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Status Replies posted by Druid799

  1. Was sold a gun on behalf of his friend. Would not recommend 

    1. Druid799


      Bit more detail mite help if you want support from the forum members ? 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  2. Why is everyone and their dog selling AR-9s now? Seems to be the new ubiquitous "thing".

    1. Druid799


      @SSPKaliI kid you not theres a world wide shortage of .22ammo , you can’t get it for love nor money ! 😳

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  3. Why is everyone and their dog selling AR-9s now? Seems to be the new ubiquitous "thing".

    1. Druid799


      Because everyone’s sold off all their Evo’s ? 🤔

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  4. Am I going senile, but do crye pants have a waterproof gator bit around the ankles?
    I think i remember my G2/AC pants having a waterproof ankle bit and a bungee thing to tighten, but after a year out, I can't remember if it was my good ones or cheap ones that did

    1. Druid799


      Just to add to the pot of bubbling confusion I have a pair of OPS trousers from many moons ago and they have waterproof gators inside the ankles .

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  5. AF wont let me remove posts, so on the off chance you're checking my profile before emailing,


    No, the item marked as completed over three years ago is not still available.

    1. Druid799


      You sure ? If it’s 3yrs ago could still be available you just forgot ! 😳


    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  6. Recently moved to L̶o̶n̶d̶o̶n̶ England*🤪**  from Australia where Airsoft isn't legal, so, long time follower of the sport, completely new airsofter. Looking forward to getting into it!

    1. Druid799


      Welcome to the forum bud 👍

      we’ll try not to hold your criminal ancestory against you .😉😇

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  7. feeling happy as success converting real steel mags to run in my rare arms shell eject ar15 and saved a small fortune :)

    1. Druid799


      Scratch this reply .👍

  8. Anyone know where to get SA58/FAL mlok handguard, been trying to find one for days now.

    1. Druid799


      To be honest bud you’ve more chance of find 3kgs of rocking horse shit for sale than one of those .😢

  9. Local site: "You MUST wear boots that provide ankle protection. If you show up in trainers or unsuitable footwear, you will not be permitted to play."


    Me: "Ruh-roh!" [Types a treatise on why their active voice has created liability for themselves where none existed, and wondering what they'll say when some ambulance chaser asks "So, what exactly qualified you to determine that my crippled client's footware was 'suitable' when it demonstrably was not?"


    Also me: [Takes a deep breath, deletes]


    They'll find out the hard way, or they won't.  But I doubt they'll believe that trying to do the right thing can create a rod for your own back, until it's whipping them.

    1. Druid799


      Ahh yes ! Hi-tec hi-tops , the mark of a true metal aficionado ! 🤘 

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  10. Local site: "You MUST wear boots that provide ankle protection. If you show up in trainers or unsuitable footwear, you will not be permitted to play."


    Me: "Ruh-roh!" [Types a treatise on why their active voice has created liability for themselves where none existed, and wondering what they'll say when some ambulance chaser asks "So, what exactly qualified you to determine that my crippled client's footware was 'suitable' when it demonstrably was not?"


    Also me: [Takes a deep breath, deletes]


    They'll find out the hard way, or they won't.  But I doubt they'll believe that trying to do the right thing can create a rod for your own back, until it's whipping them.

    1. Druid799


      How do they define ‘ankle protection’ ? Do they stipulate a minimum ankle hight ? Rigidity to said boot ? what about someone wearing jungle boots ? They give zero ankle protection or someone wearing rigger boots their fairly high but are for impact protection not lateral ankle movement injury prevention . Whereas a pair of good quality trekking shoes will protect your ankle so much bet due to the good quality tread preventing lose of traction and balance ?

      Does seem as if there opening themselves wide open .

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  11. First time playing in 3 years and tooth shot out 😍

    1. Druid799


      What can be said ? We all know the risks , but it’s still a right pisser when you do pull the joker out of the pack 😢

      live and learn(at least we hope we do ?😉)best of luck with the tooth quack 👍

      Ps if you do need a bit of sympathy you’ll find it in the dictionary between shit and syphilis ! 😁

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  12. Between injury & life my third game at my local site will be a full 13 and a bit months since my first. Just messaged them about UKARA, fingers crossed they're ok with it, if not I'll just have to wait a bit longer.

    1. Druid799


      We need a new category, the ‘Covidcara license’ ! You play one game per year over this year and the previous two years to too qualify for ya airsoft ‘license’ !👍

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  13. Between injury & life my third game at my local site will be a full 13 and a bit months since my first. Just messaged them about UKARA, fingers crossed they're ok with it, if not I'll just have to wait a bit longer.

    1. Druid799


      Funny thing about life , it does have a rather unfortunate habit of finding a way of taking a giant shite on one’s plans ? 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  14. Percentage of airsofters who bring/buy pyro - 90%

    Percentage of airsoft who can effectively throw pyro - 10%

    1. Druid799


      My favourite was a team of way too serious types stacked up on the middle double doors of the basement service tunnel , lead chap pulls the door open 2nd lobs a ‘nade around him way too high , hits the door frame bounces back and detonated on top of the lead’s helmet ! 😖

      he goes down like a sack of the brown smelly stuff rest of the team were declared grenade killed by the marshal then we noticed No1 was sat on the floor with the blankest look on his Face i’d ever seen 😵💫 took him a good hr to ‘recompose him self’ shall we say ? And apparently took a couple of days for the ringing in his ears to subside ! 🤣🤣

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  15. Percentage of airsofters who bring/buy pyro - 90%

    Percentage of airsoft who can effectively throw pyro - 10%

    1. Druid799


      @Lozart oh yea the Mall was definitely a ‘target rich environment’ for pyro ! I think at its hight I had 5 dynatec’s I’d use there .
      Happy days 😁

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  16. open to offers on everything I’m selling, including a bull deal. Need to get this stuff sold !!! 

    1. Druid799


      Drop your prices to what you can live with not what you want and it’ll go , nature of the beast unfortunately .

  17. Hi I'm new to the forum... I've been involved in Airsoft for over 10 years and I'm 100% kosher ☺️

  18. On a psychological basis the whole Mr. No Brain back and forth is pretty fascinating, while also being entertaining to check back in on and all in all top quality internet nonsense.

    1. Druid799


      Yup , been out all afternoon came back and all I could say was WoW ! and I do think this guy really has some psychological issues of some kind .

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  19. Mokyo Tarui! What are the cool kids doing with their empty boxes these days? 🤔



    1. Druid799


      Stick em in the attic so when you come to sell the guns you can say “still in original box” so no matter how bollox’ed they are you can STILL only ask 17p less than the price of a new one !😉


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  20. Hooray! First day out with it and my new type 89 died before I even made it to the safety brief. 🙃😭

    1. Druid799


      What the fluck were you doing with it ? 😳

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  21. Twat

    1. Druid799


      Very 1st game I ever saw TAG’s used was my best mate as well(says a lot about us and the not-rights we hang about with ?) 

      any hoo 1st shot he launches the round at a wooden ‘fort’ it zips over the wall out of site hear a boom and a scream then marshals shouting “guns down !” We look at each other with a “oh feck!” Look on our faces , then see two marshals escorting a player out of the fort , game back on can’t be that bad ?

      Game over back to safezone and see said player sat at his table trying to light a fag but unable too because he was STILL shaking too much !😳

      apparently the shell arced over the wall and impacted and then exploded on the mag well of his M4 and gave him a’ bit of a fright’ 😱😈, after that amendment to pyro rules all tag rounds could only be fired at targets with a direct line of sight ! 🤣🤣🤣

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  22. Well that's just great 😔


    1. Druid799


      Due to blind ignorance of all things that can go kaboom I had this happen to one , so I stripped all the packaging back till I found the mini spiky bit of solder the wire had come off pushed it back on stuck a dollop of epoxy on top of that rapped it up with lecky tape and touch something lucky the Batt is still working a couple of yrs later ! 👍

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

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