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Everything posted by Asomodai

  1. The SE Tour Reviews will be drawing to a close probably permanently in the Autumn. I will be taking a year off of Airsoft for personal reasons. 


    I hope we as a country are in a position to play before then! 

  2. Have always had a passing interest in the Green JG Fal. Whats over the overall build quality like? Easy to takedown?
  3. Admit it, which one of you finally snapped? https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-kent-52379200

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Albiscuit


      All of mine are imitations no real ones in my gaff, not me!

    3. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      Can't be me - only four imitation firearms found


      fucking twat though, nice flat but fuck all common sense

    4. Albiscuit


      I saw a video of him firing what seems to be a dessert eagle out the window. It’s loud and shells are ejected. Had Glocks and a machine gun from all accounts.

      Something was real though, Even a sound hog doesn’t sound like a real gun

  4. BFG Stuff. Primers etc. What are these things and what do I need to use them? Been given a bunch of these things but have no idea how they work, or what they work in. 


    Anyone help?


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. EDcase


      Yeah, DON'T order a SWAT VTG on their website.

      Luckily my payment failed because when I emailed for another way to pay I got no answer.

      Then I found THIS and THIS

      Phew, glad I missed that one


      Small as they look, the .209s are quite loud and I wouldn't want to throw anything louder at people.  They're also incredibly cheap, working out to about 10p per throw.

      So yeah, I'd highly recommend the Dynatex.


      Be aware the rules at most sites is to only throw underarm and not above waist height as they would cause injury if thrown properly and land on someone.

      That's where the cardboard pyro MK5's have an advantage.

    3. heroshark


      As much as most sites don't allow 12g it's nice to be able to use them. They are great fun for shits and giggles. 

    4. Albiscuit


      BFGs are best for CQB really, woodland not so much unless its timed, but then you have the big risk of losing it in the undergrowth/mud etc . so personally @Asomodai I would suggest not getting one if you havent used and have no desire to field one. I know you dont like CQB much.


      Bring the smaller ones to our next game, I will take them off your hands ;)  

  5. A&K M249. Not looking for much more ROF then what I have now as I dont want to go so fast that it outruns the winding mag.
  6. Correct, that is what AK2M4 told me as well. Unfortunately I am after a 22TPA as I am looking for slower speed for an LMG build.
  7. Looks awfully similar to many of my parcels in the past year. We must be cleaning up AK2M4's stock! Hoping he can get in more of those GP Motors but short shaft. Love that coppery finish.
  8. More things from Gunfire. Well MB02F sniper base as a backup to my long length MB09. £44 Well MB03AW Outlet (worn packaging) £36 SHS G36 Selector as a spare. X2 SHS 14 tooth steel piston, one for XM8, one for M249 SHS MP5 Nozzle (For M249) X2 Grenade pouches in black. ML 60 degree decepticon bucking for VSR Element Shim set to make VSR Hop arm shims. SHS v2 tappet for M249 CYMA M4 sling adapter, for M16
  9. Spent from 9AM til 8PM modifying this blasted M16. V2 Gearboxes can do one!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sitting Duck

      Sitting Duck

      Agreed - they should make a v3 with a one piece not 2 piece floppy trigger

      they could call it a v2.5 - Oh no, that is the elongated SR25 v2 box


      well they could make a v2 with a motor cage to set angle/height easy

      Oh no, they did that yonks ago on the bastid Elephant HK33 abortion box...


      France-Airsoft > [ Both Elephant ] M15 (hk33)


      well I meant a V3 with a one piece trigger not a V2 with G36 motor cage

      see here - yup it actually exists/existed....



      Until they make a v3.2 or something then guess we will have to live with them qwirks that both boxes have

  10. German law states any full auto airsoft rifle needs to be 0.5 joule or under
  11. Begadi wont ship outside of Germany anymore for RIFs. Tradesoft in Finland yes. Nothing from Sweden I am afraid.
  12. Been ages but found one in Spain https://suministrosairsoft.com/es/apoyo-m60/2794-ak-m60-vietnan-full-metal-.html
  13. The latest addition to the stable! Cybergun/A&K fully licensed M249 Para SAW.
  14. TBH I have been using PJ BB's for the last couple of skirmishes. Really decent BB's I think they are GoldenBalls OEM. Cheaper then BLS too! Though I will stick with BLS for the .48's.
  15. I am more relieved that I managed to do it in the first place. For the first time ever in a project I have not had Nozzle/Feeding issues. Yeah. It is not really any quieter. Maybe more of a thud then a thwack sound when the piston head hits the cylinder. I am happy to say though that compression is 100% excellent.
  16. Quite possibly! I have used the stock hop nub and a Prommy Purple for now! I spent the morning wiring up the gearbox. Used the stock 18AWG wiring for the trigger contacts and 16AWG for everything else. The basic Perun Mosfet is excellent as the two current wires are on the front and single trigger contact wire is on the back. This was wired to the front as stock through a 60cm wiring loom. Decided to change to a rear mount as there is plenty of room for a battery above the fake bolt. Fits a 1450mah 7.4 stick with room to spare. It is a little difficult to close the buttpad due to the thick wiring, but placed in the correct way it will sit flush without pushing the motor towards the bevel. Forgot to post a photo of the gearbox post upgrade yesterday. I had some motor height issues and I forgot to put the Motor shim back in after I had reassembled it. So I had to disassemble again and put in a narrower shim then stock (The Motor height was perfect without the shim, it's slightly grindy now but its reasonable enough!). I also changed the Maple Leaf out for the standard odd hop nub and an old Prometheus Purple that I grabbed out of my Cyma P90 (Which got the Maple Leaf and 0hm nub which thankfully fits perfectly). Here it is in its glory. A fully charged 30C 7.4V Lipo results in a snappy trigger response which rarely locks up on semi when trigger spamming (Kind of par for the course with bullpups). It has a nice 23 RPS. It's a bit loud as the gearbox is right next to my recording phone. FPS is coming out at a steady 277FPS on .3's which equates to roughly 339 FPS on .2's taking into account Joule Creep. With actual .2's it's more like 328. Hopefully I'll get to test the range and accuracy soon. But (hopefully) The gearbox is complete and pretty much the project! I may add some foam into the body cavities in the future. The Silent piston head and cylinder combo didn't exactly do much! ---------------------------------- Working on the Tavor was not the nightmare I thought it would be. The initial take down is quite difficult as there are lots of bits to take off in a somewhat specific order. But the gearbox itself is pretty easy to work on due to the quick change spring system, a AR latch that stays put and relatively simple wiring. The AOE was correct as soon as I put in the new Piston/Cylinder/Head combo needing no changes. I can take down the Tavor right down to an open gearbox in about 10 minutes, reassembly is about the same sort of time.
  17. It would also need that pin at the front to hold the Outer barrel in place. I do have some spare G&G gearing somewhere actually which I could use. Though I would prefer a more standard arm.
  18. It is the Heavyweight full on LMG :-D. Cheers to ROE Airsoft. What a bargain 😄
  19. Honestly I think i got too much of a good deal... But I think I just picked up a Cybergun M249 Para with box mag, the full metal one with trades made by A&K for just £229. Awaiting confirmation that it is actually is that one and not the Featherweight version with the V2 gearbox. (The image should the full metal one without the rails). The price was so good I had to purchase first ask questions later. The Para is my favourite LMG behind the Raptor, it's always good to get some company for the MK43 as well!
  20. Fairly tight I am afraid. The bolt cover surrounds it. I haven't heard of anyone managing to replace the hop unit. I agree the feedtube can be replicated. I have a prommy purple in my P90 I was going to switch out with the Maple Leaf system so will go down that route first.
  21. Hello all! I decided to tackle this difficult project by myself due to the enforced time we have. The Tavor is one of the more complicated projects you can do. I bought this for 80 euros brand new. I upgraded the plastic rails to metal ones, but that was about it. Performance out of the box was ok. The Hop wasnt great. But otherwise nothing to write home about. I bought the following parts. Rocket 16TPA High Torque Vented short motor. ZCI 407mm 6.02 barrel. SHS 16:1 gearset and Chip Delayer Maple leaf Macaron and 0hm nub SHS 14 Tooth Piston SHS Silent Piston Head SHS Silent Cylinder Head SHS Shim Set FPS Ergal Tavor Air Nozzle (Specifically for the Ares, but should be ok for the S&T/Umarex Perun Mosfet I just wanted a nice solid build that would run nicely on 7.4v, but could go to 9.9v life or a low C rated 11.1v if required. Nothing too crazy. I am not a professional, in fact I am pretty terrible and make horrendous amount of mistakes. Here she is in all of her plastic glory. I followed the video here to disassemble down to the hop and gearbox. Pretty much an M4 unit with a long feed-tube. The Gearing is poor on it, but will do for now. Standard M4 take-down. Though a small retainer pin needs to be popped out to release the outer barrel. Really odd stock hop arm and rubber. Unfortunately a Maple Leaf Macaron and 0hm nub does not appear to work here. The ohm nub sits too far forward to get the desired shape. Will need to think about a Prommy purple at this rate. (Unless anyone has any suggestions) Gearbox removed, Fake bolt plate on top. The other side. Sans Plate. Look at all the additional gubbinz required to make the gearbox fire and select! All those springs! Glad I took a photo for when I put everything back together. Set out neatly. Stock internals. Not much to write home about. Microswitch trigger as standard, odd way of wiring through the gearbox, but does the job. Plastic Cylinder head is awful and not up to the task. Motor is a weak ferrite balanced motor. Piston is quite heavy. Bushings are solid enough. Tappet nice and clean, usual yellow snot inside. Appears to be standard AR latch. Cleaned out the box, used my dremel to polish out the piston tracks and tappet area. Note the bolt return catch in between the two halves. New air seal parts and gears gone in. The new Cylinder/piston head and piston managed to get AOE pretty much bang on out of the box. So no need to sorbo. Unfortunately I had to compromise on the gear shimming, The Bevel had to be run quite high to clear the pinion, so the sector and spur is a little grindy. But will probably quieten down. The gearbox is well known to not take aftermarket pistons because the large tooth gets caught on the rear end. Most people grind either the big tooth down or the gearbox. I wasn't experiencing this problem, but I decided to polish out the area on the gearbox and grind down the large tooth by less then a mm. New Air nozzle compared to the old one. New one is slightly shorter, but has an O-Ring. The Completed box. I have since put the outside gubbinz back on successfully. I did have one big problem in that the tappet wouldn't cycle correctly when the gearbox was tightened up. I had to take the box apart, polish the guide rails and sand the side of the tappet plate by about 1mm. It is now cycling freely, though i wouldn't mind getting a spare tappet plate eventually. Here is a quick test on a half charged 9.6v NimH The next step is to install a Mosfet and deans connector. I will use the existing trigger contact wires to hook up. The current wiring harness is about 60cm long to reach the front of the gearbox. I will be cutting it down to just 10CM as I am changing the Tavor to be rear-wired.
  22. Finished the Gearbox upgrade of the €80 S&T Tavor. 



    Still got a way to go though :(

  23. Bah I really screwed up with my barrel size for the sniper rifle. Anyone want to buy a practically unused day old Maple Leaf VSR 510mm Crazy jet barrel? 😄

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