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Status Replies posted by Rogerborg

  1. Currently isolating as I've tested positive for the dreaded covid and decided to go through some of my cam footage of the very first time I played airsoft and it picked up a very glorious war cry....



  2. Currently isolating as I've tested positive for the dreaded covid and decided to go through some of my cam footage of the very first time I played airsoft and it picked up a very glorious war cry....



  3. It's taken me a long time to realise but as the great @Rogerborgonce said, all Airsoft guns do the same thing. Some a bit more reliably, some a bit quicker or a bit further but most just fine.

  4. Hi,

    New to the scene so please come and chat.

  5. Another AK followed me home today.


    One did last week too.


    There's another that I fancy in the classifieds section...


    Is there an AKs Anonymous?  

  6. Had the pleasure of meeting @DrAlexanderTobacco at a milsim. He was surprisingly down to earth, and VERY funny.

  7. Had a stinking cold all weekend and in my boredom watched one of the recent Novritsch videos. Yikes, shooting a kid with 1.8J and 0.46g's from 3 - 4 metres and showing himself doing the definition of blind firing....


  8. Had a stinking cold all weekend and in my boredom watched one of the recent Novritsch videos. Yikes, shooting a kid with 1.8J and 0.46g's from 3 - 4 metres and showing himself doing the definition of blind firing....


  9. New here can’t find wish list 🤣🤣


  11. Bought broken vfc mp7 aeg and after few weeks of waiting for trigger micro switch i got it back to working condition with perun ab++ mosfet, bullgear cnc tappet plate and gear clip and entire aeg rewired to work with mosfet apart of mag cut off feature which  was removed due to known feeding issues. Rest of the aeg works as intended at 285fps on 0.25g bbs.

  12. Bought broken vfc mp7 aeg and after few weeks of waiting for trigger micro switch i got it back to working condition with perun ab++ mosfet, bullgear cnc tappet plate and gear clip and entire aeg rewired to work with mosfet apart of mag cut off feature which  was removed due to known feeding issues. Rest of the aeg works as intended at 285fps on 0.25g bbs.

  13. is there a point paying extra for faster delivery from patrol base?  my last two orders have basically been 48hr delivery with me paying for the slower option.  not complaining, just surprised

  14. Ordered my fourth AK variant tonight.  


    I fully expect to use the thing about once a year whilst I stick with my CYMA 028S for most opfor games.  


    All my rifs are hardly used bar the CM16 and cable tied and gaffer taped under folder.   


    I put this down to advanced idiocy tbh... 

  15. anyone else finding Patrol Base's website not working well atm?  not loading pictures or updating filters

  16. Note to self...never role play as a Zombie against 60 players.  I've lost count of all the BB welts on my  poor knackered body..LoL  (Was fun at the time though)

  17. How long has asda been doing nuprol guns?!


  18. Nuprol spray paints..... garbage, do not recommend. 


    better off buying proper paint manufacturer stuff

  19. Follow me on insta @ShootingBlanksAirsoft

  20. Follow me on insta @ShootingBlanksAirsoft

  21. Follow me on insta @ShootingBlanksAirsoft

  22. Follow me on insta @ShootingBlanksAirsoft

  23. A lot of 'a friend of mine ' posts of late

  24. Do NOT send any RIFs to "Jimmy001" it was Stephen Glennie again...

  25. Off to more Namsoft silliness tomorrow.  I fully intend to hoon around in more ridiculous manner than usual due to it being the last game of the year.  


    The Cold War loadouts will soon be out.  


    Same Imperialists, different season.  

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