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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/06/24 in all areas

  1. Went to the farm in Lincoln yesterday for the first time yesterday and apart from some really inconsistent performance from my ICS APE had a great morning, I say morning because into the second game after lunch my son got a call to say his son was being rushed to hospital with a suspected broken leg. We rushed off to pack up and leave, and while doing so were asked why we were leaving and then instantly offered a refund for half the day that we would miss. We declined and we told that if we came back to mention it on booking and they would only charge us half a day. Just to add a cherry on the top my son posted on the Lincolnshire airsoft page to say how appreciative he was of the gesture and the first response was from the farm team to ask how his son was doing (fine btw thankfully not a serious break). So not only is it a really interesting site to play, it is well run, good game play and pretty decent people running it to, and a second cherry is that it is really reasonably priced for a full game day!
    7 points
  2. Superb morning at Driver Wood on Sunday - a 2.5 hour game, starting just before half nine, and running all the way through to lunch. Its the first time I've been there when they have run that, instead of two nominally one hour games (but which can get eroded through general faffage). As I only ever go for a half day/morning, packing as much play into that time gets my vote. Quite a fun game concept too - with lots of balloons located all around the playing area at different objectives in the team colours - idea being that you shoot out the enemy team colour balloons, and defend yours. Also I took along my 12 year old daughter for her first taste of airsoft - which she absolutely loved! I managed to give her a heavily curated experience - generally with us sticking as a pair, and me playing a lot less 'aggressively' than normal (and taking a lot more hits in the process!). She got a few hits herself, including her highlight of taking out a group of five enemy players ten minutes before the end - leaving her absolutely buzzing. I managed to arm her with a fully polymer Specna (even a polymer buffer tube) that I built up from a few parts - super light and the stock can be adjusted pretty short. Shout out to the site shop as well -coming to the rescue and selling her a multicam hoody for just £5 as she didn't have anything suitable in her own wardrobe.
    6 points
  3. Ordered a UCP/ACU Rifleman set from the US on the 30th & it arrived today, bought the Large rucksack at the same time from Germany & it arrived a couple of days ago, still waiting on the TAP setup from the same supplier in Germany with a selection of pouches to go with it. Postage was a bummer but after doing my sums it was a bit cheaper buying from the US, mainly because the assault pack seems a bit expensive in Germany. It's ridiculous how satisfying I find sorting out molle. FYI, for my fellow big chaps & chappettes... IT FITS my fat gut & I can wear it in game.
    3 points
  4. Gryph

    Marui G36c+

    I'm just a fan of the ARVO look on the G36. Granted that's becoming less common as more forces are moving away from the 36, but it looks slick AF
    2 points
  5. The part of his soul that he's poured into it, apparently. Noob error, he bet on green.
    2 points
  6. I was there and it was a slower start than usual - not really sure why. Brief is always 9:30 for 15ish minutes, then game on at 10ish. I think they had less vehicles running, so it took longer to bus everyone to the start with a few round trips. The actual play time ended up around the same as they pushed lunch back, made lunch a little shorter then ran the day a little later. The bigger issue was that the afternoon game was a bit of a stalemate. I was on Blue and it was our objective to recover a downed enemy pilot, then return him for questioning. It was Red's objective to recover him to their FoB, then collect some items from his intel on the other side of the site. Unfortunately, they either never got told the second part of the objective or forgot, so their whole team just hunkered down in the FoB near their regen for two hours making progress impossible.
    2 points
  7. "I went all in at the roulette table but found it wasn't for me and want to reduce my regret"
    2 points
  8. I went out to Gunman Eversley Alpha this weekend for a weekend of shooting GIs in the 'Nam. We set off on the Friday to get there nice and early and set up our camp compound. The guy who drives us all up there and introduced us to 'Namsoft loves his glamping, so we are always very well stocked. A bit of a squeeze this time as his grandson was with us as well, so we were four people instead of three and therefore needed a 2nd tent as we couldn't all fit in the one. We managed to get everything packed in and got there 2nd out of everyone. Another pair was there when we arrived and were setting up, but were setting up away from where we usually like to camp, so we claimed our corner and set up the tents, gazebo, literal kitchen etc. I was a little worried, as my heart was playing up a lot a few weeks ago, but it had been quiet since the Tuesday before last, so I made the decision to go along. Also, the guy driving couldn't play due to tendonitis in his hips (but he still wanted to go as he loves his camping and wanted to see the familiar faces), so we were down to three during the gameplay. He did get out there though as a civilian to help Josh with some objective placements and stuff. Friday night I found it difficult getting to sleep due to anxiety around my heart, but eventually got to sleep without any issues. Anyway, first day was... slow. I headed out with my new PPS Kar98 set up for 1J on .32s and we were put with the main squads to go and put up some observation posts. It's not usually how we play, as our little group does our best work when we're a bit more independent and just focus on making the lives of the GIs hell, but we went along with it to avoid conflict and also help show our new addition around and get him used to the 'Nam. He's only 12 and only started playing airsoft recently, so it was a very different experience for him from normal skirmish and we wanted to make sure he didn't get overwhelmed. Our first little sortie went... pretty poorly. I think part of this was that Josh said it would be game on in 5 mins after the brief, but it probably took closer to 20 - 25 mins for the NVA/VC team to get out to our respawn and go through our objectives and how we wanted to do them. We didn't get too far outside of our base before we got attacked by two separate groups of Americans (well, one was the Aussies, one was the Americans). My friend tried to sneak into one of the many thick bushes just ahead of us, but as he did so a third American team popped around the corner and him also being armed with a Kar98 was not the best weapon to engage a whole squad, so he dived for cover but got hit. He managed to crawl over to me (as you can crawl to a teammate in these filmsim events), so I medic'd him back in. We took a couple of the Americans down, but there were way too many of them and the firepower was overwhelming. I managed to take a few out with the Kar98 and as it's fairly silent they couldn't pinpoint my location. One guy definitely ignored the hit I put on him, but outside of that I put non-hit taking down to them being fairly long distance shots while they were moving and I think we've all been there; a single shot at long distance so the impact isn't massive is easy to not feel when you're moving about. The rest of the group tried to move on the flank and my friend eventually got hit again by the m60 on the hill that had been medic'd back in as well. I held down in the bushes until my friend's bleedout, as the dogtags I hated from last year's game made a return and I didn't want to abandon his to be collected by the US for a free point. I think that the US thought it was just him there and were trying to mop up the other squad to our left before coming to collect the dogtag, as I managed to scoot out of there and link up with the other squad higher up in the valley without much trouble. We kept going around until we got to the first observation point and set up to defend it as we had to hold them for 15 mins to score. We held our ground, but eventually got attacked by one US unit who managed to sneak through the ferns onto a flank. We managed to repel them though and eventually got reinforcements to push them back and around to the other side of the valley. I got left behind somewhat, but linked up with a few others and we also pushed up, however only four of us (me, my friend, my other friend's grandson and another VC guy) went to the next observation post. However, it was fairly quiet around the mortar pit, so we placed it down and dug into the bushes. No US forces came across us, so it was an easy 15 minute hold to set it up. We then lost the other VC guy (no idea where he went!) so the three of us pushed to the fort as it was a central location and we thought we could do some damage from there. It was fairly quiet, but one of the special forces teams did walk right by us while we hid in the bushes; one of them even looked directly at us and my friend's grandson was standing up! Either he didn't want to get shot as we all had guns trained on them, or they actually didn't see us because their whole team walked past us. In hindsight, we should've shot them all as they passed, but we let them pass instead to stay undetected. We then discussed our next plan of action and when I left the bushes to go do that... they didn't follow, so I was left by myself. Apparently they had gone to the gate of the fort and held there, while I went around the back and had to Metal Gear Solid my way through another three whole US teams; one of 5, one of 10(!) and one of 4, as with the Kar98 there was no way in hell I could engage. Well, I could, but I'd probably just give the US troops a free point as they'd likely take me out with BB spam into the bushes and take my dogtag. Managed to sneak by all three teams undetected, despite wearing all black and sticking out like a sore thumb; who needs a ghillie to stay hidden, eh? I finally made it back to our base and called it a day there. It was about 2:30pm, so another 1hr 30 mins left of Saturday's game, but I was exhausted after having to sneak my way across half the site. The results of the Saturday was 58 points to the NVA/VC against the 42 points to the US/ARVN, so a win for the NVA on the first day put us in a good place. Saturday night I also managed to sleep decently well, though I did wake up in the middle of the night and was short of breath, but when I put my little heart rate monitor on it was reading very normal so it was purely anxiety around it acting up and not actually acting up. Didn't play on the Sunday. My friend had a chest infection and a really bad back so he couldn't move much and my other friend still had tendonitis in his hips as that doesn't just go away over night. His grandson was too tired to play and I really wasn't feeling it, so we instead had breakfast and then took a couple of hours to dismantle the compound. NVA/VC handled business on Sunday and won handily, culminating in a battle that pushed the Americans out of their base and had the NVA/VC closing in on them on all sides. The NVA managed to set up their anti-tank weapons, which was their main objective, and Josh said to us it was probably better that we didn't play as it could've been very oppressive for the US/ARVN players if our group of 4 was also out there causing mayhem. So, what was good? Everyone there was playing in the spirit of the game. Lots of banter and bad acting on both sides! Also, a new rule where if the US/ARVN harassed a civilian and that civilian doesn't have any contraband like intel, a radio or a hidden weapon, then the civilian got a token to give to NVA command. 5 of these tokens was a point for the NVA/VC, so it adds something to disincentivise the US forces from interrogating every civilian player as before there were no negative consequences for them stopping and searching every civilian they found at gunpoint. Also, as usual, peoples kit was great. I'm no stitch counter, so I'm generally fine with inaccurate kit, but everyone at least looked the part which made for some great cinema. It was also good to see @Tactical Pith Helmet (and Mrs. TPH!) again; what a lovely chap that guy is! However, I didn't enjoy it as much as usual. So, why didn't I? Well, the Saturday was incredibly slow for us and we were folded into squads. I felt like I was playing PAVN in black, not VC, and I didn't enjoy that; it definitely felt more on the milsim side of filmsim and I don't enjoy that; I like a bit of silly BB wars in the woods in fancy dress. Also, the dogtag mechanic singlehandedly kills my enjoyment. My usual tactics would just be free points for the US forces, as it's a high risk harassment campaign all weekend that sees me getting shot and every time I get hit there's either nobody or only 1 other person around to stop them getting my dogtag; it's very easy to get overwhelmed, especially with a 1J bolt action. I don't want to be the reason the NVA/VC side loses because my tactics don't tend to score points; it's more indirect scoring as I try to make the US troops fearful and wary of moving about as they could get jumped by a crazy villager with a rifle at any moment! The dogtags very much hamper those efforts, but at least this time it was only one dogtag. Last year it was one dogtag per life which absolutely crippled my way of playing, but one dogtag was enough to dissuade me from my usual harassment tactics. Thirdly, it was the sniper ban. Gunman do a sniper ban during the summer as the ferns grow quite high, but me being a veteran of the sniper hell that is summertime Worthing Airsoft was constantly finding locations where I had great line of sight and wished I had my 2.3J m700 with me. Yes, there are locations that are close in, but that's what my upgraded pistols are for and compared to Worthing Airsoft, Eversley Alpha is incredibly viable for sniping with a 30m MED. I probably won't make the next one in September, as I've got a hospital appointment in a few weeks with cardiology, so I'm likely getting my heart sorted soon (probably in August with the timing of this appointment). This means I'll be on blood thinners in September (as I have to be for a few months afterwards) which will mean no airsoft for me for those months, which will include September if I'm correct about the timings. Got a year to think about how I want to go ahead with Vietnam games in the future, and one potential avenue that we're exploring as a group is putting together an ARVN kit and then asking Josh where he wants us, as we'd have sets for both teams. US/ARVN have been getting hammered for the past 3 years, so it might be time to try and redress the balance by playing a bit of imperialist gameplay. Give the NVA/VC team a real sniper threat to worry about
    2 points
  9. First day out in a couple of months today, got to Combat Airsoft in Thetford. Not a bad day at all, was on my own but bumped into an old work colleague. Didn’t hear a single complaint from anyone all day, the games didn’t stagnate, and everything seemed to work!
    2 points
  10. july_pi

    custom gbb

    custom gbb workshop mauser kar98k bell airsoft
    2 points
  11. spamofthejungle

    King Arms TAC 21 MDT


    • For sale
    • Used

    Gas powered bolt action snipers rifle from King Arms. Extremely well made and solid, some scratches as can be seen in the pictures. Being gas powered the bolt action is very light and smooth, as is the trigger. - 4x Gas tight King Arms magazines - 500fps Adjustable - Magpul PTS PRS stock, adjustable for cheek height and length - Adjustable 2-stage trigger - Maple Leaf Hop Up rubber and nub - Tightbore Barrel - G&G steel cocking piece - Repro Leupold Mk.4 3.5-10x50 Scope. 30mm tube, Illuminated mil-dot reticule, side adjust parallax - Repro Geiselle Automatics Super Precision one piece 30mm mount (Bi-pod not included) Price - £400 Post and Packaging is £20 or collection from Essex


    , Essex

    1 point
  12. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    Gear Dump - Bulldog UBACS - Grey - £10 Generic Softshell Jacket - Black - £10 Viper Tactical Hoodie - Grey - £10 Viper Tactical Buckle Up Panel- Grey - £5 Boefeng radio w/ charger - not sure of model - £4 2, 1 point slings - Black - £4 each Generic Balaclava - Grey, Tropic MC - £2 each Generic Gloves - M - £2 Generic Plate Carrier - £12 Deadly Customs Shadow 2 Holster - £12 2x Shadow 2 GG mags - leak free - £15 for both Location Wolverhampton Postage available Collection preferred


    1 point
  13. Fatboy40

    Inconsistent FPS

    You've missed a key point out from your post... what weight BB's are you using? (Just saying 250 FPS, with no context, doesn't help)
    1 point
  14. july_pi

    custom gbb

    custom gbb workshop sig p226 early full steel gbb airsoft
    1 point
  15. Thank you Galvatron. It's going to undertake a change in the next few days, a new split slide set up, a CTM TAC Flatline. Just to see if we can improve it a little.
    1 point
  16. I spoke to Ollie today for a good 20 minutes - he had a table with PewHub at the Midlands Airsoft Fair. As you'd guess, he was well enough to attend and is in very good spirits despite the very grim situation so it didn't dull the tone of discussing his GBBR builds and he gave some excellent advice on MWS builds that I will certainly take on. I'll leave it for Ollie to give a clearer update on his condition with his next video as he's awaiting something more certain from his oncologist.
    1 point
  17. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • As new

    Full metal AK74u, mint condition only used on field once, full working order, fires well, metal suppressor, 3 midcaps , HPA adapter and speed loader. Can send video or more photos.


    Thames Ditton - GB

    1 point
  18. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • Used

    Fantastic replica of the Leupold Mark 4 scope perfect for M40/M24 builds aswell as DMR’s for that special forces look quick adjust turrets side distance focus can be illuminated red and blue includes sun shade flip up front and rear lens covers low mounts (pretty sure I have some high mounts too so will include them aswell if I can find them) price includes postage and PayPal fees


    1 point
  19. This advert is COMPLETED!

    • For sale
    • As new

    Sig Sauer (by Sig) p320 M18 X-Carry Comes upgraded with the following (but not restricted to) items: - Japanese hammer rotor bearing and collar - 150% steel recoil leaf spring and rod - RMR sights - Raised front sight (high contrast) - G&P ultralight blowback unit - Enhanced nozzle - Gas pedal takedown lever - Silencer Co. Threaded barrel - Tyrant Designs flared magwell That's what I can remember so far. She's a beautiful build, and a lot of time has gone into making things feel right and the work that needs doing, but nobody likes to, such as... - Sanding the nozzle ridges out flat for better seal and decreased resistance. - Polishing the rails to 8000 grit for smoother operation. - Polishing the contact areas on the blowback housing. - Silicone grease on all moving parts. - Silicone oil on moving parts that need to have minimal resistance. Looking for £365 no furniture or £435 with accessories Thank you for looking 🙏


    1 point
  20. my application is in !
    1 point
  21. That is nothing, the 501st will let almost anyone in. The mando mercs costume club however, check this out https://mandalorianmercs.org/costume-requirements/
    1 point
  22. pyromancer6

    Marui G36c+

    There's some potential and some setups really suit the KAC irons, but yeah - hensoldt all the way. Pictured, a poor bundeswehr soldier struggling to see absolutely fucking anything through it 😂
    1 point
  23. That is one thing I've noticed about my classic TAC-41, it's at about 9.6 hopping 0.43g at 2.2J. It's common to drop another £5 or so on a "chub nub", but you'd get the same effect by removing those shims, or shimming on top of the nub. Not a huge deal to address either way as the hop is sitting right on top of the gun.
    1 point
  24. july_pi

    custom gbb

    CUSTOM GBB WORKSHOP COLT MK18 MOD0 US NAVY marui gbb airsoft deep marking M16A1 lower M16A1 grip M16A1 safety selector F marking FSB KAC QD flash hider CQD rear sling mount LMT rear sight LMT gen1 stock cerakote detail fix
    1 point
  25. july_pi

    custom gbb

    custom gbb workshop BERETTA 92SB KJ GBB airsoft deep marking remove original paint Steel Recoil Spring Guide Steel Magazine Catch Steel Tactical Ring Steel Barrel Steel Grip Screw Steel Safety Steel Trigger Lever Steel Slide Stop Steel Disassembling Latch Steel Hammer Steel Trigger Steel skin magazine grip detail fix
    1 point

    • For sale
    • Used

    KWA Kriss Vector. Very well looked after and regularly serviced. EVOii Hop 5 magazines Holosun or Hurricane EOTech not sure which but very high quality replica with no paralax and holds zero. Surefire strobe/laser - excellent for any CQB! ACE 1 Arms Mag Catch Rather rare now. No trades but I would consider a KWA HK45 or FNX in a part ex £750 - REDUCED £700.00 open to offers Happy to post Can collect from Orpington or Crawley


    HORSHAM, Please select region, state or province - GB

    1 point
  27. july_pi

    custom gbb

    custom gbb workshop COLT MK18 MOD0 WE V3 GBB airsoft deep marking receiver two tone color magazine silver gray color remove WE original paint detail fix
    1 point
  28. july_pi

    custom gbb

    laser custom gbb workshop COLT M723 early WE gbb V3 airsoft deep marking detail fix
    1 point
  29. Yes, all the old feedback prior to 2018 was archived and is no longer accessible. That would explain your lack of feedback if all yours had been prior to the new feedback being implemented and all members getting reset to zero.
    1 point
  30. Darkmikey22

    Gun picture thread

    So 2 more additions to the British collection. And thanks to Ed for this the pistol. WE Browning MK3 L9A1 DS And also a L119A1 CQB finally put together, painted and weathered.
    1 point
  31. july_pi

    custom gbb

    custom gbb workshop SIG P320 XCARRY with WC grip module VFC gbb airsoft cerakote
    1 point
  32. july_pi

    custom gbb

    custom gbb workshop WW2 SINGER M1911A1 kj gbb airsoft deep marking remove paint detail fix
    1 point
  33. july_pi

    custom gbb

    custom gbb workshop INGLIS Browning hi power Chinese contract WE gbb airsoft deep marking remove paint detail fix
    1 point
  34. if these are real crye you're really low balling yourself here. theyre worth alot more
    1 point
  35. If this rif goes for 200 brand new, where is 500 coming from?
    0 points
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