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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/03/18 in all areas

  1. Oh dang, we've started an AF-UK team now haven't we? "Dallas' Xenomorphs"
    3 points
  2. Acetech Lighter Tracer, Only tracer i've found to screw properly on crb as the hand guard sticks out / not big enough ( When you think it's cool to take pics out in the snow, but sh*tting it hoping the motor/grip don't drop in snow )
    3 points
  3. Oh, cool! Shoot me a PM with his(or her?) name and I'll make them a suit on the house! (Shamless plug - you can see my suits I make here: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/524899454/kids-ghostbuster-uniform-flightsuit ) I've got a back log of 15 to make at the moment though, so it won't be soon
    2 points
  4. To be fair he's seen me dressed as a Ghostbuster so he can't hold me in a very high regard as it is
    2 points
  5. Wait until Trig sees you lot at the mall!!
    2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. One of us! One of us!
    2 points
  8. Cant say a bad word about Ghostbusters my 7yr old is nuts about them which means I have to like them too......or else lol.
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. I got you fam. https://www.surplusandoutdoors.com Then do a search for "Flight Suit". The French Nomex is a better match than the American CWU-27P. The French suit has pointy collars that match the nostromo crew, whereas the CWU-27P has rounded collars.
    1 point
  11. i had that issue with TM G17 mags last year, couldn't find them anywhere and needed a spare, then got the last one from Zero in the end.....have no pouches to carry any more, 2 will do for me!
    1 point
  12. New toy. First play this weekend Weather permitting
    1 point
  13. Oh man that's a good idea! I've got a recently bought green flightsuit I could do that to as well.. Nostromo friends?
    1 point
  14. Decided that I'd rather have a 2nd tracer unit to accompany my Acetech Predator...so got a package from Asiaairsoft.com today with a knock off of a knock off of the Knights Industries surpressor. It's quite a bit smaller and no markings what so ever, but build quality seems to be ok so far and will test it out soon. But on a sour note, I also was expecting a helmet mounted flexible light...but I guess they forgot to put it in the package, the invoice shows two items, but only one came. So hopefully the boys in China will sort things out for me as they have been quite helpful in the past. The tracer unit is a Army Force Knights full auto tracer for £30. (So will see how long the little fella lasts)
    1 point
  15. Sako

    Custom paint work

    Colonial marine load-out would be the ultimate pinnacle by which all other load-outs would be measured.
    1 point
  16. L3wisD

    Custom paint work

    Ohhhh LORDY! I need me some Colonial Marines armour, holy sh*t. And one of those Airsoft Pulse rifles of course. The only other place I knew to get the armour from was Nickatron Props (he makes lots of Ghostbusters props) but his paint jobs never look quite as nice as they should. http://www.nickatronprops.com/products-page-2/aliens-colonial-marines/uscm-armour-painting-service/ Do you sell the armour as well, or have just been commissioned to paint it?
    1 point
  17. Sako

    Custom paint work

    Oh my god yaaas!
    1 point
  18. GearTech

    Custom paint work

    It's an old Trespass summer jacket under the plate.
    1 point
  19. The Mrs and the Mistress.
    1 point
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