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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. i wouldn't bother sanding or stripping the paint, send it back to them and get them to do it. no excuse for shoddy workmanship even if it is just a cheap pistol.
  2. well, mg42's back together and firing fine, although i think i might need a more robust regulator for the mag as it may have slightly exploded

  3. Mg42 is back, forgot how massive that thing is, some final test fitting just to check everything lines up and some wiring and it'll be back in action!


    Its now super heavy though, the reciever is almost entirely filled with steel

  4. well ir torch arrived, works a treat, now i just need an offset mount and perhaps a killflash

    1. Prisce


      Which IR torch did you get? Struggling to find a decent one for range... I bought a cheap one that doesn’t do naff all.

    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      uniquefire something or other, was cheap but i haven't had the chance to properly try it out yet.

  5. let me know what you come up with because this annoys me too. at least until i get around to seeing if i can get this solenoid idea to work.
  6. guess that makes a bit more sense, give the bolt action guys a bit of motivation.
  7. hmmm, wonder when gate is planning on making a v6 etu....

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      the one where you sharpen the cutoff lever? done that and it still doesn't like it.


      might be possible to do with microswitches but that's too much effort lol

    3. Lozart


      Have you tried this? 



    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      the f2000 runs a different cutoff lever to the p90, it's basically the same trigger unit but on the back left side of the gearbox.


      to clarify it does run on semi but jams up if you try to double tap, not so much a problem outdoors as you just give em a burst.


      ironically the ak has the opposite problem, if only i could average out my issues lol

  8. fair play, still seems like strange site requirement, fair enough limit the player to firing 1 round per second but insisting the gun is set up specifically to do that is a bit far.
  9. Well, we've been learning things today, like my m4 wants more power than my battery is happy supplying, back to the m16 stock methinks.


    However, it is a freaking monster, it now 3rnd bursts quicker than it used to fire semi.....

  10. Seems strange, i mean apart from the gate titans i cant think of an etu that would have a timed trigger delay, although plenty lock to semi only.
  11. Probably not worth putting in a fancy enough mosfet that would have programmable trigger delay. Unless they just mean you arent allowed to just spam the trigger.
  12. I think he means more the solid "click" you get in a trigger on a real gun, or on a gbb as opposed to the squishy nothingness that you get on most aeg triggers.
  13. Anyone reccommend some cheap, non-gamer hi capa mag bases?

  14. Not that i know of, theyre mostly terrible. The best i've seen is still more like a mouse click than a proper trigger. The newer mosfets certainly improve responsiveness but not the pull itself. You're better off sticking to gbb's if that's what you're after, or until something new comes on the market.
  15. so yesterday i was in the sirsoft shop, and i forgot to get a front sight for my newly acquired hicapa.....

  16. well, re-jigged the m4 belt rig again, decided not to go for the separate pistol belt and it seems nicely balanced atm.

  17. hmm, swapping a we luger with holster and 4 mags for a tm hi capa?

  18. urgh, new ssd in laptop, installing w10 iso was a mistake, shoulda gone with 7.....

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      not any more, the free upgrade has ended.

    3. Duff


      Why would anyone want W10?



      Why didn't you go with W7u?


    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      because it wasn't that bad before i installed the iso, didn't pester me constantly and was relatively stable

  19. urgh, i should be pew pewing today

    1. Duff


      I been restless asf all day but lookin forward to the next two weekends!

    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      i'm currently backing up this laptop before installing an ssd, needless to say the lack of a current ssd is making it quite the tedious process....

  20. Suddenly i feel like i need a night game, this has nothing whatsoever to do with acquiring an nv scope from here, nothing at all.....

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      It came with a wee ir spotlight but its not working, either the electrics are gone or the bulb needs changed. Is there anything you'd reccommend if i cant fix it? I've heard a lot of "ir" torches put out a red glow which sounds like it might attract bb's....



      The surefire vampire series of IR torches are very good weapon lights they pop up on real steel facebook groups every now and then. The head rotates between a white LED and an IR LED so it is basically 2 in 1 the IR signature to the naked eye is very low from those lights aswell. if you want some vids i can get some tonight for you?

    4. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      Thanks man, i'll have a look.


      Pulled the original illuminator apart but it seems its something electronic has gone on it, nothing i can visually see.


      I have plenty of normal weapon lights so i'm not too fussed about it being switchable, but it sounds cool.

  21. Welp, seems like pew pewing on sunday isnt going to be happening, goddamnit!

  22. It takes experience, start with working on your own stuff and build from there. Most jobs arent too bad, the basic principles of the guns are the same and fundamental skills like soldering, drilling and tapping properly, the basic principles of fault finding etc are mostly universal. To quote my grandfather you need to know 2 things to fix something- what it's meant to do and how its meant to do it. I generally do all my own tech work, the only time i go to the shop is when its something that might need their resources, for example when sorting the ascu2 cutoff lever we literally ended up fishing through a box of assorted cutoff levers to find the 1 lever that had the correct throw for the switch. Fortunately our relationship is pretty decent insofar as they'll let me just tear away. Youtube videos can be great for sanity checking, for example if somethings a bit stiff and youre not sure if you should just force it or if there's some sneaky hidden pin/screw that you dont know is there. The other thing that helps is getting the proper tools for the job, for example you can use a screwdriver as a ghetto punch but in the long term the proper tool will make the job easier and less damaging, or you can use a standard alan key set with ball ends but proper hex drivers are an absolute dream by comparison and are less likely to round, same applies to keeping stock of spare screws that you can dig through and find a proper replacement. Also remember if you're resorting to ptfe tape on a component that didnt originally come with it on you've already lost (this has nothing to do with the amount of unnessecary ptfe tape i pulled out of a mates gun when i was working on it, nothing at all ) The only other thing is an attitude of doing things right, as a friend of mine says "you say you dont have time to do it right but you have time to do it twice", sure it might mean your pew is out of action while waiting for a part but that just means you dont have enough backups....
  23. Existance is pain....

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Solly4568


      Nooooooooo I know the feeling half my stuff arrives when I am at school and my brother sends me pictures of him playing with it 😭

    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      I heard the man knocking and had to lie there helpless as he either left it outside or took it back to the depot.


      Ahh well, i suppose its no worse than being at work and missing a parcel.

    4. Solly4568


      Except it could be sitting down there waiting to be used 

  24. Urgh, straight from a cold into horrific back pain, this week is not being nice to me. I better damn well recover before sunday....

  25. urgh, ak stripping, sucks

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