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Everything posted by P13

  1. What is broken if I pull the trigger and the hammer doesn’t release? Hammer spring? It’s on a glock 17 

  2. This is a great idea, do you have a link you the lexan too 😉
  3. Do I go for Ares M4 pistol... Arp9 with a drum mag or both ? 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Gepard


      Arp9, but only because I hate pistol M4s :lol:

    3. Steveocee


      I've listed the Ares this morning 😎


    4. P13


      Interested mate, however going to look at a arp 9 with drum mag over the coming days, and not sure I can commit to both right now... will let you know though.


      id have lost my shit with the guy who cracked yours thou! Wow that’s bad 

  4. Don’t suppose you have this in the all black variation?
  5. I’d also accept a arp9 in a swap deal 

  6. P13

    TRMR - .209 base - Etched

    What would be price including postage?
  7. So nailed a new job... a lot money... means more guns 😍

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mad Rag

      Mad Rag

      congratulations its alright for some lol :D


    3. P13


      Thanks guys, big challenge but new guns on the horizon 

    4. StayOnTarget


      Hey we work to earn money to have a nice life its how I motivate my arse to get out of bed 👍

  8. Love this, shame your leaving the sport... and even bigger shame that I’m poor right now!
  9. Do I stick with my glock 17 and buy an extended mag or do I buy and customise a asg mk23.....??? 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. P13


      It’s to run as a secondary alongside when I am using the sniper, my glock hits the distances (built from the guidance of @rocketdogbert) but it is a bit on the loud side, I do love it as a side arm thou! 🤔🤔🤔

    3. sonofsammo


      I still say do both.
      Because more guns are better 😄 


  10. Are they glock17 extended mags?
  11. anyone know where I can but empty longbow style BB bottles? 

    1. Immortal


      You can get all manor of bottles here. Pretty sure I've seen the same/similar as you require.



  12. Man, I want this bad but unfortunately with Xmas it is out of my reach
  13. Packing the bag for tomorrow, just noticed the bbs I brought from Geoff’s months ago are the wrong weight, what a fucker

    1. Rogerborg


      If you really loved them you wouldn't care how much they weigh.

    2. P13


      I love them but .28s fly better 

  14. Buzzing to be back at absolute this weekend 

    1. Solly4568


      yeah, I can't wait. What are you dressing up as? I am going to be Jesus 😂

    2. P13


      Ha mate, don’t think I’ll be dressing up mate... may don a xmas hat if I can find it. 

    3. P13


      Nice to shoot you today Jesus 😂 cracking outfit

  15. P13

    Gas recharger

    Don’t know what this is or does but looks like I want it
  16. Little top up from Geoff , ready for bunker now on the 19th
  17. anyone know anywhere other than outdoor and Tactical for Geoff’s BBs? 


    Need to order some red .25 tracers but there postage is a joke

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. proffrink


      BBs are bulky and heavy, so good luck on finding somewhere cheaper :S

    3. P13


      6mm ammo offer free 2nd class on they’re range... so cheaper places are out there 

    4. proffrink


      Cheaper for Geoffs*

  18. Love it when I make a deal on pre-fired, send the money then get told sorry mate sold it to someone else.... prick

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. snuff


      Try facebook marketplace that'd do your head in,I know what you mean it is frustrating.

    3. P13


      It’s just rubbish ain’t it, I’ve i agreed to sell to someone I wouldn’t sell to someone else. 


      Also leaves me without a cool new toy

    4. Druid799


      What the genuine f**k ! A deal’s a deal and your word should be your bond ! In the past I’ve turned down extra money (admittedly not a huge amount !) but i did turn it down , it’s the principle once you agree a deal then unless the buyer dicks around then as far as I’m concerned it’s sold . End off . 

  19. ARP9 or Nemisis X9 🤔🤔🤔

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. P13


      Attraction of the X9 is no one has one, that I have seen! And the full metal build. 


      How is the polymer for the arp? Does it feel solid? 


      I only have 7.4v batteries now, so assuming i will need to get a few 11.1s for it also? 

    3. Adolf Hamster

      Adolf Hamster

      the x9 looks basically the same  as the arp9 to me, so i wouldn't give it any exclusivity factor. an exclusive gun would be a gbb groza or an mg34, something that you'll hardly ever see fielded.

    4. P13


      Basically the same, but is different ha arp does really seem the gun of the moment. 


      Didnt own one before as i tossed a coin between a freedom freedom fighter and a arp...


      arp lost ha 

  20. Anyone know where I can get .28 tracers? 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. L3wisD


      I wouldn't recommend those old style Nuprol BBs though.


      Awful, awful reputation for ovality, swelling and being generally shit.

    3. P13


      Yeah these were Geoff’s but no stock anywhere. 

    4. Monkman


      Fair enough on the 'shit' call...they do look dated don't they....  I've been using .25 RZR Nuprols and they seemed great.

  21. Inch spacer on the Nuprol? 



    1. Robert James

      Robert James

      Didn't know what was a thing... How would I find this?

  22. This is great as I am looking to try these, seem to be rated very highly by some
  23. Looking to play UCAP Bunker next month, how dark is it? Is it worth wrapping reusable pyro in reflective tape to aid finding? Or maybe adding some kind of flashing LED? 

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. P13


      That looks incredible, definitely another one added to my list

    3. Seany.exe


      I'd like to play at the bunker again at some point but i'm pretty busy over the next month or so.

    4. Duff


      I'm at Eversley on 19th anyway. Another time.

  24. using my last bit of gas in my new cyclone grenade to scare the shit out of the Mrs was totally worth it... 

    1. Duff


      You won't be saying that when she uses the last of her hot wax on your ballsack in the middle of the night!

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