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Adolf Hamster

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Everything posted by Adolf Hamster

  1. i'm not saying that skipping full face isn't a risk, i have a right shiner on my cheek at the moment testament to that, although i've been lucky enough to keep all my teeth thus far (although i've seen it happen to mates). it's just a case of regardless of what some is or isn't wearing on their face, shooting there intentionally when you have a choice is a dick move that shouldn't be encouraged, to do so "in the name of airsoft justice" doubly so.
  2. i dont think there's any denying that there's editing to make the shots look better, or that some shots aren't deliberately targeted and are just victims of the airsoft gods. however camera reticle aside, my point is it's plainly evident in some scenes that he's capable of making more precise shots on a given location (when he's aiming at folk in cover who are maybe only poking a hand or a hat out) followed by getting an "easy" body shot but instead going for the head, especially when he beleives there's some anti-cheater clickbait to be had, at least if he's editing them to give that impression then that's the intended effect he's going for. i'm sure he's a different person in the flesh, he was a different person in his earlier videos but it seems his youtube persona has evolved to a point that makes him worthy of distain, his videos might be targeted to get lots of views, but it highlights behaviour that advertises our hobby in a very bad light and it's not the sort of thing we need, we have enough problems keeping hold of our pew's against the "ermagerd gunz r bad" crowd as-is.
  3. Mostly yes, although i'm sure that's because he's so deep behind enemy lines using his fantastic ghillie skills he cant risk speaking too loudly or lose his position.
  4. Yeah he did, was the same day he popped someone in the face with his mk23 hard enough to make them think he'd cracked their glasses. Then finished off by blaming it on people not being prepared for the milsim environment.
  5. Todays casualty list- 1 eotech smashed, 1 m4 mag lost, 1 gearbox broken.


    Been a while since airsoft went like that lol.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Albiscuit


      Do we have a  "WHAT HAVE YOU BROKEN/LOST THREAD"? if not we should... I feel I would be able to keep it going every time I play !!

    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      Feels like a thing we had for a while, dunno if thats just memory playing tricks though.


      Suppose i've been lucky, been a good few months since i had a proper casualty.

    4. Albiscuit


      Yeah it rings a bell, but I looked and ran a search but couldn’t find it..

      I might start one next time I break something/next game!

  6. We've talked about km before and his penchant for intentional headshots, its plainly evident that some of them are intentionally aimed as such. Yes face pro is a valid point, and it is a risk you take, but it is not a defence for being a dick. I always hold that you should shoot centre of mass of what you can see, if all you can see is their head then it's a valid target, but if they give you something else to shoot at go there first, which in some of his videos this is a thing he evidently does not adhere to.
  7. [Mack's thread answer] what are you doing!? You're not meant to be reasonable when your ad shows up in here![/Mack's thread answer] As above- good man for taking this properly, it's nice when this thread can work without conflict.
  8. ptfe and sorbo are fine in the right places. it's when you see it being used for replacing screw threads or holding the handguard on then it begins to become questionable. however i do use ptfe a fair bit on cylinder heads, a good head won't need it but a bit of ptfe can do wonders to improve a poor head.
  9. Yeah its legit, although their website is pretty poor.
  10. not really, unboxings have their place, and knowing something new and shiny exists can be very useful, but in terms of an actual review i'd preferr someone who's actually used it to be talking. perfect example- find me a g&g f2000 review that tells you about the blister you'll get on your thumb knuckle if you aren't wearing gloves.
  11. when it comes to gameplay while i've watched the usual suspects there's always elements of stuff that's not ideal, like the ever pervasive battlefield hit markers or clickbaity cheaters/fights/player justice stuff. i've seen a couple of gameplay vids from sites where i've been playing, and it's kinda dull compared to the actual gameplay, or maybe i'm just having more fun than the cameraman. for reviews i've a few things: 1. review more than just wether or not it's ambidextrous, also i can see the rails, no need to point that out.... 2. show takedown, show internals, highlight which key parts are proprietory and which ones are standard. 3. if you're going to do an accuracy test do it at longer than 10 feet indoors using .2's, if i gun can't hit a man sized target at that distance then it's useless. 4. gas effeciency is more than 10 shots in a nice air conditioned interior 5. if somethings bad say it's bad, even suggest ways it could be upgraded to improve it. not so much airsoft, but gun related is i tend to like inrange tv's philosophy on reviews where you really need to be using the thing for a few months before you can really make a call on how good or not it is, for example i intend on expanding my makarov reviews section some time but i haven't used the kwc enough to give it a fair shout.
  12. are these full thrust compatible?
  13. heard the originals were pretty bad, was chatting to the tech in the local shop while he was struggling to get one back together.
  14. i've heard this business of tm slides breaking, but after 2 years of running .4's and black gas on my hicapa it still has yet to cause the miniature singularity the internet has informed me it would. bearing in mine said hicapa was at least third hand when i got it.
  15. [Bitchmode] no honey you look fabulous, it really brings out your natural beauty [/Bitchmode]
  16. Only ever worked on their m60, and while its bad it's very amenable to being tdc'd with minimal effort. Both fair points, after all i use my 10" m4 carbine more like a sniper rifle than a door kicker. I suppose i can talk, i have meddled with mg hops before, mostly for reason 2.
  17. i've always wondered why people bother with hop upgrades on a support gun, it's not like you're going to be running heavy ammo through it or really care about minute of angle accuracy so why expend the money?
  18. possibly it's just the original hicap going with the gun, and any mids he has he's keeping for other guns?
  19. indeed, means you only need 4 hands rather than 5 to keep everything held down
  20. that's a good point, i've always found it a kind of meh handgun, nothing particularly bad about it, a lot is quite good especially in context, but it's just not exciting. it's like owning a vw golf, it's not bad, but it's not going to impress anybody either.
  21. oh boy, hopefully cooking up something special tomorrow for sunday's pewing, looking forward to it.

  22. i tapped out the one on the jg and added a little screw, holds it in place perfectly. makes it almost pleasant to work on
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