftermarket nozzle, blasting heavy ammo out of mine has bulged the cylinder and dropped her to 0.75j which takes a lot of hop tweakery to keep a .48 flying (although hilarious that it still outranges a lot of the rifles it has to deal with)
  13. Same thing with mine, polarstar'd with pretty much a mouse click trigger, although ironically mine does have the whole tubular carbon frontend speedsoft look to it (my ghetto interpretation of what would stoner do), ironically it gets used mostly as a dmr (1j flat limit here means its a hilarious counter sniper gun)
  14. Well, will have to see how the new sling mount on the m4 holds, but at least i found a use for the hicapa rail.....

    1. Rogerborg


      Did you run out of cable ties and keyrings?


      Never run out of cable ties and keyrings.

    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      it's more that carbon is not a good material for bolting things onto, i'm kinda worried the wrong shock load is going to just rip the bolts out.


      problem is there's nowhere else decent to mount the front of a 2 point on an m4.

  15. there's nothing wrong with an m4 with a hair trigger and no safety except when tapping the buttplate is enough to make it fire, then you might have gone too far...... tbf i've always wondered why speed gamers bother with "semi auto" surely allowing a mechanically capped full auto would (ironically) be safer.
  16. fair enough, i do run a speed trigger in the m4 which you could get some pretty high rof on "semi" but i tend to mostly do double/triple. i reckon it's more a user than a gun issue if peeps are using them to full auto indoors. it's cool, mine's not a true interpretation as there aren't any decent 1-peice lowers i'm aware of, although i have occasionally contemplated if importing the lower and modding it to take a gearbox might work but i do run an m16 style stock out of preference (dont like adjustables) and recently managed to half-inch some carbon tube out of work to make a ghetto faxon handguard. it is very pointable which is nice and does sort of follow the spirit of the build whilst avoiding going too out of character.
  17. is there something i'm missing in the description here? is this one of those stupid fire on pull and release style triggers or just a regular speed trigger?
  18. i take offence to that, my m4 is the true wwsd airsoft edition, none of this heretical nonsense with weird ass stocks that make no bloody sense. i will also be miffed if it's actual carbon fibre, because then i won't be able to lord it over the peasants
  19. i presume if you were decently civil with him you could contact one of the mods see if they can get it removed?
  20. in my experience they do, can't beat a velcro flap for knowing your mag's gonna be there when you need it.
  21. When your wondering how best to prepare your workmate for dealing with your squad's "humour".....

    1. BibbsOnTour


      "listen mate, we're all fucked... just smile and laugh with us and you'll be fine"

    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      yeah pretty much how i approached it, he seemed to enjoy himself which given the amount of drama normally goes on at that site is a good sign.

  22. excuse me while i fail to take that statement seriously.....
  23. So decided to give the f2000 a little love this sunday, re-did seals etc she's pretty decent consistency on the chrono, hopefully that's the last time.


    Kinda wish gate would hurry up and figure out a way to titan a v6 already, because atm it seems decent semi auto is always going to be the fevered dream of a madman on this thing.

  24. Jumping the gun on the selling "rare" 6mm ssg's am i milking this meme too much?
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